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1、Unit2I. Translate the following Chinese into English.1. Through the courtesy of Messrs. Freeman on, with ; to, with ,as ; in ; to, in ; in; in ,on; as, on; to ,with ; in, for . Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 如能秘密告知我方他们的财务状况与贸易模式,我方将不胜感激。2. 请您联系该银行以便向我们提供任何可能的信息。3. 毫无疑问,贵方提供给我方的任何信

2、息都将严格保密,并且无需承担任何责任。4. 据说,他们与其供应商之间的贸易是令人满意的。5. 对于大宗贸易,我们建议使用即期信用证支付。6. 关于我们的信用与财务状况,请向你地的中国银行查询。7. 因为本公司正要与该公司订立某重要交易, 所以希望事先正确地了解该公司的信用状况。8. 史密斯公司希望与本公司开展交易, 指定贵处为信用咨询人。9. 很抱歉,我方无法提供所要具体信息。10.如有需要,我方将乐于向贵方提供类似服务。.Translate the following sentences into English.1. We refer you to The Bank of Switzerl

3、and if you wish to make any inquiries on our general financial standing2. We will keep any information you provided in confidence and you neednt take any responsibilities.3. Any information you may give us will, of course, be treated as strictly confidential.4. Any statement provided by this bank or

4、 any of its officers as to the standing of any person, firm or organization, is given as a mere matter of opinion for which no responsibility, in any way, is to attach to this bank or any of its officers. Situational writingDear Sirs,Universal House addressing Lawton Street, Liverpool, England wishe

5、s to enter into business relations with us. As having little information on them, we would be grateful if you could supply us with some information about the companys general financial standing according to your experience.It is doubtless that any information you supply will be treated in the strict

6、est confidence and for which you neednt take any responsibilities.Thank you in advance.Yours faithfully,Unit4Key to the ExercisesIChoose the best answer to complete the following sentences.1. B 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. D6. B 7. D 8. D 9. C 10. DIITranslate the following sentences from Chinese to English.1.

7、 We learn from company A that you are exporting light industrial products. There is a steady demand here for the above-mentioned commodities of high quality at moderate prices.2. Our user has regular demand for this commodity. Please quote us your most favorable price.3. If you can increase your dis

8、count to 10%, we will place an order with you immediately.4. When you make the offer, please state the discount you would allow on purchases of quantities of not less than 1000 dozen of individual items.5. We will send you our specific inquiry if you can provide us with the required goods and the qu

9、ality.6. We are large dealers in chemicals and believe that there is a great demand in our area for moderately priced goods of the kind mentioned above.III. Translate the following letter into Chinese.敬启者:我们这儿的一家著名的酒店对桌布有需求。我们从我们的朋友处得知你们是这个行业的主要出口商,并且很高兴地写信给你方询问你方能否提供该商品。他们所需要的桌布应当用最好的材料制成。请告知你们能否提供

10、并且希望能给我们寄一些样品。期待您的早日答复。Unit5Key to the ExercisesIChoose the best answer to complete the following sentences.1. C 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. D6. B 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. CIITranslate the following sentences from Chinese to English.1 In compliance with your request, we make an offer for the under-mentioned product

11、s as follows, which is subject to our final confirmation.2 We learn that there is a great demand for apples in your area, and enclose our quotation sheet for your reference.3 We are pleased to offer you as follows, which is subject to your acceptance by the end of this month.4 These commodities are

12、excellent in quality and reasonable in price, and soon become popular in many countries and regions such as USA, Japan and some European countries.5 This commodity sells fast at present and the supply falls short of the demand. 6 The superior quality and high standard of craftsmanship of the said co

13、mmodity will appeal to the most selective buyers.III. Translate the following letter into Chinese.先生/女士:感谢你方 5 月 4 日来信询问我们的印花布,并要求知道我们对大批订购的条件。我们已经单独给你寄去了综合性的图案和材料,供你们订购时参考。附上我们的价格单以及为大批订购者提供的条件和具体细节。盼望收到你方的订单。请放心,你方的订单一定会得到我们及时的关注。美好的祝愿Tom McEwanUnit6Key to the ExercisesI. Choose the best answer to

14、 complete the following sentences. B 2. D 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.DIII. Translate the following letter into Chinese敬启者,我方收到了你方 8 月 14 日的来信,信中你方对 60 公吨标题项下货物报价 2600 元每公吨。经过认真研究,我们很高兴通知你方你们的条款很令人满意,但价格偏高,与当前市场价格不符。我们特提供以下信息供你方参考:我们这里的竞争非常激烈。大多数竞争对手卖价都比你方给我们的报价还要低 10%。我们完全清楚你们产品的质量要比他们的好,但是10%的差

15、价太大,我们很难说服我们的最终用户接受这一价格。为了达成交易,你方能否降低一下你们的价格,比如降价 7%?这样的话我们就可能达成一致了。我们期待你方早日答复。您真诚的,Unit7I.Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1.C 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.C II. Supply the missing words in the blanks to make the letter complete.pleasure, for, superior, trial

16、, quoted, market, grant, beyond, advantage, immediate .Translate the following sentences into English.1. We are a large-sized company specializing in manufacturing mechanical equipment and export 75% of our products all over the world.2 We can assure you of the advanced workmanship, stable performan

17、ce, and reasonable price of our products.3. Dealers everywhere have reaped more profits from it, and we believe we can enable you to share the success.4. We advise you to take the opportunity and place an order promptly.5. Wed like to recommend you our new Fax machine Mode 355E, which is of superb q

18、uality. Its price is much lower than that of the other products in the market.Unit8I. Choose the best choice for each sentence.1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. DII. Translate the following sentences into English.1. Enclosed please find S/C in duplicate of which please sign and return

19、 one copy for our file. Meanwhile, please let us know your shipping instruction so that we can act as requested.2. Though our manufacturers have committed themselves to substantial orders for a few months ahead, please rest assured we will do our best to arrange punctual shipment.3. Please note that

20、 the stipulations in the relevant L/C should conform to the terms stated in our S/C in order to avoid subsequent amendments.4. We trust that the execution of this new order will pave the way for further business between us and mark the beginning of a pleasant cooperative relationship.5. We have been

21、 in this line for many years. If your prices are as attractive as possible, we can place large orders.6. We take pleasure in informing you that the users have decided to purchase the following goods as quoted, please arrange for dispatch by the first available steamer. Translate the following letter

22、 into English.Dear SirsWe have pleasure of acknowledging your letter of September 27th, in which you inform us that you are satisfied with our Women Shirts of Article No.1015 and prepared to book a repeat order for 5000 sets.Much to our regret, we are fully committed at present and cannot give you a

23、 definite date for delivery. Whats more, it is difficult for us to replenish raw materials owing to the rising price. We have no alternative but to decline your order.However, we are keeping your inquiry before us and as soon as we are in a position to accept new orders, we shall contact you immedia

24、tely.We are enclosing our shirts of other article numbers in stock for your reference, please let us know your detailed requirement, stating quantity, size, style, etc.Yours faithfullyEncl. Unit9. Put the following English phrases into Chinese or Chinese phrases into English.1. 收到 2. 装船 3. 笔误 4. 同一致

25、 5. 一般销售条款6. transshipment 7. in favor of 8. request 9. D/P 10. deadline. Translate the following Chinese Sentences into English.1. Please note that payment is to be made by confirmed, irrevocable L/C allowing partial shipment and transshipment, available by draft at sight. 2. It has been our usual

26、practice to do business with payment by D/P at sight instead of by L/C. We should, therefore, like you to accept D/P terms for this transaction and future ones. 3. Your proposal for payment by time draft for Order No.1156 is acceptable to us, and we shall draw on you at 60 days sight after the goods

27、 have been shipped. Please honor our draft when it falls due. 4. Please note that the terms in L/C should be strictly in conformity with those in contract. 5. We are pleased to inform you that an L/C in your favor has been opened with HSBC and will reach you soon. . Choose the best word(s) or phrase

28、(s) to complete each of the following sentences.1. C 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. D . Translate the following letter into English. Thank you for your letter dated Nov. 8 asking us to deliver one lot of nuts by D/A. As everybody knows, our payment is by confirmed, irrevocable L/C at si

29、ght, therefore, we can not meet your requirement. However, in view of our good will to push the sales of our product, we exceptionally accept 60 days L/C. we trust that this special accommodation will facilitate your making decision. We are waiting for your early reply. Unit101. shipping marks 运输标志、

30、唛头We will stencil the shipping marks in accordance with your instructions.2.to be packed in 包装于The goods we ordered should be packed in plastic bags of each.3. initials 首字母On the outer packing, please mark our initials DHF in a diamond.4.For the sake of 因的缘故,为了的好处For the sake of precaution, all the

31、goods should be packed in wooden cases secured with metal bands. 5. waterproof material 防水材料Please line the cartons with waterproof material to protest the goods against moisture.6.be padded with foamed plastics 垫上塑料泡沫The wooden cases should be padded with foamed plastics to prevent vibration.7. rou

32、gh handling 粗暴搬运The outer packing should be strong enough to withstand rough handling.8.equally assorted 均匀搭配Please pack our mens shirts in cartons of 50 dozen each, white, blue, and yellow equally assorted.9. lined with 吊衬里All of the cartons are lined with plastic so that the goods can be protected

33、 against dampness.10.stencil 用模板刷制(唛头)Please note the warning marks like “poison” etc. should be stenciled on the outer packing.11.indicative marks 指示性标志Please mark the indicative marks like “USE NO HOOKS” and “THIS SIDE UP” etc. should be showed, too.12.outer packing 外包装The outer should be reinforc

34、ed with metal bands.Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.to, in ; in, in ; in ; by ; in ; in, of, to ; with, to ; for ; with, in , under , with ; with. Fill in blanks with the appropriate word as below.package; package; packed; package, packing ; packing; package; repacked; packed; packi

35、ng; pack. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 木箱不仅适于海洋运输,而且足够结实可以防止货物受损。2. 纸板箱用衬里可以很好地防潮。3. 小麦装于新麻袋,每麻袋装 80 公斤。4. 我们的全棉被单每件装一盒,100 盒装一木箱,木箱内用防水纸衬里。5. 在所附寄的表中详细列出了关于包装以及唛头的信息,这些必须要严格执行。6. 正确醒目的外包装刷唛是绝对必要的。7. 请采取预防措施以使包装能够防潮防雨,因为这些衬衫在运输途中极容易受潮湿与水的破坏。8. 用于包装录音机的箱子轻便而且结实。他们可以节省舱位,便于货物的仓储与分

36、销。9. 我们将尽力采取任何措施改善包装,以防止货物受损。10.我方的全棉印花产品包装于纸板箱内,箱内衬着牛皮纸与防水纸,每箱装一种设计款式30 件,5 种颜色均匀搭配。.Translate the following sentences into English.1. The all-cotton bed sheets should be packed in plastics bags of each, 50 pcs. to a carton lined with plastics to be protected against moisture.2. The all-cotton pill

37、owcases will be packed in cartons of 20 dozen, 10 cartons to a wooden case, 10 wooden cases to one FCL.3. The contract stipulates that the packing must be strong enough to withstand rough handling. Our Chinese tableware in cardboard boxes will be packed in cartons padded with foam plastics, 10 carto

38、ns to a wooden case reinforced with metal bands. 4. The wooden cases must be banded with metal strips to avoid breakage in transit. 5. Please pay special attention to the packing, otherwise, the goods are easy to be damaged in transit.6. We have reported your opinion to the factory, and they agree t

39、o adopt your requirements next time.7. As a packaging container, cardboard box has been widely used in international trade. Therefore, you dont have to worry about their seaworthiness.8. Please pack the pajamas under Order No. HA89 in plastic bags each, 5 dozen bags to a carton lined with moisture-p

40、roof paper, reinforced with adhesive tape externally.9. The quality of your canned mushroom is very good, but the packing is poor and cant draw customers attention. Please improve the packing for our future order.10. Our raincoats should be packed in wooden cases of 60 pcs. lined with craft paper an

41、d waterproof paper, big, middle and small equally assorted.Unit11I. Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.1. Please insure on electric fans for 110% of the invoice value on our behalf.2. The premium varies with the nature of the goods, the scope of coverage desired and the place of

42、destination.3. Our CIF prices are calculated without taking into consideration insurance against any additional risks and we usually cover insurance against WPA.4. We leave the insurance arrangements to you but we wish to have the goods covered against All Risks.5. Your request for insurance to be c

43、overed for 150% of the invoice value can be met but the premium for the difference between 150% and 110% should be for your account.II. Translate the following English sentences into Chinese.1.我们确认根据我方第 100 号订单在 CIF 基础上已成交了一笔 4000 码中国棉布的交易,但希望知道按照你方通常的 CIF 条款, “I”所投保的是什么险别。2. 以 CIF 成交的交易,我们一般根据 1981

44、 年 1 月 1 日中国保险条款向中国人民保险公司按发票金额的 110%投保一切险。3. 如果货物在到达目的港后需立即转运至内陆城市或其它港口,我们可以代你方投保内陆险,额外保险费将记在你方账上。4. 一俟保险单办妥,请即寄为荷。同时也请确认你方已承保上述货物。II. Translate the following English sentences into Chinese.1.我们确认根据我方第 100 号订单在 CIF 基础上已成交了一笔 4000 码中国棉布的交易,但希望知道按照你方通常的 CIF 条款, “I”所投保的是什么险别。2. 以 CIF 成交的交易,我们一般根据 1981

45、年 1 月 1 日中国保险条款向中国人民保险公司按发票金额的 110%投保一切险。3. 如果货物在到达目的港后需立即转运至内陆城市或其它港口,我们可以代你方投保内陆险,额外保险费将记在你方账上。4. 一俟保险单办妥,请即寄为荷。同时也请确认你方已承保上述货物。Unit122. Put the following sentences into English.(1) We would inform you with regret that we are not in a position to comply with your request to ship the goods at the b

46、eginning of January because the direct sailing ship to Singapore will only arrive here around the middle of a month.(2) We would like to inform you that the goods under Order No. 671 have been ready for shipment, please give us the shipping instructions as soon as possible.(3) Christmas is approachi

47、ng, as our clients are in urgent need of the goods, we kindly request you to advance the shipment to Dec. 10.(4) The goods under Sales Contract No. 123 have been shipped on board vessel “East Wind”, Voyage No. 009E. The vessel is due to leave here tomorrow and the estimated time of arrival is April

48、20. Please effect insurance for the goods in time.(5) As it is the peak season for exporting agricultural products and there is the serious port congestion, we can not book the shipping space on the direct sailing ship, please allow transshipment.(6) In compliance with your request, we have sent you a full set of duplicate shipping documents through DHL, please check.(7) Owing to the urgent needs of raw material by our newly


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