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1、五个非同一般的小国1. Palau 帕劳 Palau is an island country and is found in the Western Pacific Ocean. The country attracted a lot of states. Spain, Japan and Germany wanted to make it their belonging. Palau is popular with divers and snorkelers. You must want to see its coral reefs and picturesque ship wrecks

2、that were left after battles and wars, mysterious tunnels, caves and a whole world of water life. The best time to visit Palue is in February and March. 帕劳是位于西太平洋上的一个岛国。这个国家曾吸引了很多国家的竞相争夺,西班牙、日本和德国都想要把它变为自己的属国。帕劳因其丰富多采的潜水和浮潜活动而广受欢迎。你一定想要看看那儿美丽的珊瑚礁、如画般的战争留下的沉船残骸、神秘的海底隧道、洞穴和水生生物的王国。游览帕劳的最佳时间是 2月到 3月哦!

3、2. Mayotte 马约特 You might probably read this exotic name for the first time. And this is not surprising at all, because the name of this enigmatic country is hardly ever heard on TV or other mass media. Mayotte is considered quite a costly place and, if you decide to travel there, make sure youve got

4、 enough money. The best time to visit the country is between June and November. You can visit the country to enjoy diving, sailing, snorkeling and snow white beaches. 也许你是第一次听说这个充满异国风情的名字。这一点也不奇怪,因为这个神秘国度的名字几乎很少出现在电视或者其他主流媒体上。马约特被认为是一个相当奢侈的旅游地,如果你决定到那里一游,那么你需要先确保有足够的钱。该国的最佳旅游时间是 7月到 11月,你可以在这个国度充分享受

5、潜水、航海、浮潜和雪白的沙滩。 3. Burkina Faso 布基纳法索 Burkina Faso is a West African country. The local people, Burkinabe, are very friendly. This is not the most popular tourist destination yet. The land has got a lot to offer to curious travelers, though. Most agencies would recommend visitors should go and see t

6、he country between October and December, because the season is not as wet as the rest of the year. 布基纳法索是一个西非国家。当地的民众,布基纳法索人非常友好。那里并不是最受欢迎的旅行目的地,但却有非常多的东西能提供给好奇的旅客们。大多数旅行社会建议旅客在 10月到 11月访问布基纳法索,因为这个季节的布基纳法索相对一年中的其他时间不会那么潮湿。 4. Andorra 安道尔 The Pyrenees Mountains have accommodated Andorraa tiny state

7、squeezed between Spain and France. The place is known to hikers and those who adore beautiful nature. This micro-country used to be ruled by French kings hence it is famous for its wonderful sites such as Casa de la Vall, a tower defense and a manor, built in the 16th century. The cuisine is amazing

8、ly delicious and there are plenty of restaurants where you can taste local dishes and beverages. Visit it between April and October to see the countrys wonders. 安道尔位于比利牛斯山脉,是西班牙和法国之间的一个小国。安道尔被喜爱远足和大自然的人所熟知。这个微型小国曾由法国国王统治,并因山谷石屋等绝妙的景点而闻名,山谷石屋是 16世纪修建的一个塔防和庄园。安道尔的菜肴也相当美味,那里有大量可以尝到当地美食和饮料的餐厅。建议拜访时间是 4月

9、到 10月,去好好欣赏安道尔的美景吧。 5. Liechtenstein 列支敦士登 Liechtenstein is European country, located between Switzerland and Austria. The main local language is German. The state used to be part of the German Confederation, but then it gained its independence in 1866 and abolished its army two years later. Since t

10、hen the state has remained neutral. The country is incredibly smallonly 160 square kilometers. If you like winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding, Liechtenstein is the right place to practice your favorite hobby. 列支敦士登是一个欧洲国家,位于瑞士和奥地利之间,主要使用语言是德语。列支敦士登曾经是德意志联邦的一部分,但在 1866年获得独立并在两年后废除了军队,从此以后该国保持中立。列支敦士登是一个极小的国家,只有 160平方公里。如果你爱好冬季运动,比如滑雪和单板滑雪,那么列支敦士登是你进行练习滑雪的好地方。


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