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1、20 个经典英语口语句式120 个经典英语口语句式【20 个经典英语口语句式】Lets.的句型Lets go.我们去吧。Let me try.让我试试。Lets begin.我们开始吧。Lets play tennis.我们打网球吧。Lets play video games.我们去玩视频游戏吧。Lets take a walk.我们去散步吧。Lets listen to the music.我们听听音乐吧。【20 个经典英语口语句式】Id like.的句型Id like some milk.我想喝点牛奶。Id like a beer.我想喝啤酒。Id like to see it.我想看看它

2、。20 个经典英语口语句式2Id like to take a bath.我想洗个澡。Id like to know.我很想知道。Id like you to go to Hong Kong.我希望你去香港。Id like to buy the teenager magazine.我想买青少年杂志。Id like plenty of money.我想有很多钱。【20 个经典英语口语句式】Youd better.的句型You had better give up sweets.你最好把糖戒掉。You had better think it over.你最好再考虑考虑。You had better

3、 not go just now.你现在最好不要去。You had better not stay here very long.你最好不要在这里待太久。You had better keep it secret.你最好要把这件事保密。You had better wait a little while.你最好多等一会儿。20 个经典英语口语句式3You had better call him now.你最好现在就打电话给他。You had better not eat so much at night.在晚上你最好不要吃得太多。【20 个经典英语口语句式】Im going to.的句型Im

4、going to Korea next year.明年我准备去韩国。Im going to see my old friend tomorrow.我明天要去见老友。Im going to have a date.我准备去约会。Im going to take a shower.我准备去冲个凉。Im going to take part in the Olympics.我计划参加奥林匹克运动会。【20 个经典英语口语句式】Its.的句型Its splendid!妙极了!Its fine today.今天天气很好。Its raining.正在下雨。20 个经典英语口语句式4Its spring n

5、ow.现在是春天了。What time is it now?现在是什么时间?Its five thirty.五点半了。How long does it take?要花多少时间?It takes about an hour.大概花一个小时。How far is it?多远呢?It is about 3 kilometers to Hong Kong.这儿离香港有 3 公里。Oh, its you!啊,是你!Its for you.给你的。Its diffifcult for me.对我来讲很困难。Its not often.不是经常的。Come in, please.请进来。20 个经典英语口语

6、句式5Sit down, please.请坐。Please take off your shoes.请脱鞋。Please put on the slippers.请把拖鞋穿上。Please wait for me a moment.请等我一会儿。Please come to see me again.请再来看我。Please sign here.请签在这儿。Please dont wait for me.请不要等我。Please dont stand there.请不要站在那边。Please dont smoke here.请不要在此吸烟。Please dont drink too much.

7、请不要喝得太多。【20 个经典英语口语句式】When. 的句型When will you be free?你什么时候有空呢?When did you buy it?20 个经典英语口语句式6你什么时候买的呀?When are you graduating?你什么什么时间毕业?When is it?现在是什么时间?When are you leaving?你什么时候离开?When it rains, we will not go.下雨,我们就不走了。【20 个经典英语口语句式】How many.(多少)句型(可数)How many books do you have?你有几本书?How many

8、 hours do you sleep?你睡几个小时?How many cigarettes do you smoke per day?你一天抽几支香烟?How many eggs do you eat for breakfast?早餐你吃几个鸡蛋?How many people are there in the office?办公室里有多少人?How many do you want?你要几个?How many of them were absent?他们有几个人缺席?20 个经典英语口语句式7【20 个经典英语口语句式】How much.(多少)句型(不可数)How much milk d

9、o you drink per day?你每天要喝多少牛奶?How much do you weigh?你有多重?How much sugar do you want?你要多少糖?How much is this pen?这支钢笔多少钱?How much is this pair of shoes?这双鞋子多少钱?How much is it?这件东西多少钱?【20 个经典英语口语句式】Thank you for.的句型Thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮助。Thank you for coming to see me off.谢谢你来送行。Thank you for s

10、aying so.谢谢你这么说。Thank you for your advice.谢谢你的劝告。20 个经典英语口语句式8Thank you very much for your help.非常感谢您的帮忙。Thank you for coming.谢谢您的光临。Thank you very much for all you have done for me during my stay in Shenzhen.我在深圳期间,承蒙照顾一切,非常感谢。【20 个经典英语口语句式】Dont.的句型Dont take photos here.不要在这里拍照。Dont make a noise.不要

11、吵。Dont disturb me.不要打扰我。Dont wake me up.不要叫醒我。Dont stand in front of me.不要站在我前面。Dont be shy.不要那么怕羞。【20 个经典英语口语句式】Have you ever been.的句型Have you ever been to the United States?你去过美国吗?20 个经典英语口语句式9Have you ever been abroad?你出过国吗?Have you ever traveled by air?你坐过飞机旅行吗?Have you been to Hong Kong?你到香港来过吗

12、?How long have you been in Shenzhen?你在深圳住了多久?How long have you been waiting?你等了多久?【20 个经典英语口语句式】How. 的句型How are you?你好吗?How do you do?你好?How old are you?你多大了?How much is it?多少钱?How many people are there in your factory?你们工厂有多少人?How far to the bookshop?到书店有多远?20 个经典英语口语句式10How about a cup of ice wate

13、r?来一杯冰水怎么样?How shall I do it?我该怎么做?Tell me how to do it.告诉我怎样做。【20 个经典英语口语句式】Which.的句型Which one is yours?哪一个是你的?Which is your choice?你选择哪一个?I dont know which one is his.我不知道哪一个是他的。I didnt see the pop star, which is a pity!我没有看到那个大明星,真可惜!【20 个经典英语口语句式】What. 的句型What is this?这是什么?What time is it?现在几点了?What do you want to do?你想要做什么?


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