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1、发展中国家信息技术应用培训班项目简介表 项目全称 发展中国家信息技术应用培训班 成立时间 承办单位名称 上海互联网经济咨询中心 举办时间 2009 年 7 月 20 日9 月 6 日 工作语言 英语邀请对象 亚洲国家,各 1-2 人 计划人数 20-30 人年龄要求 50 岁以下身体健康状况要求 身体健康,无传染病,无残疾工作语言要求 英语学员要求其 它 不带家属举办地点 上海市 举办地天气状况 夏季,气温在 25-35左右参观考察城市 浙江省杭州市 考察地天气状况 夏季,气温在 25-35左右备注邀请对象国家中主要从事信息产业管理、研究的政府官员、与信息领域相关的技术应用人员和企业管理人员等

2、。项目联系人 吴玉刚、王科民办公电话 +86-21-54663982,+86-21-24028100 转 7955手 机 13916514319(吴) ,13661907273(王)传 真 +86-21-54663966承办单位联系方式E-mail , 承办单位简介上海市互联网经济咨询中心(以下简称“中心”)创建于 2000 年 12 月,是由上海市政府批准成立的信息化专业咨询、研究以及合作交流、培训机构。中心一直致力于研究国际先进的信息化管理理念和方法,专注于电子政务的研究咨询,以及社会信息化咨询和架构设计,不断推动政府和企业客户应用信息化管理水平的提升和促进业务创新。中心下设研究部、信息化

3、项目投资管理部、合作交流培训部等部门, 并有四家独立机构:上海信息投资咨询有限公司、上海信息系统工程监理有限公司、上海市软件评测中心有限公司和上海亚太地区信息化人才培训中心。中心共有员工 171人,是由海外归国专家、博士、硕士和资深顾问组成的专业团队。中心与国内的政府机构、中科院、科研院所、知名大学紧密合作,并与国内外专业企业如 IBM、HP 、GARTNER、凯捷、思科、微软等结成联盟,为国内外政府和企业,提供信息化决策支持服务、信息化项目咨询服务。并与联合国相关机构、世行发展门户基金会等国际组织在项目、技术交流和人才培训相关领域开展广泛的交流与合作。中心以合作、共享的开放型业务模式,完成了

4、数百项信息化研究和咨询业务,成功地举办了六届亚太地区城市信息化论坛、信息化与上海世博会国际论坛等大型国际会议,组织了 20 多次国际国内信息技术培训班。来自世界各地二十多个国家的二百多名工程师和管理人员接受了信息专业技术和信息管理知识等多方面的培训。项目内容介绍采用理论与实践相结合的教学方法,通过授课、专题讲座、互动讨论交流、案例分析、实地参观考察等形式,向学员介绍中国和上海在信息领域的经验和取得的成绩,使他们了解信息技术的基本情况,信息技术在不同领域发展的技术知识和应用情况以及中国在信息技术应用方面的先进技术和成功经验。从而促进我国和受训学员所在国在信息技术应用领域的经济技术合作与交流,增进

5、与广大发展中国家的友谊。我中心为学员安排的课程和讲座分为信息技术概述、电子商务、电子政务、企业信息化以及信息技术应用的实例分析共五个模块的内容。并将组织学员到浙江杭州和上海本地参观信息技术的应用情况。Introduction of Training Course on Information Technology and its Application for Developing CountriesName Training Course on Information Technology and Its Application for Developing CountriesOrganiz

6、er Shanghai Internet Economy Consulting CenterTime 20 July-6 September, 2009 Language EnglishInvited Countries Asia Countries, 1-2 participants from each countryNumber of Participants 20-30 Participants totallyAge Under 50 years oldHealth Have good healthy and no infectious diseaseLanguage EnglishRe

7、quirements for the Participantsothers No accompanyHost City Shanghai Local Temperature Summer, Temperature between 25-35Cities to visit Hangzhou Zhejiang Local Temperature Summer, Temperature between 25-35NotesOfficials engaged in management & research of information industry, experts, technicians,

8、engineers and employees of enterprises undertaken the relevant work in the field of information & its application from the invited countries are invited for this training course. Contact Person(s) Mr. Wu Yugang, Ms. Wang Kemin Telephone +86-21-54663982,+86-21-24028100 ext 7955Mobile 13916514319(Mr.

9、Wu) ,13661907273(Ms. Wang)Fax +86-21-54663966Contact of the OrganizerE-mail ,About the Organizer Established in December 2000, Shanghai Internet Economy Consulting Center (SIECC) is a professional institution for consulting researching and training approved by Shanghai Municipal Peoples Government.

10、Over the past 9 years, SIECC has devoted itself to push forward the application of IT technology of governments and enterprises and promote the business innovation through the investigation of the advanced theories and methods on the informatization management, Electronic Government Affairs consulti

11、ng, and structure design of social informatization.SIECC consists of several departments including research department, department of investment management for informatization project, and cooperation & training department etc. 4 independent institutions is directly under the SIECC which are Shangha

12、i information investment consulting Co., Ltd., Shanghai information system engineering supervision Co., Ltd., Shanghai software testing Center and CIFAL Shanghai. SIECC has over 171 staff to ensure the high effective daily work of the centre, which includes the returned oversea experts, Doctor, Mast

13、er and senior consultants. SIECC cooperates with the domestic governments, Chinese Academy of Science, famous universities, and international IT leading service companies such as IBM, HP, GARTNER, KJLink, Cisco system and Microsoft etc. to provide the strategic and foresighted informatization decisi

14、on-making supporting service for governments and enterprises at home and abroad. SIECC is always engaged in the extensive international exchange and cooperation with international organizations such as the relevant institutions of UN and the Development Gateway Foundation of World Bank etc. in the f

15、ield of exchange of project & technology and HR training. Under the “collaborative and sharing” open business mode, SIECC has already completed hundred businesses for informatization research and consulting, has held 6 annual forums on city informalization in the Asia-Pacific region successfully and

16、 several international conferences such as international forum on informalization and Shanghai world Expo, and has held over 20 international and domestic training workshops. Through these trainings, more than 200 engineers and managerial personnel from over 20 countries in the world have been train

17、ed in technologies and management of informalization.Training Course ContentThrough integration of theoretical and practical trainings, such as thematic lectures, special subject, free discussion and spot investigation, the participants will be introduced to Chinas and Shanghais practice and achieve

18、ments in the field of information and be aware of the basic information of information technology, applications of information technology and knowledge of technology used in different field and Chinas advanced technologies and successful experience of application of information technology. The train

19、ing course is believed to further promote economic and technical cooperation on the field of information technology application between China and the trainees countries, and to deepen the friendship with the developing countries.SIECC has arranged abundant courses and lectures for the participants.

20、It is mainly divided into five modules including: survey of information technology, E-commerce, E-government, informatization in Enterprises, and the case study on the application of information technology. Participants will have study tour opportunities to visit application of information technology in Shanghai and Hangzhou, Zhejiang province as well.


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