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1、徐州市 2017 年初中毕业、升学考试英 语 试 题一、选择填空 (共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从 A、B、C 、 D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.Mum,this is my best friend Amy. are in the same class.A. You B. Ours C. We D. They2.We have no food at home. Shall we go to the ? A. library B. supermarket C. hospital D. theatre3.A bird flew into the kitchen

2、 the widow.A. across B. above C. through D. under4.A person likes asking questions. A. creative B. practical C. patient D. curious5.The house belongs to Mr Smith, but he here any more,A. hasnt lived B. didnt live C. wasnt living D. doesnt live6.I saw Tom his key in the lock, turn it and open the doo

3、r.A. put B.putting C.puts D. to put7.We havent decided yet we will place our new furniture.A. where B. what C. why D.which8.The charity show nearly three hours. Nobody left the hall early.A. covered B. reached C. spent D. lasted9.The police officer stopped us and asked us where .A. were we going B.

4、we were going C. are we going D. we are going10.Do you still want to go climbing have you changed your mind?A. and B. but C. so D. or11. The artist received high from the art community for these sculptures. A. and B. prize C. price D. pride12. The match because of the bad whether. What a pity!A. wil

5、l cancel B. has cancelled C. was cancelled D. is cancelling13. The lake is very big-it three quarter of the area.A. puts up B. sets up C. take up D. picks up14. In an English dictionary, which word comes before “toothache”?A. while B. risk C. trust D. uniform15.Was Susan really sorry for what she ha

6、d done? 。A. Not really B. well done C. Never mind D. Go ahead二、完形填 空 (共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)根据短文内容,从各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。False Bay is South Africa. It is one of the 16 places in the world to see a great white shark.The great white shark is known for its 17 -the largest sharks can grow to six

7、metres in length and over 2,000 kilometres in weight. Great white sharks are meat-eaters. They catch large 18 like tuna(金枪鱼) ,seals (海豹)and even whales. Great white sharks also 19 boats.Simon a British researcher, was lucky to get away safely when a shark bit into his bo at. About three people are k

8、illed each year 20 great white sharks. The sharks come to hunt 60,000 seals that live in False Bay, In order to find fish, the seals have to cross the deep water of the bay- this is where the sharks 21 . Great white sharks are very good hunters. They wait below the seals and then swim 22 and crash i

9、nto them by surprise at 40 kilometres per hour, killing 23 with one bite.Will a shark attack something that 24 like food?Some researchers put a carpet in the shape of a seal 25 . At high speeds the sharks cant tell the difference. 26 a shark choose between a plant and a fish?When scientists put tuna

10、 and sea-plant in the water, the shark bites into 27 .Even though sharks eat meat, if a plant looks like an animal, the shark attacks. Will a shark prefer to eat a human or a fish?When the shark has a choice between humans and tuna, it is the 28 that attracts the sharks attention. Great white sharks

11、 clearly prefer fish to humans.These researchers show that great white sharks are 29 hunters which will attack anything that looks and acts like a fish. 30 , that means humans can also get bitten by mistake.16.A. good B. well C.better D. best 17.A. colour B. size C.speed D. shape18.A. pets B.insects

12、 C.sea-animals D.birds19.A. attack B. protect C. love D. follow20.A. for B. by C. with D. of21.A. wait B. res t C. sleep D.play22.A. around B. along C. down D. up23.A. us B. you C. it D. them来源:Zxxk.Com24.A.looks B. sounds C. smells D. tastes25.A. on the ground B. in the sky C. in the water D. in th

13、e room26.A. Can B. May C. Must D. Should27.A. all B. none C. both D. neither28.A. human B. fish C. sea-plant D. boat29.A. amazing B. strange C. kind D. dangerous30.A. Proudly B. Unluckily C. Finally D. Happily三、阅读理解 (共 12 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 24 分)阅读下列短文,从各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。AThe contents below are t

14、aken from the book Extra Reading for Middle Schools.Contents ContentsModule 1 Our teachersUnit 1 Remembering teachers.1Unit 2 Feeling new.7Unit 3 At school in the past.13Unit 4 The meaning of teaching.19Module Task.25Module 2 Trains and travelUnit 5 Happy holidays.26 Unit 6 A train-lovers travel pan

15、.32Unit 7 Train times.38Unit 8 I love.44Module Task.50Module 3 ExperimentsUnit 9 In the laboratory.51Unit 10 Teach your child science.57Unit 11 Missing boy.63Unit 12 Safety tips.69Module Task.75Module 4 Trains and travelUnit 13 Report to the school.76Unit 14 A discussion.82Unit 15 On line chatting.8

16、8Unit 16 The future.94Module Task.10031.What skill does this book help students with?A. Listening. B. Speaking. C. Reading D. Writing.32. If you want to learn about school in old times, which page will you turn to?A. Page 13. B. Page 44. C. Page 57. D. Page 76.33. Which sentence is TRUE according to

17、 the contents of the book?A. Unit 6 is about happy holidays. B. Module Task in each module has 6 pages.C. One of the units talks about how to live a healthy life.D. There are four units and one module task in each module.B34.This is a letter from a to a .来源:学#科#网A. student; headmaster B. student; te

18、acherC. Teacher; headmaster D. headmaster; student35. How many things does Jim White ask the school for to complete the project?A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four36. How much time have the parents promised to help with the work?Dear Headmaster, Lately our class has become worried about the environment a

19、t the back of the school, and we would like to do something to make it more attractive. We have done some research and have come up with a plan. With the help of our parents, we can do most of the work ourselves, but we will need a small amount of money for equipment, plants-and paint. I am writing

20、to ask the council for permission to do this work and to ask if the school council could donate $500 towards our project.We would like to turn the empty land at the back of the school into a nature garden. We would plant trees and grasses, make paths through the garden and dig a small pond. We think

21、 this would provide a peaceful place for students and teachers to walk in. It would also attract birds, insects and small animals which students could then study in science classes. We would also like to paint the back wall of the school that faces the new garden. Some of our art classes could then

22、paint a huge picture on it. It might be possible to paint over the wall each year so the next classes can make a new picture.Lastly, we would like to paint all the rubbish bins. At the moment they look old and the paint is coming off. If we paint them in bright, attractive colours, students might be

23、 more likely to use them. We think our plan would greatly improve the back of the school and everyone in the school would benefit. We have already asked our parents and they have promised to donate one weekend of their time to help us complete the project.We hope you will give us permission for this

24、 worthwhile project and will be able to donate the $500 we need. When we have finished the work, we hope the council will join us in a celebration morning tea so that the whole school can thank you.Yours sincerely,Jim White Monitor of Class 1, Grade 9A. One morning B. One day. C. One weekend D. One

25、week.37. What is NOT in the plan?A. Doing some painting work.B. Making morning tea every day.C. Making paths through the garden.D. Growing trees, gras s and flowers at the back of the school. CHannay was nervous. His enemies were searching for him. All around him were grassy hills without t rees. He

26、 had nowhere to hide. How could he escape?Hannay walked along the country for a long time. Then he saw a road worker, who was working alone, fixing the road. Hannay could see the road worker was not feeling well. Hannay came up to him and said “How are you?”“My head hurts,” the worker said, “I cant

27、do it. I want to go home to bed. My daughter got married yesterday, a nd I drank a lot of wine with my friends. Thats the problem!”Hannay agreed that he should be home in bed.“Yes, and I would be,” he replied,”but yesterday I received a message saying that the new surveyor was coming to look at my w

28、ork. If he comes and finds me away, Ill be in tr ouble.”Suddenly Hannay had bright idea-he could act as the road worker and get away from his enemies.“You go off to bed,” Hannay said,”Ill do your job until the new surveyor comes.”The road worker was pleased with this idea. He gave Hannay his hat and

29、 his old coat. Then he went home to sleep and perhaps to drink a bit more. Hannay put on the workers hat and coat and began to fix the road. About an hour later he heard a voice.“Are you the road worker?” it asked.It was the new surveyor. He was a young man with a clean face. He sat in a small car.H

30、annay said yes. The surveyor told him about some work he wanted him to do before he came by again and drove off. Hannay continued with his work.Then a village boy came by.”What has happened to the road worker?” he asked.“He stayed at home today,” Hannay replied.”Hes sick.” At about midday, a large c

31、ar came down the hill and stopped near Hannay. Three man got out of the car. Hannays heart beat fast. He knew his enemies were coming.38. What is this passage probably taken from?A history book. B. A travel book. C. A novel D. A science book. 39. Why was the road worker feeling ill?来源:学*科*网A.He had

32、a cold. B. He h adnt eaten all day.C. He had been working all day. D. He drank too much at his daughters wedding. 40. Who did NOT come by while Hannay was working on the road?A.The surveyor. B. The road workers daughter.C. Hannays enemies. D. A village boy.41. What can we infer (推断)from the story?A.

33、Hannay helped the road worker because he was warm-hearted.B. The grassy hills were a perfect hiding place for Hannay.C. The surveyor had lot of working experience.D. The village boy knew the road worker.42. What is the correct order of the story?Hannay met a road worker who was not feeling well and

34、offered to take over for him.Hannay was worried because his enemies were following him. A car stopped near Hannay and three men got out.Hannay acted as the road worker when the surveyor came by.The village boy wondered what had happened to the road worker.A. B. C. D. 四、词语运用 (共 16 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 16 分)

35、A)选出方框内的单词或词组填空,其中有一个单词或词组是多余的。 来源: 学科网 ZK43. At Christmas my uncle gave me a watch as a .44. My brother is an untidy worker-he leaves his tools .45. The soldiers the map out on the floor.46. You should about hiring someone youve never met before.47. Young Tan Dun liked to make music with objects li

36、ke stones and papers.B)根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的真确形式填空。(每空限填一个单词)48. Peter managed to repair the bike by (he).49. -How shall we travel? By train or by plane?-Lets go by train, Its (cheap).50. My grandfather showed an interest in Beijing opera in his (fifty ).51. Once a week my business suit is (smooth) irone

37、d.52. Is there any (possible)that we will see you this Friday.C)用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空,使短文完整。Detective stories 53 (be)popular since Conan Doyle wrote his famous stories about great detective Sherlock Holmes. Readers r ead this kind of stories mainly for pleasure. In a story, a man was murdered. Who did it

38、and why? Mr X hated the dead person and wanted to kill him, but had no chance. He was somewhere else when the murder took place. Mr Y could do it easily, but seemed 54 (have)no reason to do it. Mr Z had got all the dead mans money, so he had reason for 55 (kill)him. Was X, Y, or Z the murder? Or was

39、 it somebody else? In the end the detective will find out the answers to all the questions, and the story will not end until the mystery 56 (solve).The ending is always unexpected. The criminal turns not to be that nice Mr C, who you 57(think)would never hurt an ant! At end of the story, all the clu

40、es become clear and you 58 (say),”Oh yes, of course, it is the truth.”五、阅读填词。(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)阅读短文,根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。One news story is about men pretending(假装) to be women to enter the womens events in modern Olympics. People are arguing(争论)about how fair it is to test women athlet

41、es to make sure they are not men. One side argues that men are stronger,so will win any womens event. They say that athletes are tested to make sure they are not using drugs and more importantly, women should be tested to make sure they are not men. The other side argues that this is unfair to women

42、. They say skill is more important than strength. But has this ever really happened? The answer is yes, several times! The most famous case is that of Dora in 1936 Olympics.The 1936 Olympics took place in Berlin, Germany, three years after the Nazis came to power. The Nazis wanted to win lots of eve

43、nts at the Olympics. But they had wrong ideas about race(种族). They did not want black or Jewish people in the Germany team. But many of their best athletes were Jewish. The Nazis thought they might lose was the womens high jump. So the Nazis sent a male athlete,Hermann Ratjen, to compete under the name


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