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1、华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划153自动化专业本科培养计划(自动化理工交叉创新实验班)Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Automation(Undergraduate Program of Experimental Class for Automation)一、培养目标.Educational Objectives理工交叉创新实验班,探索具有深厚基 础的工程研究创新人才培养模式。目标是培养德、智、体全面发展,具有良好思想品德和心理素质、深厚基 础的知识和 创新能力的工程研究人才。This program nurtures high-quality

2、 technical talents with good moral character, mental qualities and solid foundation a broad adaptability, capabilities ,innovativeness in engineering. 二、基本规格要求Skills Profile毕业生应获得以下几个方面的知识和能力:1. 具有较扎实 的数理基础;2. 掌握工科专业 的基本理论和方法;3. 具有研究解决工科领域理论和实际问题的能力;4. 具有较强的英 语语言能力;5. 掌握文献检 索、资料查询的方法和撰写科学论文的能力;6. 具有

3、较好的人文社科知 识和人文素质,以及较强的协调、组织能力;7. 具有较强的 创新精神。Students are expected to gain the following abilities:1. Solid foundation in both mathematics and physics;2. Mastery of the basic theories and methods in Engineering;3. Skills in research and problem solving in Engineering;4. Mastery of English;5. Ability t

4、o do literature searching, data collection and thesis writing;6. Attainment in humanities and art, cooperative and organizational skills;7. Sense of creation and innovation.三、培养特色Program Features以数学、物理为基础,强调拔尖研究型人才的良好思想品德和心理素 质训练,强调数理基础与专业能力的结合,强调厚积薄发 的长线培养模式,具有 较强的工程 实践和创新能力,培养能从事跨专业乃至跨学科综合研究和高层次技术

5、开发的优秀人才。Based on mathematics and physics, emphasizing on good moral character and mental qualities, combining grounding in mathematics and physics with professional ability, underlining long-term talent training system, students have abilities of practice and innovation, the program provide talent o

6、f inter-discipline or cross subjects research and high level technique developing.华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划154四、主干学科Major Disciplines控制科学与工程Control Science and Engineering五、学制与学位Length of Schooling and Degree学制:四年制 Length of Schooling: Four years授予学位:工学学士 Degrees Conferred: Bachelor of Engineering六、学时与学分Hour

7、s/Credits完成学业最低课内学分(含课程体系与集中性实践教学环节)要求:196Minimum Credits of Curricular (Comprising course system and intensified internship practical training): 196完成学业最低课外学分要求:6Minimum Extracurricular Credits: 61. 课程体系学时与学分Hours/Credits of Course System课程类别 课程性质 学时/学分 占课程体系学分比例()必修 1264/75 45.7通识教育基础课程选修 160/10 6

8、.1工程技术基础课程 必修 776/48.5 29.6学科基础课程 学科专业基础课程 必修 320/20 12.2专业课程 专业方向选修课程 选修 168/10.5 6.4合计 2688/164 100Course Classified Course Nature Hrs/Crs Percentage (%)Required 1264/75 45.7Basic Courses in General EducationElective 160/10 6.1Engineering Basic Courses in Discipline Required 776/48.5 29.6Basic Cou

9、rses in Discipline Basic Courses in General Discipline Required 320/20 12.2Courses in Specialty Common Specialty-elective Courses Elective 168/10.5 6.4Total 2688/164 1002. 集中性实践教学环节周数与学分Weeks/Credits of Intensified Internship and Practical Training实践教学环节名称 课程性质 周数/学分 占实践教学环节学分比例()军事训练 必修 2/2 6.25金工实

10、习 必修 2/2 6.25电工实习 必修 2/2 6.25生产实习(社会实践) 必修 2/2 6.25课程设计 必修 8/8 25综合训练 必修 2/2 6.25毕业设计(论文) 必修 14/14 43.75合计 32/32 100华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划155Internship Membership of the group which is entitled as Excellent Social Practice Group by the Communist Youth League of HUST or Hubei Province2CET-6Students whose B

11、and-6 exam scores accord our requirements2TOEFL 90 Points or Higher 3IELTS 6.5 Points or Higher 3GRE 1350 Points or Higher 3National Computer RankExaminationWin certificate of Band-2 or higher 2Win certificate of programmer 2Win certificate of Advanced Programmer 32Examinations in English and Comput

12、erNational Computer Software Qualification Win certificate of System Analyst 4Win first prize 3Win second prize 2University LevelWin third prize 1Win first prize 4Win second prize 3Provincial LevelWin third prize 2Win first prize 6Win second prize 43 CompetitionsNational LevelWin third prize 34 Thes

13、is Those whose thesis appears in national publications Per piece 235 Scientific Research Depending on both the time spent in and ability demonstrated in scientific research project Each item 136 Experiments Depending on innovative extent Each item 13Note: In HUST Sports Meeting, the first and the se

14、cond prize, the third to the fifth prize, and the sixth prize to the eighth prize are deemed respectively the first prize, the second prize and the third prize of university level.七、主要课程Main Courses in Specialty数学类 Mathematics、力学类 Mechanics、热学类 Thermodynamics、电路理论 Circuit Theory、电磁场与波 Electromagneti

15、c Field and Wave、电子技术 Electronic Technique、计算机组成原理 Computer of Organization、自 动控制原理(一)Control Theory()、自 动 控制原理(二)Control Theory()、传感器与检测技术 Sensor and Detecting Technology、计算机控制系统 Computer Control System 等。八、主要实践环节Main Internship and Practical Training (Including experiments)军事训练 Military Training、电

16、工实习 Electrical Engineering Practice、生产实习 Engineering Internship、课程 设计 Course Project、综合训练 Comprehensive Training、毕业设计 Undergraduate Thesis华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划157九、教学进程计划表Table of Teaching Schedule院(系):自动化学院 专业:自动化School (Department): School of Automation Specialty: Automation其中Including各学期学时Hours Distri

17、butionin a Semester课程类别CourseClassi-Fied课程性质CourseNature课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name学时/学分Hrs/Crs课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper-ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th必 修Required 0301901思想道德修养与法律基础Morals & Ethics & Fundamentals of Law 48/3 12 36必 修Required 0100721中国近现代史纲要Survey of Modern Chinese History 32/

18、2 8 24必 修Required 0100881马克思主义基本原理Basic Theory of Marxism 48/3 12 36必 修Required 0100931思政课社会实践Social Practice of Ideological and Political Theories Course32/2 28 4必 修Required 0100321毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论General Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics64/4 6

19、4必 修Required 0100741形势与政策Current Affairs and Policy 32/2 14 3 3 3 3 3 3限 选Required 0510071中国语文Chinese 32/2 10 22必 修Required 0512291大学英语读写(一)English Reading and Writing () 32/2 32必 修Required 0512302大学英语视听说(一)Multimedia-based English Listening () 32/2 32必 修Required 0512312大学英语读写(二)English Reading and

20、Writing () 32/2 32必 修Required 0512322大学英语视听说(二)Multimedia-based English Listening () 32/2 32必 修Required 0502141跨文化交际Cross-cultural Communication 16/1 16必 修Required 0512332口语交际与演讲English Communication and Presentation Skills16/1 16必 修Required 0400111大学体育(一)Physical Education() 32/1 32必 修Required 0400

21、121大学体育(二)Physical Education() 32/1 32通识教育基础课程GeneralEducationCourses必 修Required 0400131大学体育(三)Physical Education() 32/1 32华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划158续表其中Including各学期学时Hours Distributionin a Semester课程类别CourseClassi-Fied课程性质CourseNature课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name学时/学分Hrs/Crs课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper-ation一

22、1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th必 修Required 0400141大学体育(四)Physical Education() 32/1 32必 修Required 1100011军事理论Military Theory 16/1 16必 修Required 0706381一元分析学Unary Analysis 96/6 96必 修Required 0706401多元分析学Binary Analysis 96/6 96必 修Required 0700048大学物理(四)上Physics(V) 64/4 64必 修Required 0700049大学物理(四)下Phys

23、ics(IV) 64/4 64必 修Required 0704832基础物理实验(一)Basic Physical Experiment () 32/2 32 32必 修Required 0706034基础物理实验(二)Basic Physical Experiment () 24/1.5 24 24必 修Required 0706391代数与几何Algebra and Geometry 48/3 48必 修Required 0706411应用概率统计Applied Probability Statistics 56/3.5 56必 修Required 0705951应用复分析Applied

24、Complex Analysis 48/3 48必 修Required 0706451应用偏微分方程Partial Differential Equations and Applications 48/3 48必 修Required 0706461科学计算引论Introduction of Scientific Computation 56/3.5 56必 修Required 0700302随机过程Stochastic Process 32/2 32必 修Required 0804101数学建模Mathematical Modeling 40/2.5 40通识教育基础课程GeneralEduc

25、ationCourses人文社科类选修课程(含中国语文)Electives in Humanities and Social Science 160/10必 修Required 0801663工程制图(一)Engineering Graphics() 40/2.5 40必 修Required 0800441工程导论Introduction to Information Technologies 16/1.0 16必 修Required 0806113科学研究方法导论Introduction of Science Research 32/2.0 8 32华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划159续表

26、其中Including各学期学时Hours Distributionin a Semester课程类别CourseClassi-Fied课程性质CourseNature课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name学时/学分Hrs/Crs课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper-ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th必 修Required 0701814工程化学Engineering Chemistry 40/2.5 40必 修Required 0810011C 语言程序设计C Language Programming 56/3.5 20

27、 56必 修Required 0800113电路理论(三)Circuit Theory() 88/5.5 88必 修Required 0803051电路测试实验Circuit Measurement Experiments 32/2 32 32必 修Required 0800413数据结构Data Structure 48/3 12 48必 修Required 0809891工程力学(二)Theoretical Mechanics() 48/3 48必 修Required 0804082电磁场与波 Electromagnetic Field and Wave 32/2 4 32必 修Requi

28、red 0800154信号分析Signal Analysis 32/2 32必 修Required 0833501电子技术实验(一)Electronic Technique Experiments() 32/2 32 32必 修Required 0833511电子技术实验(二)Electronic Technique Experiments() 32/2 32 32必 修Required 0833481电子技术(一)Electronic Technique() 48/3 48必 修Required 0833491电子技术(二)Electronic Technique() 48/3 48必 修R

29、equired 0800693热力学与统计物理Thermodynamics and statistical physics 40/2.5 40必 修Required 0800372量子力学Quantum Mechanics 48/3 48工程类基础课程BasicCoursesinEngineering必 修Required 0801611计算机组成原理 Computer of Organization 64/4 16 64必 修Required 0800552自动控制原理(一)Principle of Automatic Control () 64/4 64必 修Required 080415

30、1传感器与检测技术Sensor and Detecting Technology 48/3 8 48必 修Required 0702411运筹学(一)Operational Research(1) 32/2 32必 修Required 0816662自动控制原理(二)Principle of Automatic Control () 48/3 48学科基础课程专业基础课BasicCoursesinGeneralDiscipline必 修Required 0800141计算机网络Computer Network 48/3 8 48华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划160续表其中Including各

31、学期学时Hours Distributionin a Semester课程类别CourseClassi-Fied课程性质CourseNature课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name学时/学分Hrs/Crs课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper-ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th必 修Required 0801623人工智能Artificial Intelligence 32/2 32必 修Required 0801033计算机控制系统Computer Control System 48/3 8 48专业方向选修课程 (选修

32、 12 个学分)选 修Elective 0801511电力拖动与电气控制Electric Drive and Electric Control 64/4 4 64选 修Elective 0808453电力电子技术Power Electronic Technology 48/3 48选 修Elective 0808453运动控制系统Motion Control System 48/3 48选 修Elective 0804293运动控制综合实验Motion Control Comprehensive Experiment 32/2 32选 修Elective 0809134面向对象的程序设计Obj

33、ect Orient Program Design 40/2.5 8 40选 修Elective 0700353生命科学导论Introduction to Life Science 24/1.5 24 24选 修Elective 0702421运筹学(二)Operations Research (2) 32/2 32选 修Elective 0700343系统工程System Engineering 32/2 32选 修Elective 0804681DSP 原理与应用 Principle and Application of DSP 32/2 8 24选 修Elective 0800161数字

34、信号处理Digital Signal Processing 48/3 10 48选 修Elective 0804441模式识别Pattern Recognition 32/2 32选 修Elective 0813611系统仿真与 MatlabMatlab System Simulation and Matlab 32/2 4 32选 修Elective 0804671电子线路 CADElectronic Circuitry CAD 32/2 8 32选 修Elective 0804284过程控制系统Process control system 32/2 32选 修Elective 080425

35、1智能控制Intelligence Control 32/2 32专业课程专业方向限选修课程Common Core Courses in Specialties选 修Elective 0812091嵌入式系统原理与应用Principle and Application of Embedded System32/2 8 32华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划161续表其中Including各学期学时Hours Distributionin a Semester课程类别CourseClassi-Fied课程性质CourseNature课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name学时/学

36、分Hrs/Crs课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper-ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th选 修Elective 0813631系统辨识System Identification 24/1.5 24选修相关院系的课程必 修Required 1300012军事训练Military Training 2w/2 2w必 修Required 1300072金工实习Industrial Training 2w/2 2w必 修Required 1300281C 语言课程设计Course Project for C Programming 2w/2 2w必

37、修Required 1300032电工实习Electrical Engineering Practice 2w/2 2w必 修Required 1301112电子技术课程设计Course Project for Electronics Technology 2w/2 2w必 修Required 1300082生产实习Engineering Internship 2w/2 2w必 修Required 1325041控制系统设计课程设计Course Project for Control System Design 4w/2 4w必 修Required 1300973综合训练Comprehensive Training 2w/2 2w实践环节InternshipandPracticalTraining必 修Required 130066毕业设计(论文)Undergraduate Thesis 14w/1414w


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