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1、人教版九年级英语 Unit 5 写作课教学设计学科 English 课型 写作课 年级 九年级学校 鄂州市梁子湖区东沟镇东沟中学 教师 彭课题 Unit 5: What are shirts made of ?(3a-Self Check)知识技能 运用所学词汇和被动语态简单介绍家乡特产、产地、用途等。过程方法 Speaking and writing practice then do the pairwork.教学目标 情感态度价值观通过介绍家乡的特产、食品或艺术品,加强对家乡的了解,增进对家乡的热爱。教学重点 熟练掌握被动语态在不同时态中的应用。教学难点 能够联系实际,运用所学语言知识对鄂

2、州特产雅惠鸭脖子的介绍。教学说明本课的主要任务是帮助学生学会介绍某一个东西的特点,课前需让学生去收集鄂州特产的信息,另外教师要按照学生在英语能力上的差异进行分组,每四五个学生为一组,每组成员既要有英语程度好的学生,又要有程度差的学生,这样他们可以对作文进行集体讨论,及时纠正语言的使用错误,提高正确性。教学过程 设计意图Step 1: Revision and Lead-in1. Guide the students to say something about sky lanterns according to what they learned in the last period. Sho

3、w the students the picture of lanterns. At the same time, show the students some key words, guide the students to ask and answer about it using these key words.were used bywere used forare made ofare regard asWhen are used?Sky lanterns are a kind of Chinese traditional art.Lets say something about t

4、hem.2.Have a free talk with students about the famous products in Ezhou. the conversation should have some information in 3a.Step 2:Before-writingShow students the picture of Ya Hui duck neck. Have a free talk with them about the duck neck like the following.T: What is it? Do you know?S: Ya Hui duck

5、 neck(可用汉语说:雅惠鸭脖子)T: Do you know some details about it? Lets have a look. 雅惠鸭脖子介绍:1.利用图片并出示关键词,形象直观地引导学生复习上节课所学内容。复习所组成的问句与 3a 中的相似,这样有助于他们下一步理解示例作文。2.同学生讨论鄂州特产,加强学生对本土特产的认识,激发他们的兴趣。(不会用英语表达可用汉语,教师指导。)http:/ Step 3:While-writing1.Guide the students to make up sentences about Ya Hui neck duck using t

6、he information and the questions in 3a.T: Weve know something about Ya Hui neck duck. Lets look through the information and the questions in 3a. Then fill in the chart using the information.Why it is specialhat it can doWhere it is madeho it is ade byWhat it is made of/fromhat the product isAfter th

7、ey finish, let the students check their answers with their partners. Then choose some students to answer the questions using full sentences.2.Have the students write the article using the sentence patterns in 3b. When theyre writing, the teacher walks around the classroom. Give the students some hel

8、p if they need.Step 4:After-writing1. After the students finish their articles, show them an 利用雅惠鸭脖子的图片及一些相关信息,引导学生谈论关于雅惠鸭脖子的一些细节问题,潜移默化中使他们掌握对事物的细节描述应从哪几方面入手。)1.通过填表,让学生对刚才所提及的雅惠鸭脖子的有关信息有一个更加清晰的认识,填表之后指导学生用完整的句子回答这些问题,这样做的目的是培养学生扩展成句的能力,另外为下一步写作积累语言素材。)evaluation criterion (评价标准 ) on the screen. Le

9、t the students exchange their articles to correct. 评 价 标 准Are there any speling mistakes?Are the sentences in a corect order?Did he/ she use corect tenses or voices?Did he / she use the sentence paterns in 3b?2. Show yourselfGet one or two students to show their partners compositions on the screen a

10、nd share their reviews with the whole class.Step 5:Self Check 1. Pick up a pencil of one student. Ask the own two questions.T: What is it made of?S: Wood.T: Where was it made?S: It was made in Shanghai.T: Thats say the pencil is made of wood and it was made in Shanghai.Show the red words on the scre

11、en and remind the students to pay attention to its tenses.T: Lets make up similar sentences to introduce what it is made of and where it was made.2.T: What voice did you use just now?S: Passive voice.T: Do you remember the general structure of it?S: be+ v (p.p)T: Good! Lets do the exercises in 3, Se

12、lf-check.Choose three students come to the blackboard to write down their answers. Check their answers after they finish.1.向学生展示评价标准可以指导学生如何互评作文,使他们有标可依。让学生同位之间互相互评,在和同伴分享自己的写作成果的同时,并能帮助对方找出其中的不足,对自己的能力也是一个提升,于此同时可以获得更多的自信。)2.励让学生充当小老师展示同伴的作文并给出评价,必要时教师可以给予一定的指导,把课堂的主动权真正的交给学生,这样可以加深学生对习作的印象,提高他们的自主

13、能力。) 1.此项练习整合了 Self- check 中的1、2 两项练习,帮助学生进一步巩固被动语态。)Complete the sentences using the corect forms of the words in brackets.1.Chese _ (make) from milk.2.Parents and students _ (invite) to the schol concert last night.3.The underground parking lot _ (close) at midnight every day.4.There is a lot of research on how languages_(learn).5.Some clasic films _ (show) at that cinea last wek.is made were invitedis closedare learnedwere shownStep 6:HomeworkSearch the information about another famous product in Ezhou online and write an article about it.鄂州在线贴吧:http:/tieba.ezhou.cc


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