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1、1学科 英语 授课年级 四年级 课时课题 Unit 6 Shopping A Lets talk 教学目标1. 能够理解对话大意;能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话;2. 能够在情景中运用句型 Can I help you? Can I tryon? Size, please. 能在情景中运用巨型 These are nice. Theyre too描述某物品;3. 能够在语境中理解新词 try on,size, of course, too, just 的意思,并能正确发音。教学重点 学习新句型:Can I try them on. Lets try size 7.Theyre just rig

2、ht.教学难点 在情景交际中正确使用本课时的新句型。教 学 过 程教学环节 教学活动 反思与修改Step1.Warm up1. 教师拿出动物单词(图片)比较,复习 big、small、long、short等单词。2. 播放第五单元单词和句子,引出衣服和颜色话题。This is a yellow jacket.These are blue pants.Step2.Presentation& Practice1.T: Today lets go to the shoe shop. (课件出现鞋店图片)We can see many shoes.引导学生说:Look! Blue shoes, yel

3、low shoes, red shoes, white shoes, black shoes2. T: I think: These yellow shoes are nice.What about you?学生发表意 These _shoes are nice.3. 出示不同鞋码Size 34, size 35, size 36教学 size 发音,学生拼读 i-e nice, rice, like, size引导学生说 I wear _. 说说自己穿多大的鞋子。4. 课件出示售货员:Can I help you?让学生模仿服务员练习这句话引导学生:These shoes are nice.

4、Can I try them on? Size 36, please. 操练该句型。Of course. Here you are.5. 出示教师试鞋的情景Assistant: Are they OK?2T: No, they are too small.Assistant: OK. Lets try size 38.(师做试鞋的样子)Assistant: Are they OK?T: No, they are too big.Assistant: OK. Lets try size 37. (师做试鞋的样子)T: Yes, they are just right.6. Lets chants

5、ize 36 No! No! They are too small.size 38 No! No! They are too big.size 37 Yes.Yes. They are just right.7. watch and answer 看动画,回答问题。c.The shoes of size 6 are _.A. too big B. too small C. just right 4.The shoes of size 7 are_.A. too big B. too small C. just right中美鞋码对照表:8. 跟读对话。作业布置 1. 听录音,跟读书本第 58

6、页 5 遍。读熟读背对话。2. 课堂作业本第 39 页。教学板书教学反思3学科 英语 授课年级 四年级 课时课题 Unit 6 Shopping A Lets learn 教学目标1. 能听、说、认读单词:sunglasses, gloves,scarf,umbrella。2. 学习衣物名词与表示颜色的形容词连用, 能够简单描述自己喜爱的衣物的性质,如:颜色。3. 能够熟练运用句型 Can I help you? Can I tryon? Size, please.模拟购物。教学重点 本课时的四个单词。教学难点 在实际情境中运用词汇。教 学 过 程教学环节 教学活动 反思与修改Step1.Wa

7、rm up1上一课时 lets play 部分句型朗读。Can I help you?Yes. Can I try them on?Theyer too big. 2. 读句子 播放 A Lets talk 部分录音,学生先听后跟读。Step2.Presentation& Practice1. 出示下雪的天气 T:Whats the weather like?S: Its cold and snowy.T: We need a _.引出 scarf ar/a:/ car, card, farm, scarfThe scarf is nice.Can I try it on?Of course.

8、 Here you are.2. Its very cold. We also need_.教学 glove 让学生自己拼读 love-glove-gloves提醒学生这是复数单词。These gloves are nice.Can I try them on?Of course. Here you are.43. 出示晴朗的天气 T:Whats the weather like?S: Its hot and sunny.T: We need _.教学 sunglasses. Sun+glasses=sunglassesThese sunglasses are nice.Can I try t

9、hem on?Of course. Here you are.4. 出示下雨的天气 T:Whats the weather like?S: Its rainy.T: We need a _.教学 umbrella. 5. 听录音、模仿跟读。6. 小组内练习,自己试读然后自信的大声读。7. 模拟购物教师找一位学生练习:A: Can I help you?B: The gloves are nice.Can I try them on?A: Sure. 作业布置 1. 听录音,跟读书本第 59 页 5 遍。读背第 58 页对话。2. 抄写本第 64,,65 页。教学板书教学反思5学科 英语 授课年

10、级 四年级 课时课题 Unit 6 Shopping A Lets spell 教学目标 1复习本册的所有字母组合的发音。2能听、说、读、写本册的四会单词。教学重点 能听、说、读、写本册的四会单词。教学难点 正确书写本册的四会单词。教 学 过 程教学环节 教学活动 反思与修改Step1.Warm up1、复习单词sunglasses, gloves,scarf,umbrella。2、读 A 部分 Lets talk 的对话。 A:Can I help you?B:Yes.These shoes are nice.Can Itry them on?Size6.please.A:Of course

11、.Here you are.B:John,are they OK?C:No.Theyre too small.B:Hmm.OK.Lets try Size7.C:Theyre just right!B:Good!Step2.Presentation& Practice1. 复习所学发音,拼读单词er 组合water tiger sister computer dinner ar 组合 arm car card park ir 组合girl bird shirt skirt ur 组合nurse hamburger w-or 组合 world work homeworkal 组合 6ball t

12、all wall or 组合 fork horse -le 组合 people apple table little 2. Read puter dinner girl wall homework nurse cardlittle people world3. Try this!work sir turncircle park mall4. Look, listen and write.My is a .He is .He likes to play .5. Listen and chant.6. 找出划线部分发音不同的单词。( )1.A. girl B. nurse C. hurry( )2

13、.A. farm B. warm C. card( )3.A. ball B. wall C. cold( )4.A. her B. sister C. water作业布置 1. 听录音,书本第 60 页拼读 5 遍。2. 课堂作业第 41 页。教学板书教学反思7学科 英语 授课年级 四年级 课时课题 Unit 6 Shopping B Lets talk 教学目标1. 能理解对话大意;能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话;2能在情景中恰当运用句型 How do you like this skirt? 询问对于某商品的印象;3. 能运用句型 How much is this skirt? Its

14、89 dollars.询问商品的价格;能运用句型 Its very pretty. Its two expensive. 描述某件商品;4. 能在语境中理解 how much, eighty,dollar, pretty, expensive 的意思,并能正确发音。教学重点句型:Can I help you? How much is this skirt?Its very pretty. Thats expensive. Its too expensive.教学难点 对新词的读音的指导和规范,如:“eighty-nine yuan.教 学 过 程教学环节 教学活动 反思与修改Step1.War

15、m up1. 播放五单元 A 部分 Lets do,鼓励学生跟唱。2、教师拿出标有价格的几样物品:What would you like ?Id like some Can I have some , please? OK.five yuan.2、小组预习 Lets talk,理解对话内容,划出不会读或不懂的单词和句子。(目标提示:能了解文本大意)(初步理解 how much 的意思)Step2.Presentation& Practice1. 小组预习 Lets talk,理解对话内容,划出不会读或不懂的单词和句子。(目标提示:能了解文本大意)(初步理解 how much 的意思)2听录音、

16、学习本课新句型。第一遍,感知课文大意,并小声模仿跟读。第二三遍,大声模仿跟读。(提示:注意语音语调,重点听自己不会的单词和句子。)3. 师强化重点难点单词句子。How do you like this skirt? Its very pretty. How much is this skirt?Its 89 dollars.Thats expensive. 4自己读 2-3 遍。85. 小组内练习,可以分角色朗读。(注意:“Can I help you? How much is this skirt? Its very pretty. Thats expensive. Its too expe

17、nsive.” 的读音。)6. 让学生多说多练。 小组内交流练习:探讨不了解的对话内容。7. Lets act教师拿出准备好价格的衣服,事先告诉学生每人只有 50 元钱,让他们在 50 元的范围内挑选衣服,巩固练习对话。如:A:the scarf is pretty.How much is it?B:Its 25 yuan.A:Ill take it.也可以按照课文内容编排。作业布置 1. 听录音,跟读书本第 61 页 5 遍。读熟读背对话。2. 课堂作业本第 42 页。教学板书教学反思9学科 英语 授课年级 四年级 课时课题 Unit 6 Shopping B Lets learn 教学目标

18、1、能够听说认读本课主要单词:nice,pretty, cheap , expensive。2、能运用句子:Its cheap/pretty/expensive/nice. 来描述价格和颜色。教学重点单词:nice,pretty, cheap , expensive。句子:Its cheap/pretty/expensive/nice.教学难点 单词 expensive 的读音;根据实际情景运用本课时的四个形容词。教 学 过 程教学环节 教学活动 反思与修改Step1.Warm up1. 教师播放 60 页 Listen and chant 的内容,学生认真听。2. 复习读 61 页 Lets

19、 talk, Lets act.A:That scarf is pretty.How much is it?B:Its 10 yuan.A:Ill take it.Step2.Presentation& Practice1. 读 61 页 Lets talk.lets act 引出单词 cheap.Cheap, cheap, its very cheap.2. 接着听录音、学习本课售货员与顾客的对话:A: Look at that dress.Its pretty.B: Yes,it is.第一遍,感知大意,并小声模仿跟读。第二三遍,大声模仿跟读。 (提示:重点注意听发音。 )3. 强化单词

20、expensive4. 小组内练习,自己试读然后自信的大声读。比一比,谁读的次数多,谁记得最好。 5. 课文中的对话内容,两人一组练习,鼓励学生使用更多的语言描述。A:Look at that dress,Its nice.B:Yes,it is.A:How much is it? 新| 课 |标|第 |一| 网10B:Its 450 yuan.A:Its expensive. But I like it. Ill take it. 6. 游戏:贵还是便宜?规则:60 元以上为 expensive,59 元及以下为 cheap.方法:准备若干标签及图片,学生快速说出 expensive 或cheap. 既可以巩固单词,也可以看谁反应快。7. 完成 Lets playA、教师范读例句,指导学生观察第一幅图,对照表格,明白题意。B、教师引导学生边看图片边练习说话。如:wu yifan has a pretty schoolbag. Its 40 yuan. its very nice.John Mike 作业布置1. 听录音,跟读书本第 62 页 5 遍。第 61 页读背。2. 抄写本第 67,68 页。教学板书教学反思


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