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1、12018 年大学英语备考题库一、语法和词汇 1. When did you see her? What _ then?A.was she doing B.did she do C.is she doing D.has she hone 2. Be quiet! They _ a meeting in the next room.A.are having B.have C.were having D.will had 3. “What will you _ at six this evening?” “Ill probably be having supper.”A.do B.doing C.

2、have D.be doing 4. We _ on it for many hours but we have not yet reached any conclusion.A.work B.have been workingC.are working D.have had worked5. We all hope you _to the party next week.A.to come B.be able to comeC.come D.will be able to come.6. I _ help. I can do it myself.A.need to B.dont needC.

3、neednt D.need 7. Since the road is wet, _last night.A.it must have rained B.it must rainC.it must be raining D.it must have been raining.8. Ive come to ask him for the book. Thats why I _ wait until he comes back.A.need B.should C.ought to D.have to 9. Great changes _ in China since 1978.A.take the

4、place B.took the place ofC.have taken place D.have been taken place10. The medicine_ cool, clean and dry.A.must keep B.must be keptC.must be keep D.must be in .11. “Have you moved into the new house?”“Not yet. The rooms _.”A.are being painted B.are paintingC.are painted D.are being paint12. This kin

5、d of wood _ houses.A.used to building B.are used to buildingC.is used to build D.is used to building13. A group of _will come to our school tomorrow.A.Germany B.Germans C.German D.Japaneses 14. That bottle is made of_.A.glass B.glassesC.the glass D.a pair of glasses15. There are ten _ in our school.

6、A.woman teachers B.women teacher C.woman teacher D.women teachers 16. This piece of _ is long enough for you to make a shirt.A.cloth B.clothes C.clothing D.suit 17. English was taught at the beginning of _ century in China.A.nineteen B.nineteenth C.the nineteenth D.the nineteen 18. John turned round

7、 and looked at him in _ surprise.A.an B./ C.the D.a 19. Well leave our school in_.A.two year and a half B.two years and a halfC.two and half a years D.two and half a year20. Well take _ trip to Hangzhou tomorrow.A.a two-days B.a two-dayC.a two days D.a two day 21. The flowers smell _ and look_.A.goo

8、d; beautiful B.good; beautifully C.well; beautiful D.well; beautifully 22. Girl students are much cleverer in our class than _ in theirs.A.this B./ C.it D.those 23. This ladder is too long for this truck. We need _ truck to carry it.A.a small B.the small C.a bigger D.a biggest 24. Alice isnt the old

9、est girl in her class, but she is older than_.A.any of the girls B.any other girlC.some the other girls D.some of the other girls25. Will you have_ cup of tea?A.the other B.other C.an other D.another .26. I dont think there is _ important in todays paper.A.something B.nothing C.anything D.thing .27.

10、 Some people like to stay at home on Sundays, but _ like to go to the cinema.A.another B.others C.other D.the other 28. “Whats in your _ hand?” “An orange.”A.another B.the otherC.other D.others 229. “_ some hot coffee now?” “Yes, please.”A.Do you like B.Will you likeC.Would you like D.Should you lik

11、e30. “_have you visited the Great Wall?”“Twice.”A.How soon B.How oftenC.How many times D.How long 31. “Would you like to watch TV or listen to the radio?” “_.”A.Yes, Id like to watch TV B.No, I do not watch TVC.Yes, to listen to the radio D.Id like to watch TV32. _was the population in China by the

12、end of last year?A.How much B.WhatC.How many D.Which 33. I hear Mary _ back in two days.A.comes B.come C.will come D.coming .34. He wanted to see the film very much, _he couldnt get a ticket.A.but B.and C.or D.so 35. Can you tell me _ is the nearest way to the station?A.what B.if C.which D.that 36.

13、_you dont like him is none of my business.A.What B.Who C.That D.Whether 37. Are you the boy _ bicycle was stolen?A.who his B.of which the .his D.whose 38. The girl_ an English song in the next room is Toms sister.A.who is singing B.is singing C.sang D.was singing 39. Is this the hospital _ he worked

14、 ten years ago?A.that B.where C.which D.the one .40. Ill tell you _ he told me yesterday.A.all which B.all what C.that all D.all 41. It is five days _ we came here.A.when B.before C.as D.since 42. Tom had finished his work _ his wife came back.A.after B.before C.while D.then 43. There was _ much noi

15、se _ the speaker could not make himself heard.A.so; that B.so; as C.such; that D.so; as to 44. He told us _ story that all of us were pleased to hear it.A.so interesting B.such interestingC.such an interesting D.so an interesting45. The workers were busy _ new houses throughout the winter.A.build B.

16、to build C.building D.built 46. Is this house large enough for us_?A.living B.living in C.to live D.to live in 47. Our TV set doesnt work. I think well have it _ tomorrow.A.repairing B.repair C.repaired D.being repaired 48. Because of my poor English Im afraid I cant make myself _.A.understand B.be

17、understood C.understood D.understanding 49. All the information about our school _ in the book.A.have been B.is C.has D.are 50. Half of the money _ your brother.A.belong to B.belong C.belongs to D.belongs 51. Not only my sister but also Mary and John _ interested in that film.A.am B.is C.be D.are 52

18、. Neither my mother nor my father _ Japanese.A.doesnt teach B.dont teachC.teach D.teaches 53. Necessity is the mother of A.discovery B.an idea C.invention D.thought 54. I the little girl very clever.A.hear B.too bad C.find D.make 55. I was late for work this morning because I the first bus.A.missed

19、B.caught C.forgot D.left 56. One should ones promise.A.take B.doC.keep D.support 57. She sang A.good indeed B.well indeedC.very good indeed D.very well indeed58. In England buses and cars keep to the left of the road.A.top B.side C.way D.corner 59. Minghua is good progress with his English.A.taking

20、B.making C.having D.getting 60. When we reached the office, the clock on the wall was eight.A.beating B.hitting C.striking D.ringing .61. His cold was growing A.harder B.worse C.heavier D.seriously 62. They may the books for about two weeks.A.borrow B.lend C.keep D.have 363. We stopped but couldnt a

21、nything.A.to hear; listen B.listening; hearC.to listen; hear D.hearing; listen64. Im very busy, so I cant that problem with you for the moment.A.discuss B.quarrel C.answer D.explain 65. Police officers working on the murder have hundreds of families.A.asked B.researched C.questioned D.demanded 66. T

22、hanks, it will always me of you.A.remember B.remind C.remain D.regard 67. She was born in Japan but has now in the United States.A.fixed B.stuck C.settled D.housed 68. Usually carelessness to failure.A.leads B.happens C.gets D.agrees .69. Will the of houses and land continue to increase?A.worth B.va

23、lue C.cost D.importance 70. You couldnt any secrets for an hour in that little town.A.keep B.get C.learn D.hear 71. When she came home she sensed something . Had someone got in?A.terrible B.unusual C.uncomfortable D.bad 72. Im a lot of experience in my job.A.accepting B.gaining C.receiving D.winning

24、 73. Its no that you failed in the exam. Youre always being so careless.A.wonder B.trouble C.doubt D.matter 74. The survey covers a representative of the population.A.example B.sample C.principle D.principal 75. The close are not allowed to get married.A.relations B.relativities C.relatives D.relati

25、onships 76. He was so poor that he had than one hundred dollars.A.no less B.not less C.more D.no more 77. Dont worry. I will make every to help you out of trouble.A.way B.effort C.means D.method .78. The inspector advised the old lady not to stay in the flat for a few nights.A.lonely B.single C.on h

26、er own D.of her own 79. Human history is often compared a long river.A.with B.to C.for D.along 80. Last night he wanted to give up the job, but this morning he A.made up his mind B.changed his mind C.made progress D.grew up81. He is leaving tomorrow. Would you like to at the airport?A.meet him B.vis

27、it him C.see him off D.look for him 82. Rising costs make it hard to the business.A.carry on B.go on C.hold on D.put on 83. If you have any questions, please your hands.A.put out B.put up C.put on D.put down .84. Would you please a piece of paper and a pen?A.bring out B.give out C.take out D.find ou

28、t 85. The teacher the picture and started to tell the story.A.tried on B.pointed at C.relied on D.put on 86. A car is many different parts.A.made of B.made from C.made up of D.made in 87. The parents have to their childrens education.A.spend B.cost C.pick up D.pay for .88. Dont lose heart. Ill help

29、you the others.A.go over B.catch up with C.go up D.run with 89. The doctor asked my father to smoking.A.give out B.give away C.give up D.give back 90. Students should not only learn facts, but also learn how to facts.A.look for B.find out C.find D.look 91. Paul was by his uncle after his father died

30、.A.brought up B.grown up C.held up D.put up 92. Tom isnt an honest student. You cant him for help.A.rely on B.ask forC.go on with D.talk about .93. If a piece of ice is taken into a warm room, it will soon water.A.turn off B.turn down C.turn into D.turn on 94. He fell down on the road and was too we

31、ak to A.hold up B.get up C.bring up D.leave for 95. The baby often in the middle of the night.A.wakes up B.brings up 4C.gets up D.picks up .96. I know that the accident in a small village.A.took place B.was taken placeC.took the place D.was taken the place of97. It took Dick a long time to a book fo

32、r his son at the bookstore.A.pick up B.pick out C.pick off D.pick over 98. Dont hesitate to me if you are in trouble.A.turn up B.turn to C.turn in D.turn out 99. The first word of a sentence should a capital letter.A.begin with B.start asC.be filled with D.be covered with100. The plane had already b

33、efore we got to the airport.A.taken down B.taken off C.taken away D.taken up 101. Early in the morning we on our journey.A.set off B.begin off C.start off D.get off 102. The money she spent more than 1000 dollars.A.added B.added to C.added up D.added up to 103. If you want to see the play, your name

34、 on this piece of paper.A.get down B.put down C.take down D.copy down 104. The experiment, though they had tried their best, to be a failure.A.turned up B.turned out C.turned in D.turned on 105. The thief the policeman and ran away.A.broke out of B.broke away fromC.broke up with D.broke off106. ! Th

35、ere is a car coming.A.Look forward B.Look around C.Look about D.Look out 107. You have done well in your studies, I hope you can A.keep it up B.keep it out C.keep it down D.keep it off .108. In the past few years, Shanghai a new look.A.has taken on B.has appeared C.has turned up D.showed 109. Its go

36、ing to rain wed better our tools and go indoors.A.put down B.put away C.put off D.put up 110. Last night a quarrel between two brothers in our neighborhood.A.broke out B.broke up C.broke away D.broke in .111. I am selecting some short stories for your outside reading.A.thinking of B.thinking over C.

37、thinking out D.thinking hard 112. We would rather not Mary because she is not a trustworthy person.A.depend for B.rely in C.rely for D.rely on 113. She hasnt much acting ability, but uses the stage as a chance to A.show up B.show off C.show over D.show out 114. the fog, we should have reached Paris.

38、A.Because of B.In spite of C.In case of D.But for 115. You cant get to the museum by catching No.112 bus.A.other than B.more than C.better than D.rather than 116. The doctors mistakes in judgment the death of the patient.A.resulted from B.brought out C.broke off D.led to 117. Mr. Smith cant his wife

39、s death though she has been dead for a long time.A.get over B.get away with C.get away D.get off .118. When hair is burned, it a terrible smell.A.pushes off B.takes out C.keeps out D.gives off 119. The strong wind was the broken window.A.free from B.ready for C.sure of D.responsible for 120. Bob has

40、 recently tennis to provide himself with some relaxation.A.taken in B.taken up C.taken with D.taken out 121. Why dont you your bad habits?A.do with B.get rid of C.get off D.get along with 122. The idea seems good, but it needs to be A.given out B.tried out C.found out D.worked out 123. Weve our frie

41、ndship for a long time.A.kept on B.kept up C.kept out D.kept up with 5124. During the rush hour they were in the heavy traffic.A.held on B.held own C.held off D.held up 125. Hard work can often a lack of intelligence.A.make for B.make at C.make up for D.make out at 二、阅读理解 1. The lady lived in a firs

42、t class hotel that faced the park. Her driver called for her every morning at eleven. As he helped her into the car one Saturday morning, she noticed a man in rags (穿着破旧衣服) on a bench across the street looking attentively at the hotel with a dreamy expression on his face. He was there again the next

43、 morningthe next. It interested the lady. She told her driver to wait and crossed over to the man on the bench.“I simply have to know,” she said, “why you keep looking at the hotel that way every morning.”The man smiled.“Lady,” he said, “Im a penniless failure. I sleep on this bench when the police

44、dont drive me away, and I dream that some dayjust onceIm going to spend a night in that smart hotel across the way.”The lady, feeling very pleased with herself, said, “Tonight your dream is going to be true. Im going to pay for the best room in the house for you.”The following morning the woman told

45、 the man to come to her breakfast table and asked, “How did you sleep?”The man proved disappointing. “Good Heavens, why?” she asked, “Wasnt the bed soft and warm enough for you?” “It wasnt that,” he explained, “you see, down there I can dream Im in the hotel. Here the whole night through, I kept dre

46、aming I was back on the park bench.”(1) A good title for this passage is .A.Dont Break a Fond Dream B.A Rich Lady C.A Poor Mans Dream D.A Smart Hotel(2) The word “smart” in this passage means .A.high B.magnificent C.big D.comfortable (3) When the lady asked the man to her breakfast table, it was .A.Monday B.Wednesday C.Tuesday D.Saturday (4) The man would rather sleep on the bench than in the hotel because ,A.he didnt like the warm and soft bed B.he liked to sleep in the parkC.he wanted to have a good dream D.he couldnt pay for it(5) There was


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