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1、 M3U3 Different Seasons and different activities 单元整体设计上师大附属经纬实验学校一、单元教学目标(一) 知识目标1. 在语境中用所学词组和句型描述喜欢的季节及在相应季节的活动。如:season, spring, summer, autumn, winter, warm, cool, ski, ice-skate, plant a tree 等词汇。2. 学会使用特殊疑问词 What season 对季节提问。掌握一般现在时,动词的正确使用。如:What season is it?Is it.?We can do different thing

2、s in .3. 字母组合 bl, fl, sl 的发音及相应单词。(二)能力目标1. 学生能用所学句型及单词描述喜欢的季节。2. 用相应的形容词描述每个季节的气候特点。3. 掌握一般现在时中动词的用法。4. 学会用相关动词词组表达自己在不同季节的喜好。(三)情感目标1.让学生能够感受到每个季节的美好。2.让学生养成合理穿衣的习惯。二、分课时教学目标教学目标语言知识 语言技能与运用 情感态度第一课时单词: season, grow, shine, plant a tree, have a picnic, make a sandcastle;句型:What season is it?Its 1.

3、 学会如何描述春夏季节两个特征如:Spring is warm and rainy. Plants grow and grow.2. 学会理解并使用以下句型1.认识到春天和夏天的美和这两个季节的活动。如:What season is it? Its 第二课时单词: ice-skate/ice-skating, ski/sking, pick apples, fall, blow;句型:What season is it?Its 1. 学会如何描述秋冬季节两个特征如:Autumn is cool and windy. Leaves fall and fall.2. 学会理解并使用以下句型如:Wh

4、at season is it? Its 1.认识到秋天和冬天的美和这两个季节的活动。第三课时句型:Is it ? What do we have for?We have for 1.能运用所学知识简单描述各个季节;1.让学生养成合理穿衣的习惯四、单课教学设计1.文本:(1)主体文本P1The little bird flies to a park. There are many beautiful flowers and green trees in the park. It sees some children there too.Bird: Hello, what season is i

5、t now? Children: Its spring.Bird: How is spring?Children: Spring is warm and rainy. Oh, look! The plants grow and grow. Its a growing season.Bird: What can you do in spring?Children: I can do a lot.of things. We can plant trees and have a picnic in spring. Bird: I like spring. It is a nice season.(T

6、he bird flies and flies)Bird: It is so hot and the sun shines and shines. What season is it now?Children: It is summer. Summer is wonderful. In summer, we can go to the beach. We can swim and make a sandcastle. Look at my sandcastle, how beautiful.Bird: Spring and summer are beautiful seasons. I lik

7、e them.(The bird flies and flies)Bird: What season is it?Children: It is summer. It is hot and the sun is shining.Bird: What can you do in summer?Children: We can go to the beach. We can swim and make a sandcastle there.Bird: What nice seasons! I will tell mum.P2:主体文本:1. Spring is a nice season.In s

8、pring, it is warm and rainy.The plants grow and grow.We can plant trees and have a picnic in spring.I like spring.2. Autumn is cool and dry.The leaves fall and fall.Look at the leaves.Some are red, some are yellow.So beautiful leaves.Autumn is so nice. I like autumn.3. Autumn is cool and dry.The lea

9、ves fall and fall.We can fly kites and ride bicycles.And we can Autumn is so nice. I like autumn.4. I hear the wind. The wind blows and blows. I feel cold. What season is it, my friend?Hi, my friend. Its winter now! Hows the weather in winter?In winter, the wind blows and blows. The snow falls and f

10、alls. Its cold, dry and snowy.What can you do in winter, little girl?I can ski in winter. I like skiing in winter. How interesting!What can you do in winter, little boy?I can ice-skate in winter.(2)辅助文本P1Im a little bird. This is a new world to me. Mum says there are four seasons in the world. But w

11、hat are they? How are they? P21. Im a little bird. This is a new world to me. Mum says there are four seasons in the world. But what are they? How are they? 2. “Spring is a nice season.” The little bird thinks and flies on (继续飞). Now she flies to a beach.3. Autumn is also a harvest(收获的) season. We c

12、an pick(摘) apples. They are sweet.4. I hear the wind. The wind blows and blows. I feel cold. What season is it, my friend?2.教案Period 1Steps Contents Methods PurposesPre-taskpreparations1.Phonetic learning: /bl/ /sl/ /fl/1.Phonetics and words 通过已经学习的单词来学习/bl/ /sl/ /fl/的发音While-taskprocedures1.Create

13、a context2. Listening for gist2.Learn the sentence:Whose tape is this? Its yours/mine.3.To learn: spring1. Listen to the monologue of the little bird.T: That little bird wants to find out the seasons. Do you like to go with her?2To give the question before listening to the tape.Q: How many seasons a

14、re here?What are they?2-1Listen to the tape2-2Group feedback3-1.weather in spring3-1-1warm, rainy, the plants grow and grow3-1-2Chant practice 3-2.Activities in spring3-2-1plant treesThe procedures of planting a tree.为本节课创设情境听录音回答问题,从而总体感知文本。从一问一答中引出 spring 的气候特点,然后通过 role-play 和 chant 来巩固练习4.To lea

15、rn: summer3-2-2 have a picnic3-3. Read the dialogue and role-play4-1.To elicit the season: Summer T: The bird flies and flies. What can you hear?S: I can hear the sea.T: What season is it?S: It is summer.4-2.Weather in summer4-2-1To elicit the target words:Tape: Hello, what season is it now? Is it s

16、pring?S: No, its summer.Tape: How is the weather in summer?S: It is very hot. The sun shines and shines.4-2-2: Chant:Season, season, what season is it?Summer, summer, its summer.Hot, hot, summer is hot.Shine, shine, the sun shines and shines.4-3Activities in summer4-3-1Group work: list the activitie

17、s in summer: eat watermelonsGroup feedback: In summer, I can4-3-2:Highlight pick up the shells and surf on the sea对第一片段文本再次呈现,并通过 role-play 来进一步的熟悉通过海浪声,引出 summer通过图片,让学生自己完成对 summer 气候的描述。同时引出 The sun shines.再次通过 chant 来巩固新知识。小组讨论引出夏天能进行的活动。通过图片补充词组 pick up the shells and 5.Fill-in the blanks surf

18、on the sea通过给主句型,对空白部分填空对第二片段文本再次操练Post-taskactivities1.Read the dialogue 2. Talk about your favorite season3. Sing a song1. Say and act2. Given out the key words复习本堂课主体文本。Assignment 1. Read and write the new word2. Sing the song to your parents.Period 2Steps Contents Methods PurposesPre-taskprepara

19、tions1.Review the phonetic alphabets.1.read and chant 利用儿歌的形式复习巩固音标While-taskprocedures1.Review the story2.Review spring3.Review summer1. Listen: Im a little bird. This is a new world to me. Mum says there are four seasons in the world. But what are they? How are they? T: The little bird flies to fi

20、nd the answers.2. Ask and answer:1) What season is it?2) How is the weather in3) What can we do in?3. read the passage:Spring is a nice season.In spring, it is warm and rainy.The plants grow and grow.We can plant trees and have a picnic in spring.I like spring.4. bird :“Spring is a nice season.” The

21、 little bird thinks and flies on. Now she flies to a beach.Fill in the blanks:is a nice season.In , it is .The sun and .回到本课的情景中通过对话检测学生的掌握情况。3.Learn about autumn4. Learn fall and fall5. Read together6. Ask and answer7. Sing a song8. Read and fill in the blanks9. Learn the word blow and the sentence

22、: the wind blows and blows.10. read and chantWe can in .I like .5. Look and think :1). What colour are the leaves?2). What season is it?3). How is the weather in autumn?4). What can you do in autumn?5). What do you like doing in autumn?6. T: look and the tree. How are the leaves?7. Autumn is cool an

23、d dry.The leaves fall and fall.Look at the leaves.Some are red, some are yellow.So beautiful leaves.Autumn is so nice. I like autumn.8. T : What can we do in autumn?Autumn is cool and dry.The leaves fall and fall.We can fly kites and ride bicycles.And we can Autumn is so nice. I like autumn.9. Autum

24、n is also a harvest season. We can pick apples. They are sweet.An apple a day, keep the doctor away!Sing a song: Apple tree10.Fill in the blanks :Autumn is _ and dry. The leaves_and _. Look at the leaves. Some are_, some are yellow. So beautiful leaves.In autumn, we can _ kites and ride _.And we can

25、 pick _ too. It is also a harvest season. Autumn is so nice. I like autumn.11. -I hear the wind. The wind blows and blows. I feel cold. What season is it, my friend?-Hi, my friend,its winter now.12. Read and chant通过问答引出本课主要单词和词组朗读文本并巩固新学词组通过问答的形式让学生说一说秋天可以有哪些活动唱歌活跃课堂气氛练习的形式完成短文填空。11. Learn ski12. As

26、k and answer13. I can _ in winter. I like _ in winter.How interesting!14. T: What can you do in winter?S: I / We can (do) in winter.T: What do you like doing in winter?S: I / We like (doing) in winter.(ice-skate, ski, run, make a snowman,Skip)小组活动,培养学生的口头表达能力。Post-taskactivities1.Review the story2.

27、Read and judge3. Sing a song1. Say and act2. Read and judge3. Sing a song : Seasons song复习本堂课主体文本。Assignment 1. Read and write the new word2. Recite Look and sayPeriod 3Steps Contents Methods PurposesPre-taskpreparations1. Phonetic learning2. Warm-up1. Read the rhyme2-1. Listen and enjoy2-1-1 :Liste

28、n to the tape2-1-2: Read the monologue together2-1-3:Talk about your favorite season2-2Exercises2-3 Guessing Time2-3-1: What season is it?T:Alice and Peter always play together. They like playing ball games, video games and other games. Now they are playing a guessing game. What are they guessing? L

29、et me join them!2-3-2 Fill-in blanksIts my turn, Peter. Its and windy. 通过 rhyme 再次复习语音/bl/ /sl/ /fl/的发音通过谈论最喜欢的季节来复习上节课所学的内容通过练习对学生掌握的语法进一步检查通过对季节的描述让学生能够快速反应,同时也能够让学生用关键词对季节进行描述The leaves are and . The sun is . The grass is . I can and .And its the season for harvest. I can pick fruit from the tree

30、s. What is it?While-taskprocedures 1.Clothes and activities in winter2.What do you have for summer?3. Clothes in spring and autumn.1-1Look and circleT: What do you have for winter?ScarvesHatGloves1-2 Activities in winterT: What can you do in winter?S: We can ice-skate, ski1-1Look and circleT: What d

31、o you have for summer?T-shirtDressesSkirt1-2 Activities in summerT: What can you do in summer?S: We can make a sandcastle, have picnics in the park3-1:Jackets, trousers, shirts3-2:A: What season do you like?B: I like spring.A: Spring is warm. What do you have for spring?B: I have for spring.通过图片让学生自

32、己讨论,选择冬天的衣着和活动通过图片让学生自己讨论,选择夏天的衣着和活动通过图片,让学生两两对话来讨论春季和秋季的活动和着装Post-taskactivities1.Reading 1.Read the whole dialogue2. Discuss different seasons and different clothes 复习本节课的主句型和单词I like spring. Spring is warm. I have for spring.My is/are (nice, cool, beautiful, handsome/)How I am!Assignment 1. Read and write the new word2. Retell the story


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