Ataste of Englishhumour学案6.doc

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1、预习导航一、看下面的图片,完成下列练习1What do you know about the people in the pictures?Which of them do you like best?_2What do they have in common?_3Do you have a friend who has a sense of humour?_答案:1The answer is open.2What they have in common is that they say or do something humourous to make people laugh and re

2、laxed.3The answer is open.二、将下列单词或短语与相对应的释义搭配起来A B1content ato successfully control a feeling or problem2overcome bto make someone feel sure 3convince cpoor;short of 4homeless dpleased;satisfied5ordinary ehaving no home6badly off fcommon,not different or special7entertain gto give actors instruction

3、s 8direct hto amuse or interest someone in a pleasant way答案:1.d 2.a 3.b 4.e 5.f 6.c 7.h 8.g三、翻译下列词组1as soon as _2直到现在 _3by ones teens _4对满足 _ 5walking stick_ 6穷的;缺少的 _7go by_ 8挑出;辨别出 _ 9be remembered as _ 10切断;断绝 _ 11star in _答案:1.一就 2.up to now 3.到某人十多岁的时候 4.feel/be content with 5.手杖 6.badly off 7.

4、过去;经过 8.pick out 9.作为被记住 10.cut off11担任主角;主演四、阅读课文 A MASTER OF NONVERBAL HUMOUR,回答下列问题1The writer used what Victor Hugo said in order to _.Ashow how great Victor Hugo was Btell the importance of Charlie Chaplin Cmake you remember the truthDtell readers Charlie Chaplin couldnt speak well 2From Paragr

5、aph 2 we can learn that _.ACharlie lived an easy life when he was young Bit was easy for Charlie to become angry Cit was his mother who looked after him when he was young DCharlie was very clever as a child 3Who was the little tramp?AA character in his films.BOne of his friends.CHis brother.DA film director.4Why do we believe it is one of the best meals Charlie has ever tasted?ABecause the food is the most delicious.BBecause we are very hungry.CBecause he eats the shoe happily.DBecause the shoe is very beautiful.5When Charlie Chaplin died,he was _ years old.A66 B77 C88 D99答案:15 BDACC


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