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1、Lecturer: Li Lin,Large Intestine meridian of Hand-yangming,Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming,Starting place: radial tip of the index fingerPertaining organ: Large IntestineConnecting organ: LungTerminating place: lateral side of the nose,Large intestine meridian of hand-yangming,metacarpal b

2、ones掌骨extensor pollicis longus and brevis拇长伸肌和拇短伸肌acromion 肩峰cervical vertebra 颈椎philtrum 人中,灵枢经脉,大肠手阳明之脉,起于大指次指之端,循指上廉,出合谷两骨之间,上入两筋之中,循臂上廉,入肘外廉,上臑外前廉,上肩,出髃骨之前廉,上出于柱骨之会上,下入缺盆,络肺,下膈,属大肠。其支者,从缺盆上颈,贯颊,入下齿中,还出挟口,交人中,左之右,右之左,上挟鼻孔。,经脉循行 体表:从食指桡侧端沿上肢外侧前缘上行,经肩颈上颜面,在人中沟交叉到对侧,在鼻翼旁与足阳明胃经相接。 体内:络肺,属大肠。面部支脉进入下齿龈

3、,绕上唇。 联系的器官有齿(入下齿中)、口、鼻(还出夹口上夹鼻孔),Points on the Large Intestine meridian of Hand-Yangming,The first point of the meridian is Shangyang (LI 1) and last one is Yingxiang (LI 20). There are 20 points on each side.,Summary of indications,Diseases of the head, face and the five sense organs;Febrile disea

4、ses and conditions along the pathways of the channel.,手阳明大肠经穴歌:(左右共40穴) 手阳明穴起商阳 二间三间合谷藏 阳溪偏历温溜长 下廉上廉手三里 曲池肘髎五里近 臂臑肩髃巨骨当 天鼎扶突禾髎接 鼻旁五分号迎香,本经共20穴:商阳、二间、三间、合谷、阳溪、偏历、温溜、下廉、上廉、手三里、曲池、肘髎、手五里、臂臑、肩髃、巨骨、天鼎、扶突、口禾髎、迎香。(重点掌握8穴),ShangYang(LI 1)商阳 (井穴),Location:0.1 cun lateral to the radial nail corner of the inde

5、x finger Indications: Swollen and sore throat toothache Loss of consciousness, sunstroke Febrile diseaseNeedling method: puncture superficially 0.1 cun , or prick with a three-edged needle三棱针 to causing bleeding.,Erjian(LI 2)二间 (荥穴),Location:when a loose fist is formed, it is on the radial side of t

6、he index finger, in the depression distal to the 2nd metacarpo-phalangealjoint 掌指关节Indications: nosebleed, toothache, conjunctival congestion, sore throat, deviated mouth and eyes; febrile diseaseNeedling method: puncture perpendicularly 0.2-0.3 cun,本穴属荥,荥可泻热。,Sanjian(LI 3)三间 (输穴),Location:with a lo

7、ose fist, on the radial side of the index finger, in the depression proximal to the 2nd metacarpo-phalangeal joint Indications: toothache, swollen and sore throat, feverNeedling method: puncture perpendicularly 0.3-0.5 cun.,本穴治疗三叉神经痛即刻止痛效佳。,Hegu(LI 4)合谷 (原穴),Location:on the dorsum of the hand, betwe

8、en the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones掌骨, approximately in the middle of the 2nd metacarpal bone on the radilal side.Indications: 1.头面一切疾患,如头痛,下齿痛,口眼歪斜,鼻衄,鼻渊,耳聋,痄腮,失喑,目赤肿痛。 2.胃肠病主要配穴之一,如胃脘痛,腹痛,便秘,痢疾。 3.外感病:发热恶寒,无汗多汗,咳嗽,疟疾。 4.半身不遂,小儿惊风,狂躁证。 5.疔疮,疥疮,瘾疹等皮肤外科病证。 6.痛经,经闭,滞产,胎盘不下等产科病证。 7.本穴为全身镇痛镇静要穴之一,常用于针刺麻

9、醉。Needling method: puncture perpendicularly 0.5-1.0 cun.孕妇禁针刺。,【应用】1. 合谷配曲池治疗遍身风疹。 2.合谷配复溜治疗多汗症或无汗症。 3.合谷配太冲名为“四关穴”,同时针刺,称为“开四关”,常用于急救,气机不利引起的精神障碍。 4.合谷配三阴交治疗滞产,胎盘不下。 5.合谷配颊车治疗下齿痛,口眼斜。 6.合谷配手三里、肩髃治疗上肢不遂。,YngX(LI 5) 阳溪(经穴),Location:on the transverse crease of the radial side of the wrist, between the

10、 hollow of the tendon of the extensor pollicis longus and brevis.Indications: pain in the wrist, headache, toothache, swollen and sore throat.Needling method: puncture perpendicularly 0.3-0.5 cun.,Quchi(LI 11)曲池 (合穴),Location:with the elbow flexed, at the lateral end of the transverse cubital crease

11、, midway between Chize (LI 5) and the lateral epicondyle of humerus肱骨外上髁.Indications: toothache, swollen and sore throat. Redness and pain in the eyes, febrile disease, rubella, eczema, hypertension, paralysis of the arm, pain and weakness in the elbow, psychosis, abdominal pain, diarrhea.抗过敏、退热要穴Ne

12、edling method: puncture perpendicularly 0.8-1.5 cun.,Quchi(LI 11),网球肘,久病配用温针灸以提高疗效。,高血压,血压不稳慎针,以防意外。,Qch(LI 11),曲池,Jianyu(LI 15)肩髃,Location:with the arm abducted外展 and parallel to the ground, at the upper border of the deltoid muscle三角肌, in the inferior anterior depression of the shoulder.Indication

13、s: pain and numbness in the upper arm and shoulder, impaired movement of arm; scrofulaNeedling method: puncture perpendicularly or obliquely downwards 0.5-0.8 cun.,肩髃,Jianyu(LI 15),Yingxiang(LI 20)迎香,Location:in the nasolabial groove鼻唇沟, at the center of the lateral border of the ala nasi鼻翼.Indicati

14、ons: nasal obstruction, nosebleed, sinusitis, facial paralysis, facial itchiness, ascariasis of the biliary tract.鼻病要穴Needling method: puncture obliquely or transversely 0.3-0.5 cun.,Yingxiang(LI 20),手阳明大肠经小结,1、经脉走向 体表:起于食指桡侧端,沿上肢外侧前缘经肩、颈上颜面,止于对侧鼻翼旁。 体内:属大肠,络肺。联系的器官有齿(入下齿中)、口、鼻(还出夹口上夹鼻孔),2、 取穴要点食指桡侧指甲角旁取商阳。 第一、二掌骨间取合谷。 拇短、长伸肌腱之间凹陷取阳溪。 尺泽与肱骨外上髁之间取曲池。 曲池下2寸取手三里。 肩峰前下方凹陷取肩髃。 鼻唇沟中取迎香。,3、主治要点 头面五官病 : 咽喉肿痛,齿痛,目赤肿痛,头痛,鼻衄。 热病: 身热,热病无汗,多汗。 外经病:瘰疬,肩臂痛,上肢不遂。4、特殊作用 商阳治中风昏迷。合谷治滞产、经闭。曲池、肩髃治风疹、瘾疹。,5、操作要点商阳浅刺或点刺放血。 合谷孕妇禁针刺。 迎香向上斜刺或平刺,不宜艾炷灸。,


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