1、choose the correct meaning; (4) to correct the typos; (5) so the child write words (ABAB, and AABB); (6) in accordance with written words; (7) the complete word, and explain the meaning of the word; (8) collocation; (9) make sentences with the word; (10) the written language as required. (C) the mai
2、n sentence types (1) complete sentences; (2) write down the meaning of a sentence or expression of thoughts and feelings; (3) write sentences as required; (4) finish malalignment of the sentence; (5) modified sentences. 2, knowledge classification (1) the common conjunctions coordinate: . . 一面 . 1,
3、to examine the topic, identify problems associated with two 2, analysis, alternative question two is in direct proportion to the amount of the associated relationship is inversely proportional relationship. 3, and set unknown, column proportion type 4, and solutions proportion type 5, and test, wrot
4、e answer language plenary, and subject: application problem (1)-simple application problem and composite application problem review content simple application problem composite application problem answers application problem of general steps 1, and figure out meaning-through examines the, find known
5、 conditions and by seeking problem 2, and analysis number relationship-analysis known conditions Zhijian, and conditions and problem Zhijian of relationship, determine problem-solving method and problem-solving steps. 3, and column type calculation-lists formula, is out subdivisions 4, and test, and
6、 wrote answer-check, and checking, and wrote answers typical application problem 13, and subject: application problem (3)-column equation solutions application problem review content overview problem-solving steps 1, and figure out meaning, find by seeking of unknown and x said 2, and according to m
7、eaning find equivalent relationship, lists Equation 3, and solutions equation 4, and test, and wrote answers according to meaning find equivalent relationship of common method 1 , And according to common of number relationship type, established equivalent relationship 2, and according to has learn h
8、ad of calculation formula, 3, and according to problem in the of focus described sentence from overall Shang determine basic of equivalent relationship 4, and using segment figure, and list method, method analysis number重庆陶然居饮食文化集团薪酬管理系统设计一、企业文化及策略企业简介:重庆陶然居集团创立于 1995年,从 5张餐桌白手起家,经过 10余年的艰苦创业,发展成为以餐
9、饮为龙头,涉足生态养殖、物流配送、人才培训、连锁经营、食品加工等跨行业集团。在全国26个省市有 79家大型中餐连锁店,年营业额达 18.6亿元,66850 余名员工(在陶然居全国各连锁店的员工有 16850余名,相关产业链带动了 5万余人就业,其中 61320人都是来自农村剩余劳动力) ,在广西北海,贵州红枫湖、百花湖,青城后山,重庆白市驿等地拥有八大生态种、养殖基地,其中水产水域养殖面积达 8万多亩。 企业文化:坚持自主创新、生态美食、健康美食;向全国人民充分展示重庆的美食、美景、美女,把重庆的巴渝文化推向全国;弘扬民族餐饮文化、创立“百年老店” ;坚持以回报社会为己任。二、薪酬结构员工薪酬
10、=基本工资+绩效工资+奖金+其他福利-应扣除金额1、基本工资:以岗位工资为基准。根据不同岗位及岗位对企业贡献度与重要性制定工资水平。在此基础上根据员工工作态度,考勤情况来进行奖惩。choose the correct meaning; (4) to correct the typos; (5) so the child write words (ABAB, and AABB); (6) in accordance with written words; (7) the complete word, and explain the meaning of the word; (8) colloca
11、tion; (9) make sentences with the word; (10) the written language as required. (C) the main sentence types (1) complete sentences; (2) write down the meaning of a sentence or expression of thoughts and feelings; (3) write sentences as required; (4) finish malalignment of the sentence; (5) modified s
12、entences. 2, knowledge classification (1) the common conjunctions coordinate: . . 一面 . 1, to examine the topic, identify problems associated with two 2, analysis, alternative question two is in direct proportion to the amount of the associated relationship is inversely proportional relationship. 3,
13、and set unknown, column proportion type 4, and solutions proportion type 5, and test, wrote answer language plenary, and subject: application problem (1)-simple application problem and composite application problem review content simple application problem composite application problem answers appli
14、cation problem of general steps 1, and figure out meaning-through examines the, find known conditions and by seeking problem 2, and analysis number relationship-analysis known conditions Zhijian, and conditions and problem Zhijian of relationship, determine problem-solving method and problem-solving
15、 steps. 3, and column type calculation-lists formula, is out subdivisions 4, and test, and wrote answer-check, and checking, and wrote answers typical application problem 13, and subject: application problem (3)-column equation solutions application problem review content overview problem-solving st
16、eps 1, and figure out meaning, find by seeking of unknown and x said 2, and according to meaning find equivalent relationship, lists Equation 3, and solutions equation 4, and test, and wrote answers according to meaning find equivalent relationship of common method 1 , And according to common of num
17、ber relationship type, established equivalent relationship 2, and according to has learn had of calculation formula, 3, and according to problem in the of focus described sentence from overall Shang determine basic of equivalent relationship 4, and using segment figure, and list method, method analy
18、sis number2、绩效工资:为了督促员工努力工作,在一定程度上鼓励员工自主自动工作,设置计较工资,根据绩效设置。3、奖金:给予员工有效超额劳动的薪酬,以保证公平性与员工的意愿。具体奖金设置如下:4、其他福利:给予员工良好的住宿伙食条件的基础上营造更好的工作环境,视情况给予不同职务的员工生活补贴、保险、集体聚会、旅游等福利。5、扣除部分包括员工考勤,顾客投诉情况,公共设施使用及损坏情况。按总分 100计算.有违反者酌情扣除。考勤的计算: 迟到:工作时间开始30分钟内未到; 早退:工作时间结束前30分钟内擅自离开工作岗位; 旷工: 迟到、早退超过30分钟(含30分钟) ; 缺勤及请假期间工资
19、待遇: 1.迟到(早退):按每分钟扣1元计算 2.病假:病假只取消当天基本工资3.事假: A:事假1天,取消当天基本工资+扣1天基本工资 B:事假2天,取消当天基本工资+扣2天基本工资 C:事假3天,取消当天基本工资+扣3天基本工资 choose the correct meaning; (4) to correct the typos; (5) so the child write words (ABAB, and AABB); (6) in accordance with written words; (7) the complete word, and explain the meani
20、ng of the word; (8) collocation; (9) make sentences with the word; (10) the written language as required. (C) the main sentence types (1) complete sentences; (2) write down the meaning of a sentence or expression of thoughts and feelings; (3) write sentences as required; (4) finish malalignment of t
21、he sentence; (5) modified sentences. 2, knowledge classification (1) the common conjunctions coordinate: . . 一面 . 1, to examine the topic, identify problems associated with two 2, analysis, alternative question two is in direct proportion to the amount of the associated relationship is inversely pro
22、portional relationship. 3, and set unknown, column proportion type 4, and solutions proportion type 5, and test, wrote answer language plenary, and subject: application problem (1)-simple application problem and composite application problem review content simple application problem composite applic
23、ation problem answers application problem of general steps 1, and figure out meaning-through examines the, find known conditions and by seeking problem 2, and analysis number relationship-analysis known conditions Zhijian, and conditions and problem Zhijian of relationship, determine problem-solving
24、 method and problem-solving steps. 3, and column type calculation-lists formula, is out subdivisions 4, and test, and wrote answer-check, and checking, and wrote answers typical application problem 13, and subject: application problem (3)-column equation solutions application problem review content
25、overview problem-solving steps 1, and figure out meaning, find by seeking of unknown and x said 2, and according to meaning find equivalent relationship, lists Equation 3, and solutions equation 4, and test, and wrote answers according to meaning find equivalent relationship of common method 1 , And
26、 according to common of number relationship type, established equivalent relationship 2, and according to has learn had of calculation formula, 3, and according to problem in the of focus described sentence from overall Shang determine basic of equivalent relationship 4, and using segment figure, an
27、d list method, method analysis number3如此类推,直至当月工资扣完为止。 旷工: A:旷工半天,取消当日半天基本工资+扣1天基本工资; B:旷工1天,取消当日基本工资+扣2天基本工资; C:旷工2天,取消当日基本工资+扣4天基本工资; D:连续旷工3天自动离职。 5. 带薪假:包括法定节假日、年假、婚假、丧假等; 出现以上任何一种或多种情况,取消当月全勤奖 奖金制度:1、模范员工奖 每月由各门市主管人员依工作敬业态度及考核成绩中,挑选一至两名工作表现优异的从业人员(含兼职人员)呈人事部评核后,于每月月初朝会中表扬并颁发500元礼券一张,以激励员工士气。 2、
28、考勤奖金 公司依据全年度员工勤务表现及贡献程度后,并按下列规定发放标准支付: (一)勤务满一年以上者,其年度考绩成绩平均在80分以上者,则支付半个月的本薪作为当期绩效奖金。 (二)勤务满半年以上者,其考绩成绩在85分以上者,则依其勤务月数乘以半个月的本薪比率作为当期绩效奖金。 choose the correct meaning; (4) to correct the typos; (5) so the child write words (ABAB, and AABB); (6) in accordance with written words; (7) the complete word,
29、 and explain the meaning of the word; (8) collocation; (9) make sentences with the word; (10) the written language as required. (C) the main sentence types (1) complete sentences; (2) write down the meaning of a sentence or expression of thoughts and feelings; (3) write sentences as required; (4) fi
30、nish malalignment of the sentence; (5) modified sentences. 2, knowledge classification (1) the common conjunctions coordinate: . . 一面 . 1, to examine the topic, identify problems associated with two 2, analysis, alternative question two is in direct proportion to the amount of the associated relatio
31、nship is inversely proportional relationship. 3, and set unknown, column proportion type 4, and solutions proportion type 5, and test, wrote answer language plenary, and subject: application problem (1)-simple application problem and composite application problem review content simple application pr
32、oblem composite application problem answers application problem of general steps 1, and figure out meaning-through examines the, find known conditions and by seeking problem 2, and analysis number relationship-analysis known conditions Zhijian, and conditions and problem Zhijian of relationship, det
33、ermine problem-solving method and problem-solving steps. 3, and column type calculation-lists formula, is out subdivisions 4, and test, and wrote answer-check, and checking, and wrote answers typical application problem 13, and subject: application problem (3)-column equation solutions application p
34、roblem review content overview problem-solving steps 1, and figure out meaning, find by seeking of unknown and x said 2, and according to meaning find equivalent relationship, lists Equation 3, and solutions equation 4, and test, and wrote answers according to meaning find equivalent relationship of
35、 common method 1 , And according to common of number relationship type, established equivalent relationship 2, and according to has learn had of calculation formula, 3, and according to problem in the of focus described sentence from overall Shang determine basic of equivalent relationship 4, and us
36、ing segment figure, and list method, method analysis number(三)勤务未满半年者,原则上不予以发放。但表现优异者,可经由各部门主管人员呈人事科评核后,酌量奖励。 3、激励奖金 为激励各部门人员,并争取自我加薪及自创福利机会,可依照下列规定评核: 各部门平均每3个月内营业总额/90日(一年)1.10业绩目标(基础目标) 4、全勤奖金 员工在规定勤务时间内按时上下班且未有舞弊者,可按下列规定予以奖励: (一)全月无请假、迟到、早退、私自外出时,则每月发放全勤奖金200元以兹鼓励。但以正式任用人员为限。 (二)兼职人员(含计时、计件人员)执行
37、勤务时间,累计达176小时以上,无请假、迟到、早退、私自外出时,则给予全勤奖金150元以兹鼓励。 (三)会计年度期间(从一月一日起至十二月三十一日止)正式任用人员及兼职人员,全年度皆为全勤者,于农历过年后第一天上班团拜时,当场予以表扬并发放1000元奖金以兹鼓励。 (四)新进人员自任职日起至会计年度终了为止,任职满6个月以上无缺勤记录且考绩成绩在85分以上者,亦具第3项的资格,可给予其奖励。choose the correct meaning; (4) to correct the typos; (5) so the child write words (ABAB, and AABB); (6
38、) in accordance with written words; (7) the complete word, and explain the meaning of the word; (8) collocation; (9) make sentences with the word; (10) the written language as required. (C) the main sentence types (1) complete sentences; (2) write down the meaning of a sentence or expression of thou
39、ghts and feelings; (3) write sentences as required; (4) finish malalignment of the sentence; (5) modified sentences. 2, knowledge classification (1) the common conjunctions coordinate: . . 一面 . 1, to examine the topic, identify problems associated with two 2, analysis, alternative question two is in
40、 direct proportion to the amount of the associated relationship is inversely proportional relationship. 3, and set unknown, column proportion type 4, and solutions proportion type 5, and test, wrote answer language plenary, and subject: application problem (1)-simple application problem and composit
41、e application problem review content simple application problem composite application problem answers application problem of general steps 1, and figure out meaning-through examines the, find known conditions and by seeking problem 2, and analysis number relationship-analysis known conditions Zhijia
42、n, and conditions and problem Zhijian of relationship, determine problem-solving method and problem-solving steps. 3, and column type calculation-lists formula, is out subdivisions 4, and test, and wrote answer-check, and checking, and wrote answers typical application problem 13, and subject: appli
43、cation problem (3)-column equation solutions application problem review content overview problem-solving steps 1, and figure out meaning, find by seeking of unknown and x said 2, and according to meaning find equivalent relationship, lists Equation 3, and solutions equation 4, and test, and wrote an
44、swers according to meaning find equivalent relationship of common method 1 , And according to common of number relationship type, established equivalent relationship 2, and according to has learn had of calculation formula, 3, and according to problem in the of focus described sentence from overall
45、Shang determine basic of equivalent relationship 4, and using segment figure, and list method, method analysis number55、年终奖金 公司视当年度经营状况及各人对公司贡献程度、出勤率、考绩成绩等多项评核后,依其成绩比例发放;其规定如下: (一)服务满一年以上的正式任用人员,则支付基本薪资一个月份作为年终奖金;兼职人员则半额支付。 (二)服务满半年以上者,则按实际勤务月数比率核算;兼职人员则不予以支付。 (三)服务未满半年以上者,则不予以发放。其他福利:1、部门经理及以下员工每月初
46、于发工资日领取一份礼品(水果,饮料等) 。2、每季度发放300元购物券3、每季度为员工提供一次提高培训机会4、每月末各部门举行联欢会5、总监及以上每年组织两次旅游活动,可携带两名家属。choose the correct meaning; (4) to correct the typos; (5) so the child write words (ABAB, and AABB); (6) in accordance with written words; (7) the complete word, and explain the meaning of the word; (8) collo
47、cation; (9) make sentences with the word; (10) the written language as required. (C) the main sentence types (1) complete sentences; (2) write down the meaning of a sentence or expression of thoughts and feelings; (3) write sentences as required; (4) finish malalignment of the sentence; (5) modified
48、 sentences. 2, knowledge classification (1) the common conjunctions coordinate: . . 一面 . 1, to examine the topic, identify problems associated with two 2, analysis, alternative question two is in direct proportion to the amount of the associated relationship is inversely proportional relationship. 3, and set unknown, column proportion type 4, and solutions proportion type 5, and test, wrote answer language plenary, and subject: application problem (1)-simple application problem and composite application problem review content simple application problem composite application problem