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1、1综合英语 II课程整体教学设计(2012 - 2013 学年 第 2 学期)一、管理信息课程名称:综合英语 II课程代码: N203075 学分:5 学时:108课程类型:商务英语专业基础课程 授课对象:商务英语 3121-3123先修课程: 综合英语 I 后修课程: 高级英语 I课程组成员签名: 程亮 郝帅 2013 年 2 月 27 日 专业(教研室)意见专业主任(签字): 年 月 日分院职教能力培训与测评评委会意见分院评委(签字): 分院盖章年 月 日二、课程设计21课程目标能力目标:通过本课程的学习,学生能够用英语进行流利地交谈;能书写英文应用文如 E-mail 等, 语言流畅;能够

2、进行简单的口笔译工作;能够充分利用网络资源,大量浏览常见的英文网站和商务网站,快速查找所需信息;知识目标:掌握读音规则和语音技巧(包括音标、拼读、连读、失去爆破、重读、弱读、意群、停顿;节奏等) ;掌握词汇达 60007000 个;正确熟练地使用其中的 30004000 个及其最常用的搭配;理解篇章结构和文章大意;掌握记叙文和议论文的写作技巧2课程教学活动设计21 课程内容设计序号 模块(或项目)名称 学时话题(听说部分)话题(阅读部分)话题(说译部分)1.话题(写作部分)642. 新闻播报 183. 早报告 204. 考级强化 6合计 10822 能力训练项目设计 编号能力训练项目名称学时能

3、力目标 主要支撑知识 训练方式地点 结果(可展示)1 听说训练16能进行与单元话题相关的各种听说训练掌握与课文有关的单词、短语和语法知识;了解相关的文化背景知识;1教师根据单元的话题带领学生进行学生感兴趣的准备活动,可以提出一至两个问题让学生讨论,可以见课表 学生课堂活动形成的材料3掌握听说的方法和技巧;进行竞赛或角色扮演等;2. 在此基础上,学生听语音材料并进行听写或复述;3 教师进行归纳总结,点评学生的表现,并就材料中重点和难点部分进行讲解。2 阅读训练16能进行与单元话题相关的各种读写活动掌握与课文有关的单词、短语和语法知识;了解相关的文化背景知识;掌握读写的方法和技巧;1教师根据单元的

4、话题带领学生进行学生感兴趣的准备活动,可以提出一至两个问题让学生讨论,可以进行竞赛或角色扮演等;2. 在此基础上,学生对已经预习过的阅读材料再次进行熟悉;3教师根据材料的特点进行活动安排:可以是先让学生以表演的形式来展示对材料的理解;可以让学生围绕某部分观点发表个人看法;可以让学生续写材料,等等。4教师进行归纳总结,点评学生的表现,并就材料中重点和难点部分进行讲解。学生作业3 说译训练 16能进行与单元话题相关的各掌握与课文有关的单词、短语和教师带领学生归纳所学内容;学生课堂活动及相4种说和译的活动语法知识;了解相关的文化背景知识;掌握听说和翻译的方法和技巧;在此基础上,带领学生完成巩固和提高

5、部分的口语训练任务;带领学生完成相应的翻译训练。应的书面材料4 写作训练16能进行与单元话题和扩展话题相关的写作训练写作知识教师呈现例文,学生欣赏并进行语言和结构方面分析;学生进行写作训练,教师批阅,并结合学生普遍存在的问题进行讲评。学生作文5 新闻播报18 能介绍 1-2 条最新的英语新闻语音知识,常用句子教师介绍英语新闻网站,学生准备最新的英语新闻,并在课堂上播报。见课表台前播报6 早报告20 能根据一定的话题准备相关材料,以小组为单位在台前用英语展示和呈现。发音及课件制作技巧,一定的词汇量和较广的知识面学生课前小组制作并演练课件,课堂按照小组顺序进行话题呈现见课表学生台前的展示8 考级强

6、化6能在听力和阅读理解能力方面有显著提高课程所有知识提前发给学生两套模拟试题,让他们课后完成;分两次评讲。课堂上以学生核对答案,教师讲解分析的形式进行,然后汇总学生存在的问题,进行相应指导。见课表学生提前完成的习题和课堂完成的模拟试题3教学进度表序号 周次 学时 单元标题 主要教学内容 作业形式511 3Topic 1 love Listening and speaking centered activities:What is love?The importance of love (listen to a story and answer some questions);The flash

7、 is deprived of voice, please make it an English storyWork in groups to discuss the questions on Motherly Love and Fatherly Love; Make preparations on the discussion of someone you love most21 3Topic 1 love Reading and speaking centered activities:1. Read Erich Fromms statements on motherly love and

8、 fatherly love and work in groups to discuss the following questions on page 1;2. tell the class whom you love very much and explain why;3. how to express loverecite the words; find out the structure of the in-class reading passage;32 3Topic 1 love Reading and grammatical centered activities:1. read

9、 the passage and answer the questions on p9-10;2. find out the text structurepassage parsingread the after-class reading passage II; finish the vocabulary exercises42 3Topic 1 love Speaking and translating centered activities:1. expressions in Chinese Romances;2. agree or disagree on p313. what is l

10、ove on p314. whats wrong with themtranslation practice on p33Search some love stories happened in the society, and present them.53 3Topic 2 communication problemsListening and speaking centered activities:Task 1. Word Exercises:Listen and put letters in the boxes to make wordsTask 2. Word GameJigsaw

11、 Guessing:try to get a word from what each sentence tells you, then make a word from the first letters of those words you get. Task 3. A Speech Contest :Listen to an extract from the famous speech by Martin Luther King, Jr. Read the joke on p36 and discuss in groups what made you laugh and what caus

12、ed the problem in communication in the joke.6“I Have a Dream”. Then you will be assigned different roles. You are supposed to prepare short speeches based on that role.Task 4. Video Clip:After seeing the video, exchange good language learning experiences with your classmates.Task 5. Proverbs and Say

13、ings:translation63 3Topic 2 communication problemsSpeaking and reading centered activities:Task 1. saying things sincerely or sarcastically:match the lines with the four pictures on p35. then decide whether each of the lines is sincerely or sarcastically said.Task 2. telephone chains:the class will

14、be divided into groups of 8-10 students. The first student of each group will be given a message by the teacher. The message should be whispered from one person to the next. The last person should repeat the message aloud.Task 3. enjoying a joke:Group presentation on the explanationTask 4. group dis

15、cussion on the pre-reading questionsTask 5. passage reading to catch the main idearecite the new words; read the passage74 3Topic 2 communication problemsReading and grammatical abilities centered activities:1. understand the main idea of the passage2. understand the specific information3. parse the

16、 difficult sentences and wordsRead the passage and finish the exercise on the vocabulary and finish the reading of after-class reading passages84 3Topic 2 communication problemsSpeaking and translating centered activities:1. clearing up a misunderstanding: read the short story and discuss in groups

17、the question below: what Review the whole unit7caused the communication problem between John and Laura? (p60-61)2. how to avoid misunderstanding: Work in groups to come up with ways to avoid misunderstandings3. what should they say: Work in groups to decide what each of the following people should s

18、ay in the situation and choose one of the three situations to make a short dialogue.4. a letter for James: work in pairs and decide which on the phrases in bold you think are most appropriate and adjust the letter to make it suitable. (p63)5. translation practice9 5 3 Class activity Task 1 Preview t

19、he new lesson105 3Topic 3 born to winListening and speaking centered activities:1. what does winning mean: to ask classmates about the topic2. discussion: Hold a discussion on these misconceptions about success and try to give your own successful experiences.3. guessing work: who are they4. listen t

20、o a song and try to answer questions: Who is a true hero in your mind?What qualities should a hero have?5. enjoy the movie to catch the essence from itwork in group to discuss what accounts for success; finish the reading of after-class reading passage I116 3Topic 3 born to winspeaking and reading c

21、entered activities:1. group presentation on what accounts for success2. skip reading to evaluate the statements and guess whether the author would agree with them on p69 and answer some questions3. words reading and brief explanation4. deep reading to find out the recite the new words; finish the af

22、ter-class reading passage II8outline for the passage5. understanding the specific information from the passage126 3Topic 3 born to winGrammatical and analytical abilities centered activities:1. read the passage: ask students to read the passage one by one2. parse the difficult sentences3. solve the

23、difficult words and phrases4. discussion: do you consider yourself a winner? What do you need to become a winnerread the passage; finish the vocabulary exercises137 3Topic 3 born to winSpeaking and translating centered activities:1. group discussion: do you think Kim, John and James are winners or l

24、osers? Why?2. live your dreams: write down on a piece of paper what you think you will be doing 10 years from now. Write down on the other side of the paper what you dream to be doing 10 years from now. if your answers are different, explain what is preventing you from living your dreams to other me

25、mbers in your group. And at last the teacher will ask some group to do the presentation.3. an interview with a successful writer: Suppose you are now interviewing a successful writer. Ask him thinks are the three most important qualities that contributed to his success.4. never give up: Do you think

26、 by never giving up, one can finally succeed in whatever he is doing? Explain your answer with your own experiences or stories.5. translation practicereview the unit147 3Topic 4 Psychology in our daily life Listening and speaking centered activities:1. story of a Chinese idiom: silent Preview the in

27、-class reading and finish the exercise after the text9flash movie is about a Chinese idiom. Try to tell the story after seeing the movie. And say what psychological state the story tells us2. group discussion: Have you ever heard or experienced such stories like Yue Guangs friend, in which your psyc

28、hological state influences your behavior or mood, etc.? Tell the class your story. 3. brainstorming: one-sentence story: some adjectives are related to the field of psychology or emotion. Choose a word and write a one-sentence story to describe an experience that illustrates the adjectives chosen. 4

29、. listening to a psychology of clothes:5. video watch and discussion: 1) What is the root of the new director (Peck)s psychological problem?2) Has it ever happened to you that some of your former experiences greatly influence your later behaviors psychologically?6. describing the pictures: work in g

30、roups to describe the pictures one after another so as to come up with a story about the man. Discuss the possible reasons for the change of his mood.7. a fun psychology test8. word reading and brief explanation158 3Topic 4 Psychology in our daily lifeGrammatical and analytical abilities centered ac

31、tivities:1. read the passage to understand the specific information2. questions for group discussion1) Is there really a doctor in the body? If so, who do you think is the doctor? Why?2) How would you feel if you review the unit, and share with your friends about some psychological cases. 10knew you

32、r doctor had given you a placebo instead of medicine?3) If you got better anyway, would you think the doctor had cheated you? Would you be pleased that you had been able to heal your own body just by believing that you could?3. parse the passage168 3Topic 4 Psychology in our daily lifeSpeaking and t

33、ranslating abilities centered activities:1. word association and story-telling2. interpreting an old saying3. trying to be a psychologist4. translation practicePrepare for topic 5.17 9 3 Class activity Task 2 Finish Task 2189 3Topic 5 dreams Listening and speaking centered activities:1. describe you

34、r dreams:Discussion: 1) What often appears in your dream?2) What dream do you still remember clearly?3) Can you make a description of it?2. describe the silent flash in English3. listen to a passage and fill in the blanks4. video watching and questions answering1) What dream did Mark have? Can you d

35、escribe it?2) Why did he have such a nightmare?3) How did his aunt help him5. video watching to catch what the two brothers will do in the futureread the words and finish the reading of after-class reading passage I1910 3Topic 5 dreams speaking and reading abilities centered activities:1. discussion: work in groups and read the in-class reading passage; finish the reading of after-class


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