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1、五年级首字母填空专项练习题 出卷人:马园春一、根据句子意思和首字母提示填写单词,完成句子,注意缩略形式。1、T _ any trees in the garden ,but t_ some flowers.2、A_ there any b_ in the bookcase?3、H_ m_ students are there in your s_ ?4、T_ not a pencil in my bag . I c_ write the words.5、T_ not any milk in the fridge .D_ some w_ .6、There a_ any chairs . H_ s

2、ome c_ for you.7、W_ in the basket ? T_ a dog .8、W_ b_ the door ? T_ some umbrellas.9、W_ can you d_ ? I can s_ .10、What are you d_ ? I_ w_ TV.11、A_ you s_ the floor? No, I a_ r _ books.12、 I like s_ ? W_ do you like ? I like r_.13、Mike l_ s_. what d_ Su Yang like? She l_ dancing.14、What do you h_ ? I

3、 h_ a tin of f_ .What d_ she have ? She h_ a tin-opener.15、What s_ is the sun ? I_ a circle.16、There is a tent n_ the h_ .17、We are h_ an E_ lesson.18、The b_ and the g_ a _ on the p_ .19、S_ us how t_ m_ a k_ .20、D_ forget to w_ “Happy New Year!”二、根据首字母提示完成所缺的单词。My p_ and I l_ in a new house. Its n_

4、a big park . We like the house very m_ .There are two b_ , a s_ , a sitting-room and a kitchen in it .There are m_ p _ in my room . There is a computer in my study. N_ the computer there is a l _ .2、There are t_ people in my f_ ,my parents and I .My father is a_ office w_ and my m_ is a doctor. We h

5、_ a big house . There a _ three bedrooms in my house . There is a c_ in my bedroom. I often p_ computer games there. And there are m_ books in the bookcase. I like my b_ very m_.3、It is nine thirty on Sunday morning. Mikes family a_ all at h_ .His father is p_ chess w_ his grandfather . His mother i

6、s w_ clothes .His grandmother is w_ TV in the sitting-r_ .His s_is l_ to music in her bedroom .Theres a cat in her bed. I t is s_ .M ike is d_ his h_.4、Alice is an E_ g_ . She h_ a b_ ,Tony .Tonyl_ playing with toy cars. T _ are many cars in h_room. Some are o_ . Alice doesnt h_ cars,but she has s_

7、dolls.T he dolls a_ very pretty . Alice likes them very much .Mr. Black t( ) us English this w( ) . He is a tall man. He likes w( ) a white shirt and black trousers. He sp( )English very w( ). We like his l() very much. His home is near the school. Sometimes Mr. Black w( ) to his home. He has two li

8、ttle sons. They look the s(). They often wear the same clothes. He loves to see them and play w( ) them. Mr. Black c( ) the two boys Da Mao and Xiao Mao.Its Sunday tomorrow. We are going to w( ) a football match. Its b( ) a Japanese t() and a Chinese t(). The football match is going to be at four oc

9、lock in the a(). Our teachers Mr. Li and Mr. Wang are going to watch the football match w() us. We are going there by bike. We think we can () back at about six in the e().There is a p( ) near our school. We can see many trees and flowers there. Some flowers are red, and some are y( ). We can see a

10、hill behind the park, too. At the foot of the hill we can see a r( ). There are some boats on it. Children like to go there. It is Monday today. There are many young Pioneers in the park. Some are walking and singing. S( )are dancing or p( ) games. Ann and h( ) sister Kate are flying a (). Tom and h

11、is brother Sam are t( ) a Frisbee. Their father and mother are sitting u( ) the tree. All the family are h( ) a good time.In class the teacher asks a q( ), “Do you often make others happy?” “Yes!” one boy a() loudly. “How nice, Sandy!” said the teacher who is very glad. “And Sandy, w()you like to te

12、ll us that happy thing?” “All right. Every Sunday I go to my grandmothers house. I often play with my grandmother for three h( ). And when I say, “Granny, Im going home now.” She often says, “Well, I am so ( ).” Donkeys look l_ horses, b_ donkeys are smaller than horses, and horses run faster than d

13、onkeys. Donkeys have s_ feet and thick coats. Unlike horses, only the ends of their tails have h_. Donkeys can c_ people and help people carry things. Donkeys are quiet and gentle with young c_. In many places_ of China people eat the m_ of donkeys. Do you know mules(骡子)? A mules f_ is a donkey and its m_ is a horse.


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