I’d like some noodles教案3.doc

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1、Unit 10 Id like some noodlesPeriod 2 Section A 2a-2d学习目标:不定代词 some 和 any 的用法、能正确使用 what 引导的特殊疑问句。能听懂有关材料,感知句型并提炼出相关信息,完成相关练习。能在口语交际中初步运用相关句型来点菜。一、课前预习。1.一大碗面_ 2、点餐_ 3.一大碗牛肉汤_ 4、一份宫保鸡丁_ 5.一份麻婆豆腐外带米饭_ 6.a large/small/medium bowl of_二、课堂练习。Step1 BrainstormingTry to speak out the food you know.Step2 Pre

2、sentation1.Learn more food and the new words in 2a.2.Look at the pictures in 2a, try to ask and learn. eg:What kind of noodles would you like? - Id like beef noodles, please.-What size would you like? - Small/Medium/Large, please.Step3 Listening1.Listen to 2a and check the food you hear.2.Go through

3、 the sentences in 2b. 3.Listen and finish 2b. Check the answers.Step4 Pair work1.Ask and answer questions with your partner. Finish 2c.2.Role-play the conversations in 2d.May I take your order? 你可以点菜了吗? 也可以说“Can I take (have) your order?”, “Are you ready to order?”这些都是服务 员请客人点菜的礼貌用语. a bowl of 一碗 tw

4、o bowls of 两碗What size would you like?你想要多大尺寸的?size 作名词,意思是 “大小”, 可指尺寸、规模、身材等 , 也可作“号码, 尺码”解, 此时是可数名词。 三、课后练习。1. 我不喜欢汉堡包、比萨和冰茶。I _ _ hamburgers,pizza _ ice tea. 2. 你喜欢什么类型的茶?_ _ of tea would you like?3. 我们也有色拉, 也有橘汁和苏打。We _ have salad _ _ _ orange juice and soda.4. 他想要一个牛肉的中碗的面条 。Hed like a _ bowl of noodles_ _. 5. 让我们列一份菜单吧!Lets _ _ _!四、本节课评价1、 a、会写的单词-b、会的短语-c、句型 -2、我还可以提高的是


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