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1、1百搭动词 get英语中 get 这个动词非常活跃,在许多句子中都会用到,而且有很多搭配,可谓“百搭”动词。现在让我们来看看一天之中你会多少次用到 get 这个动词。 You get on well with your colleagues, so they asked you to get together for a drink after work. But you got tired after a whole day of hard work, so you politely refused them. You drove home and had dinner with your

2、family. Your sister got you a good book, so you read it for a while before going to bed. 上面这几段话中,get 的搭配大致有以下几种情况: 1. get 后面接副词,如: get up 起床,站起来 get on 相处;进展。也常用 get on well with,表示“与相处融洽”之意。 例如:How do you get on with your new project?你的新项目进展如何? get together 聚集,聚会,聚一聚 例如:World leaders got together a

3、t Durban to talk about the problem of climate change. 世界各国领导人齐聚德班,商讨气候2变化这个问题。 2. get 后面接介词,如: get into 上(车) 。上汽车、火车等则用 get on。 get to 到达 get out of 下(车) 。也可以用 get off (the car/bus) 。 get down to 开始认真考虑,着手处理。注意这里的 to 是介词,后面接名词或动名词。 例如:I hope hed stop mucking about and get down to doing something mor

4、e meaningful. 我希望他不要再吊儿郎当,开始做点更有意义的事情。 3. get 后面接形容词 get 与形容词搭配使用,get 的意思是“变得,觉得” ,如 get angry,get tired 等,此处 tired 可以看作是过去分词形容词化了。 例如:Tom Sawyer got excited when he made the decision to play truant and be a pirate. 做出逃学去当海盗这个决定,汤姆?索亚颇感激动。 4. get 后面接动词的过去分词 get 与动词的过去分词搭配含有被动意思,如 get dressed, get st

5、uck,get caught 等。与 be 后面接动词过去分词构成的被动语态相比,get 的这一结构具有更强的动作性,而 be 结构则主要是表述一种状态。get 的这种用法以前多用于口语或非正式问题,但现在用得越来越多了。 例如:The window got broken last night. 这扇窗户昨晚被打破3了。 (表动作) The window was broken last night. 这扇窗户昨晚是破的。 (表状态) 5. 其他 1) get sb. sth. 表示“给某人弄到某物” 。 例如:On Thanksgiving Day, George got us a turke

6、y. 感恩节那天,乔治给我们弄来了一只火鸡。 2) have got to 的意思等于 have to,表示 “必须,不得不” 。 3) get sb. alone 的意思是“和某人单独谈谈” 。 4) get + 宾语 + 宾语补足语,如:get my breakfast ready,get my car started,此时 get 表示“使得” 。 下面我们来看看历年高考对 get 的相关知识点的考查。 【经典例析】 1. (2011 四川卷)To get a better grade, you should the notes again before the test. A. go

7、over B. get over C. turn over D. take over 【解析】选 A。句意为:为了取得好成绩,你应该在考试前再好好复习这些笔记。go over 复习,重温;get over 克服(困难) ;从(疾病、失望、震惊等)中恢复过来;turn over 翻身,翻转;把移交;take over 接管; 接替。 2. (2010 福建卷)Weve just moved into a bigger house and 4theres a lot to do. Lets it. A. keep up with B. do away with C. get down to D.

8、look forward to 【解析】选 C。句意为:我们刚搬到一座大房子,有很多事情要做。让我们开始着手做吧。 get down to 着手处理;keep up with 保持;do away with 废除,去掉; look forward to 盼望,期待。 3. (2010 四川卷)Jenny was looking for a seat when, luckily, a man and left A took up B got up C shut up D set up 【解析】选 B。句意为:简妮正在找一个座位,幸运的是,一个人正好站起来离开了。get up 起床,起立;take

9、 up 从事,占据(时间或空间) ;shut up 闭嘴;set up 建造,搭起。 4. (2010 浙江卷)After that, he knew he could any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability. A get away with B get on with C get through D get across 【解析】选 C。句意为:经过那件事之后,他明白了他能尽一切可能去顺利解决任何突发情况。get through 接通(电话),顺利通过,度过(困难时期等) ;get away with 侥

10、幸逃脱;get on with 与相处得好; get across 被理解,越过。 55. (2008 陕西卷) Its going to rain. Xiao Feng, will you please help me the clothes on the line? A. get off B. get back C. get in D. get on 【解析】选 C。句意为:要下雨了。小冯,可以帮我将绳子上的衣服收进来吗?get in 收集,收获;get in clothes 收衣服。get off 下车;get back 回来; get on 前进,进展。 6. (2008 四川卷) I

11、 used to quarrel a lot with my parents, but now we fine. A. look out B. stay up C. carry on D. get along 【解析】选 D。句意为:我以前经常和父母吵架,但现在相处得很好。get along well/fine/badly(with.) (跟)相处得好/不好;look out(for.)留神,小心() ;stay up 熬夜,挺住;carry on 继续,进行。 我们发现,高考对 get 的考查主要集中在 get 的相关词组上。经常考到的词组有:get over 克服(困难) ,从(疾病、失望

12、、震惊等)中恢复过来;get down to 着手处理;get up 起床,起立;get through 接通,顺利通过;度过(困难时期等) ;完成;get away with 侥幸逃脱;get on/along well with 与相处得好;get across 被理解,越过;get off 下车;脱下;出发等。 get 还有很多常用搭配,也是经常会用到,需要掌握的,如:get 6rid of 除去; get used to 习惯于; get into trouble 陷入困境;get around 传播,避开;get down 记下等。口语中我们还常用 get it 表示“了解,懂了,明

13、白了” ,用 got you 表示“骗到你了”之意。 练一练 选择所给词组并用其适当形式填空。 get on; get together; get through; get off 1. Dont _ the bus until it has stopped, or you may be hurt. 2. Shes friendly, so she _ well with all the classmates. 3. We often _ to discuss the books we were reading when we were in the same city. 4. When you _ with your work, well go out for a drink. Keys: 1. get off; 2. gets on; 3. got together; 4. get through.


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