1、FUZZY MATHEMATICSCopyright 2010 By Hu Bao Qing Wuhan UniversityAll rights reservedTeaching Material 模糊理论基础胡宝清 编著武汉大学出版社2004年 10月 (第二次印刷 )2010年 06月 (第二版 )I. Science Research Issue Certainty Classical Mathematics UncertaintyStochastic Probability 1974年 ,L.A.Zadeh发表模糊推理的研究报告 ,从此 ,模糊理论成了一个热门的课题 . 1974年
2、,英国的 E.H.Mamdani首次用模糊逻辑和模糊推理实现了世界上第一个实验性的蒸汽机控制 ,并取得了比传统的直接数字控制算法更好的效果 ,从而宣告模糊控制的诞生 . 1980年丹麦的 L.P.Holmblad和 Ostergard在水泥窑炉采用模糊控制并取得了成功 ,这是第一个商业化的有实际意义的模糊控制器 .IV. Fuzzy Maths in China Threshold the second half of 1970s Prosperity 1980sWorld leading in Fuzzy topology and algebraFuzzy Math ( 模糊数学 , 原华中
3、理工大学 ) has international influenceDownfall 1990sCause: 1. Theory Application2. It is not regarded by mathematician 3. Journal was shifted from Wuhan to Hunan and its name was changed as Fuzzy System and Mathematics ( 模糊系统与数学 ) Prosperity again 2000sV. Applications of Fuzzy MathsThe word “fuzzy” is p
4、erhaps no longer fuzzy to many engineers today. Control Theory System Theory Decision Analysis Information Searches Medicine Biology .e.g. Household Electrical Wares Fuzzy Water Heater Fuzzy Electric Cooker Fuzzy Air-conditioner Fuzzy Washer Fuzzy Cleaner Fuzzy Refrigerator Fuzzy Microwave Oven Fuzzy Colour TV Set Fuzzy Electric Fan