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1、人教版五年级(上册)英语学科期末试题及答案听力部分(30 分)一、找出与下列图片相符的短语将其序号填入括号内(10 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )( ( ) ( )( )二、你将听到句子或对话,根据所听到的内容,判断图片或句子是否相符,相符的在相应的括号内打“”,不相符的打“”。(5 分)三、根据听到的内容选择相应的图片。(5 分)四、听音,选择正确的答语。(5 分)( )1、A. Its on the bed. B. Its over the bed.( )2、A. I have noodles. B. I have P.E. and music.( )3、A. I ca

2、n cook the meals. B. He can water the flowers.( )4、A. Yes, there is. B. No, there arent.( )5、A. Id like potatoes. B. I have potatoes.五、听录音写出所缺的单词。(5 分)1. What do you have on _ ? I have maths and music.2. Is there a river in the _? Yes,there is3. What do you like ? I like _.4. What do you do on the w

3、eekend? I play _.5. Can you _ ? Yes,I can 笔 试 部 分(70 分)1填写字母,组成单词并连线。(10 分)1.f_nn_ 滑稽的 2.d_nc_ 漫画3.m_unt_in 村庄 4.S_t_rday 在中间5.d_lic_ous 有用 6.c_rt_on 三明治7.v_ll_ge 高山 8.b_twe_n 跳舞9.h_lpf_l 美味的 10.s_ndwIch 星期六二.选出每组单词中划线部分发音不同的一个单词。(5 分)( ) 1、A. grow B. flower C. snow D. yellow( ) 2、A. peach B. teache

4、r C. sheep D. bread( ) 3、A. or B. doctor C. river D. Farmer( ) 4.A. thank B. clothes C. this D. These( ) 5. A . where B. what C. whose D. Whit三.写出下列单词的相应形式。(10 分)1. strict (反义词)_ 2.wash(第三人称单数)_3.photo(复数形式)_ 4.help(形容词)_5.well(完全形式)_ 6.have(第三人称单数) _7.where(同音词)_ 8.sweet(反义词) _9.know(同音词)_ 10.he(宾格

5、形式)_.四.给下列单词分类,把序号填在横线上。(10 分)1.Friday 2.draw 3.hamburger 4.kind 5.above 6.Sunday 7.ice cream 8.swim 9.beside 10.polite 11.sing 12.salad 13.Thurday 14.behind 15in front of 16.clever 17.Monday 18.cook 19.young20.noodle1、食物_2、星期_3、动词_4、介词_5、形容词_五、将 A 栏与 B 栏相对应的答语搭配起来,并连线。 (10 分)A B( )1、Is there a fore

6、st in the nature park? A. Id like tomatoes and mutton.( )2、Whats your room like? B. No, shes active.( )3、Where is the trash bin? C. I can cook the meals.( )4、What would you like for lunch on Mondays? D. Yes, there are.( )5、Is the park very far? E. Yes, it is.( )6、Whats your favourite fruit? F. Yes,

7、there is.( )7、What can you do ? G. Its near the table.( )8、Is she quiet? H.I have potatoes and fish.( )9、Are there any fish in the rivers? I. Its clean and beautiful.( )10、What do you have for lunch on Mondays? J. Apples.六。单项选择题。(10 分)1.Amy plays _pipa very well. A the B a C /2.I have a _ class on t

8、he weekend . A cook B cooks C cooking3.What is he like ? _A. He likes beef. B.He is my teacher. CHe is tall and thin.4.There_some childre under the big tree. A. am B.is C.are5.What do you have _ Friday ? A.in B.on C.at6.Sarah _ some cake and _ some tea in the afternoon.A.drinks,has B.has,have C.has,

9、drinks7._ your maths teacher ? Mr ZhaoA.What is B.Who is C.Where is8.Is there a clock on the desk ?_.A.Yes,there is B. No, there arent. C.Yes,there are9.We _ Chinese at the party. A.speak B.talk C.say10.What can she do at home ?A.She can wash her clothes. B.I can do homework. C.She watches TV七选择正确的选

10、项补全对话。(5 分)A: 1._ B: I have two new teachers.A: 2_ B: An English teacher and a music teacher. A: Is your music teacher kind ? B:3_ A: What can she do ? B:4_ A:What is her favourite food ? B:5_A. She likes salad best.B. B. Who are they ? C. C. Yes,she is very kind.D. How many new teachers do you have

11、 ? E. She can play the pipa.八、阅读短文内容,判断句子正 (T)误 (F)。(10 分)My grandfather and I go to the park near my house. There are many people in the park. There are many men and women talking. There are many children playing and laughing. Everyone feels happy. Anna and I go up high in a tree. We are scared (害怕

12、). My grandfather sees Anna and me in the tree. He runs to the tree and helpsAnna and me come down. I am OK. But Anna hurts her fingers.( ) 1. I live near a park.( ) 2. There are many people talking in the park.( ) 3. Everyone feels scared.( ) 4. My grandfather helps us come down from the tree.( ) 5. Anna hurts her knees.


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