1、第 1 页战场用语(五十句)1、 缴枪不杀!-Lay down your arms, or we will fire!2、我们优待俘虏!-We are kind to captives!3、 你们被包围了,出来投降吧!-You are surrounded! Come out and surrender!4、 我们不杀俘虏!-We do not kill our captives!5、不要受战争贩子的欺骗!-Do not be deceived by the warmongers!6、不要做无谓的牺牲!-Do not die for nothing!7、 赶快出来投降,保证你们生命安全!-Co
2、me out and surrender right away security of life will be guaranteed!8、谁迫使你们离开幸福的家庭、漂亮的妻子和可爱的孩子?-Who had you leave your happy home, your charming wife and your loving children?9、你们在打一场无指望的仗!-You are fighting a hopeless battle!10、我们保证你们:生命安全!You are to be guaranteed security of life!11、我们保证你们:不没收私人财物!
3、You are to be guaranteed confiscate of person belongings!12、我们保证你们不被虐待!You are to be guaranteed freedom from maltreatment!13、我们保证你们受伤者将予治疗!-You are to be guaranteed medical care if wounded!14、举起手来!-Hands up!15、举起手出来!-Come out with your hands up!16、 一个一个地出来!-Come out one by one!17、不许动!-Dont move!18、站
4、住,否则我们开枪了!-Stop or well shoot!第 2 页19、别耍花招!-Dont any tricks!20、 别害怕!-Dont be afraid!21、站队!-Line up!22、走-Go!23、 跟着那个人走!-Follow that man!24、 我们尊重你们的人格!-Well respect your personality!25、我们不搜你们的腰包!-Well never search your pocket!26、我们将释放你们!-Well set you free!27、长官,快命令你的人员投降!-Commanding officer, Order you
5、r soldiers to surrender! 28、 这是给你们的最后一次机会!-This is the last chance to you!29、顽抗到底,死路一条!-If you dont listen to our advice, you will turn into dead road!30、请珍惜你们的生命!-Please treasure your life!31、别误会。-Dont misunderstand.32、你们进行的是一场侵略战争。-You are arousing aggressive war.33、你们的亲人在想念你们。-Your family members
6、 are missing you. 34、不要再为你们的长官卖命了-Dont sacrifice your life to your commmanding officer.35、我们说话算数,说到做到。-Our words do count and you must believe us. 36、把武器交出来。-Hand out your arms.37、可以立功赎罪。-Atone for your crimes by performing meritorious.38、不要说话。-Please keep quiet.39、请服从我的命令。-Please obey my order.第 3 页40、退下子弹,把枪交给我。-Unload bullets and bring gun to me.41、美国- America42、前进!-Advance!43、将军-General44、连长-Company Commander(CC)45、排-Platoon46、值班军官-Officer in charge(OIC)47、上等兵-Private First Class48、士兵-Sergeant(SGT)49、中国人民解放军-CPLA50、日本-Japan