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1、第 1 页 共 5 页20152016 学年第一学期优质东方教育集团小学期中教学质量调查问卷五年级英语(考试时间:60 分钟,满分 100 分。 )题号 一(40 分) 二(54 分) 三(6)总分I II III IV II III IV V VI得分Listening Part (40%)I . Lets listen and number .(12%)听录音,用 16 给图片排序。II . Listen and judge.Write “T” or “F”.(10%) 听录音,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F” 。( )1.Tom and Tim have got many mascots.

2、( )2.Terry has got a friendship band.( )3.Cindy has got a computer.( )4.Jimmy has got a basketball.学校: 班级: 年级 班 姓名: 学号: 装订线第 2 页 共 5 页( )5.Max has got a skateboard.III. Listen and write the numbers.(12%)听录音,写数字。1. I can jump times in one minute .2. Sarah can draw animals in a minute.3. I can bend my

3、 knees times in a minute .4. In one minute, a top athlete can run about metres.5. The fastest car can go about_kilometres in an hour.6. I have got silver bells as my birthdays present.IV. Listen and tick( )the correct answers .(6%)勾出正确的选项。Record Form1. Age ( )eight ( ) nine ( )ten2.Like ( )music ( )

4、sports ( )reading3. Favourite ( )Chinese ( )Maths ( )English4. Mascot ( )ring ( )shell ( )soft toy5.Mothers job ( )worker ( )nurse ( )teacher6.Fathers job ( )farmer ( )driver ( )cookWriting Part (60%)I. Write the time in English.(12 分) 写出时间的英语表达。 第 3 页 共 5 页_ _ _ _ _ II. Choose the correct word.(10

5、分) 从方框中选择正确的答案填空。1. _ do you have breakfast? At half past seven.2. _ does your aunt do? She is a teacher.3. _ is that boy? He is my brother.4. _ schoolbag is it? Its Leos.5. _children are there in your class? There are fifty.III. Read and match.(10 分) 看并选出正确的选项。( ) 1. Are you Anns mother? A. No, she

6、 isnt. She is my mother.( ) 2. Is he your father? B.Yes, I am.( )3. Is she your aunt? C. No, he isnt. He is my uncle.( )4. Are they your grandparents? D. Yes, they are my books.( )5. Are these your books? E. Yes, they are.IV. Read and circle.(10 分)看题并圈出正确的答案。1. ( Have / Has ) you got a silver neckla

7、ce? Yes, I have .What Who When Whose How many 第 4 页 共 5 页2. There ( is / are )two soft toys on the desk.3. Toby ( have / has ) got a new football. 44. ( Are / Is ) your mother a doctor?5. Are these your cousins? No, they_ (isnt / arent ).V. Read and fill in the table. Then answer the question.读一读并完成

8、表格,回答问题。(12%)Im Lily. I am eleven. I am from China. I have got mascots. My favourite mascot is shell. I get up at half past six. I go to school at seven oclock. School starts at twenty past seven .I go to bed at five to ten.Im Mike. I am thirteen. I am from US. I have got mascots. My favourite masco

9、t is a ring .I get up at ten past five. I go to school at ten to six. School starts at half past eight. I go to bed at ten to ten.age favourite go to school school startLilyMike1. When does Lily get up? _2. Where is Mike from? _3. Does Lily get up at six oclock?_4. Is Lily from the USA? _ VI. 以 My day 为题写写你一天的学习生活。(6%)第 5 页 共 5 页_


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