Design And Implementation Of The Theater's Multiple Management System.doc

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1、1Design And Implementation Of The Theaters Multiple Management SystemAbstract. The paper introduces the design and realization of the Theater Management Information System Based on C/S Mode. This system is developed by VB and SQL. It can improve working efficiency of multimedia data management of Th

2、eater Technology. The system has good succession and transportability. Key words: Theater; C/S; VB; SQL; MIS (Management Information System) A modern Theater in normal operation is always in the face of a large number of consumers, the film information and both interact to produce pre-sale informati

3、on and refund information. In the face of tens of thousands of films, numerous and complicated employee information, and frequent replacement of advance information, the traditional method is not only extremely inconvenient and very easy to appear loophole, resulting in the loss. Therefore Theater c

4、omprehensive management informatization is the inevitable trend . It is is very necessary to have an intelligent and information Theater comprehensive management system, which can make full use of 2the computer to realize the function of the Theater,room,video information, screening program informat

5、ion, open booking information to bring about administrator information automation control.It just can reduce theater comprehensive management work greatly. Convenient friendly graphical interface, easy operation, perfect database management will make cinema management system maximum apply to modern

6、cinema comprehensive management, becoming a right-hand tool of management personnel. The cinema comprehensive management system is a typical managing information system (know as MIS) , which is business integrated service platform to realize set cinema, room management, film showing management, tick

7、et statistics and analysis, management, a comprehensive cinema management system and realize the diversification of cinema business management based on Client/Server structure. 1. Theaters Multiple Management System 1.1 Demand analysis Theaters Multiple Management System is an essential part,which i

8、ts content for cinema managers and consumers is very important,.It relates directly to the film viewing rate.Therefore, the development of Theaters Multiple 3management system can provide enough information and the quick inquiry method for the administrators and the consumer. So in particular this s

9、ystem needs to realize the following requirements: (1) the user information management. (2) the theater, room , movies, screening program management and advance tickets, refund processing. (3) various kinds of management objectives :theater information retrieval and query, data statistics analysis a

10、nd output etc, with perfect information processing function system. (4) the whole system level is clear and the function division is well organized. User interface is plain and simple to operate, easy to management and use for system operation personnel. 1.2 data process requirements Data flow diagr

11、am (DFD) is the main tool of structured system analysis,which can graphically show system data use, express data logic flow and logic functions and transformation in the system internal. In data flow graph there is not any specific physical elements and it just describes information flow and process

12、ed situation in software. Because the data flow diagram is graphic representation of system logic function, 4not professional computer technician is also easy to understand it. Its an excellent communication tool between analyst and user. In addition, we only consider system which must complete the

13、basic logic function, completely do not need to consider how to concretely realize these functions in the design of data flow graph. 2. Theaters Multiple Management System design At present the popular management system structure is C/S and B/S. Through analysis and comparison,combining its business

14、 characteristics of theaters multiple management system, this system uses C/S structure to achieve and uses the Visual Basic 6.0 as the front of the development software of database management information system, middle layer using ADO data access technology which database operation will be in the f

15、orm of class package and SQL Server 2000 is as background development tool. This is development combination of classic database management information system. 2.1 function structure design (1) system Settings module System Settings module includes user information, system cancellation and system exi

16、t. This module manages the user of using this system software, set user name , password and 5access, thus effectively ensuring the security of the system. System in the start or login time will call login interface, it is used to verify the legitimacy of the user. (2) foundation information setting

17、module Basic information setting module mainly includes setting management of the theater and vedio hall, the films management, showing planning. The theater and vedio hall Settings management module are used for processing all kinds of relevant information concerning theater and vedio hall. The fil

18、m planning module lays out each film for each vedio hall . It is the foundation and the premise of the theaters multiple management mystem design and implementation. (3) the daily business processing module The daily business processing module is the core of the system, including booking and refund

19、management,which mainly is used for ticket reservation , sale and refund. (4) information query and statistics module Information query and statistics is based on daily business processing module, mainly used to films query , film ticket query and the statistics of a week at the box office. It inclu

20、des ticketing inquiries, refund inquiries, film inquiries, film screening plan inquiries, the box office and 6sales statistics, etc. (5)help It mainly includes about, the help topic. According to the above system function analysis, the system structure diagram is shown in figure 2: 2.2 Database desi

21、gn Database structure design is very important link in the overall design stage. The general database design is divided into logical design and physical design of database. The logic of the database design is to transform relationship meetting the third paradigm for the data sheet of a specific data

22、base management system. According to the systems E-R chart,we get each relationship. Firstly we put them into relation model. Based on logical design we transform entity into the following relation table: theater, room, seats, movie (film Numbers, the movie name, class Numbers, issuing unit, issue t

23、ime, copy number, unit price) , the film category, screening, departments, management personnel, ticket reservation customer information, box office statistical and the user information. After the completion of the logic design of database, then we carry out physical design of database. Based on the

24、 above 7database logic design, this system database decides to use more popular Microsoft SQL Sever at present, which have absolute advantages in safety, accuracy, speed, process large amount of data and have high efficiency. The system decides to use a database, under which create six data tables:

25、Theater, Room, Seat, FilmType, Film, Play, Department, Employee, Ticket, OrderTicket, Booking, Users . 2.3 Engineering framework design System adopts more popular ADO data access technology at present, and packages each database table field and operating to the class, thus successfully applys the th

26、ought of object-oriented program design to the database application programming. This is also the system characteristics and advantages. In the project, we need to create class module for table,which packaging all the database operation in the class of this table. Normally, the class member variable

27、s and field name of the corresponding to the table are same. 2.3.1 Film class Film class is used to management Film database operation, which is saved for Film.cls. (1)The code numbers of Insert function are as follows: 8Public Sub Insert() SqlStmt = “INSERT INTO Film (FilmID, FilmName, TypeID,DanWe

28、i,StartDate,“ _ + “ Copy) Values(“ + Trim(FilmID) + “, “ + Trim(FilmName) + “, “ _ + Trim(Str(TypeID) ) + “, “ + Trim(DanWei) + “, “ _ + Trim(StartDate) + “,“ + Trim(Copy) + “,“ + Trim(Price) + “)“ SQLExt (SqlStmt) (2)The code numbers of Update function are as follows: Public Sub Update(ByVal OriId

29、As String) SqlStmt = “Update Film Set FilmID=“ + Trim(FilmID) _ + “, FilmName=“ + Trim(FilmName) + “,TypeID=“ + Trim(Str(TypeID) ) + “,DanWei=“ + Trim(DanWei) + “,StartDate=“ _ + Trim(StartDate) + “,Copy=“ + Trim(Copy) + “,Price=“ + Trim(Price) + _ “ WHERE FilmID=“ + Trim(Str(OriId) ) + “ SQLExt (Sq

30、lStmt) End Sub 2.3.2 Seat class 9Seat class is used to management Seat database operation,which is saved for Seat. cls. Update Status function code is as follows: batch update seat state, according to the Numbers Public Sub UpdateStatus(ByVal OrderID As Integer) SqlStmt = “Update Seat Set Status=“ +

31、 Trim(Status) _ + “ WHERE SeatID IN (SELECT SeatID FROM OrderTicket WHERE OrderID=“ _ + Trim(OrderID) + “)“ execute SQL statement SQLExt (SqlStmt) End Sub 2.4 System running environment design Theater multiple management system architecture uses two layer client/server mode, namely the client and da

32、tabase server section. The client provides user operation interface, receives various operating information of user input, and sends all commands or data request to the database server, receives the data result after executing the commands.According to the business logic it does related operation, d

33、isplays the corresponding information to customers. The database server receives client data or command request, and implements 10corresponding command to get the corresponding data set, then processes the data set, and sets the data set or processed data back to the client. Figure 3 Therter multipl

34、e management system structure diagram 2.5 System test After the system design,we must carry on the system test to determine the system can realize a series of normal functions. The system adopts the BLACK BOX testing method, that is, no matter how the test parts realize, a test method only for the p

35、art of the input/output results. In the test, according to each module of the corresponding information,we input test data, run the program and check output results and the state of the system. 3. Concluding remarks Through requirements analysis of current Theaters Multiple Management System, we design a comprehensive management system for the small theater, which fully considers the theater daily business characteristics and is a certain practical database information management system. It improves the work efficiency of theater managers, saving time, manpower and material resources.


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