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1、 那些和天气有关的英语习语As right as rain: to feel fine and healthy. 非常健康Dont worry about me, Im as right as rain after my knee operation.不要担心,我的膝盖做过手术之后,感觉非常好。Be a breeze: to be very easy to do. 小事一桩Our English exam was a breeze. Im sure Ill get top marks.英语考试非常简单,我有信心得高分。Be snowed under: to have so much to do

2、 that you are having trouble doing it all. 忙得不可开交Im snowed under at work right now because two of my colleagues are on holiday.两个同事去度假了,我现在忙得不可开交。Break the ice: to say or do something to make someone feel relaxed or at ease in a social setting. 打破沉默;打破僵局He offered to get her a drink to help break th

3、e ice.为了打破僵局,他提出请她喝一杯。Calm before the storm: the quiet, peaceful period before a moment of great activity or mayhem.暴风雨前的平静The in-laws were about to arrive with their kids so she sat on the sofa with a cup of coffee enjoying the calm before the storm.亲戚们就要来了,她坐在沙发上喝着咖啡,享受短暂的安宁。Chase rainbows: when s

4、omeone tries to do something that they will not achieve 做白日梦,异想天开I think shes chasing rainbows if she thinks she can get into Oxford with her bad grades.以她现在的成绩还想进入牛津大学,简直异想天开。Come rain or shine: you can depend on someone to be there no matter what or whatever the weather.风雨无阻Ill be there to help yo

5、u move house come rain or shine.不论晴天还是下雨,我都会帮你搬家。Every cloud has a silver lining: There is always something positive to come out of an unpleasant or difficult situation.黑暗中总有一丝光明I got laid off from work yesterday, but every cloud has a silver lining and now I can spend more time writing my book.昨天我被

6、解雇了,但事情总有好的一面,现在我有更多的时间可以写书了。Fair-weather friend: a person who is only your friend during good times or when things are going well for you but disappears when things become difficult or you have problems.可共安乐而不能共患难的朋友She was a fair-weather friend because she was interested in me once I had lost my j

7、ob.她是一个不能共患难的朋友,一旦我失去了工作,她就对我不感兴趣了。Get wind of: to learn or hear of something that should be a secret.听到风声;获悉消息He got wind of the closure of the company so started looking for a new job immediately.他听到风声说公司就要倒闭了,所以他立刻就开始寻找新的工作。Have your head in the clouds: to be out of touch of reality. Your ideas m

8、ay not be sensible or practical.晕头转向,云里雾里He has his head in the clouds if he seriously thinks hes going to get a promotion soon.对于即将晋升这件事,他还有些困惑。It never rains but it pours: when things dont just go wrong but very wrong and other bad things happen too.祸不单行First he lost his keys to the house, then hi

9、s wallet and then his car broke down. It never rains but it pours.一开始他的车抛锚了,接着又把钥匙丢了,真是祸不单行。Its raining cats and dogs: its raining very hard. 倾盆大雨Take you umbrella and a jacket because its raining cats and dogs outside.外面的雨很大,带上伞和衣服。On cloud nine: to be extremely happy. 狂喜They were both on cloud nin

10、e during their honeymoon.度蜜月时,他们都非常兴奋。Put on ice: to postpone for another day. 推迟The project has been put on ice until our boss decides what to do next.项目被推迟,直到老板决定接下来的计划。Ray of hope: there is a chance that something positive will happen. 一线希望There is a ray of hope after all, it looks like we wont b

11、e losing our jobs.还有一线希望,可能我们不会丢工作。Save for a rainy day: to save for the future when it might suddenly be needed (unexpectedly).未雨绸缪Dont spend your entire wage in one night. You should save for a rainy day.不要一下子就把工资花完了,你应该存一些以备不时之需。Steal my thunder: when someone takes attention away from someone els

12、e. 抢风头Dont wear that dress to the wedding; the bride wont like it because youll be stealing her thunder.不要穿那件裙子去婚礼,你会抢了新娘的风头。Storm in a teacup: when someone makes a small problem larger than it really is. 小题大做Those two are always arguing about something, its just a storm in a teacup.他们俩经常为了一件事情争吵,真是

13、小题大做。Storm is brewing: indication that something is about to become bad or explode暴风雨即将来临You could tell by the looks on their faces that a storm was brewing.从他们的表情可以看出,不好的事情就要发生了。Take a rain check: decline something now but offer to do it at a later date. 改天Thanks for inviting me to dinner but I can

14、t this week. Can I take a rain check on that?谢谢您邀请我共用晚餐,但这周我没时间,下周可以吗?Throw caution to the wind: to go crazy and forget all responsibilities or commitments.做事不顾后果,冒险赌一把They threw caution to the wind and quit their jobs in the heat of the moment.他们不顾后果,头脑发热的时候把工作辞了。Under the weather: you are not feeling well 身体不适Paul isnt coming with us because he feels a little under the Paul 身体不太舒服,就没跟我们一起来。


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