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1、12016 年全国中学生英语能力竞赛( NEPCS)初赛高三年级组试题(总分:150 分 答题时间:120 分钟)听力部分(共三大题,计 30 分) Sentences (句子听写) (共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,计 5 分)Please listen to the following five sentences. There are several missing words in each sentence. Fill in the blanks with the exact words you hear. Each sentence will be read twice. (请听下面

2、五个句子,每个句子中均有几个缺失的单词,请根据你所听到的单词填空。每个句子读两遍。 ) (答案写在答题纸上)1. If she home on the bus, itll be to carry them.2. We couldnt because the road work went twenty-four hours a day.3. Would you to see if theres any for me please?4. I saw Mr. Smith a new fence at his home yesterday afternoon.5. When I was at home

3、, I music and watched TV. Dialogues (对话理解) (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,计 10 分)(A) Please listen to the following five mini-dialogues. Each dialogue is followed by a question. Choose the best answer to each question according to the dialogue you hear. Each dialogue and question will be read twice. (请听下面五组小对话,每组

4、对话后有一个问题,根据你所听到的对话内容,选出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。每组对话和问题读两遍。 ) (答案涂在答题纸上)6. A. The woman with long, fair hair. B. The woman with short, black hair.C. The tall woman with glasses. D. The short woman with a hat. 7. A. The good weather. B. The historical center. C. A few museums. D. The water park. 8.A. In the fron

5、t of the car. B. Under the table of the kitchen. C. On the shelf by the window. D. Beside the sofa by the window. 9. 10. 2(B) Please listen to the following dialogue. The dialogue is followed by five questions. Choose the best answer to each question according to the dialogue you hear. The dialogue

6、and questions will be read twice. (请听下面的对话以及对话后的五个问题,根据你所听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳选项。对话和问题读两遍) (答案涂在答题纸上)11. A. A cellphone. B. A computer. C. A laptop. D. A camera.12. A. His girlfriend. B. The woman speaker. C. His parents. D. His good friends. 13. A. Because he has got one already. B. Because his pare

7、nts dont agree. C. Because he doesnt think it necessary. D. Because he doesnt have enough money. 14. A. In a computer store. B. In a library. C. In a cinema. D. In a video shop.15. A. A doctor. B. A painter. C. A technician. D. A student. Passages (短文理解) (共 10 小题; 16-20 小题每小题 1 分,21-25 小题每小题 2 分,计15

8、 分)(A) Please listen to the following passage. The passage is followed by five questions. Choose the best answer to each question according to the passage you hear. The passage and questions will be read twice. (请听下面的短文以及短文后的五个问题,根据你所听到的短文内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳选项。短文和问题读两遍。 ) (答案涂在答题纸上)16. A. An old man. B.

9、 A girl. C. A couple. D. A boy. 17.18.319. 20.A. In a few days. B. During a month. C. This week. D. Next year. (B) Please listen to the following passage and fill in the blanks according to the passage you hear with one word for each blank. The passage will be read twice.(请听下面的短文,根据你所听到的内容填空,没空一词。短文

10、读两遍。 ) (答案写在答题纸上)笔试部分(共七大题,计 120 分). Knowledge and Usage (知识与用法) (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,计 15 分)(A) Please complete the following sentences by using the Chinese hints given in the brackets. (请根据括号中所给的汉语提示完成下列句子。 ) (答案写在答题纸上)26. It (原来是)that they had known each other when they were young.27. We politely exp

11、ressed out (不满意) with the room and asked if we could possibly change.28. When things go wrong, all of us (自然地)feel disappointed and frustrated.29. Whereas he (过去曾)be such a horrible little boy, now, hes extremely well behaved. 30. Anne didnt change the steps of (古典的)ballet, instead she found new way

12、s of using them.(B) Please complete the following passage by choosing the best of the four choices marked A,B,C and D in the boxes. (请从方框中给所的 A,B,C,D 四个选项中选出最佳选项完成下面的短文。 ) (答案涂在答题纸上)Actor Antonio Banderas is used to breaking bones, and it always seems to happen when hes 31 sports. In the film Play I

13、t to the Bone, he plays the part of a middleweight boxer alongside Woody Harrelson. During the making of the film Harrelson kept complaining that the fight 32 werent very convincing, so one day he suggested that he and Banderas should have a fight for real.Antonio wasnt 33 on the idea at first, but

14、he was eventually persuaded by his co-star to put his gloves and climb into the boxing ring. 34 , when he realized how seriously his opponent was taking it all, he began to regret his decision to fight. And then in the third round, Woody hit Banderas 35 hard in the face that he actually broke his no

15、se. He was 36 of the time he broke his leg during a football match in his native Malaga. 4He had always dreamed of 37 a soccer star, performing in front of a big crowd, but doctors told him his playing days were probably 38 . “Thats when I decided to take up acting; I saw it as 39 way of performing

16、and achieving recognition. 40 happened to me on that football pitch was, you might say, my first lucky break. 1 A. doing B. making C. showing D. losing2 A. fields B. areas C. scenes D. stages3 A. interested B. keen C. enthusiastic D. happy 4 A. So B. However C. And D. Therefore5 A. very B. much C. s

17、uch D. so6 A. remembered B. replayed C. recorded D. reminded7 A. getting B. growing C. becoming D. turning8 A. over B. on C. to D. off 9 A. further B. additional C. different D. another10 A. Who B. What C. That D. Which Cloze (完形填空) (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,计 15 分)A) Please read the following passage and fi

18、ll in the blanks with the proper forms of 5 words or phrases out of the 7 given ones in the box according to the context. (请阅读下面的短文, 并根据其内容提示,从方框中所给的7 个词语中选出 5 个,并用其适当形式填空。 ) (答案写在答题纸上)yet, cause, give off, nature, take in, exist, resultFew people now question the reality of global warming and its e

19、ffect on the worlds climate. Many scientists put the blame for the recent 41 disasters on the increase in the worlds temperatures and are convinced that, more than ever before, the earth is at risk from the forces of the wind, rain and sun. According to them, global warming is making extreme weather

20、 events, such as hurricanes and droughts, even more severe and 42 sea level to rise. Environmental groups are putting pressure on governments to take action to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide which is 43 by factories and power plants, thus attacking the problem at its source. Theyre in favor of

21、more money being spent on research into solar, wind and wave energy devices, which could then replace 44 power stations.Some scientists, however, believe that even if we stopped releasing carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere tomorrow, we would have to wait several hundred years to noti

22、ce the 45 . Global warming, they argue, is here to say. B) Please read the following passage and fill in each blank with one word in one of the following three ways: 1based on the context; using the proper form of the given words; based on the given letters of the words. (请 2 3阅读下面的短文,用以下三种形式中的一种填空:

23、 1 根据上下文填空; 2 用所给单词的适当形式填空; 3 根据单词所给的字母填空,每空一词。 ) (答案写在答题纸上)One memory wh 46 sticks in my mind is of a mountain trip I did with my dad when I was about seven years old. One day, my father was planning to climb the biggest mountain in our country. I had never been on such 47 trip. I still remember th

24、e feeling of excitement on the night before we left. We set out very early the next morning and I f 48 asleep on the train. At 9:00 am, we began to climb the mountain. The first couple of 49 (hour) climbing was easy. Ho 50 , as we climbed higher, I could feel sweat dripping down my body. I focused 5

25、1 my fathers words, “If you can stand this pain now, youll be a 52 (good) climber than me.” As my breathing became harder, I felt tears swelling up in my eyes. But I had one goal in mind: to reach the summit and become a stronger climber than my father. When we finally m 53 it to the top, my clothes

26、 were badly wet, but 54 didnt matter to me. I felt proud and I thanked my father for his 5encouragement. 55 (look) back, I realized how the experience gave me confidence and taught me a lesson in how to be strong when facing a difficulty. Reading comprehension (阅读理解) (共 20 小题;56-60 小题每小题 1 分,61-75 小

27、题每小题 2 分,计 35 分)Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions. Please respond to the questions according to the requirements given at the end of each passage. (阅读下面短文,每篇短文后设有若干问题,请根据短文后的要求回答问题。 ) (56-58 小题答案涂在答题纸上,59-75 小题答案写在答题纸上)(A)GrannieVernnon ScannellI stayed with

28、her when I was six then wentTo love elsewhere when I was eight years oldFor ages I remembered her faint scentOf lavender, the way shed never scoldNo matter what Id done, and most of allThe way her smile seemed, somehow, to enfoldMy whole world like a warm, protective shawlI knew that I was safe when

29、 she was nearShe was so tall, so wide, so large, she wouldStand mountainous between me and my fear,Yet oh, so gentle, and she understoodEvery hope and dream I ever had.She praised me lavishly when I was good,But never punished me when I was bad.Years later war broke out and I becameA soldier and was

30、 wounded while in FranceBack home in hospital, still very lameI realized suddenly that circumstanceHad brought me close to that small town where sheWas living still. And so I seized the chanceTo write and ask if she could visit me.She came. And I still vividly recallThe shock that I received when sh

31、e appearedThat dark cold day. Huge grannie was so small!A tiny, frail, old lady. It was weird.She hobbled through the ward to where I layAnd drew quite close and, hesitating, peeredAnd then she smiled; and love lit up the day.Questions 56-58: choose the best answer from A,B,C and D according to the

32、passage.56. The author first lived with his granny when he was years old.A. four B. five C. six D. seven657. In the authors childhood, his granny provided him with a world of .A. beauty and grace B. blame and horrorC. coldness and sadness D. warmth and protection58. Scannell was wounded in after he

33、became a soldier. A. Britain B. France C. Italy D. Germany Questions 59-60: Decide whether the following statements are true(T) or false (F) according to the passage.59. The author sent someone for his granny when he returned to his home country to receive medical treatment.60. When he met his grann

34、y in the hospital, Vernon Scannell was shocked to find that she seemed small.(B)Shanghai, with a population of around 23.5 million, is one of the biggest cities in China. 61 It has a famous river called Huangpu River, which separates the historic center of the city, the Puxi area, from a newly-devel

35、oped financial and commercial area named Pudong.On their arrival in Shanghai, visitors are usually it by an explosion of sitghts, sounds and smells. 62 It isnt unusual to see people wandering around in their nightdresses. 63 There are hairdressers who sit their customers on the chairs outside their

36、salons to cut their hair, and there are food stalls on every street corner piled high with delicious steamed buns (包子) filled with meat, vegetables or mushrooms.64 The traffic in Shanghai is very busy. During the rush hour, it can take people two hours to drive a 30-minute route. But the good thing

37、is that drivers always follow the rules of the road, and they always control their speed limits and watch traffic lights carefully, which makes crossing the road quite safe for pedestrians. The city of Shanghai offers a connection between East and West; old and new. Some foreigners come to Shanghai

38、to explore the ancient temples when they go sightseeing. Passengers can travel on the Shanghai Meglev, one of the fastest trains in the world, but some people still prefer to ride their bicycles. 65 Question 61-65: choose from the sentences A-G to complete the passage. There are two sentences which

39、you dont need to use.A. However, its not only the pavement that is crowded.B. In a word, Shanghai is a city where nobody ever feels bored.C. At the same time, its also one of the busiest ports in the world.D. The street is a place to eat, play, read and relax.E. Road accidents are the major cause of

40、 death for people aged between 15 and 45.F. Foreigners usually become good friends with their Chinese neighbors.G. The street sometimes serves as a workplace as well. (C)Welcome to the home page of the Photography World website. We offer a range of useful service for photographers and photography lo

41、vers.Camera ClubJoin our club and enjoy a range of benefits. Youll get invitations to our regular events, such as members film shows, exhibitions and talks by experts. You can apply for Full membership, Associate membership or Junior membership. Full membership includes free entry to all events and

42、10% discount when ordering equipment online. Associate membership gives you half-price tickets to events. Junior membership (proof of age required) allows youngsters to enjoy the benefits of Full membership. Costs (per year): Full membership $20, Associate $12, Junior $10. Most new members joined as

43、 the result of recommendations from current members.Advice centerTake advantage of our Advice Center. Ask our panel f experts your questions about cameras and photography. Whether youre looking for solutions to problems or fresh ideas for interesting photos, youll get response here. Simply email you

44、r questions to or leave a recorded message on 0800-565656. We 7guarantee to send you a reply by email within five days. Please note that since we cant provide information about repairs to particular cameras, you should contact the manufacturer about these. CompetitionOur competition is held every y

45、ear and is a great chance for new and experienced photographers to win one of our great prizes, which range from albums to keep your photos in to one-day courses or a set of state-of-the-art camera equipment. Entries can only be accepted from members. They can be sent in prints, on a CD or memory st

46、ick, or by email. Please note that photos cant be returned, so make sure you have copies. The topicfor example, wildlife, transport, peopleis announced each year here on the website when the competition opens.ShopOur popular online shop is the place to buy equipment, spare parts, films, memory cards

47、 You can be sure of high quality, fair prices and quick delivery. We even offer the choice of 12-hour Super Express service for a small charge. Questions 66-70: Answer the questions according to the passage.66. Where does this advertisement probably appear?67. What kinds of membership are mentioned

48、in the advertisement?68. How long will it take for a club member to get a reply from Advice Center?69. Who can take part in the competition held by Photography World every year?70. How much does it say people will pay if they choose the Super Express delivery?(D)What makes people angry at work?When youre at work, do you ever get angry? Yes? Then it could be because of your manager.Bad management cause more people to los


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