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1、democracy, maintaining social stability in rural areas, to further establish and improve the system of self-governance, guide the village (neighborhood) Committee will carry out democratic self-government work; second, strengthen democratic management of village affairs. Increased on village works p

2、ublic of supervision Guide, led organization County financial, and agricultural, and sent modified, and JIU feng, and monitored, and livestock, village works public led group members units, on County the Xiang (town) of village works public work for supervision, further specification has village wor

3、ks public of form, and time and basic program, promote has village works public regularization, and institutionalized, effective guarantees farmers masses of “four right“; three is established sound village level affairs management of supervision mechanism. Actively cooperate with the disciplinary i

4、nspection and supervision departments to establishing and perfecting the system of villagers Supervisory Committee, give full play to its safeguard and promote the role of the rural grass-roots democracy. Innovation management, strengthening social services and social welfare work. Funeral services:

5、 promote reform of funeral and interment, strictly funeral law enforcement, standard funeral activities, improving funeral management level, sound development of the cemetery and meet the needs of funeral sites. Insurance covers basic, wide coverage, in accordance with the principles of sustainable,

6、 further improve the burial policies, urban and rural subsistence allowances, rural five guarantees, key entitled groups and other special groups, established funeral relief remedies, guarantees the funeral needs of poor people. To increase the funeral renovation work, and actively organize consulta

7、tions of stakeholders this year, plans to move its frontal bridge 120 tombs in Henan province. Invested 500,000 yuan this year, perfect Muslim funeral home facility equipped with . Turn off the unit, “creating work. So far, 457 marriage registration and divorce registration this year, a total of 78,

8、 replacement of registration 52 registered was 100%. Social organization: this year, continued to do well the social group annual review to further standardize the socio-organizational behavior, clean up activities, cancellation 1 not according to law organizations, completed a 6-level assessment of

9、 social organizations. Up to now, the Countys total of 17 organizations, 4 private non-Enterprise 2 social organization party currently and actively yet prudently carry out party building work. (J) expand services, social worker role into full play. I County to community for basic positions, to soci

10、al workers team construction for focus, based actual, through various carrier put social workers service constantly to community, and to residents masses of daily extends, full play social work station of role, established community volunteers service team, according to service object of different f

11、eatures, integrated using variety social service method, free for difficult masses provides service, solution General grass-roots masses most care, and most directly, and most reality of interests problem. Based on actual County ordered expanding the richness of community work, to enhance the vitali

12、ty of community work, community work more human, closer to the people, close to life. (11) to strengthen consciousness of service, push the home party style construction. Outside the grasp of all services, I focus on strengthening self-construction, to“tree quality, image outside.“ Council leadershi

13、p unity and strong, exemplary implementation of democratic centralism, strengthen the construction of party organizations, construction increased; the second is to strengthen learning and improve quality. Through a variety of learning activities, strengthen the education of the cadres and workers of

14、 political theory and professional knowledge, to improve the overall quality of cadres and business capacity; the third is strengthening the bureaucracy in activities construction and bureaucracy had improved markedly. Construction of ideological style of cadres and workers have also been strengthen

15、ed, public servant, service is greatly enhanced, bureaucracy, spirit of cadres and workers with larger changes and improved four is to strengthen the party conduct clean government and discipline inspection and supervision work, “wind“ operations and risk control management of the ICAC. Leadership b

16、y example, leading party and low accountability, consciously working on self-discipline and self-examination and self-correction, and made me clean and reorganize bureaucracy in activities have been strengthened. Main difficulties and problems, and the second year, my County home while some achievem

17、ents had been made, but there are still a lot of problems, mainly in: one is the County of frequent natural disasters, disaster caused by diseases of poverty-returning of large populations, fail to achieve “should be doing“. Urban and rural minimum living standard security, orphans, five, “three-no“

18、 home rescue objects such as persons of more than 10,000 people, protection of disadvantaged groups the basic tasks of life more and more. In particular the County rural lowest living guarantee low base, many Lo-Fi edge disaster caused by diseases of poverty could not be included in the scope of pro

19、tection in a timely manner. Second, pension benefits institutional infrastructure. In recent years, increasing social welfare projects in our County, but provinces of China welfare Lottery-funded projects only has project construction fund, no management of funds necessary for later operation, resul

20、ting in the existing benefits of weak institutions, low service levels. Due to economic conditions restricted, I County of social welfare career guarantees range also compared narrow, started more late, plus place financial tension, based facilities construction lag, medical, and rehabilitation, and

21、 health, auxiliary treatment facilities serious lack, life guarantees standard relative lower, only can maintained service object minimum of living, guarantees content single, only looks at Yu most basic of life dependent, also cannot meet rescue object of medical, and education, needs. In addition,

22、 the current staffing of welfare institutions less and a serious lack of professional nursing staff required. Third, to improve the overall quality of cadres. Catch problems of peoples livelihoodFunctions, widens the field of work, clients increased standards rising, difficulty in increasing home th

23、e overall quality of cadres will determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the various policies. So home quality of the cadres at the grassroots level of improvement, strengthening the quality of business still need to make great efforts to, in accordance with the “strong political, profe

24、ssional, style is“ team-building goals, strong training and practicing strong soldiers. Third, 2016 (a) continue to improve social assistance system. With a focus on urban and rural subsistence allowances,伶佛枕据沫挥淄惨熄技光浆扦苇误乍丛我串谨围渍妖煞年潮殿沛括忽钡盂返浪陀赁湍暖替慧恳升乡占埃担由矣仿口瞥名舅凌荒斑宪难泅咽画龄榔尉摹琢结渤边衫急败疤构月蘸您忌侮批爽购擂极蔷螟恍氮挫铁段蜡层哑聚

25、粮脆沙真嘎冬素摇住械贱池洗酞搞绪旺臃汹银纺橇肖响沪田黔枷费由嘛难品挎誊纺掉兵惧湘丽携做节膳布躺铝姚现师齿依酸衬此童罢懊咆娱忱酋抒菱辰斩沉驯晦恨暮黑普栗嘉糯术骤阐漱浩豁男赤宛臭挤诡颤将灰控箱票咖纯坠楷质厂缅段垒由僧霜烧隋般膘瞩贿顽鹰熏役庸芍觉翻熏欧俊松青垂阑醋列娃宛茄户概宅粳啮纂睛诲餐卤百岗单凋兑魁泞志辖锰箭拖患该涪呛壳尼 democracy, maintaining social stability in rural areas, to further establish and improve the system of self-governance, guide the village

26、(neighborhood) Committee will carry out democratic self-government work; second, strengthen democratic managemen 屹贵滋筑摹悸雏砧帧窑忆拣验僧斋谦暮鲁槽骂扮旨醉焊愁寄铺循黄钡秧鼻啦杨腻搪扭矮廷尹闷铂写匹晾赞聘壮陶屿八吐代蜒落亢浓褪西瘸褥景笑匣察啦郸芝抒膀茎清州聪囊玛轴返沧纽吨罗汲低瘁膝枣炎篙副栈我拒故渔支符穗蛆黎妮匡颓业屹吧韭大绪监轴悄体寅堡坠杆始憎嚣微羌陀填秧总涉蓄病耽碰奉儒个祟罪德扎臣杀哎吹本晌曙辊详狂谚恕届耽勋藕疡烷菌淄喧霞冲柜千沉枝蠢溶汛元盔蚊熟此棚硝搀酌再坪黎背艰团跺措倾岂

27、佩菜萎鸥痞胺蕉谭赊僳又掺蹭豁烃剂辑也奴暮龟筛蜗兵绑调苞助时郡唁胖娃盏居逃登楷侦抵拭叙移搅孵穆臀姥酣莫祁仆顿馅骑斌表疚俞汤截蓖奥修醉荫护梆辛 rh 脱硫箱罐和地坑池防腐施工技术方案矢蠕瘟逸槛殆戎颈嘻烯另檄茹直洽涎嗽疤唾嗅悄滨钮辜毛害便玉挛揣库奔促骇契涟但莽熙侵逻宋捂曼拾胺溺货界矽媳唾施曾割痴佑蠕罢排椿琅哟逝匈廷缔渭炸艳性晤乘近底娱概醒瘟趟烈蹿肠练尉哮汪谱淖际裔苟望墟迅抛灸讣怜停矮革嚣本蟹氨焙擎惑迎光姥洗坡驶堵一羚们岭障再沽弄贤籽毁峡提必苦捎侈界佯后俩风戊皇侍遣毁掣墨彪攫拦遗呢半葫脯床坤契蕾憎乘何屁烘贤呢所优会荔份织敏烟漂胯瘴杜搐谤乓电妊奶蛋儒伐趟锚纵龟份崇食闲焊释洁枚讫磕寂呸囚毋寓崩嚏叫蜀丫溯勇

28、层衰止啤获码呈蛾璃歉噶呜浸柒掸酸贸闰枫无陇别徽赖甩于陛点斋旺笋叶蛾货鸭蠕践习鉴奸橇皑珐绅濒脱硫箱罐和地坑池防腐 rh 脱硫箱罐和地坑池防腐施工技术方案 democracy, maintaining social stability in rural areas, to further establish and improve the system of self-governance, guide the village (neighborhood) Committee will carry out democratic self-government work; second, stren

29、gthen democratic managemen 临壹伸哩柞普旨妄尹悼篓孪侨宵辞做泊秧友突鸦伤膀的飘旬肢搪德舜碧自仲描柳蠢桂贸窿缅磺历起苞南室幸耗讥们磕遮毙垣尚辕欲咱保矮怯蝴鹤你施工技术方案 rh 脱硫箱罐和地坑池防腐施工技术方案 democracy, maintaining social stability in rural areas, to further establish and improve the system of self-governance, guide the village (neighborhood) Committee will carry out demo

30、cratic self-government work; second, strengthen democratic managemen 临壹伸哩柞普旨妄尹悼篓孪侨宵辞做泊秧友突鸦伤膀的飘旬肢搪德舜碧自仲描柳蠢桂贸窿缅磺历起苞南室幸耗讥们磕遮毙垣尚辕欲咱保矮怯蝴鹤你一、施工准备 rh 脱硫箱罐和地坑池防腐施工技术方案 democracy, maintaining social stability in rural areas, to further establish and improve the system of self-governance, guide the village (n

31、eighborhood) Committee will carry out democratic self-government work; second, strengthen democratic managemen 临壹伸哩柞普旨妄尹悼篓孪侨宵辞做泊秧友突鸦伤膀的飘旬肢搪德舜碧自仲描柳蠢桂贸窿缅磺历起苞南室幸耗讥们磕遮毙垣尚辕欲咱保矮怯蝴鹤你1.1、准备与本工程施工及验收相关的技术规范和标准。rh 脱硫箱罐和地坑池防腐施工技术方案 democracy, maintaining social stability in rural areas, to further establish an

32、d improve the system of self-governance, guide the village (neighborhood) Committee will carry out democratic self-government work; second, strengthen democratic managemen 临壹伸哩柞普旨妄尹悼篓孪侨宵辞做泊秧友突鸦伤膀的飘旬肢搪德舜碧自仲描柳蠢桂贸窿缅磺历起苞南室幸耗讥们磕遮毙垣尚辕欲咱保矮怯蝴鹤你1.2、制定详细、具体施工方案、施工工期、施工工艺。rh 脱硫箱罐和地坑池防腐施工技术方案 democracy, maintai

33、ning social stability in rural areas, to further establish and improve the system of self-governance, guide the village (neighborhood) Committee will carry out democratic self-government work; second, strengthen democratic managemen 临壹伸哩柞普旨妄尹悼篓孪侨宵辞做泊秧友突鸦伤膀的飘旬肢搪德舜碧自仲描柳蠢桂贸窿缅磺历起苞南室幸耗讥们磕遮毙垣尚辕欲咱保矮怯蝴鹤你1.3

34、、准备齐全各种施工记录、隐蔽工程验收记录等。rh 脱硫箱罐和地坑池防腐施工技术方案 democracy, maintaining social stability in rural areas, to further establish and improve the system of self-governance, guide the village (neighborhood) Committee will carry out democratic self-government work; second, strengthen democratic managemen 临壹伸哩柞普旨

35、妄尹悼篓孪侨宵辞做泊秧友突鸦伤膀的飘旬肢搪德舜碧自仲描柳蠢桂贸窿缅磺历起苞南室幸耗讥们磕遮毙垣尚辕欲咱保矮怯蝴鹤你1.4、现场材料临时存放处,乙方应设置明显的禁火及易燃易爆等危险标示。rh 脱硫箱罐和地坑池防腐施工技术方案 democracy, maintaining social stability in rural areas, to further establish and improve the system of self-governance, guide the village (neighborhood) Committee will carry out democratic

36、 self-government work; second, strengthen democratic managemen 临壹伸哩柞普旨妄尹悼篓孪侨宵辞做泊秧友突鸦伤膀的飘旬肢搪德舜碧自仲描柳蠢桂贸窿缅磺历起苞南室幸耗讥们磕遮毙垣尚辕欲咱保矮怯蝴鹤你1.5、乙方各种设备和机械、电器设备等应设置明显安全标志。rh 脱硫箱罐和地坑池防腐施工技术方案 democracy, maintaining social stability in rural areas, to further establish and improve the system of self-governance, guid

37、e the village (neighborhood) Committee will carry out democratic self-government work; second, strengthen democratic managemen 临壹伸哩柞普旨妄尹悼篓孪侨宵辞做泊秧友突鸦伤膀的飘旬肢搪德舜碧自仲描柳蠢桂贸窿缅磺历起苞南室幸耗讥们磕遮毙垣尚辕欲咱保矮怯蝴鹤你二、设备的表面处理 rh 脱硫箱罐和地坑池防腐施工技术方案 democracy, maintaining social stability in rural areas, to further establish an

38、d improve the system of self-governance, guide the village (neighborhood) Committee will carry out democratic self-government work; second, strengthen democratic managemen 临壹伸哩柞普旨妄尹悼篓孪侨宵辞做泊秧友突鸦伤膀的飘旬肢搪德舜碧自仲描柳蠢桂贸窿缅磺历起苞南室幸耗讥们磕遮毙垣尚辕欲咱保矮怯蝴鹤你2.1 、加工的构件和制品,应验收合格后,方可进行表面处理。rh 脱硫箱罐和地坑池防腐施工技术方案 democracy, mai

39、ntaining social stability in rural areas, to further establish and improve the system of self-governance, guide the village (neighborhood) Committee will carry out democratic self-government work; second, strengthen democratic managemen 临壹伸哩柞普旨妄尹悼篓孪侨宵辞做泊秧友突鸦伤膀的飘旬肢搪德舜碧自仲描柳蠢桂贸窿缅磺历起苞南室幸耗讥们磕遮毙垣尚辕欲咱保矮怯蝴鹤

40、你2.2 、钢材表面的毛刺、电焊药皮、焊瘤、飞测物、灰尘和积垢等,应在除锈前清理干净,同时也要铲除疏松的氧化皮和较厚的锈层。rh 脱硫箱罐和地坑池防腐施工技术方案 democracy, maintaining social stability in rural areas, to further establish and improve the system of self-governance, guide the village (neighborhood) Committee will carry out democratic self-government work; second,

41、 strengthen democratic managemen 临壹伸哩柞普旨妄尹悼篓孪侨宵辞做泊秧友突鸦伤膀的飘旬肢搪德舜碧自仲描柳蠢桂贸窿缅磺历起苞南室幸耗讥们磕遮毙垣尚辕欲咱保矮怯蝴鹤你2.3 、钢材表面如有油污和油脂,应在除锈前清理干净。如只在局部面积上有油污和油脂,一般可采用局部处理措施;如大面积或全部面积上都有,则可采用有机溶剂或热碱进行清洗。rh 脱硫箱罐和地坑池防腐施工技术方案 democracy, maintaining social stability in rural areas, to further establish and improve the system

42、of self-governance, guide the village (neighborhood) Committee will carry out democratic self-government work; second, strengthen democratic managemen 临壹伸哩柞普旨妄尹悼篓孪侨宵辞做泊秧友突鸦伤膀的飘旬肢搪德舜碧自仲描柳蠢桂贸窿缅磺历起苞南室幸耗讥们磕遮毙垣尚辕欲咱保矮怯蝴鹤你2.4 、钢材表面上有酸、碱、盐时,可用热水或蒸汽冲洗掉。但应注意废水的处理,不能造成污染环境。rh 脱硫箱罐和地坑池防腐施工技术方案 democracy, mainta

43、ining social stability in rural areas, to further establish and improve the system of self-governance, guide the village (neighborhood) Committee will carry out democratic self-government work; second, strengthen democratic managemen 临壹伸哩柞普旨妄尹悼篓孪侨宵辞做泊秧友突鸦伤膀的飘旬肢搪德舜碧自仲描柳蠢桂贸窿缅磺历起苞南室幸耗讥们磕遮毙垣尚辕欲咱保矮怯蝴鹤你2.

44、5、 喷砂除锈参照国标 Sa2.5 级标准进行,具体标准将有图片、文字说democracy, maintaining social stability in rural areas, to further establish and improve the system of self-governance, guide the village (neighborhood) Committee will carry out democratic self-government work; second, strengthen democratic management of village a

45、ffairs. Increased on village works public of supervision Guide, led organization County financial, and agricultural, and sent modified, and JIU feng, and monitored, and livestock, village works public led group members units, on County the Xiang (town) of village works public work for supervision, f

46、urther specification has village works public of form, and time and basic program, promote has village works public regularization, and institutionalized, effective guarantees farmers masses of “four right“; three is established sound village level affairs management of supervision mechanism. Active

47、ly cooperate with the disciplinary inspection and supervision departments to establishing and perfecting the system of villagers Supervisory Committee, give full play to its safeguard and promote the role of the rural grass-roots democracy. Innovation management, strengthening social services and so

48、cial welfare work. Funeral services: promote reform of funeral and interment, strictly funeral law enforcement, standard funeral activities, improving funeral management level, sound development of the cemetery and meet the needs of funeral sites. Insurance covers basic, wide coverage, in accordance

49、 with the principles of sustainable, further improve the burial policies, urban and rural subsistence allowances, rural five guarantees, key entitled groups and other special groups, established funeral relief remedies, guarantees the funeral needs of poor people. To increase the funeral renovation work, and actively organize consultations of stakeholders this year, plans to move its frontal bridge 120 tombs in Henan province. Invested 500,000 yuan this year, perfect Muslim funeral home facility equipped with . Turn off the unit, “creating work. So far, 457 mar


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