2、事,以及你打算怎样去完成它。研究计划应该有足够的信息来向你的读者证明你有一个重要的研究想法,你对相关文献和主要问题有很好的把握,同时你的方法是切实可行的。研究计划的质量不仅取决于研究项目本身,同时也取决于你的计划书写作。一个好的研究项目也可能会有仅仅因为不好的写作而被否决的风险。因此,非常值得你去写得连贯,清晰并且令人信服。这篇文章强调的是计划书的写作,而非研究思路的开展。标题:标题应该简明扼要。比如, “一个关于的研究”,这样的句子就应该避免。通常,标题是表达功能关系,因为这样的标题清晰的表达了独立和相关的变量。然而,应尽可能,想一个内容翔实又吸引人的标题。一个有效的标题不仅会激发读者的兴趣
3、,也预示了他们会喜欢这个计划。 摘要: 摘要是一个 300 字左右的简要归纳。它应该包括研究问题,研究的理论基础,假说(如有的话) ,方法以及主要发现。对方法的描述可能包括试验设计,步骤,样本,还有任何将被用到的手段。引言: 引言的主要目的是为你的研究问题提供必要的背景。如何设定研究问题可能是计划书写作最难的部分。如果研究问题被限定在一个概括的,不着边际的文献回顾里,研究问题就会显得琐碎和无趣。然而,如果同样的问题被设定在一个当前非常被关注的研究领域里,它的重要性就变得不言而喻了。不幸的是,对如何设定你的研究问题并没有任何硬性规定,正如没有对如何写出有趣和翔实的开头段的规定一样。很大程度上要靠
4、你自己的创造力,要取决于你清晰思维的能力和你对问题领域理解的深度。首先,尝试着把你的研究问题放到当前的热门领域,或是一个陈旧但依然可行的领域;其次,你需要提供一个简要而适当的历史背景;再者,提供该问题的当下背景,在这里,你提出的研究问题应该是关注的焦点。最后,确定“关键角色”(key players) ,参考最相关和最有代表性的论文。总之,把你的研究问题放到一个大的背景下,但同时体现出他的重要性。引言一般以对该领域的简单描述开始,同时关注某一特定的研究问题,接下来是拟定研究的基本原理。引言部分通常包含以下内容:1. 描述该研究问题,一般也叫研究目的;2. 为你的研究问题提供背景,设定其范围,以
5、体现出它的必要性和重要性;3. 说明你研究问题的理论依据,要清楚的指出为什么该研究是值得去做的;4. 简要描述该研究要解决的主要及次要问题;5. 确定你试验中关键的独立或相关变量。或者,明确说明你想要研究的现象;6. 阐述你的假说或理论,如有的话。对于探索性或现象解释型的研究,你可能不会有任何假说。 (请不要混淆假说和统计学上的零假设) ;7.设定你研究计划的局限或边界,以提供一个清晰的研究重点;8. 给关键概念下定义 (此项为可选) ;文献综述: 文献综述有时也包括到简介部分。然而,大多数教授更喜欢一个单独的部分,这样可以更全面地回顾相关文献。文献综述有以下一些重要功能:1. 确保你不是“重
6、新发明车轮”(意即不是重复前人已有的成果) ;2. 向奠定该研究基础的前人致谢;3. 说明你对该研究问题的了解;4. 阐述你对该问题相关的理论和研究的理解;5. 展现你对相关文献资料的批判评价能力;6 显示你整合现有文献的能力;7. 提供新的理论见解或发展一种新的模式,作为你研究的概念框架;8. 向你的读者证明该研究计划会对现有文献做出重要的和实质性的贡献。 (比如,解决一个重要的理论问题或者填补一个主要空白) ;大多数学生的文献综述都有以下问题:* 缺乏组织结构* 缺乏重点,整体性和连贯性* 冗长重复* 没有引用重要文献* 没有跟上最新进展* 没有对所引文献进行批判分析* 引用了不相关或不重
7、要的文献* 过多依赖二手资料如果你的研究计划里有任何上述问题,你的学术和研究能力就会受到质疑。有多种方式来组织文献综述。利用副标题来使你的综述有序和连贯。比如,在展示了你研究领域的重要性和最新研究进展之后,你可能会用几个小节来探讨相关问题,如理论模型,测定手段,跨文化和性别差异,等等。同时也要牢记你是在向听众讲一个故事。要试着以一种具有启发性的方式讲述,而不要使他们感到厌烦,因为这可能导致你的计划被否决。 (记住,教授和科学家们也是人。 )方法: 方法部分非常重要,因为它会告诉研究委员会你准备如何来解决该研究问题。该部分要提出你的工作计划,并说明完成你项目所需的必要活动。 攥写方法部分的指导原
8、则就是,应包含足够的信息,以便读者判断该方法是否有效可行。 你也应该说明对其他可行方法的看法,以证明你的方法是解决该研究问题最适当和最有效的途径。表明你的研究问题能被定性的研究所回答。然而,大多数主流的心理学家仍然对定性研究抱有偏见,尤其是针对各种现象,因此你可能需要证明你的定性方法。而且在定性分析时,并没有一个好的而又被广泛接受的经典方法,所以你的方法部分就需要阐述得比传统定量研究所要求的更为详尽。更重要的是,相比定量研究,数据的收集过程对定性研究的结果有更重大的影响。这是你需要更加小心地描述你将如何收集和分析数据的另一个原因。 (如何攥写定性分析的方法部分需要另文讨论)对定量研究来说,方法
9、部分通常包括以下内容:1. 研究设计-是问卷调查研究还是一个实验室的试验?你将选择什么样的设计?2. 研究对象或参与者谁将会参与你的研究?你将采用什么样的抽样程序?3. 研究手段你将采用什么样的测量手段或问卷?你为什么要选择这些方法?他们是否有效可靠?4. 研究步骤你打算如何开展研究?有哪些过程将被包括?需要多长时间?结果: 很显然,在研究计划准备阶段你并没有研究结果。不过,你将收集哪些数据,什么样的统计方法将会用于解答你的研究问题或验证你的假设,关于这些你应该有一些想法。讨论:向读者说明你研究的潜在影响很重要。在交流时你应该热情而自信,但又不能夸大该研究的价值。这就是为什么你还需要说明该研究
10、的局限和不足,可能是因为时间和经济上的限制,也可能是因为你研究领域还是在发展初期。研究计划攥写时常犯的错误: 1. 拟定研究问题时没有提供合适的背景;2. 没有给研究设定边界条件;3. 没有引用标志性的研究;4. 未准确指出其他研究者在理论和实践上做出的贡献;5. 未能持续关注所研究的问题;6. 未能给该研究提出一个条理分明和有说服力的论据;7. 在次要问题上太多细节,在主要问题上却细节不足;8. 过于松散,都是泛泛而谈,没有明确的方向。 (好的研究建议方向明确,展开论述从容不迫,就像一条连续的河流) ;9. 过多的引用笔误和错误引用;10.太过冗长或过于简短;11. 没有遵循美国心理学会写作
11、格式规范(APA style) ;12. Slopping writing.?How to write a research proposalWhen you are applying for a research degree, like the PhD, you will very probably have to write a research proposal as a part of your application file. A PhD is awarded mainly as the result of yourmaking a genuine contribution to
12、 the state of knowledge in a field of your choice. Even though this is not the Nobel Prize yet, getting the degree means you have added something to what has previously been known on the subject you have researched. But first you have to prove you are capable of making such a contribution, and there
13、fore write a research proposal that meets certain standards. The goal of a research proposal (RP) is to present and justify a research idea you have and to present the practical ways in which you think this research should be conducted.When you are writing a RP, keep in mind that it will enter a com
14、petition, being read in line with quite a few other RPs. You have to come up with a document that has an impact upon the reader:write clearly and well structured so that your message gets across easily. Basically, your RP has to answer three big questions: what research project will you undertake, w
15、hy is important to knowthat thing and how will you proceed to make that research.In order to draw the researchers attention upon your paper, write an introduction with impact, and that leads to the formulation of your hypothesis. The research hypothesis has to be specific, concise (one phrase) and t
16、o lead to the advancement of the knowledge in the field in some way.Writing the hypothesis in a concise manner and, first, coming up with a good hypothesis is a difficult mission. This is actually the core of your application: youre going to a university to do this very piece of research. Compared t
17、o this, the rest of the application is background scenery.Take your time to think of it. When you have an idea, be careful at the formulation. A well-written hypothesis is something of an essays thesis: it provides a statement that can be tested (argues ahead one of the possible answers to a problem
18、), it is an idea, a concept, and not a mere fact, and is summed up in one phrase. In some cases, you will have no idea what the possible answer to a problem worth being researched is, but you will be able to think of a way to solve that problem, and find out the answer in the meantime. Its ok in thi
19、s case, to formulate a research question, rather than a hypothesis. Let those cases be rare, in any way.Another piece of advice when writing your hypothesis, regarding the trendy research fields:chances are great that theyre trendy because somebody has already made that exciting discovery, or wrote
20、that splendid paper that awoke everybodys interest in the first place. If youre in one ofthese fields, try to get a fresh point of view upon the subject; make new connections, dont be 100% mainstream. This will make the project even more stimulating for the reader. Imagine that you are writing about
21、 the trendiest subject, with absolutely no change in the point of view, and you are given the chance to make the research. Trends come and go, fast; what are the chances that, in four years time, when your research is done and you are ready to publish your results, one of those well-known professors
22、 who dispose of huge research grants has already said whatever youhad to say?Remember how, in a structured essay, right after the thesis you would present the organization of your essay, by enumerating the main arguments you were going to present? Same thing should happen in a RP. After stating your
23、 thesis, you should give a short account of your answers to those three questions mention earlier. State, in a few phrases, what will be learned from your research, that your project will make a difference, and why is that important to be known. You will have to elaborate on both of these later in t
24、he paper.The next step in writing your proposal is to prove that that particular piece of research has not been done yet. This section is usually called Literature Review. Inside it, you have to enumerateand critically analyze an impressive list of boring bibliography. The conclusion you should obje
25、ctively reach is that your idea of research has not been undertaken yet. Even more, you use this opportunity to prove solid theoretical knowledge in the field, and build the theoretical bases of your project. One tip: dont review all the articles and books in the fields even if you mention them in the bibliography list; pay attention in your analysis to those you will build on. Another one:avoid jargon when writing your RP. The chances are great that the person(s) who will read your and another 1000 research proposals are not specialists in that very field - niche you are examining