Do you want to watch a game show教案3.doc

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1、教学目标: 一、 知识目标1) joke , comedy meaningless, action,action movie, cartoon, culture,itcom, news, soap, educational, plan, hope, find out, discussion, stand, happen, may, expect Fine out game show think of around the world learn from来源:中.考.资.源 .网We had a discussion about TV shows.I like to followv the s

2、tory and see what happens next.They may not be very exciting, but you can expect to learn a lot from them.来源:中.考.资.源.网What do you plan to watch on TV tonight?来源 :中.考.资.源.网2) 能了解以下语法:来源:W动词不定式结构做动词的宾语;后面接动词不定式做宾语的动词。3)学会陈述自己的看法;学会谈论自己的喜好。中.考.资.源.网2. 情感态度价值观目标:学会谈论流行文化,了解各类电视和电视节目的名称和自己的喜欢。 注意引导学生们形成正

3、确的文化观念,大力培养学生们的跨文化意义,形成自己独立的个性。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 学习掌握各类电视和电视节目的名称。中.考.资.源.网2) 掌握动词不定式结构做动词的宾语;了解后面接动词不定式做宾语的动词。 来源:中.考.资.源.网 ZXXK2. 教学难点:来源:中.考.资.源.网 WWW.ZK5U.COM掌握动词不定式结构做动词的宾语;了解后面接动词不定式做宾语的动词。教学过程Step1 Revision来源:中 .考.资.源.网Recite 2d:Hi, We had a discussion about TV shows.来源:WI like to follow the

4、story and see what happens next.They may not be very exciting, but you can expect to learn a lot from them.Step2 New words:1. Learn the new words.2.Explain the use of them.joke , comedy meaningless, action, action movie, cartoon, culture,Step3 Grammar Focus来源:中.考.资.源.网 WWW.ZK5U.COMStep4 3aMake a con

5、versation and then practice it with a partner.Step5 3b Answer these questions. Give answers that are true for you.Step6 3c 来源:中.考.资 .源.网 WWW.ZK5U.COM中.考.资.源.网Ask your classmates questions and write their names in the chart.Step 7 Test用所给单词的适当形式填空。中.考.资.源.网1. What do you think of game _ (show)?2. What do you think of _ (play) basketball?3. Jimmy enjoys _ (listen) to pop music.4. Lets have a _ (discuss) about the vacation plan. 来源:中.考.资.源.网5. Do you mind my _ (stand) here?教后记:


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