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1、华中科技大学本科生学习指南279药学专业(临床药学专业方向)(五年制)本科培养计划Undergraduate Education Program for Specialty in clinical pharmacy (5-years schooling)一、培养目标. Educational objectives本专业培养能从事临床药学工作的高层次药学人才。This program aims at cultivating high-quality clinical pharmacists. 二、基本规格要求.Skills Profile业务培养要求:本专业学生应具有化学、医学和 药学的基础 知

2、识,掌握本 专业方向的基本技能,具备从事体内药物的测试分析, 药物的合理利用与药品的管理,临床药学研究,临床用药监测,指导临床合理用药的初步能力,毕业后能在医院 药剂科、 临床药理科、临床药学研究与管理单位从事临床合理用药研究与指导药品管理等工作。毕业生应获得以下的态度、知 识和技能:Students of this specialty should have the basic knowledge of chemistry,medicine and pharmacy, master the professional knowledge and techniques of clinical p

3、harmacy, and possess the preliminary ability of analyzing drugs inside the body, using drugs rationally and managing drugs, monitoring clinical usage of drugs, conducting clinical pharmaceutical research and directing clinical rational use of drugs. Students should work onresearch of drug rational u

4、se and directing drug management in the department of pharmacy, clinical pharmacology of hospital and units of clinical pharmaceutical research and drug management after graduation.Graduates should acquire the following morals, knowledge and abilities:态 度 要 求1.树 立科学的世界观、人生观和价值观,具有 爱国主义和集体主 义精神,愿 为药学

5、科学事业发展贡献力量。2.树 立使用 现代化社会最 优、最进步的专业知识和技术为病人提供服务的思想观念。3.认识 到以病人为本,以健康为本,一切 执业活动围绕病人的健康展开的工作 职责,以确保生 产、销售、配发、使用的药品安全、有效、 经济、合理。认识到提高患者的生存质量是临床药师的神圣职责和对社会应承担的责任。4.遵守行业道德,坚决制止生产、出售、使用假药、 伪劣药物的行为。5.有 对技 术精益求精的精神,对工作、事 业极端负责。6.坚 持社会效益和经济效益并重的原则。7.树 立正确的医学伦理观念,尊重个人信仰,尊重每一个人,理解其人文背景及文化价值。8.树 立终 身学习观 念,充分认识到不

6、断自我完善和接受继续教育的重要性。9.具有 创 新精神和敢于 怀疑、敢于分析批判的精神,具有 为 新知识产生,新技能的发现做出贡献的意识。10.尊重同仁,增强团队意识。11.树 立法制 观 念,在职业活动中坚持原则,敢于 维护人民健康利益。Attitude requirements1. Establish scientific outlook on world, life and values, have patriotism and collectivism spirits, wish 华中科技大学本科生学习指南280to contribute to the cause and develo

7、pment of pharmaceutical science.2. Create the concept of applying the advanced expertise and techniques of the modern society to serve the patients.3. Take the patients and their health as the prior responsibility, focus all professional activities on the benefits of patients and their health, so as

8、 to ensure the safety, effectiveness, economy and soundness in the process of drug manufacturing, marketing, distributing and using. Realize that improving patients living quality is the sacred duty and the responsibility for the society of clinical pharmacists. 4. Observe the professional morals, f

9、irmly prohibit the behavior of producing, selling, using fake medicines or substandard-quality medicines.5. Have the spirit of striving for perfection and be responsible for the work and career.6. Insist on the principle of keeping equal attention to the social benefits and economic results.7. Estab

10、lish the idea of medical ethics, respect personal faith, respect every person, and have a good understanding of his humane background and cultural value.8. Establish the idea of studying throughout ones life and fully realize the importance of going on unceasing self-perfection and receiving continu

11、ed education.9. Establishing the initiative spirit and spirits of daring to doubt and of daring to analyze and criticize, have the ideology of wishing to make contributions to the formation of new knowledge and to the discovery of new skills.10. Respect colleagues and establish team spirit.11. Keep

12、the concept of law in mind. Insist on principles in the professional practice, be brave to maintain the peoples interests of health.知 识 要 求1.掌握临床药学专业理论知识和医学及与医学相关专业基础知识,并能用于未来的学习与实践。2.掌握药物的基本作用及对其作用的选择,药物作用的机理,药物在体内的代谢过程与影响代谢因素和药物代谢与临床用药。3.掌握药物动力学基本原理与药物治疗方案设计,能 对临 床用药作出准确的判断与解释:血药浓度监测的原理与方法以及个体化给药方

13、案的设计;药效学的基本理论和药理遗传学概念与意义;掌握疾病对药物作用的影响:时辰药理学与临床用药:药物相互作用机制:药物利用和评价的理论与原则。 4.掌握药剂学的基本理论、制 剂工艺对药物稳定性、 药物治 疗效果与安全性的影响,熟悉了解药物的代谢与药效。5.掌握药物治疗的原则:药物安全性;特殊人群(老年、婴幼儿、妊娠期与哺乳期妇女)以及肝、肾功能不全者的安全用药:药物安全、有效、经济的使用原则与影响药物合理使用的因素;了解不合理用药的技术与行政干预的必要性与措施。6.掌握人体各器官与组织的解剖部位和人体正常的组织、结构与功能;疾病发生时机体结构和功能等病理生理学的异常改变。7.了解影响健康与疾

14、病的重要因素和致病危险因素,人 类 与自然、社会 环境、心理因素的相互作用与影响。8.掌握临床医学基础知识课程和医学相关专业基础知识,如内科学、外科学总论、儿科学、传染病学以及临床诊断学、药物治疗 学、 临床检验学和医疗文书等有关基 础知识。了解常见疾病的诊断与治疗。9.熟悉医学心理学和人际交流沟通的基本理论。10.掌握药物动力学、药物评价与利用研究和 药物经济学理 论知识与研究原则。11.了解突发公共卫生事件应急机制与医院药事管理应急预案的实施原则与措施。12.熟悉医疗机构药事管理信息系统和技术支持系统的原理与应用。华中科技大学本科生学习指南28113.了解医院药事管理学和医院药学的基本理论

15、与国内外发展趋势。Knowledge requirements1.Master the professional knowledge of clinical pharmacy and the basic knowledge associated with medical science, and be able to use in the future study and practice.2.Master the action, selection and mechanism of medicines, metabolism inside the body , factors influen

16、cing metabolism and the clinical use of medicines as well.3.Grasp the basic principles of pharmacokinetics and therapeutic design. Be able to make an correct explanation and decision for drug application, including the principles for drug concentration monitoring and the designing for individual the

17、rapeutic applying; basic theories of pharmacodynamics and concepts and meanings of genetic pharmacology. Grasp the effects of diseases on actions of medicines, like chronopharmacology and clinical use, mechanism of drug interaction, theories and principles of drug use and evaluation.4.Grasp the basi

18、c theories of pharmaceutics, and impacts of preparation technology on drug stability , medication effect and security. Know very well of metabolism and effects of drugs.5.Grasp therapeutic principles: drug stability, and safe use of medicines in special population (the elders, babies and infants, wo

19、men in pregnancy and lactation period) as well as those with hepatic and renal dysfunction: principles on safety, effective and economic use of drugs and factors affecting medicine rational use. Know the necessity and measures for interfering with the irrational use of medicine by technology and adm

20、inistration.6.Grasp the anatomy location of the human organs and tissues, and the normal organ, structure and function of human body, and the abnormal pathological physiology changes in the structure and function of the body caused by diseases.7.Know the key factors affecting the healthy and dangero

21、us factors causing diseases, the interaction and influences of human with the natural world, social environment, and psychological factors.8.Grasp the basic knowledge of clinical medicine and the basic professional knowledge related to medical science, including internal medicine, general surgery, p

22、ediatrics, lemology and clinical diagnosis medicinal therapeutics, clinical ecsomatics and the basic knowledge related to medical documents. Know the diagnosis and treatment for common diseases.9.Know the basic theory of the medical psychology very well and communication among people.10. Know the th

23、eories and principles of study in pharmacokinetics, drug evaluation and medical economics.11. Know principles and measures for handling stringently the unexpected public health event and making plans of managing an emergency of pharmaceutical administration in hospital. 12. Know well of the informat

24、ion system of medical institusions, and principles and application of technology spporting system.13. Know the basic theories and the development trend of the hospital medicine administration and the hospital pharmacy theory domestic and abroad.技 能 要 求1.了解药品采购、供应管理、质量验收、记帐核对等程序和技术要求。2.掌握麻醉药品、精神药品、医疗

25、用毒性药品的供应、管理和使用的有关知识,并能按照有关法律法规的规定进行运作。3.熟悉门诊、急诊、传染和病房药房以及药库、临床静脉药物配置中心(室) 等岗位职责、工作内容、工作程序和规章制度。4.掌握处方管理制度的有关规定,在 药品调剂配发工作中,具有较强审核处方与复查发药的能力华中科技大学本科生学习指南282和对病房药房实行中心摆发药品的安全操作。会运用沟通技巧和微笑服 务,正确做好 发药交待、处理与解释纠纷。5.了解临床静脉药物配置中心(室) 设置、技术规范及仪器设备的工作原理。6.掌握各类常用药品的通用名称、主要商品名、药理作用、药物动力学、临床应用、用法用量、药品安全性及注意事项等,并能

26、把 这些药物知识应用于临床 药物治疗和药学技术服务工作。7.熟悉有效期药品的管理知识和管理办法, 对过期失效药 品能按有关规定进行处理。8.了解药品分类管理的相关政策规定, 对非处方药能按患者的病情指 导病人正确选药、用 药,对处方药能严格把关,进行必要的干 预,合理使用 药品。9 在实际药学服务中帮助医师选药用药,指 导护士领药、管药和给病人安全用药。10.具有收集、管理、分析和利用药学信息知识与技能,认真倾听、收集和综合整理与药学服务有关各种信息,并能理解其实质 内容。具有 编写药物信息,编辑出版药讯,为服务于第一线临床药师提供技术支持的能力。11.具有向医师、护师等医务人 员提供药物和药

27、物治疗信息与咨 询, 对病人提供药物信息咨询服务的知识与技能。12.具有较强宣传合理用药和安全用药指导的知识与技能,提高病人用药的依从性,并能反映在药学服务实践。13.了解药品质量监控的原则,掌握本医 疗机构药品质量监 控的规定与方法。14.能对临床所获得的有关诊断报告与观察结果,运用 药学 专业知识和医学基础知识进行分析与解释,根据循征医学(药学) 的原则,提出药物治疗方案、 实 施合理用药。15.具有参与临床查房、会诊、病案讨论和危重患者药物救治的 专业技术知识与技能,重视临床药物治疗实践和药物治疗经验的积累。16.对临床常见的诊断技术、如影像、心电图、 临床检验报告等具有一般阅读分析的能

28、力。17.具有书写与分析药历的能力,医 疗文书书写、 阅读与处 理的能力。18.掌握血药浓度监测技能;对药物动力学、 药物评价与利用和 药物经济学等工作,能在上 级临床药师指导下进行实验研究;具有进行用药调查与分析,提出合理使用卫生资源的知识与技能。19.具有利用各种信息资源和信息技术进行自主学习与研究的能力。20.掌握一门外语,具有应用语 言的能力。Skills requirements1.Know the procedure and technology requirements of medicines purchasing, supplying administration, qual

29、ity approving and bill checking.2.Grasp the relevant knowldge of supplying, managing and applying for narcotic drugs, psych-medicines and therapeutic toxic medicines. Be able to carry out according to the relevant regulations and laws.3.Know very well about the responsibilities on duty, performance,

30、 procedure and regulations of out-patient clinic, emergency ward, infection ward, ward despensory, drugstore and the clinical allocation centre for preparing medicines by introvenous injection.4.Grasp the roles on prescription management. Have the capbility of verifying prescriptions, rechecking dru

31、g dispensary and safely manupilating the arranging and supplying medicines in the ward despensory. Be albe to apply the tricks of communication and friendly service up. Do well in supplying service, handling and explaining a dispute.5.Know installation of the clinical allocation centre for preparing

32、 medicines by introvenous injection, technical practices and operating principles of instruments.6.Grasp the gernal names, the main brand names, pharmacological actions, pharmacokinetics, clinical uses, dose and administration, safeties and precausions etc.for various common used medicines. And be 华

33、中科技大学本科生学习指南283able to apply these knowledges into clinical medication and pharmaceutical service.7.Know well about knowledges and regulations for managing medicines within period of validity. Be able to handle medicines exceeding expiration according to roles.8.Know the relevant policy and regulati

34、ons for management of medicine classification. Be able to guide a patient to choose and use OTC medicines correctly by their diseases. Be able to guard strictly to prescription medicines, carry out necessary interventions and using medicines rationally.9.Be able to help a doctor to choose medicines,

35、 guide a nurse to take, manage and use safely medicines for patients in realy pharmaceutical practice.10. Have the knowledge and technical ability for collecting, managing, analyzing and making use of pharmaceutical information. Listen attentively, collect and arrange comphrehensively various inform

36、ation with pharmacy service. Be able to understand their main contents. Have the ablity to write medical information, edit and publish medicine communications, and provide technology support for clinical pharmacist in frontline.11. Have the knowledge and technical skills to provide medicine and medi

37、cation information and counseling service for medical personnels such as doctors, nurses, and patients.12. Have the knowledge and technical ability for promoting drugs rational use and safely use. Improve patients complience, and can be shown in pharmaceutical serving practice.13. Know principles of

38、 quality monitoring of medicines. And grasp regulations and methods of quality monitoring of medicines in their own medical institution.14. Be able to analyze and make an explanation for diagnosed reports and observed results by applying knowledge of pharmacy and medicine. Be able to point out medic

39、ation schemes and put into practice for drug rational use.15. Have the professional knowledge and skills in participating in clinical rounds, doctors consultation, discussion of the special cases and medication for critical and severe patients. Care about medication practice and experience accumulat

40、ion of therapeutic treatment.16. Have a sort of ability to read and analyze reports by commonly used diagnose technologies such as image, EKG and clinical test.17. Have the ability to write and analyze medication reports, treatment documents, read and solve problem.18. Grasp the technical skills for

41、 blood concentration monitoring. Be able to conduct research on pharmacokinetics, evaluation and application of medicines, and pharmaceutical economy under the guidance of super clinical pharmacists. Have the knowledge and technical ability to investigate and analyze medicine application and raise t

42、he suggestions for rational use of healthy resource.19. Have the ability to utilize various information resources and techniques for study and research independently. 20. Master a foreign language and be able to read and translate materials of the specialty skillfully.三、培养特色.Program Features将人文、信息、计

43、算机知识与医学、药学知识相结合,培养具有良好素质的药学专业人才。This program integrates the knowledge of humanities, information and computer science, medicine with that of pharmacy so as to broaden the cultivation of talents of good quality in pharmaceutical 华中科技大学本科生学习指南284specialty.四、主干学科.Major Disciplines化学 Chemistry 、医学 Medic

44、ine、药学 Pharmacy五、学制与学位.Length of Schooling and Degree学制:基本为五年,实行弹性学制。Basic system: 5 years, plus flexible system授予学位:理学学士Bachelor of science degree六、学时与学分.Hours/Credits完成学业最低课内学分(含课程体系与集中性实践教学环节)要求: 280Minimum Credits of Curricular(Comprising course system and intensified practical training):280完成学业

45、最低课外学分要求:10Minimum Extracurricular Credits:101. 课程体系学时与学分Hours/Credits of Course System课程类别 课程性质 学时/学分 占课程体系学分比例()必修 1160/72.5 30.57通识教育基础课程选修 160/10 4.2必修 376/23.5 10.0学科大类基础课程选修 96/6 2.5必修 440/27.5 10.8学科基础课程 学科(专业)基础课程选修 96/6 2.5必修 1352/84.5 35.88专业课程 专业核心课程 选修 128/8 3.4合 计 3808/238 100Course Cla

46、ssified Course Nature Hrs/Crs Percentage()Required 1160/72.5 30.57Basic Courses in General EducationElective 160/10 4.2Required 376/23.5 10.0Basic Courses in General DisciplineElective 96/6 2.5Required 440/27.5 10.8Basic Courses in Discipline Basic Courses in Discipline Elective 96/6 2.5Required 135

47、2/84.5 35.88Courses in Specialty Common Core Courses Elective 128/8 3.4Total 3808/238 1002. 集中性实践教学环节周数与学分Weeks/Credits of Intensified Internship and Practical Training实践教学环节名称 课程性质 周数/学分 占实践教学环节学分比例()军事训练 必修 2/2 4.8入学教育 必修 1/1 2.4毕业教育 必修 1/1 2.4华中科技大学本科生学习指南285毕业考试 必修 1/1 2.4野外实习 必修 2/2 4.8综合实习 必修

48、1/1 2.4临床实习 必修 18/18 42.8毕业实习 必修 16/16 38.1合计 42/42 100Practical Training Course Nature Weeks/Credits Percentage()Military Training Required 2/2 4.8Admission education Required 1/1 2.4Graduation education Required 1/1 2.4Graduation examination Required 1/1 2.4On site practice Required 2/2 4.8Compreh

49、ensive practice Required 1/1 2.4Clinical Practice Required 18/18 42.8Pre-graduation practice Required 16/16 38.1Total 42/42 1003.课 外学分Extracurricular Credits序号 名称 要 求 课外学分1* 早期接触专业的教育第 2 学年暑假参加 2 周药学专业对口的单位的专业实习,提交实践总结及单位证明,经考核合格者 2.0提交社会调查报告,通过答辩者 12 社会实践活动 个人被校团委或团省委评为社会实践活动积极分子者,集体被校 团委或团省委评为优秀社会实践队者 2全国大学英语六级考试 考试成绩达到学校要求者 2全国计算机等级考试 获二级以上证书者 2获程序员证书者 2获高级程序员证书者 33 英语及计算机考试全国计算机软件资格、水平考 试获系统分析员证书者 4获一等奖者 3获二等奖者 2校级获三等奖者 1获一等奖者 4获二等奖者 3省级获三等奖者 2获一等奖者 6获二等奖者 44 竞赛全国获三等奖者 35 论文 在全国性刊物发表论文 每篇论文 236 科研 视参与科研项目时间与科研能力 每项 137


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