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1、一、CHOICE QUESTIONS:(20 Cent)1. Catabolism is a form of metabolism in which _ molecules are converted into _ molecules.a. large, small c. amino acid, proteinb. small, large d. food, storage2. A microbicidal agent has what effect? a. sterilizesb. inhibits microorganismsc. is toxic to human cellsd. des

2、troys microorganisms3. Environmental factors such as temperature and pH exert their effect on the _ of microbial cells.a. membranes c. enzymesb. DNA d. cell wall4. In general , fungi derive nutrients througha. photosynthesis c. digesting organic substratesb. engulfing bacteria d. parasitism5. Both f

3、lagella and cilia are found primarily in_a. algae c. fungib. protozoa d. both b and c 6. Which of the following is not found in all bacterial cells ? a. cell membrane c. ribosomesb. a nucleoid d. capsule7. Pili are tubular shafts in _bacteria that serve as a means of _.a. gram-positive, genetic exch

4、angeb. gram-positive, attachmentc. gram-negative, genetic exchanged. gram-negative, protection8. Which of the following is a primary bacteria cell wall function ? a. transport c. supportb. motility d. adhesion9. A bacterial arrangement in packets of eight cells is described as a _ .a. micrococcus c.

5、 tetradb. diplococcus d.sarcina10. Genetic analysis of bacteria would include a. fermentation testingb. ability to digest complex nutrientsc. presence of oxidased. G+C content11. In general, if two haploid cells fuse , _will result .a. a germ cell c. mitosisb. a diploid zygote d. meiosis12. What is

6、embedded in rough endoplasmic reticulum ? a. ribosomes c. chromatinb. Golgi apparatus d. vesicles13. In general , fungi derive nutrients through a. photosynthesis c. digesting organic substratesb. engulfing bacteria d. parasitism14. An organism that can synthesize all its required organic components

7、 from CO2 using energy from the sun is a a. photoautotroph c. chemoautotrophb. photoheterotroph d. chemoheterotroph15. An obligate halophile high a. pH c. saltb. temperature d. pressure16. Catabolism is a form of metabolism in which _ molecules are converted into _ molecules.a. large, small c. amino

8、 acid, proteinb. small, large d. food, storage17. An enzymea. becomes part of the final productsb. is nonspecific for substratec. is consumed by the reactiond. is heat and pH labile18. Many coenzymes are a. metals c. proteinsb. vitamins d. substrates19. The temperature-pressure combination for an au

9、toclave is a. 100 and 4 psi c. 131 and 9 psib. 121 and 15 psi d. 115 and 3 psi20. The most versatile methods of sterilizing heat-sensitive liquids is a. UV radiation c. beta propiolactoneb. exposure d. filtration二、Fill a vacancy :(15 Cents)1. The major locomotor structures in bacteria are flagella .

10、2. A conidium is a/an _ asexal spore , and a zygospore isa/an_ sexal _ spore .3. An organic nutrient essential to an organisms metabolism that cannot be synthesized itself is termed a/an growth factor .4. Active transport of a substance across a membrane requires ATP .5. Superoxide ion is toxic to s

11、trict anaerobes because they lack catalase .6. During the _ stationary phase, the rate of new cells being added to the population has slowed down.7. Complete oxidation of glucose in aerobic respiration yields a net output of 38_ ATP.8. Microorganisms have two fundamentally different types of cells-P

12、rokaryotes and Eucaryote and are distributed among several kingdoms or domains.9. Koch developed the techniques required to grow bacteria on solid media and to isolate pure cultures of pathogens.10.Phototrophs capture radiant energy from the sun. Chemoorganotrophs oxidize organic molecules to libera

13、te energy, while chemolithotrophs employ inorganic nutrients as energy sources.11 Mesosomes are internal extensions of the_Cell Wall_ ?1. The major locomotor structures in bacteria are flagella .2. A conidiospores is a/an _ asexal spore , and a zygospore isa/an_ sexal _ spore .3. An organic nutrient

14、 essential to an organisms metabolism that cannot be synthesized itself is termed a/an growth factor .4. Active transport of a substance across a membrane requires ATP .6. During the _ stationary phase, the rate of new cells being added to the population has slowed down.7. Microorganisms have two fu

15、ndamentally different types of cells-Prokaryotes and Eucaryote and are distributed among several kingdoms or domains.8.Yeasts are unicellular fungi , and molds are filamentous _fungi .9/ Ribosomes is embedded in rough endoplasmic reticulum 四、CONCEPT QUESTIONS(55 Cents)1. Describe Kochs postulates. w

16、hy are they important?(10 Cents)Kochs postulates and can be summarized as follows:1. The microorganism must be present in every case of the disease but absent from healthy organisms.2. The suspected microorganism must be isolated and grown in a pure culture.3. The same disease must result when the i

17、solated microorganism is inoculated into a healthy host.4. The same microorganism must be isolated again from the diseased host.The first direct demonstration of the role of bacteria in causing disease Kochs proof that Bacillus anthracis caused anthrax was independently confirmed by Pasteur and his

18、coworkers. They discovered that after burial of dead animals, anthrax spores survived and were brought to the surface by earthworms. Healthy animals then ingested the spores and became ill.2. Give a simple comparison of transport systems in graph? (10 Cents)Items Passive diffusionFacilitated diffusi

19、onActive transportGroup translocationcarrier proteins Non Yes Yes Yestransport speedSlow Rapid Rapid Rapid against gradientNon Non Yes Yestransport moleculesNo specificity Specificity Specificity Specificity metabolic energy No need No Need Need NeedSolutes moleculesNot changed Changed Changed Chang

20、ed3. Describe how conditions influenced the effectiveness of antimicrobial agent activity? (10 Cents)Destruction of microorganisms and inhibition of microbial growth are not simple matters because the efficiency of an antimicrobial agent (an agent that kills microorganisms or inhibits their growth)

21、is affected by at least six factors.(1). Population size. Because an equal fraction of a microbial population is killed during each interval, a larger population requires a longer time to die than a smaller one. (2). Population composition. The effectiveness of an agent varies greatly with the natur

22、e of the organisms being treated because microorganisms differ markedly in susceptibility. Bacterial endospores are much more resistant to most antimicrobial agents than are vegetative forms, and younger cells are usually more readily destroyed than mature organisms. (3). Concentration or intensity

23、of an antimicrobial agent. Often, but not always, the more concentrated a chemical agent or intense a physical agent, the more rapidly microorganisms are destroyed. However, agent effectiveness usually is not directly related to concentration or intensity. Over a short range a small increase in conc

24、entration leads to an exponential rise in effectiveness; beyond a certain point, increases may not raise the killing rate much at all.(4). Duration of exposure. The longer a population is exposed to a microbicidal agent, the more organisms are killed .(5). Temperature. An increase in the temperature

25、 at which a chemical acts often enhances its activity. Frequently a lower concentration of disinfectant or sterilizing agent can be used at a higher temperature.(6). Local environment. The population to be controlled is not isolated but surrounded by environmental factors that may either offer prote

26、ction or aid in its destruction.选择题:(20 分)1。分解是一种代谢中_ 分子转换成 _分子。答:大,小角氨基酸,蛋白质B .小,大 D 食品,仓储2。杀微生物剂有什么影响?A .消毒B 抑制微生物C .对人体细胞的毒性D .破坏微生物3。环境因素如温度、酸碱度施加影响的_微生物细胞。C.膜酶B . D NA D 细胞壁4。一般来说,真菌中获得的营养物质通过C.光合作用消化有机基板B.吞噬细菌寄生5。两鞭毛和纤毛被发现主要是 in_C.海藻真菌B .原生动物 D 都和丙型肝炎6。以下哪个是没有发现在所有细菌细胞?答:细胞膜 C 核糖体一类核 D 胶囊7。菌毛的

27、管状轴_bacteria,作为一种手段,_。A .革兰氏阳性,遗传交流B .革兰氏阳性,附件C .革兰氏阴性菌,遗传交流D .革兰氏阴性,保护8。以下哪个是主要的细菌细胞壁的功能?A .运输支持B . D 粘附运动9。细菌安排包八细胞被描述为一个_。答:微角四分B .双球菌 d.sarcina10。细菌的遗传分析包括A .发酵试验B .消化能力,复合营养素C 存在氧化酶D .克+内容11。一般来说,如果双单倍体细胞融合,_will 结果。C.生殖细胞有丝分裂B.二倍体的合子减数分裂12。什么是嵌入在粗糙内质网?C.核糖体染色质D . B 高尔基囊泡13。一般来说,真菌中获得的营养物质通过C.光

28、合作用消化有机基板B.吞噬细菌寄生14。一个生物体,可以综合所有所需的有机成分的二氧化碳使用来自太阳的能量是一个C.光能自养生物化能自养生物B.光能异养生物化能异养生物15。专性嗜盐菌高C.酸碱盐B . D 压力温度16。分解是一种代谢中_分子转换成_分子。答:大,小角氨基酸,蛋白质B .小,大 D 食品,仓储17。一种酶A .成为一部分最终产品B .非特异性的基板C .消耗的反应D 热、酸碱度不稳定18。许多辅酶是A .金属角蛋白B 维生素 D 基板19。温压联合高压蒸气A . 100和 4 角 131和 9 磅B . 121和 15 磅 D . 115和 3 磅20。最通用的方法是敏感的液

29、体消毒-丙内酯 C.紫外辐射D . B 接触过滤二、补缺:(15 分)1。主要细菌鞭毛的运动结构。2。分生孢子是与_ asexal 孢子与接合孢子,是一 an_ _有性孢子。3。有机营养必不可少的一个生物体的代谢,不能合成本身被称为一个生长因子。4。主动运输的物质跨膜需要三磷酸腺苷。5。超氧离子的毒性,因为他们缺乏严格厌氧菌过氧化氢酶。6。在_固定相,率新细胞被添加到人口已放缓。7。完全氧化葡萄糖在有氧呼吸产生的净产值 38_三磷酸腺苷。8。微生物有根本的不同类型的 cells-prokaryotes 真核生物中,是分布在几个王国或域。9。科赫开发的技术所需的细菌在固体培养基和分离纯培养病原体。10。生物捕获来自太阳的辐射能量。chemoorganotrophs 氧化有机分子的能量释放,而 chemolithotrophs 采用无机营养物质作为能量来源。11 间体内部扩展 the_cell wall_?1。主要细菌鞭毛的运动结构。2。一个分生孢子是与_ asexal 孢子与接合孢子,是一 an_ _有性孢子。3。有机营养必不可少的一个生物体的代谢,不能合成本身被称为一个生长因子。4。主动运输的物质跨膜


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