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1、信托英语trust信托settler委托人trustee受托人beneficiary受益人trust property信托财产trust document信托文件trust terms信托条款fiduciary relation信赖关系charitable trusts公益信托declaration of trust宣言信托implied trusts默示信托constructive trusts拟制信托breach of trust违反信托duty of loyalty忠实义务duty to keep and render accounts备置帐簿的义务duty to defend acti

2、ons防御诉讼的义务duty to keep trust property separate分别管理信托财产的义务duty to pay income to beneficiary给付受益人的义务duty to exercise reasonable care and skill运用相当注意和技能的义务Uniform Trusts Act美国统一信托法trust fund信托基金common trust fund共同信托基金voting trust表决权信托unit trust单位信托corporate trust公司信托Dead Hand死亡之手use用益discretionary powe

3、r自由裁量权express power明示权力implied power默示权力trust with advancement provisions附预付条款信托powers granted by statute法定权力accumulation trust累积信托tracing or following trust property追索信托财产generation-skipping trust隔代信托nobody property非任何人的财产protective trust保护信托rule against perpetuities禁止永久权规则discretionary trust自由裁量信托

4、rule against remoteness of vesting反永久归属原则the Cy-pres doctrine类似原则(公益信托中)rule against inalienability反转移限制原则living trust生前信托rule against accumulations反累积原则testamentary trust(or trust under will) 遗嘱信托perpetuities and accumulations act of 19641964 年的永久权与累积法(英国)trust purpose信托目的consideration对价purpose tru

5、st目的信托meritorious consideration无价对价imperfect obligation trust不完全义务信托valuable consideration有价对价fixed trust固定信托(与自由裁量信托相反)completely constituted trust完全成立信托active trust(or special trust) 积极信托incompletely constituted trust不完全成立信托(宣言信托除外)active trustee积极受托人breach of trust信托违反(或违反信托)passive trustee (or b

6、are trustee) 被动受托人(消极受托人)“equity does not want for a trustee”“衡平法不缺少受托人”resulting trust回归信托statutory trust法定信托express trust明示信托income beneficiary收益受益人principal beneficiary本金受益人fidei commissum拉丁文直译为“ 信任受托“, 意译为罗马法中的“遗产信托“salman受托人(日耳曼法中)Statute of Mortmain “死手法“或“ 没收法“Tax avoidance scheme避税设计War of t

7、he Rose玫瑰战争chancellor大法官Equity Follows the Law“衡平法是尊重法的“Statute of Uses用益法Freehold Land自由保有土地(或完全保有土地)leasehold Land租借地Active Use积极用益Use upon a Use双层用益The Law of Property Act财产法The Trustee Act 受托人法(1925 年)Trustee Investment Act受托人投资法 (1961 年)Prudent Investor Rule“审慎投资人规则”Statute of Wills遗嘱法Copyhold

8、land经登记的土地The Charitable Trustee Act公益受托人法 The Validation of Charitable Trust Act公益信托确认法Charities Act公益法Public Trustee公共受托人Judicial Trustee司法受托人Public Trustee Fees Act公共受托人报酬法Trustee Investment Act受托人投资法The Variation of Trust Act信托变更法National Trust国民信托 (或国家信托)The Recognition of Trust Act信托承认法Local A

9、uthorities, Mutual Investment Trust Act地方当局共同投资信托法Louisiana Trust Code路易斯安那州信托法Trust Company Reserve Law信托公司准备法The Uniform Receipt of Trust Act统一信托收据法The Investment Company Law投资公司法Trust Indenture Act信托契约法Restatement of the American Law of Trusts美国信托法重述American Law Institute美国法律协会The National Confer

10、ence of Commissioners on Uniform State Law统一州法委员会The Uniform Trustee,s Powers Act统一受托人权力法The Uniform Principal and Income Act统一本金与收益法Result Oriented(信托)的目的或效果导向(或取向)Inter vivos Trust生前信托Declaration of Trust信托宣言“The court will not allow a trust to fail for want of a trustee“衡平法院不会使信托因缺少受托人而失效 “Bodies Corporate Act公司法(英国, 1899 年)passive trust(or simple trust or bare trust) 被动信托(消极信托)Certainty of Words言词确定性Certainty of Subject(or Certainty of Matter )标的确定性Certainty of Objects对象确定性The Beneficiary Rule“受益人原则”Formality Requirements要式要求Income Trust收益信托Income Fund收益基金Business Trust商业信托REITs不动产投资信托


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