Physical Education Reform In Tibet Under The Sunshine Sports.doc

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1、1Physical Education Reform In Tibet Under The Sunshine SportsAbstract. In order to meet the countries of the “sunshine sports“, for the characteristics of the Tibet Autonomous Region, Tibet Autonomous Region belongs to the seven institutions of higher education “sunshine sports“ were carried out inv

2、estigation and study, a detailed analysis of the findings presented College of Physical Education for Tibetan model. Through educational reform can be effective in attracting students to the sport in the sunshine to develop their participation in physical activity initiative, to develop good habits

3、of life-long physical activity, in order to achieve the ultimate goal of sports sun. Key words: sun sports, national sports, Tibet, universities, teaching. Introduction To effectively improve the physical health of young people, April 29, 2007, “hundreds of millions of young students sunshine sports

4、“ in Beijings Chaoyang Park started 1. Sunlight to carry out sports, young students will be extra-2curricular sports activities into the education program, forming a system of closely linked with the school sports, extra-curricular physical activity for students to provide policy support and time gu

5、arantee. The university shoulder training “qualified builders and reliable successors of socialism,“ the historic mission, the majority of young students of talent plays a vital role. After several years of practice, the majority of college sports have been rapid change and greater overall improveme

6、nt of physical education teachers has been strengthened, physical education is guaranteed, increased funding for sports, sports colorful. However, sports in the country to carry out the sun, while still a considerable number of schools, especially in light of some schools in remote areas to carry ou

7、t and implement sport is very unsatisfactory, especially as the relative backwardness of Tibet, the sun has been very sports development major constraints. As the years of college physical education development and accumulation, has formed a development of sports for college curriculum model, the fo

8、rm of rigorous physical education, teachers dominant position is strong, physical education through deepening the reform of the sun to guide students to actively participate in sports, 3students lifelong awareness and interest, so that each student can participate in. This is to achieve “Health“ an

9、important way. Liu Wei, who through the Analysis of Physical Education said: Sunshine Sports is a continuation of physical education is an important part of school sports. Physical Education is to promote sports and important position in the sun. Universities in the physical education content, to se

10、lect and enrich the course content, innovation, timely introduction of fashion sports content, broaden students knowledge, training college students interested in physical exercise and hobbies in order to effectively promote the formation of the majority of college students conscious sports exercise

11、, good atmosphere, effectively promote the college physical education further deepening of reform 2; Wang Mingli, who said: the sun sports fitness model-driven college sports the new curriculum, is bound to innovative forms of activities and people-oriented activity content bring the whole campus sp

12、orts to flourish, to help college students physical health continues to improve 3; Sun on a boat that: college sports should in practice continue to accumulate experience, to strengthen all aspects of improving and enhancing, can we really sun sport down into 4practice, an overall improvement in the

13、 physical health of college students 4. Because the current college enrollment soars, subject to site equipment and the impact of the number of teachers, the teacher can not wholeheartedly participate in extra-curricular physical activity guidance, leading to frustration on the students did not want

14、 to exercise venues and the teachers guidance, thus abandoning the independent exercise the opportunity. Especially located in remote areas of Tibet, this problem has become more prominent, to literature teaching reform of college sports made many suggestions and methods, but how to Tibet and other

15、remote areas of college physical education reform, there is little to report , In this paper, the characteristics of Tibet University, the reform of physical education were also discussed. Subjects This study targeted for the Tibet Autonomous Region belongs to the seven institutions of higher educat

16、ion “sunshine sports“ to carry out the situation. Research Methods The Documents And Materials Through libraries, CNKI, Chinas outstanding masters, doctoral dissertations, and other full-text database access to 5relevant literature; Department of Education in Tibet, physical health and other relevan

17、t government departments at the inspection, a document collection policies and regulations; system study “Introduction to physical research,“ and other sports, social research data, a comprehensive understanding of Chinas current “sunshine sports“ dynamic and cutting-edge research status, combined w

18、ith the universitys physical education and extra-curricular sports activities of the law, a comprehensive analysis, oriented topics and provide a theoretical basis. 5. Survey Interviews The way to visit Tibet and telephone Department of Education, at the body guard, experts, representatives of teach

19、ers and students, consult the relevant issues. Field visits to Tibet, seven representative colleges and universities, colleges and universities to understand the Tibet Autonomous Region “sunshine sports“ to carry out the situation and development direction of the interview should be prepared to outl

20、ine the content to ensure the interview results. Questionnaires Design And Basic Content Of The Questionnaire According to sociological questionnaire design requirements, 6combined with the content and purpose of the research, design teachers (including experts and Government officials), the student

21、s two kinds of questionnaires. Questionnaire used open-ended questions and closed questions combination. Colleges and universities were specifically responsible for the “sunshine sports“ organization and implementation of the teachers and students to design two sets of questionnaires. Questionnaire

22、Distribution And Recovery Extraction of Tibet University, Tibet Ethnic Institute, Tibet University, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry College, Tibet, Tibetan Medicine, Tibetan Vocational and Technical College, Teachers College in Lhasa, Tibets Police Academy and other institutions of higher learning

23、the Tibet Autonomous Region 7. Each university student questionnaires issued 200 (100 boys and girls each), 15 physical education teachers questionnaire, taking into account the actual situation of a number of colleges and universities, including part-time teacher questionnaire physical education te

24、achers, proportional control within 10% of the final results less affected. The questionnaire mainly through the university physical education teachers and volunteers for distribution and recovery, the specific results shown in Table 1, Table 2. 7The Results And Analysis Tibet is Chinas least popula

25、ted, least dense of the provinces. Tibetan ethnic minorities accounted for 50%, due to vast Tibet, by the customs, religion and culture, or on students in terms of physical understanding for the sport there is a big difference, the actual situation for the existing, need to develop targeted physical

26、 education model, specifically: Placement Teaching Boys And Girls Our first class from the school on the reform school for boys and girls for placement. As the boys and girls both in the physical condition or interests there is a great difference, so the enthusiasm of their students poor, teaching e

27、ffectiveness is not very obvious. Placement classes for men and women after the reform. From the survey results can be seen by the physical education teachers according to their specialty sports instruction for students in the development of physical fitness at the same time can access a number of s

28、ports, so that the students have the opportunity not only to learn that his past had any contact sport For a number of sports to understand, to increase student interest and mobilize the enthusiasm of the class, but also for students to enter the sophomore class 8public sports options to lay the fou

29、ndation. Placement of men and women as a result of teaching students to effectively overcome the physiological status and interests of different effects caused by poor teaching conditions, placement of men and women teaching their students a better enthusiasm, significantly improved classroom atmosp

30、here, teachers can organize the students interests and hobbies arrangement of teaching content. Physical Education Teachers Of Special Advantage Of The Rational Use Of In physical education teachers are the students learning process designers, instructors, and regulators, but also services students,

31、 teachers and level of ability to directly affect the effectiveness of teaching. In Tibet, the existing physical education teachers in colleges and universities, almost half of the nations teachers are teachers, so teachers teach the schools in the nations traditional sports, they can be in schools

32、for some of the national sport but also to the extent of the students favorite be carried out, it will not only enrich the teaching content, improve their students enthusiasm for ethnic minorities is also a promotion of traditional sports, to enhance inter-ethnic unity and communication. 9Traditiona

33、l Sports Involved In Physical Education Traditional Physical Education Physical intervention is feasible. The reason is feasible because all the traditional national sport fitness and recreational in nature, that human and natural harmony with the group, focusing on improving character, the developm

34、ent of physical and mental health, therefore, traditional ethnic sports as a useful physical education in schools added, for the development of school physical education and the promotion of healthy growth is very important. Through participation and learning both the traditional national sport of p

35、hysical exercise to achieve the purpose of letting the students participate in sports at the same time, to understand the characteristics of the various nationalities and profound traditional culture, so that students in the schools physical education, in the exercise at the same time get a good qua

36、lity education, which is our national tradition of sports into physical education in our schools play an active role and play an important value and function. Appraisal Method Can be seen in the survey, mainly from the evaluation of students with class teachers, evaluation of the contents of the 10m

37、ain attendance, physical fitness, and technology and so on. As the only one with class teachers to evaluate students, there will inevitably be individual judges bias, and not a comprehensive evaluation of a student. Through the reform of teaching methods, taught by a number of physical education tea

38、chers, comprehensive evaluation of multiple projects, each teacher based on the content of this unit class is given the specific circumstances of scores in the evaluation of the content increases the students attitude and evaluation of student progress rate. This would effectively prevent large diff

39、erences in student achievement adverse phenomenon, reflecting a fair assessment of student achievement and scientific. The results can be found through the questionnaire, after the reform, a better evaluation of students accounted for a substantial increase in the proportion, and the students that t

40、he appraisal of the scientific method and fairness of enthusiasm for the improvement of their learning has played a significant role, through the efforts of students as long as can be more fair evaluation, so as to effectively overcome the previous focus only on students motor skills to the neglect of students learning attitude and academic progress rate and other important evaluation. This description of the reform


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