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1、谈高考英语试题中“省略”的考查对省略现象的考查已成为近年来英语高考试题中的常考点。因为省略这种语法手段既可避免重复,突出新 的信息,又能使上下文更紧密地连接起来。这也正符合现代生活快节奏的需要。因此,在英语口语中,只要不 损害结构和引起歧义,能省略的地方就尽可能省略。 但有时省略的成分,在句中占有相当的份量,能表达一定的信息,这无疑就增加了试题的难度。因此在解 题时,除了应特别注意进行语境分析,从上文或上、下文中找出相关的省略成份外,还要对常用的省略知识有 所了解,从而做到有的放矢,找出解题的突破口。下面就该问题作一分析。 一、复合句中的省略现象 复合句中的省略现象通常出现在状语从句中。 一)

2、在含有比较结构的复合句中,常在 as 或 than 引导的分句中省略某些与主句相同的成分或省略在特定上 下文或特定情景中某些不言而喻的成分;或整个 as/than 从句。如: 1.The pianos in the other shop will be_, but_.(MET90) A.cheaper;not as better B.more cheap; not as better C.cheaper; not as good D.more cheap; not as good 本题应选 C。分别为 cheaper than those in this shop 和 theyare not

3、as good as those in this s hop 的省略。 2.John plays football_,if not better than, David.(NMET94) A.as well B.as well as C.so well D.so well as 本题应选 B。根据上下文可看出 if not better than 为 if Johndoesnt play football better than David(plays football) 的省略。那么,排除这个条件的话,John 和 David 就踢得一样好了。 故要用副词 well 的同级比较的肯定式。 3

4、.How beautifully she sings! Ive never heard _ .(NMET96) A.the better voice B.a good voice C.the best voice D.a better voice 本题应选 D。从整个语境来分析,后句中的比较状语从句 than hers被省略掉了。故此题应选比较级。 二)如果复合句中的时间、条件、原因状语从句用了主语be分词结构,且主、从句主语一致时,可省 略从句的连接词、主语和 be 助动词,只保留分词和其它成分。如: 4._in thought, he almost ran into the car in

5、frontof him.(NMET96) A.Losing B.Having lost C.Lost D.To lose 本题应选 C。Lost in thought 为 As he was lost in thought 之省略。 5._more attention, the trees could have grownbetter.(MET90) A.Given B.To give C.Giving D.Having given 本题应选 A。Given more attention 为 If they were given moreattention 之省略。 三)在含有定语从句的复合句

6、中,如果定语从句用了进行时态或被动语态,且关系代词在从句中作主语时 ,可省略关系代词和助动词。只保留分词或其它成分。如: 6.The Olympic Games,_ in 776 B.C., did not includewomen players until 1912.(NMET97) A.first playing B.to be first played C.first played D.to be first playing 本题应选 C。first played 为 which was first played 之省略。 7.Do you know the boy_ under th

7、e big tree? (MET89) A. lay B.lain C.laying D.lying 本题应选 D。lying 为 who is lying 之省略。 8.Most of the artists _ to the party were fromSouth Africa.(MET90) A.invited B.to invite C.being invited D.have been invited 本题应选 A。invited 为 who were invited 之省略。 9.The first textbooks_for teaching English as aforei

8、gn language came out in the 1 6th century. A.having written B.to be written C.being written D.written(NMET94) 本题应选 D。written 为 that were written 之省略。 四)如复合句中从句的句尾和主句相重复的话,从句的句尾可省略掉(括号中的内容为省略掉的成分) 。 如: 10.Li Lei will play football if Mike will (play football). 11.Mary is going to sweep the floor beca

9、use/though Alicewont(sweep the floor). 五)在复合句中,如果两个并列的状语从句只是从属连词不同,其它相同时,则可省略一个状语从句,而 把两个从属连词连接起来(括号中的内容为省略的成分) 。如: 12.They will be arriving either before (the film begins)or after the film begins. 六)在含有宾语从句的复合句中,如有两个并列的 that 从句的主动词及随带成份(宾语、表语、状语等) 一样时,可将第二个 that 从句的主动词及随带成份省略。两个并列的 that 从句,如果主语相同,而

10、谓语不同, 可把第二个 that 从句的连词和主语一齐省略。两个并列的从句如连词不同而其它成份相同,可省略第一分句和 第二分句相同的部分,只把两个连词连接起来(括号内容为省略的成分) 。如: 13.I know Mary will sing in the party but John wont(sing in the party). 14.Tell him that Ill call to see him and (that Ill) havesupper with him. 15.I dont know when (he was born) and where he was born. 二、

11、在回答一般疑问句的简略答语中;或回答用陈述句,祈使句表示要求、命令的简略答语中。 常用 Yes /No主语助动词, 而省略主动词或其它成份。但助动词应和原句的助动词和时间概念须保持相应的一致; 或根据句意选择对特殊问句的答语时,常常省略和问句相重复的部分,只保留新信息部分。如: 1.Alice, why didnt you come yesterday? I _ ,but I had an unexpected visitor. (NMET97) A.had B.would C.was going to D.did 本题选 C。据句意,是表示昨天打算要来。 was going to 后省略了c

12、ome yesterday。 2.Could I borrow your dictionary? Yes, of course you _ . (NMET92) A.might B.will C.can D.should 本题选 C。could 在句中表示委婉语气,而不是过去时,答语中应用can;can 后省略了 borrow my dictiona ry。 3.Dont forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow. _.(NMET94) A.I dont B.I wont C.I cant D.I havent 本题选 B。因祈使句含有未来的意味

13、,再加上有 tomorrow 的限制,因而应用 I wont 回答。 I wont 后省略 了 forget to go to yourbirthday party tomorrow。 4.How long has this bookshop been in business? _ 1982.(NMET94) A.After B.In C.From D.Since 本题选 D。根据句意和结构, 该题承前省略了主语、 谓语 It hasbeen in business 等; 只保留了新信 息(时间状语)部分; 再由Howlong 对时间段提问的限制,只能选 Since。 三、在回答问句及其它形式

14、的答语中,如有和上文重复的不定式时,在答语中只保留其不定式符号 to,而 把动词和其它部分省略。如: 1.Would you like to come to dinner tonight? Id like to,_Im too busy. (NMET94) A.and B.so C.as D.but 本题应选 D。据上文, 下文中的 Id like to 后省略了 come todinner tonight,这样很容易看出逗号 前后信息相反,故选 but。 2.Ill be away on a business trip. Would you mindlooking after my cat?

15、 Not at all,_.(NMET95) A.Ive no time B.Id rather not C.Id like it D.Id be happy to 本题应选 D。据 Not at all 的限制,A、B 不合题意。C 搭配错, 因d like 后应跟不定式。Id be happy to 后省略了 look after yourcat。 3.The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, buthis mother told him_. (NMET95) A.not to B.not to do C.not do it D.d

16、o not to 本题选 A。not to 后省略了和上文相重复的 ride his bicycle inthe street。 四、英语中的反意疑问句。反意疑问句常用一个肯定的陈述句,再加上一个只保留助动词和主语的简略问 句的否定形式;或一个否定的陈述句,再加上一个简略疑问句的肯定形式;而其它成分则被省略。祈使句的反 意问句形式,不管祈使句是肯定的还是否定的,除了在 Lets.后加简略的疑问句 shall we 外,其余的都在其 后加 will you。如: 1.Its a fine day. Lets go fishing,_? A.wont we B.will we C.dont we

17、D.shall we(MET90) 本题选 D。 2.Be sure to write to us, _?(NMET93) A.will you B.arent you C.can you D.mustnt you 本题选 A。 五、在英语中,有一些特殊的省略结构, 如:What/How about.? Why not do.?等实际上已形成了习 惯用法。How/What about 后只跟名词、代词或动名词(短语) ;Why not 后只接动词原形。如: 1.How about the two of us_a walk down the garden?(MET93) A.to take B.

18、take C.taking D.to be taking 本题选 C。 2.I usually go there by train. Why not_by boat for a change? (NMET92) A.to try going B.trying to go C.to try and go D.try going 本题选 D。 六、和前文重复的助动词或重复的主要动词也可省略(括号部分为省略的成分) 。如: 1. You could have come and (you could have) told me. 2.Please clean the classroom and (cl

19、ean) the reading-room. 七、和前文重复的冠词、物主代词、指示代词及其它的限定词、介词和连词等也可省略(括号内的内容为 省略的成分) 。如: 1.A man and (a) woman have just passed by. 2.Please take good care of those books and (those) papers. 3.He lived in Beijing and (in) Shanghai for some time. 八、两个或两个以上被形容词修饰的同一名词,前边的常被省略;重复出现的形容词,后边的可以省略( 括号内容为省略成分) 。如:

20、1.There were middle-aged (men) and elderly men to attendthe meeting. 2.We are young boys and (young) girls. 九、如果句意或上下文意思清楚,一般动词前的人称代词和形容词前的人称代词be 可被省略;词首的冠 词、物主代词、人称代词和助动词也可被省略(括号内容为省略的成份) 。如: 1.(Have you) Seen Tom? 2.(I) Couldnt know this matter. 3.(I) Hope to see you soon. 4.(I am) Glad to see you. 5.(The) Cars giving trouble again. 十、so,nor/neither 用来表示“也一样”时,也用省略结构(括号内容为省略的成份) 。如: 1.I am a student. So am I (a student). 2.We havent been there. Neither (Nor) have we (been there).


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