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1、智浪教育普惠英才文库2014-2015 学年高三英语一模汇编- 语法新题型One【虹口区】(A)Dont Take the Fun Out of Youth SportsWhen I joined a private football league a few years ago, the sport meant everything to me. My coach said I had lots of potential, and I became captain of my team. That was before all the fun (25)_(take) out of playi

2、ng.At first, everyone on the team got equal playing time. Then the team moved up to the top division after winning all its games, and the pressure started. Some parents, who (26)_(pay) the coach extra (27)_return for their daughters private one-on-one training, got angry when she didnt give them mor

3、e playing time. The coach was replaced. The new coach, however, took all the fun out of the game: All we did during practice was run. We ran so much that, afterwards, we had trouble (28) _(breathe).Younger people shouldnt be doing exercises (29)_ (design) for 18-year-olds.I was thin before I started

4、 football, but as a member of this team I wouldnt eat much, because I thought to (30) _ that I was afraid of being too full to run. Finally, I ended up leaving the football team. Four other girls did the same, two of (31)_stopped playing football completely.Thats sad because they had so much potenti

5、al. They were just burned-out with all the pressure they felt from the coach or their parents.I continued playing football at school and rediscovered my love for it. I joined a private team and the coach told me I needed to relax because I looked nervous. After I calmed down, I played better. When y

6、ou enjoy something, it is a lot (32)_(easy) to do it well.(B)How to Be a WinnerSteven Redgrave-Winner of 5 Olympic Gold Medals“In 2012 I was found to have developed lung disease. (33)_ (believe) my career was over, I felt extremely low. Then one of the specialists said there was no reason why I shou

7、ld stop training and competing. That was it-the encouragement I needed. I could still be a winner (34) _ _ _I believed in myself. I am not saying that it isnt difficult sometimes. But I wanted to prove to myself that hard (35) _the condition was, I wasnt finished yet. Nothing is to stand in my way.“

8、Karen Pickering-Swimming World Champion“I swim 4 hours a day, 6 days a week. I manage that sort of workload by putting it on top of my diary. This is the key to success- you (36) _ not bear following a career in any field without being well-organized. List (37) _ you believe you can achieve. Trust y

9、ourself, write down your goals for the day, however small they are, and youll be a step closer to achieving them.“Kirsten Best-Poet on condition that 35. as/though 36. can 37. what 38. which 39. feel 40. a Two【 黄浦区】(A)The Problem with Top-Schools ListsThere are around 4,000 accredited universities a

10、nd other higher education institutions in the United States. They offer an immense range of educational experiences, (25)_ large research universities to small, friendly liberal arts colleges. This helps explain (26)_the United States attracts more international students than any other country, says

11、 Allan E. Goodman, president of the Institute of International Education, (27)_non-profit group promoting student exchanges to and from America.“While elite(精英)U.S. programs are among the top ten in the world,“ Goodman says, “the unique strength of the U.S. higher education system is diversity.“Ther

12、e is no official ranking system to indicate which institutions are better than others, (28)_several unofficial rankings are listed by magazines and associations. However, educators urge caution in using a ranking table and emphasize that (29)_(good) choice for one student may be very different for a

13、nother.Institutions of all types (30) _ (spread) across the United States. Some students want a campus that will give them the excitement and rich cultural life of a big city such as New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles. (31)_value the peace and beauty of a rural setting, whether the quiet forests and

14、snowy winters of the Northeast, subtropical Florida, the dry expanses of the West, or the Pacific coast with its seashore and nearby mountainsMany institutions have particular strengths in certain academic areas, (32)_ (make) them a good choice for students interested in those fields.(B)An evolving

15、gameAsia has already become a center of the womens professional game, and much of the growth in participation across the world is coming from womens golf.Family-friendly facilities (33)_(develop) for a new golfing demographic(人群)in the following years, (34)_ more women are playing the game and men a

16、nd women are increasingly spending their leisure time together.Childrens engagement with the game will increase. In China, golf is recognized as a game (35)_teaches children important life principles. Free golf training is offered to kinder-gartners and some parents are now prepared to spend up to 3

17、00,000 yuan ($43,940) a year on lessons for their children.智浪教育普惠英才文库“Asia will play an increasingly vital role in the future development of golf,“ say top players past and present.More top events will be add to the schedule in China and other places in Asia, (36)_the game is becoming more popular.

18、Back-to-back Open Champion Padraig Harrington agrees: “You only (37)_ _ look at the European Tours schedule and see how many tournaments are now being hosted by Asia, whether in the Middle East or Far East,“ he says.“Change is the price of survival,“ says golf legend Gary Player, one of a handful of

19、 players (38)_ (achieve) the Career Grand Slam(大满贯).“With the eyes of the sport now firmly (39)_(focus) on Asia, I can see several of the worlds Top 10 coming from Asia and several more global tournaments hosted there by 2020.“The game will also become more technologically engaged. Advances in digit

20、al technology will change the face of (40)_(coach) with “smart clubs“ which memorize golfers grip and swing, allowing them to analyze their performance and learn from their mistakes.Keys:25. from 26. why 27. a 28. though/but 29. the best 30. are spread 31. Others 32. making 33. will be developed 34.

21、 as/ because 35. which/that 36. where 37. have to 38. to have achieved/ having achieved 39. focused 40. coachingThree【浦东新区】(A)You cant go near the City Centre Mall in downtown Seattle without seeing the mermaid logo of a certain international coffee company. Today the company (25) _(establish) 5,945

22、 stores in the United States and 2,392 more overseas and in Canada. While it (26) _ seem that there is already a Starbucks at every corner, Chairman Howard Schultz says the company is just getting started. The company plans to double the current number of domestic stores to nearly 12,000. To meet (2

23、7) _ target, Sawbucks will start more stores at airports and supermarkets. Dont be fooled: the key to its success is not the taste of its coffee. (28) _ has made them great is making sure that no one has a bad experience in their stores.One way it intends to keep further its growth is to move custom

24、ers through its line more quickly. While Starbucks executives love to talk about their stores gentle environment as a “third place” (29) _ home and work, it turns out that only 30 percent of customers actually use the tables and couches. Everyone else (30) _ (grab) their coffee to go, (31) _ _ one t

25、hird of new stores will now offer drive-through.The company is also coming up with new ideas (32) _ (get) customers to dig deeper into their wallets. On each floor of Starbucks headquarters south of downtown Seattle, employees of the company tout(兜售)new plans for food and new drinks such as coffee l

26、iqueurs(咖啡酒)and this years holiday offering: pumpkin spice lattes.(B)Art of livingAristotle once wrote that “happiness is a state of activity”. In other words, whether you are 智浪教育普惠英才文库seeking lifelong satisfaction (33) _ a few moments of good cheer, you have got to move forward. Weve surveyed the

27、experts and found four steps to take toward a sunny disposition(性格):1. VALUE YOUR RELATIONSHIPSOver a 30-year period, University of Illinois researchers asked nearly 12,000 people (34) _ income, education, political participation, volunteer activities, and close relationships affected their happines

28、s. Reported Newsweeks Sharon Begley on the findings, “The highest level of happiness (35) _ (find) with the most stable, longest, and most contented relationships.”2. EXPRESS YOURSELFSinging aloud, talking to a stranger, raising your hand: All may increase a feeling of well-being, according to a stu

29、dy from Wake Forest University. Participants tracked their moods for two weeks and reported feeling happier when they were (36) _ (outgoing).3. SPEND MONEY ON OTHERSThe editors of gave $5 or $20 randomly to 46 strangers. Half the group was told to spend money on (37) _, while the other half was tol

30、d to spend it on others. Those whod shared the wealth felt much happier at the end of the day than those whod spent it on themselves. There was no difference in happiness between those who spent $5 or $20, suggesting that its not how much money you spend, but how you spend it, (38) _ can boost (提升)

31、the spirit.4. FOCUS ON THE POSITVE Studies from the University of Pennsylvanias Positive Psychology Center show (39) _ negative-minded people who wrote down three good things that happened to them each day for six months reported an (40) _ (improve) outlook.Keys:25. has established 26. may/might 27.

32、 this/ that/ the 28. What 29. besides 30. grabs 31. so that 32.to get 33. or 34. how 35.is found 36. more outgoing 37. themselves 38. that 39. that 40. improved Four【 长宁区】(A)Many people underestimate the importance of writing skills. They think that as long as they _25_ speak and understand the lang

33、uage, they know it. Truth is, we live in the age of internet and smart phones where most of the communication happens in writing. An ability to express ideas _26_ a clear and literate way has become extremely necessary for work, study and everyday life.Do you have trouble _27_(express) yourself in w

34、ritten English? Dont worry, even native speakers find it difficult. Here are some tips that will help you improve your English writing skills: 1. Read as much as you can. It is the best way _28_(learn) sentence structures and build a vocabulary. We will share a writing for you to read on Facebook ev

35、ery week.2. Translate from your native language into English _29_ vice versa. However, if you write more, you should start thinking in English. You will know you have become fluent _30_ you no longer need to translate your thoughts. 智浪教育普惠英才文库3. Use social media. By posting on Twitter or Facebook, y

36、ou can get comments and feedback from your peers. It also helps overcome a fear of writing in public. You can always get your writings _31_(check) by reviewers at Daily Themes before you share it on other channels. 4. Take an online course. There are a few very good free online courses on writing, E

37、nglish composition, and grammar on Courser, Alison, edX, and Future Learn. You can take courses on these websites, and share your learning by writing on Daily Themes. 5. Get a writing coach at Daily Themes. The fastest way to learn is to have someone, _32_ has already mastered the language, check yo

38、ur writings. Happy writing! (B)Children have their own rules in playing games. They seldom need a referee (裁判) and rarely trouble to keep scores. They dont care much about who wins or loses, and it doesnt seem to worry them _33_ the game is not finished. Yet, they like games that depend a lot on luc

39、k, _34_ _ their personal abilities cannot be directly compared. They also enjoyed games that move in stages, in which each stagethe choosing of leaders, the picking-up of sides, or the determining of which side shall startis almost a game in itself.Grown-ups can hardly find childrens game exciting,

40、and they often feel puzzled at _35_ their kids play such simple game again and again. _36_, it is found that a child plays games for very important reasons. He can be a good player without having to think whether he is a popular person, and he can find himself being a useful partner to someone of wh

41、om he is ordinary afraid. He becomes a leader when it comes to _37_ turn. He can be confident, too, in particular games, that it is his place to give orders, to pretend to be dead, to throw a ball actually at someone, or to kiss someone he _38_(catch).It appears to us that when children play a game

42、they imagine a situation _39_ their control. Everyone knows the rules, and _40_(importantly), everyone plays according to the rules. Those rules may be childish, but they make sure that every child has a chance to win.Keys: 25、can 26、in 27、expressing 28、to learn 29、and 30、once 31、checked 32、who33、if

43、 34、so that 35、why 36、However 37、his 38、has caught 39、under 40、more importantlyFive【徐汇区】(A)Residents of southern California are trying to get used to skyrocketing prices for gasoline. The average price for 87 octane economy gas is $2.22, almost 30 percent higher today than it was 12 months ago. The

44、(25) (low) gas price in the Southland right now is $2.09 a gallon at the Seashell station in Arcadia. The station manager, Everett, said the reason his gas is cheaper than elsewhere is (26) he bought a lot of gas two years ago at(27) (reduce) prices, so he is passing his savings on to his customers.

45、The lines at the Seashell station often run 10 to 20 vehicles long. The police have been here several times (28) cars block traffic on Horsetrail Drive. Everett said, “I tell people in line 智浪教育普惠英才文库that the Barco station a block away is only $2.14, (29) theyd rather wait and save 5 cents. Its OK w

46、ith me, of course. I dont mind (30) (make) money.”A young man pumping gas was said(31) (wait) in line for 20 minutes. When asked why he didnt go a block away where there were no lines, he said, “Every penny counts. When I bought this 99 Bummer, gas was only $1 a gallon, which was pretty cheap. So, (

47、32) I only get eight miles per gallon, I wasnt paying that much to fill my tank. But todays prices are killing me. I drive to work, and I drive to the grocery store. Thats it. I used to drive around the neighborhood just to show off my wheels, but I(33) never do that anymore.”(B)People joke that no one in Los Angeles reads; everyone watches TV, rents videos, or goes to the movies. The most popular reading material is comic books, movie magazines, and TV guides. City libraries have only 10 percent of the traffic


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