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1、一Last summer, my family and I went to England and we spent two weeks in Cornwall. It 1._ (take) us five hours to get there by car. We did a lot of different 2._(activity) there:We went for long walks,played games,went shopping and swam in the lake. I played 3._(happy) at first, but then something te

2、rrible happened (发生). One morning I went to the forest near the hotel by 4._(I). I walked and walked. I watched the birds 5._(sing) in the trees and took some photos. When I got hungry I wanted to go back to the hotel for food. 6._I couldnt find the way back. I tried 7._(difference) ways. However, a

3、t last I was still in 8._same place. “Oh, God! What should I do? Im so afraid!” I thought. Later it started lo rain. I didnt have 9._ umbrella so I was wet and cold. I decided 10._ (stay) under a tree and wailed for my parents. After a few hours they found me. It was dark and I was cold, hungry and

4、scared. I will never go to the forest again. 二Last summer, my family had 1._trip. It was very interesting. My father, my mother and I 2._ (go) to the mountains. We got to the foot of the mountain 3._bus. There was a river. The water was clean. I washed my face with the water. It was warm. There were

5、 many fish 4._the river. There were different 5._ (kind) of flowers by the river. They were very beautiful. At noon, my parents and I 6._(have) lunch under a big tree. The food was delicious, 7._we liked it very much. After lunch, we went on 8._ (we) trip. At about 2:00 in the afternoon, we got to t

6、he top of the mountain. We were very 9._ (exciting). It was 10._ (real) fun.三I dreamed of 1._(visit) Shanghai when I was a little girl. The day finally came. So when I got on the plane to Shanghai 2._August 18, I was very excited. I know its one of 3._ (beautiful) cities in China. Of course, the tem

7、perature is a little 4._ (high) than that of Dalian.Our trip began in Disneyland. The park has a lot of cartoon 5._ (character) such as Snow White, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck made by Walt Disney, a very 6._ (success) man. I liked the Adventure Island best 7._it was exciting but it was not scary at

8、 all. And they organized us some activities. Everyone 8._(love) them. During the following days, we traveled many other interesting places. It took us four days to understand the life and culture there. I made many friends when traveling. I 9._ (true) hope I can go there again some day. It is really

9、 10._ magic and amazing place.四Dear mom,Im writing to you from America. You dont know how happy I am. I made many new friends here. They are very 1._(friend). Last week I got a fever and had to stay in bed 2._ three days. They helped me a lot with my lessons. Cathy is one of my 3._(good) friends at

10、school. She has a small face 4._ a pair of glasses. She is two months older than I am, but a little shorter . She works hard and is good 5._all her lessons. She often helps me with my English. We enjoy 6._ (talk) to each other at lunchtime. After school, we always go home together because we live in

11、 7._same street.Sometimes we take a dancing lesson for half an hour before we 8._(go) home. She dances better than any other student. She wants to be a 9._(dance) when she grows up. At the weekends, Cathy usually goes swimming. I sometimes go swimming with her. I think its a good way 10,_(keep) heal

12、thy. We always have a good time. 五When people are dirty, they take a bath or a shower. Animals dont have soap, but they do keep themselves (1) _(clean). Many animals with hair, such (2) _ dogs and cats, keep themselves clean by licking(舔) their hair. They also use their (3) _(tooth) to pull out smal

13、l dirty things from their hair. When they lick their hair, it is almost as if they are (4) _(use) a wet brush to clean themselves.Birds take baths to stay clean. (5) _(one) they walk through water that is not deep. Next they beat their wings(翅膀)to dry themselves. Birds (6) _ take sand(沙子) baths on t

14、he ground. It is thought that they do this to drive away parasites(寄生虫).Even fish need cleaning. Fish have very little parasites that live in their mouths. Some fish live (7) _eating these parasites off other fish. Such fish are called “cleaner fish”. Larger fish will open their mouths so that the c

15、leaner fish can get in to clean.Some animals that live in (9) _(group) clean each other, such as monkeys. They often clean one another. One monkey may clean an area that the other monkey cant reach. How (10) _(interest) it is!六When Im free, I always take out a book and read 1._quietly. Good books ca

16、n make me know what I didnt know before. Ill never forget this famous 2._saying , “Good books are best friends who never turn their backs on us.” So I think of a good book 3._ my best friends.Some people say that reading is out of date(过时). It is not true. Reading is a good hobby for many kinds of 4

17、._(reason). First, reading is fun.We can always keep ourselves happy 5._we like reading .We will never feel 6._(boring) or lonely if we have a book. Next, we can read a book anywhere - 7._ a car, on a plane, or even in the bathroom. All we need is a book! Another good reason for reading is that it i

18、s 8._(use). If we keep 9._(read) as a hobby, we will get better and better at it. As our reading skills improve, we will probably find our schoolwork becomes much _(good). Reading is a wonderful hobby. Why not start reading right now七Televisions are like books or films. A child can learn 1._bad thin

19、gs and good things from them. Some programs help children to understand the news, and others show people and places from other 2._(country) or other time in history. Because 3._television, a child does not have to go to the zoo to see animals or to the ocean to see a ship. Girls and boys can see a p

20、lay, a concert or a game at home.Television brings many places and events into our homes. Some programs show crimes(犯罪活动)and other things that are bad for children. Whats more, every child 4._(like) watching TV. Some even watch television 5._eight hours or more on Sunday. So parents sometimes help t

21、hem to find other interesting things 6._(do).Doing sports such as 7._(play) basketball, football and swimming 8._(be) good for both body and mind. If you are interested in history, you can go to see movies about important historical events. They will help you know 9._(anything) about history. When you are too tired to study, just sit on the sofa alone and enjoy the music to relax 10._(you). It will help you study better.


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