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1、南京农业大学 2016 年博士研究生入学考试英语试题考生答题须知:1 所有题目(包括填空、选择、图表等类型题目)答题答案必须做在考点发给的答题纸上,做在本试题册上无效。请考生务必在答题纸上写清题号。2 评卷时不评阅本试题册,答题如有做在本试题册上而影响成绩的,后果由考生自己负责。3 答题时一律使用蓝、黑色墨水笔或圆珠笔作答(画图可用铅笔) ,用其它笔答题不给分。4 答题时不准使用涂改液等具有明显标记的涂改用品。PART I Vocabulary (15points)Section ADirections: Choose the word that is the closest synonym

2、to the underlined word.1. The government slated new elections in the spring, largely as a result of the public clamor.A. demand B. view C. request D. opinion2. The most prolific writer is not necessarily the best.A. written-about B. productive C. artful D. religious3. Imagine my vexation when they s

3、aid they would come to dinner and then didnt show.A. enlightenment B. astonishment C. annoyance D. contrariness4. Any troop of wild animals should be approached warily.A. fearlessly B. confidently C. silently D. prudently5. There is little learning involved when one is reprimanded two or three month

4、s after the deed.A. recommended B. reproached C. recompensed D. reversed6. Archaeologists are interested in pottery, figurines and other vestiges of ancient civilizations.A. traces B. shards C. products D. artifacts7. Packaging is designed so as to encourage impetuous shopping.A. extravagant B. care

5、ful C. impotent D. impulsive8. Pan of his general thrift is to be meticulous in verifying monthly expenses.A. painstaking B. dilatory C. meretricious D. gaudy9. The jurors came to a deadlock in the defendants trial for murder.A. a decision of guilty B. a decision to punish by electrocutionC. an impa

6、sse D. an unusual verdict10. Among the lowest of the judicial ranks, justices of the peace nevertheless frequently exercise jurisdiction over a variety of misdemeanors.A. guidance B. sovereignty C. authority D. suzerainty11. A mistake is rarely atoned for by a single apology, however profuse.A. extr

7、avagant B. produced C. divergent D. repetitious12. Her office in the First National Bank building is provisional.A. permanent B. temporary C. corrupt D. craven13. The burglars ransacked the room taking anything of value they found.A. demolished B. took over C. inhabited D. thoroughly searched14. The

8、 whole of the endowment was used to refurbish the school gymnasium.A. millionaires B. endorsements C. governments D. donations15. The massacre of innocent people cannot ever be condoned.A. overlooked B. praise C. condemned D. satisfiedSection BDirections: Choose the answer that best completes the se

9、ntence.16. When he realized the true nature of the proposal, he _ all communication with the group.A. convert B. averted C. severed D. make17. The worsening financial situation made it obvious that an economic depression was _.A. attainable B. remote C. imminent D. eminent18. All of the dental instr

10、uments need to be _ before the next patient is seen.A. heated B. scalded C. sterilized D. burned19. Rock climbing is so popular now that many people are able to _ the steepest face with great agility.A. scale B. surpass C. overcome D. mount20. If you call the 911 emergency number, they will _ fireme

11、n, policemen, and paramedics immediately.A. assign B. detach C. attach D. dispatch21. His evident _ to his wife despite her indiscretion proved him to be a man of integrity.A. personality B. character C. fidelity D. morality22. I dont know why he has been given _. It wasnt his accomplishment but his

12、 wifes.A. acclaim B. confidence C. reimbursement D. robustness23. After a concert tour in Asia, Canada and the U. S., he will _ work on a five-language opera.A. confine B. indulge C. resume D. undergo24. When Ph. D candidates _ their impending professorships, they consider housing benefits offered b

13、y the prospective universities.A. anticipate B. assume C. apply D. demand25. My supply of confidence slowly _ as the deadline approached.A. withdrew B. eliminated C. exterminated D. diminished26. The battle is of great significance when viewed in the _ of the progress of the war.A. prospective B. re

14、spective C. perspective D. prescriptive27. It has long been known that total sleep _ is 100 percent fatal to rats, yet, upon examination of the dead bodies, the animals look completely normal.A. deposition B. destruction C. deprivation D. reduction28. In that country, hospital doctors dont go sights

15、eeing very often because their work _ almost all their time.A. takes up B. takes off C. takes apart D. takes over29. According to the law of that country, the Parliament will have to be _ before the General Election.A. decomposed B. dispersed C. dissolved D. disintegrated30. He failed to carry out s

16、ome of the provisions of the contract, and now he has to _ the consequences.A. answer for B. run into C. abide by D. step intoPART Grammar (15 points)Section ADirections: Choose the letter that indicates the error in the sentence.31. Switzerland is best known for its majesty mountain range and thous

17、ands flock to the AlpsA B Ceach year to take advantage of their ideal skiing conditions.D32. Police were sent to disperse the crowds but ended up by shooting down protesters and itA Bwas in this chaos that the seeds of political liberation were sown.C D33. Even today, through the hustle and bustle o

18、f Nevsky Prospect, St Petersburgs main street, A Bthe classical beauty of the city mesmerizes the eye.C D34. She is furious of her sons grades in school, which explains why Mark is jealous of Julias high A B Cmarks on the exam.D35. Smog-choked Southern California demands them. Its a car for people w

19、ho never want to goAto a gas station again. But the fact is, for all the talk, selling gas-less machines has been aB Chard-sell.D36. People thought: Hey, eat a carp and you will be taking in what it is that gives you these fish A Btheir long life-span. Of course, it hasnt done a lot of good for thes

20、e carp.C D37. In deciding to undertake dangerous pursuits, people usually strive for their maximumApersonal ability rating, when they are challenged but can he victorious, rather than merelyB Csurmounting the mediocre.D38. In proposing such philanthropic donations, the director of the company certai

21、nly spoke fromA Ba genuine concern for the needy and not any desire for personal accolades.C D39. The armor, infantry and other military forces were held up by the enemy counter attack, A B Cthus caused the delay in the advance.D40. Just as children the world over like Christmas rooming, adults so l

22、ike Christmas evening A B Cwhen peace and calm return to the household.D41. Each employee with a modicum of intelligence would be able to undertake such a basic process.A B C D42. The economic situation will improve given that there is forecast to be less unemployment A Band closures than in previou

23、s years.C D43. The three most important issues of concern to citizens today are prison reform, A Babusing children and toxic waste.C D44. I was on the verge of incurring Mr. Rochesters wrath by not listening to his prohibitions, A Bwhile a ray once more shone almost imperceptibly on the hallway wall

24、 and I heard his muffled C Dstep on the carpet.45. The above is the most important aspect which apes can be told from more primitive socialA B C Dgroupings.Section BDirections: Choose the answer that best fills in the blank.46. _ that the earth was flat?A. Used it to be thought B. Did it used to be

25、thoughtC. Was it need to being thought D. Does it used to be thought47. It is most inappropriate _ in the college VIP lounge.A. for any students to be there B. for there to be any studentsC. to be any students there D. to have there any students48. She _ much more accurate responses now, had she tak

26、en more pains in devising the questions.A. got B. would have got C. had got D. would be getting49. An extensive foundation in the basic sciences should be required of all science students, _.A. whether they are future physicists or chemists.B. be they future physicists or chemists.C. they are future

27、 physicists or chemists. D. they should be future physicists or chemists.50. The general opinion is that he is _ to complain.A. so much a milquetoast B. too a milquetoastC. too much of a milquetoast D. so much of a milquetoast51. Although of course there are exceptions, it seems reasonably dear that

28、 in certain countries - Rwanda, Somalia and parts of the former Yugoslavia come to mind-hunger is less a result of an absolute food shortage, _ a policy decision or the political situation.A. than of B. rather than C. but the result of D. than is52. The ozone layer plays as great a role in the suabi

29、lity of spaceship Earth as _ the waters of its lakes, ponds, oceans, rivers, and streams.A. do B. does C. play D. are53. Perhaps I should not have done so, but I changed my mind about the new job even though I was _ last week.A. to be started B. to have started C. to have been starting D. start54. D

30、espite an overlay of quasi-literary French vocabulary stemming from the Norman Invasion of 1066, the daily vocabulary of English remained Germanic, _ its grammatical structure.A. the same are B. and so are C. as did D. and so were55. Although money is always useful, it isnt all _.A. what there is to

31、 life B. to which there is in life C. there is to life D. that is in life56. _ ever so humble, theres no plane like home.A. It be B. Be it C. It was D. Was it57. _ all customs, no matter how sacrosanct, are essentially learned reactions appropriate, perhaps only to the holders thereof is a basic ass

32、umption of anthropologists.A. Nearly B. It is nearly C. That nearly D. When nearly58. Although women cluster to him like moths around a flame, he is none _ happier for it.A. but B. the C. match D. any59. The major reason why Americans enjoy an abundant food supply is that the arable land at their di

33、sposal for food production is _.A. three times more the world average B. three times as much the world averageC. three times the world average D. the world average is three times60. The sound of the roaring of a tiger is _ heard by jungle dwellers _ feelings of unease, for a year does not elapse wit

34、hout victims falling to the tigers ferocity.A. always.with B. ever.without C. ever.with D. never.withoutPART Clone test (10 points)Directions: Choose the word that best completes the meaning.One of the basic characteristics of capitalism is the private ownership of the major means of production-capi

35、tal. The ownership of large amounts of capital can bring _61_ profits, as well as economic and political power. Some recent theorists, 62 have argued that our society has moved to a new stage of 63 _that they call “postindustrial“ society. One important change in such society is that the ownership o

36、f 64 amounts of capital is no longer the only or even the most important 65 of profits and influence; knowledge as well as 66 capital brings profits and influence.There are many 67 with the thesis above, not the least of 68 is that wealthy capitalists can buy the experts and knowledge they need to k

37、eep their profits and influence. But this does not 69 the importance of knowledge in an advanced industrial society, as the 70 of some new industries indicates. 71 , genetic engineering and the new computer technology have 72 many new fines and made some scientists quite rich. In 73 with criticism o

38、f the postindustrial society thesis, however, it must also be 74 that those already in control of huge amounts of capital (i.e., major corporations) soon 75 to take most profits in these industries based on new knowledge.Moving down from the level of wealth and power, we still find knowledge increas

39、ingly 76 . Many new high-tech jobs are being created at the upper-skill, low-paying service 77 . Something like a caste line is emerging centered around knowledge. Individuals who fall too far behind in the 78 of knowledge at a young age will find it almost impossible to catch up later, no matter ho

40、w hard they try. Illiteracy in English language has been a severe 79 for marry years in the United States, but we are also moving to the point when computer illiteracy will hinder many more people and 80 them to a life of low-skill and low-paid labor.61. A. quantitative B. extensive C. comprehensive

41、 D. sophisticated62. A. moreover B. however C. therefore D. nevertheless63. A. aggression B. proficiency C. productivity D. evolution64. A. dominant B. impressive C. magnificent D. significant65. A. source B. factor C. component D. element66. A. adequate B. profitable C. material D. spiritual67. A.

42、advantages B. consequences C. problems D. potentials68. A. them B. those C. which D. that69. A. deny B. refuse C. admit D. acknowledge70. A. emergence B. innovation C. extinction D. discovery71. A. In addition B. For example C. Above all D. In short72. A. produced B. created C. improved D. facilitated73. A. line B. need C. doubt D. match74. A. idealized B. recognized C. supervised D. summarized75. A. stepped in B. settled down C. leaned over D. mined out76


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