1、living standards, poor farmers in less than complete elimination of 4600 Yuan, 8949, 19008. “Five waters rule“: the County invested 2.169 billion yuan, similar counties line the citys first complete the 42 km of sewage pipe network construction, completion rate ranked first in the city, won the prov
2、incial rural sewage treatment work better; key pollution sources such as electroplating, papermaking, chemical industry management through verification and acceptance of the municipal government, the County removed Black and odorous River, River waste, beginning of river ecological restoration effec
3、ts. “Three modified a split“ aspects: County total demolition illegal area up 2.759 million square meters, completed City issued annual task of 153%, split against area ranking city second; completed “three modified“ area 4.846 million square meters, completed City issued annual task of 403%, rankin
4、g city third, which village in the a target completed total city ranking first; County Government was named city level “three modified a split“ work advanced. These achievements are hard won and should be appreciated. However, we are fully aware, the new period, and work in the countryside and the e
5、nvironment facing higher standards and requirements, provincial party Committee offered to high level build a comprehensive well-off society goal requires “no filth, dirty environment illegal buildings, into a well-off“; municipal party Committee also proposes to build into the well-off benchmark go
6、als of the city. Compared with the superior claim, “South Gate of XX beautiful“ goal, my County “San Nong“ and environment there are a number of weaknesses and gaps, highlighted in the following five aspects: first, agriculture remained “low“ pattern. “Low“ is reflected in the quality and low; short
7、, value added of the industry chain is low; 123 fusion yield low employee age, low quality. “Small“ is reflected in smaller, specialized cooperatives throughout the County there were 3,396, but on the scale of too little. “San“ is reflected in production, management, services, decentralized, central
8、ized, standardized, brand, information and organizational level is not high. Second, the countryside is still in “dirty“ phase. “Dirty“ is dirty of rural sanitation situation has not changed. “Chaos“ is a village in rural housing construction planning, construction of disorder, no drawings, no const
9、ruction, no vetting “four no“ phenomenon, heap lying there. “Bad“ is the weak rural base, village governance is poor. Thirdly, farmers continued to be “persistent“ look. “Old“ is aging, rural labor force accounted for 70% over the age of 50. “Big“ is that the reform measures ground resistance, such
10、as the transactions of property rights, land replacement; public service supply gap, rural education, health care, pensions and other services can not meet the demand still difficult for poverty alleviation, with emphasis on poverty alleviation and 191. “Hard“ is a “peasants, peasants. Four water ef
11、fects still lackscompelling.“ Although the “five water treatment“ a lot, work very hard, but the flood of scientific enough, before the treatment and water quality improvement after the treatment effect is not obvious, county-wide focus on river still largely inferior five water, swimming the River
12、could not be found. Five is “three to split“ task still lies ahead. Notice of stock there, new construction did not receive timely treatment every year (such as ancestral hall as unauthorised repeated), contrary to the created work is very different from the provincial and municipal standards. Meanw
13、hile, when implementation is not in place, generally only focus on illegal construction demolished, failing that split that is clear, combined demolition, insufficient attention to reconstruction of old residential areas, urban villages, shanty towns and promote poor. To solve these problems, we mus
14、t enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency, insist on problem-oriented, to take strong measures, efforts to make up the “three agriculture“ and “five water treatment“, “three to split a“ short Board, construction of comprehensive safeguards, “South Gate of XX beautiful“ goal of realizing. II,
15、 and precision Shi policy, and manpower playing good “three agricultural“ work protracted “three agricultural“ work is do economic social development the work of based, county levels the sector to according to “based agricultural, and and manpower rural, and development farmers“ of requirements, ins
16、isted agricultural rural based status not shake, insisted huinong kulak policy not weakened, insisted reform innovation test not stop, efforts created new era “three agricultural“ work new situation. (A) to make agriculture more. To establish the concept of agriculture around the people demand, and
17、comprehensively promote the supply side of agriculture structural reform, strive to enhance the quality and efficiency of agriculture and competitiveness. Focus is on doing the four articles. One is the steady increase of grain article. Always tighten the string for food security, “rice bag“ catch i
18、n hand, to hold land in the adjustment of agricultural planting structure in the “red line.“ Accelerating the construction of grain ribbons, improving agricultural infrastructure, enhance food production capacity, improve the quality of agricultural products, effectively “steady increase of grain“ a
19、nd maintain “tongue.“ Second, industry convergence article. Enhance the level of concentration, intensification of agriculture, creating production, processing, distribution, sales and service in one of the agricultural industrial chain, to break down the value chain, improve added value. Pushing fo
20、rward “the Internet + agricultural“ model to improve agricultural production, management, and service level, innovating the mode of e-commerce marketing of agricultural products, solve the difficult problem of sales of agricultural products. Agriculture and tourism, education, culture, health, pensi
21、on and other deep integration, develop leisure, travel附件二:青岛市建筑业法律及文明知识竞赛试题(满分 100 分)1、中华人民共和国建筑法于( )正式实施。A、1997 年 4 月 1 日 B、1998 年 3 月 1 日 C、1999 年 10 月 1 日2、建筑工程开工前,建设单位应当按照国家有关规定向工程所在地( )以上人民政府建设行政主管部门申请领取施工许可证。A、省级 B、市级 C、县级 3、建设单位应当自领取施工许可证之日起( )月内开工。A、二个 B、三个 C、四个4、中止施工满( )的工程恢复施工前,建设单位应当报发证机关
22、核验施工许可证。A、一年 B、二年 C、三年 5、从事建筑活动的建筑施工企业、勘察 单位、设计单 位和工程监理单位,经资质审查合格,取得相应等级的资质证书后,方可在( )的范围内从事建筑活动。A、其施工能力 B、其资质等级许可 C、合同允许6、建筑工程发包与承包的招标投标活动, 应当遵循( )的原则, 择优选择承包单位。A、公开、公正、平等竞争 B、公开、公平、公正 C、公开、公平、诚信7、开标应当在( )的时间、地点公开 进行。开标后应当按照招标文件规定的评标标准和程序对标书进行评价、比较,在具 备相应资质条件的投标者中, 择优选定living standards, poor farmers
23、 in less than complete elimination of 4600 Yuan, 8949, 19008. “Five waters rule“: the County invested 2.169 billion yuan, similar counties line the citys first complete the 42 km of sewage pipe network construction, completion rate ranked first in the city, won the provincial rural sewage treatment
24、work better; key pollution sources such as electroplating, papermaking, chemical industry management through verification and acceptance of the municipal government, the County removed Black and odorous River, River waste, beginning of river ecological restoration effects. “Three modified a split“ a
25、spects: County total demolition illegal area up 2.759 million square meters, completed City issued annual task of 153%, split against area ranking city second; completed “three modified“ area 4.846 million square meters, completed City issued annual task of 403%, ranking city third, which village in
26、 the a target completed total city ranking first; County Government was named city level “three modified a split“ work advanced. These achievements are hard won and should be appreciated. However, we are fully aware, the new period, and work in the countryside and the environment facing higher stand
27、ards and requirements, provincial party Committee offered to high level build a comprehensive well-off society goal requires “no filth, dirty environment illegal buildings, into a well-off“; municipal party Committee also proposes to build into the well-off benchmark goals of the city. Compared with
28、 the superior claim, “South Gate of XX beautiful“ goal, my County “San Nong“ and environment there are a number of weaknesses and gaps, highlighted in the following five aspects: first, agriculture remained “low“ pattern. “Low“ is reflected in the quality and low; short, value added of the industry
29、chain is low; 123 fusion yield low employee age, low quality. “Small“ is reflected in smaller, specialized cooperatives throughout the County there were 3,396, but on the scale of too little. “San“ is reflected in production, management, services, decentralized, centralized, standardized, brand, inf
30、ormation and organizational level is not high. Second, the countryside is still in “dirty“ phase. “Dirty“ is dirty of rural sanitation situation has not changed. “Chaos“ is a village in rural housing construction planning, construction of disorder, no drawings, no construction, no vetting “four no“
31、phenomenon, heap lying there. “Bad“ is the weak rural base, village governance is poor. Thirdly, farmers continued to be “persistent“ look. “Old“ is aging, rural labor force accounted for 70% over the age of 50. “Big“ is that the reform measures ground resistance, such as the transactions of propert
32、y rights, land replacement; public service supply gap, rural education, health care, pensions and other services can not meet the demand still difficult for poverty alleviation, with emphasis on poverty alleviation and 191. “Hard“ is a “peasants, peasants. Four water effects still lackscompelling.“
33、Although the “five water treatment“ a lot, work very hard, but the flood of scientific enough, before the treatment and water quality improvement after the treatment effect is not obvious, county-wide focus on river still largely inferior five water, swimming the River could not be found. Five is “t
34、hree to split“ task still lies ahead. Notice of stock there, new construction did not receive timely treatment every year (such as ancestral hall as unauthorised repeated), contrary to the created work is very different from the provincial and municipal standards. Meanwhile, when implementation is n
35、ot in place, generally only focus on illegal construction demolished, failing that split that is clear, combined demolition, insufficient attention to reconstruction of old residential areas, urban villages, shanty towns and promote poor. To solve these problems, we must enhance the sense of respons
36、ibility and urgency, insist on problem-oriented, to take strong measures, efforts to make up the “three agriculture“ and “five water treatment“, “three to split a“ short Board, construction of comprehensive safeguards, “South Gate of XX beautiful“ goal of realizing. II, and precision Shi policy, and
37、 manpower playing good “three agricultural“ work protracted “three agricultural“ work is do economic social development the work of based, county levels the sector to according to “based agricultural, and and manpower rural, and development farmers“ of requirements, insisted agricultural rural based
38、 status not shake, insisted huinong kulak policy not weakened, insisted reform innovation test not stop, efforts created new era “three agricultural“ work new situation. (A) to make agriculture more. To establish the concept of agriculture around the people demand, and comprehensively promote the su
39、pply side of agriculture structural reform, strive to enhance the quality and efficiency of agriculture and competitiveness. Focus is on doing the four articles. One is the steady increase of grain article. Always tighten the string for food security, “rice bag“ catch in hand, to hold land in the ad
40、justment of agricultural planting structure in the “red line.“ Accelerating the construction of grain ribbons, improving agricultural infrastructure, enhance food production capacity, improve the quality of agricultural products, effectively “steady increase of grain“ and maintain “tongue.“ Second,
41、industry convergence article. Enhance the level of concentration, intensification of agriculture, creating production, processing, distribution, sales and service in one of the agricultural industrial chain, to break down the value chain, improve added value. Pushing forward “the Internet + agricult
42、ural“ model to improve agricultural production, management, and service level, innovating the mode of e-commerce marketing of agricultural products, solve the difficult problem of sales of agricultural products. Agriculture and tourism, education, culture, health, pension and other deep integration,
43、 develop leisure, travel2中标者。 A、政府 规定 B、招标文件规定 C、各方协商确认8、建筑工程实行招标发包的,发包单位应当将建筑工程发包给( )的承包单位。 A、标价最低 B、技术实力最高 C、依法中标9、某建设单位将工程的勘察设计和施工分别发包给两个建筑企业,这符合建筑法规定吗? A、不符合 B、符合10、大型建筑工程或者结构复杂的建筑工程,可以由两个以上的承包单位联合共同承包。共同承包的各方对承包合同的履行承担( )。 A、连带责 任 B、有限责任 C、无限责任11、建筑工程总承包单位可以将承包工程中的部分工程发包给具有相应资质条件的分包单位;但是,除总承包合同
44、中约定的分包外,必须经( )认可。 A、有关部 门 B、建设单位 C、监理公司12、建筑施工企业应当在施工现场采取维护安全、防范危险、 预防火灾等措施;有条件的,应当对施工现场实行( )。 A、封闭 管理 B、开放管理 B、综合管理13、有下列情形之一的,建设单位应当按照国家有关规定办理申请批准手续:( )。 A、需要 进行高空作 业的 B、可能产生噪音的 C、需要进行爆破作业的14、()对本企业的安全生产负责。 A、工程的 项 目经理 B、建筑施工企业的法定代表人 C、监理公司15、涉及建筑主体和承重结构变动的装修工程,建 设单位应当在施工前委托原设计单位或者()的设计单位提出设计方案;没有
45、设计方案的,不得施工。living standards, poor farmers in less than complete elimination of 4600 Yuan, 8949, 19008. “Five waters rule“: the County invested 2.169 billion yuan, similar counties line the citys first complete the 42 km of sewage pipe network construction, completion rate ranked first in the city, w
46、on the provincial rural sewage treatment work better; key pollution sources such as electroplating, papermaking, chemical industry management through verification and acceptance of the municipal government, the County removed Black and odorous River, River waste, beginning of river ecological restor
47、ation effects. “Three modified a split“ aspects: County total demolition illegal area up 2.759 million square meters, completed City issued annual task of 153%, split against area ranking city second; completed “three modified“ area 4.846 million square meters, completed City issued annual task of 4
48、03%, ranking city third, which village in the a target completed total city ranking first; County Government was named city level “three modified a split“ work advanced. These achievements are hard won and should be appreciated. However, we are fully aware, the new period, and work in the countrysid
49、e and the environment facing higher standards and requirements, provincial party Committee offered to high level build a comprehensive well-off society goal requires “no filth, dirty environment illegal buildings, into a well-off“; municipal party Committee also proposes to build into the well-off benchmark goals of the city. Compared with the superior claim, “South Gate of XX beautiful“ goal, my County “San Nong“ and environment there are a number of weaknesses and gaps, highlighted in the following five aspects: first, agriculture re