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1、谷雨单词王-10 倍速、抗遗忘、快乐、轻松背单词http:/ QQ: 285517323免 费 获 取 价 值 万 元 英 语 学 习 软 件 、 图 书 和 CD 超 值 大 礼 包http:/ QQ: 7075266071新东方四级高频词汇1、appoint vt.任命;约定Shes been appointed to the post of sales director.2、delay vt.&vi.&n.耽搁;拖延;延迟的时间They delay ed publishing the report until after the election.3、shift vt.&vi.&n.移动

2、;转动;改变;转换;轮班I shifted into top gear.4、transplant vt.&n.移栽;移植;迁移;移植(手术) ;移植的器官The surgeon has done several heart transplants.5、event n.事件;比赛的项目The next event will be the 100metros race.6、various a.各种各样的;多方面的For various reason Id prefer not to meet him.7、liberal a.开明的;自由的谷雨单词王-10 倍速、抗遗忘、快乐、轻松背单词http:/

3、 QQ: 285517323免 费 获 取 价 值 万 元 英 语 学 习 软 件 、 图 书 和 CD 超 值 大 礼 包http:/ QQ: 7075266072The church has become more liberal in this century.8、optional a.可以任选的;非强制的The car radio is an optional extra.9、significant a.有异议的;重要的;重大的There is a significant improvement in the companys safety record.10、alike a.&ad.

4、相同的;想象的(指用作表语) ;同样的There is a training course for employed and unemployed alike.11、 appreciate vt.感激;欣赏;领会Id appreciate it if you would turn the radio down.12、 secure a.&vt.安全的;放心的;获得;保卫Extra men are needed to secure the camp against attack.13、 disturb vt.扰乱;妨碍;使不安A light wind disturbed the surface

5、of the water.谷雨单词王-10 倍速、抗遗忘、快乐、轻松背单词http:/ QQ: 285517323免 费 获 取 价 值 万 元 英 语 学 习 软 件 、 图 书 和 CD 超 值 大 礼 包http:/ QQ: 707526607314、 confuse vt.使混乱;混淆Im always confusing John with Paul.15、 earn vt.赚的;获得He earned a lot of praise from the papers for his smart deeds.16、 punish vt.惩罚;处罚The teacher punished

6、 them for their rudeness.17、 overlook vt. 忽略;俯视;宽容Ill overlook your mistake this time.18、 reveal vt.揭露;泄露;展现;显示The investigation has revealed some faults in the system.19、witness n.&v.目击者;见证人;目击;为作证The 1980s have witnessed increasing unemployment.20、solution n.答案;解决方法;溶解(作用) ;溶液They finally came up

7、with a solution.谷雨单词王-10 倍速、抗遗忘、快乐、轻松背单词http:/ QQ: 285517323免 费 获 取 价 值 万 元 英 语 学 习 软 件 、 图 书 和 CD 超 值 大 礼 包http:/ QQ: 707526607421、frequency n.次数;频率;经常发生;频繁The frequency of accidents has forced the government to lower the speed limit.22、interval n. 间隔;间歇;(幕间或中场)休息Tomorrow it will be mostly cloudy,

8、with a few sunny intervals.23、primary a.首要的;基本的;最初的;初级的The primary purpose of his visit is to improve trading relations.24、guilty a.有罪的;内疚的I feel very guilty about forgetting to post your letter.25、 tolerate vt.容忍;容许;宽容I wont tolerate your bad manners any longer.26、acquire vt.取得;获得;学到I managed to ac

9、quire two tickets for the concert.27、furnish vt.为配备加剧;(-with)提供;供应谷雨单词王-10 倍速、抗遗忘、快乐、轻松背单词http:/ QQ: 285517323免 费 获 取 价 值 万 元 英 语 学 习 软 件 、 图 书 和 CD 超 值 大 礼 包http:/ QQ: 7075266075It is costly to furnish our new flat.28、haste n.急速;急忙In his haste, he forgot to take his umbrella.29、luxury n.奢华;奢侈品Cream

10、 cakes are a luxury in our house.30、enormous a.巨大的;庞大的He gained an enormous mount of money in the business.31、urgent a.紧迫的;紧要的Its not urgent, it can wait until tomorrow.32、vivid a. (光线、色彩)鲜亮的,醒目的;逼真的The film star wears a vivid red hair.33、similar a.相似的;类似的He was advised not to eat bread cake, and ot

11、her similar foods.34、artificial a.人工的;假的;矫揉造作的谷雨单词王-10 倍速、抗遗忘、快乐、轻松背单词http:/ QQ: 285517323免 费 获 取 价 值 万 元 英 语 学 习 软 件 、 图 书 和 CD 超 值 大 礼 包http:/ QQ: 7075266076She welcomed me with an artificial smile.35、advisable a.可取的;明智的It is advisable to wear a safety belt when youre driving.36、equivalent a.&n. (

12、-to)相等的;相同的;等同物;等价物Changing his job is equivalent to firing him.37、 surround vt.围绕;包围The whole affair is surrounded by controversy.38、wreck n.&vt.失事船只(残骸) ;破灭;(常被动态)使遇到海滩We were wrecked off the coast of Africa.39、assess vt.估价;评定Hes so lazy that its difficult to asses his ability.40、annoy vt.使烦恼;打搅I

13、was annoyed with him because he kept interrupting.41、coordinate a.&vt.&n.并列的;等同的;协调;调节;坐标谷雨单词王-10 倍速、抗遗忘、快乐、轻松背单词http:/ QQ: 285517323免 费 获 取 价 值 万 元 英 语 学 习 软 件 、 图 书 和 CD 超 值 大 礼 包http:/ QQ: 7075266077We used a computer to coordinate the marketing campaign.42、abuse vt.&n.辱骂;滥用;刻薄的话;滥用;妄用;虐待Im afrai

14、d the system is open to abuse.43、scenery n.风景;景色;舞台;布景We passed through some beautiful scenery on our journey.44、routine a.& n.惯常的;例行的;惯例;常规;例行公事She longed to escape from the old familiar routine.45、minimum n .&a. 最小量;最低限度;最小数的;最低点的He smokes a minimum of ten cigarettes a day.46、battery n.电池(组) ;电瓶;一

15、组(器具等) ;炮兵连The car wont start because the battery has lost all its power.47、tame a.&vt 驯服的;由人驯养的;驯服Only the tame horse can be ridden on.谷雨单词王-10 倍速、抗遗忘、快乐、轻松背单词http:/ QQ: 285517323免 费 获 取 价 值 万 元 英 语 学 习 软 件 、 图 书 和 CD 超 值 大 礼 包http:/ QQ: 707526607848、progressive a.不断前进的;先进的;逐渐的This is a progressive

16、 firm that uses the most modern systems.49、applicable a.适合的;适用的The rule is only applicable to UK citizens.50、motivate v.促动;激发There is little to motivate these kids to work hard at school.51、omit vt.省去;略去;忽略In writing this report I have omitted all unnecessary details.52、refusal n.拒绝;谢绝My offer met w

17、ith a polite refusal.53、perspective n.视角;观点The new evidence put an entirely different perspective on the case.54、 series n.一系列;连续;丛书This is the latest in a series of proposals on arms limitation.谷雨单词王-10 倍速、抗遗忘、快乐、轻松背单词http:/ QQ: 285517323免 费 获 取 价 值 万 元 英 语 学 习 软 件 、 图 书 和 CD 超 值 大 礼 包http:/ QQ: 70

18、7526607955、ribbon n.缎带;丝带She wore red ribbons in her hair.56、purchase vt.&n.购买;购物;购得物The purchasing power of the dollar has declined.57、vigorous a.将有力的;有活力的The minister made a vigorous defense of the government policies.58、specific a.明确的;具体的She gave us very specific instructions.59、stable n.&a.马厮;畜舍

19、;稳固的;安定的The ladder isnt very stable.60、responsible a.负有责任的;可靠的;需对(事、人)负责的Whos responsible for this terrible mess? 61、original a.&n.最初的;独特新颖的;原件;原物;原著The original owner of the house was a Frenchman.谷雨单词王-10 倍速、抗遗忘、快乐、轻松背单词http:/ QQ: 285517323免 费 获 取 价 值 万 元 英 语 学 习 软 件 、 图 书 和 CD 超 值 大 礼 包http:/ QQ:

20、7075266071062、instant a.&n.即刻发生的;即时的;(一般用单数)片刻;刹那I took an instant dislike to him.63. highlight vt.&n.使显著;使注意力集中于;最精彩的部分(场面)He gave us several facts that highlight the need for change.64. amuse vt.使开心;使发笑;给提供娱乐His silly jokes amused the children.65. classify vt.把分级(分类) ;把分为The scientists classify the animals into several types.66. insert vt.插入;放入He inserted a key in the lock of the front door.67. manufacture vt.&n.(尤指用机器大量)制造;制造This firm manufactures cars.68. pitch vt.&n.扎(营) ;为定音高;投,扔;球场;音调;程度This song is pitched too high for my voice.


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