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1、1语料库数据驱动的英语语言意识建构摘 要 语料库用于辅助英语词汇、语法、篇章等教学的讨论很多,但语料库用于建构英语语言意识的讨论甚少。语言意识的培养在英语教学中的重要性和必要性已被越来越多的学者认可和推崇。通过语料库数据驱动的教学途径能够提高学生对英语使用特征的有意注意,从而建构学生的英语语言意识,改善大学英语教学。 关键词 语料库;语言意识;建构 中图分类号 H319.3 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1671-6639(2013)02-0061-05 一、引言 语言意识(language awareness)运动于 20 世纪 70 年代缘起于英国。语言意识之父 Hawkins 于 1973

2、年在曼彻斯特会议上提出了外语学习和语言意识的接口问题。当时语言意识的提出,旨在解决英国学校母语和外语教育中的诸多问题,如:英语母语文盲、学不会外语等。1982 年,英国国家语言教育委员会对语言意识作出定义,即:语言意识是人们对于语言本质以及语言在人类生活中所起作用的敏感性和自觉意识,并设定了认识、情感、社会三个宽泛的参数来开发这一语言敏感性和自觉意识。语言教育界对语言意识在母语或外语教育中的作用进行了广泛而深入的研究。在针对英语母语习得的研究中,语言意识研究集中于学生对母语的直觉以及如何将这种隐性知识表达为显性知识。在针对外语习得2的研究中,语言意识研究集中于如何使学生对母语直觉有明确的显性意

3、识,并以此增加和强化他们对外语的显性知识。这就需要学生对母语和外语进行对比分析,感受并意识到母语和外语的异同。 语言意识的培养在英语教学中的重要性和必要性已被越来越多的学者认可和推崇。语料库语言学作为一门有潜力的新兴学科,运用最广泛且研究相对比较深的领域就是英语教学。本文对如何通过语料库数据驱动的教学途径提高学生对英语使用特征的有意注意,从而建构学生的英语语言意识进行了探索,以期改善大学英语教学。 二、理据 语言意识是一种内在的、逐渐获得的对语言用法的认识,它不是教师或课本传授的,而是由学生自己逐渐建立的。语言意识建构的关键在于对语言使用特征的洞察能力,即:学生有意识地注意语言使用的特征,试图

4、发现和总结语言使用的规律,意识到自身中介语和目的语用法的差异,最终发现目的语是如何用来表意的。对语言的洞察先于对语言的理解,洞察是将输入转为内化的必要先决条件。学生对某项语言使用特征的洞察,有利于在语言输入中凸显该特征,并为学生习得该特征奠定心理基础。洞察语言越深入,学习语言越高效。在诸多有关语料库数据驱动的教学研究中,如:Allan、Aston、Gabrielatos、Johns、Johns、Yoon 等,都曾提及该类教学对提高语言洞察能力的重要作用。本文所探索的语料库数据驱动的教学旨在促使学生自由探索并发现语言,其理据在于语料库所供语料的真实性、聚焦性和学习过程的探索性。 3第一,语料的真

5、实性。语料库中存放的是在语言的实际使用中真实出现过的语言材料。语料库可提供大量真实的语言实例,营造真实的语言学习环境。教师不再仅依赖于内省、直觉,课堂用例、练习设计等都可基于真实的语例,更加客观。况且英语教师本身就是第二语言学习者,其语感并不十分可靠。我们就表 1 中的词项对部分英语教师进行了非正式的小调查,即:由教师根据自身的语感判断表 1 中单词的语义韵倾向。测试结果显示:对语义韵倾向判别的正确率仅为 70%左右。 表 1 消极韵和积极韵例词 第二,语料的聚焦性。语料库索引行将关键词用于各类语境的用法汇聚起来,使得语言特征更加凸显。Hunston 指出:“通过语料库可以使得各类文本的信息聚

6、焦并变得明晰,而通常情况下,仅仅观察一两个文本是不能发现这种信息的。 ”1Sinclair 也指出:“同时集中观察大量语言,语言看起来会大不相同。 ”2KWIC(keyword-in-context,关键词索引)把关键词放在语料库索引行的中间,凸显关键词的使用特征,是获取词频、词法、句法、语用规则、词或短语典型用法等信息的有效途径。从横向查看一组索引行,可以揭示关键词与其它词之间的句法关系;从纵向查看一组索引行,可以揭示关键词的意义、语用等信息。如:“From that moment, in spite of efforts to open the door, the fate of the

7、passengers and crew was sealed.”其中的 fate 和sealed 之间间隔长达六个单词, “fatesealed”这一搭配极易被遗漏。下列索引行可用于引导学生关注该搭配的特点。 Had he sealed his fate the day he had opened the missive 4from Baron The opposition that sealed its fate came from conservative southern Democrats But now youve sealed their fate And so my fate w

8、as sealed. For the past thirty-some years Ive been writing crime fiction the forces that have sealed their fate are so strong and immutable The next two minutes sealed the fate of the bomber even though his fate is sealed, the fights not over with yet 第三,学习过程的探索性。即以学生为中心,引导学生互助合作,最大程度上实现学生之间、师生之间的互助

9、合作,倡导自下而上的归纳式学习,探索、发掘语言规律,培养学生自主学习的能力。Hawkins 指出:“鼓励学生询问有关语言现象的问题,倡导学生课后搜集语言实例,促使学生洞察语言是如何表意的。 ”3特别是针对于中介语中的偏误,教师不必直接给出正确答案,而是提供相关索引行,由学生自己探索正确用法。如:针对“computer games, child can learn some knowledge with great interesting”1中的不地道搭配“learn knowledge”,我们从本族语语料库中抽取以下索引行呈现给学生,由学生总结出:表达“学习知识”时,与 knowledge 搭

10、配的常见动词有acquire、gain、develop、build 等。 formal education appear 5to acquire more political knowledge than those leaving children are able to acquire partial knowledge of a word with few encounter The DAICE required children to gain knowledge of unknown words taking advantage of them not only gain pract

11、ical knowledge and skills Through education abroad, students can develop the knowledge and skills needed shall have and continue to develop specialized knowledge and I research how young people learn and build new knowledge from information reading about technologies so that I can build even deeper

12、knowledge 由上可见,基于语料库的学习,不仅有助于学生洞察词汇、结构、词汇-语法、语篇、语音、词形等语言使用的规律,而且有助于培养学生归纳和演绎语言知识的能力,建构其语言意识。 三、方法 在语料库语言学、认知语言学等相关理论的指导下,结合为期一学年教学实验的经验教训,笔者设计了以下英语语言意识建构的教学程序:(1)体验,旨在促使学生积极参与英语学习并产出自己对英语使用特征6的心理解释;(2)分析,学生高度注意学习材料的某一或某些特征,学生之间互相合作发现特征、总结规律;(3)质疑,对中介语中所存在的某些司空见惯的现象提出挑战,并在本族语语料库中进行查证;(4)练习,加深学生对英语用法的

13、理解,培养学生运用英语的灵活性,提高记忆实效。 (一)体验 教师可以选择某个学生较为熟悉的词或表达方式,如:索引行 1 至4 显示的是 angry 的常见搭配。这些索引行没有难词、生僻词,且每行都是个完整的句子或从句。 1. At first I thought her parents were angry with her 2. But you get so angry with me! 3.how can you be angry with the man you love 4.lan gets angry with the television sometimes 教师可参照下述步骤激发

14、学生参与英语学习的兴趣。首先,让学生归纳索引行 1 至 4 中 angry with 这一搭配,再引导学生分析索引行 5 至16 中划线词的用法及其与 angry with 的相似之处。第二,启发学生再列举一些与此有相似用法的形容词。教师也可列出一些形容词,让学生判断是否与此有类似用法。学生根据自己的语感做出判断之后,再在语料库或词典中查证。第三,要求学生划下索引行 1 至 16 中划线词前的动词(如 BE/GET/BECOME 等)并总结这些动词的特点。 5.Im more annoyed with myself you know 6.I was annoyed with him. 77.I

15、 knew my father would be annoyed with me. 8.But Americans also are annoyed with George Bush 9.He says hes never been bored with the job 10.I got a bit bored with popular music 11.I get bored with cooking 12.Shes highly intelligent and gets bored with television 13.I was clearly becoming rather impat

16、ient with rejections. 14.Charlie could be impatient with others. 15.There are countless times when I get impatient with my husband, Ken 16.increasingly impatient with the slow pace of change 第四,扩展上述索引行,展现更宽广的语境,引导学生发掘更长的短语,如:索引行 17 中的介词短语用来表达 anger 的原因。最终学生通过上述探索式学习,归纳出“be angry with someone for som

17、ething/ be angry with someone for (not) doing something”这一短语。 17.Was he not even angry with his mother for not explaining things 18. I did not feel angry with him for what he has done. 19.I feel angry with her for not standing up to him. 20.looked at him as if she were annoyed with him for letting i

18、t happen. (二)分析 8教师引导学生通过分析索引行来辨析与归纳关键词的意义、典型搭配、语法结构、语用规则等,然后再根据从索引行中归纳的知识,试着产出更多的句子。如: Group 1 reconceptualizing the identification of learning disabilities. accomplished through identification of appropriate evidence-based this study lies in our identification of parental and peer support state is

19、 based on the identification of a subject population with a believe that the popular identification of the country with that of was created through the identification of a set of ICD-9-CM codes hanghai has entailed the identification of “creative districts” and promoting the early identification of

20、sickle cell anemia and criteria necessary for identification of salient loadings of items 9The use of DNA in the identification of species has had rather Group2 can nevertheless still be identified as a distinctive and possibly he idea that time can be identified with any form of motion or cha as a

21、whole; the facts are identified by the principles that result hundred years or so. It is identified by a series of political causes e skin infections have been identified in volleyball, football, A later Muslim tradition identified the Rock as the point from whi rs later these factors were identifie

22、d as bits of chromosome, and a in the life cycle could be identified,each of which might respond to clusion This research has identified education, knowledge ch attitudes can usually be identified by carefully analyzing the 10下述练习可用于引导学生分析、归纳关键词的用法。 1) Which of the following statements do you think

23、are true? To identify involves naming To identify involves describing To identify involves deciding what something is To identify involves recognizing To identify involves criticizing 2) Which preposition most frequently follows the word IDENTIFICATION? 3) Look at the 2nd group of concordances with

24、the key word IDENTIFIED. Notice that many of these use part of the verb TO BE ( is/are/was/were/been/be). Circle the concepts/ objects identified in these concordances and write them down. e.g. the facts(is/are) identified 4) Look at the 2nd group of concordances which do not use part of the verb TO BE. Circle the objects identified. Who or what are the identifiers in these concordances? What are the concepts or objects they identify? e.g. this research identified education (三)质疑 学生的中介语中常常存在一些不地道的用法,如:在学生的英语作


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