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1、Cloning is the replication of an exact genetic copy of an organism by use of a somatic tissue (or cell) from the donor organism. Cloning can be used in humans, human organs, or even animals. 克隆是利用体细胞组织的一个确切的一个生物体的遗传复制的复制(或细胞)从供体生物。克隆技术可应用于人类,人类的器官,甚至动物。A benefit of cloning is cloning human organs or

2、 body parts. If a person has a dysfunctional liver or heart then they could get it cloned and get a brand new one. These are some of the benefits of cloning. 克隆的一个好处是克隆人体器官或身体部位。如果一个人有一个不正常的肝脏或心脏就可以得到克隆并获得一个新品牌。这些都是一些好处的克隆。Cloning can bring many benefits to the human, such as rejuvenation, helpful f

3、or Defective genes, Liver failure, Kidney failure and Leukemia. These disease are very different to cure, if we use the cloning technology we can change the Genes DNA order, so we can save lots of people.克隆也会给人类带来很多好处,如振兴,有利于缺陷基因,肝功能衰竭,肾功能衰竭和白血病。这些疾病是非常不同的治疗,如果我们使用克隆技术可以改变基因的 DNA 排序,这样就可以节省大量的人。adva

4、ntages of cloning1)decreasing the pain of women who cant give birth2)promoting the development of genetics3)testing whether there is genetic defect in new- borns4)curing the nervous system damages优点的克隆1)降低妇女不能生育的痛苦2)促进遗传学的发展3)检测是否有新出生的遗传缺陷4)治疗神经系统损害1、正方:自然界存在克隆现象。在自然界中,有许多植物是出世与克隆本能,如马铃薯,玫瑰。嫁接是一种克隆。

5、此外,克隆已经在自然的动物和微生物的存在。例如,同卵双胞胎的实际上是一个克隆。Nature itself exists cloning phenomenon. In nature, there are many plants which are born with the instinct of cloning, such as potato, rose. Grafting is a clone. Besides, clone have already existed in natural animal and microbe. For example, monozygotic twins i

6、s actually a clone. 反方:我认为你的观点有些偏离辩论赛的题目。我们的辩论点是人类是否应该被克隆。所以你应该应回到辩题上。 I think that your point have some deviation from the the subject of English debate contest. Our debate points is whether human cloning should be allowed. So you should be back to the subject. 2、正方:谢谢你提醒我,但是我举的这些例子说明克隆已成为一个重要技术。它可

7、以用于造福人类,例如,用于器官移植Thank you for reminding me, but I cite these examples to illustrate clone has become an important technology. It can be used for the benefit of mankind, for example, used in organ transplantation 反方:克隆技术依然不够成熟,它存在意想不到的结果。在动物克隆试验中存在高失败率、高风险。如多利羊寿命不长久。 It can cause some unexpective re

8、sults because the cloning technology is still immature. Cloning experiments in animals that appear in the high failure rate, high-risk. Even the cloned animals may live a very short time. For example, Dolly lived only 6 years long, no more than half the average time. 3、正方:但是,克隆技术用于器官移植有很多好处。它会寻求更多的器

9、官移植来源广泛,降低免疫排斥反应和提高移植成功率。例如,克隆技术可用于治疗神经系统损害。成年人不再生神经细胞。但干细胞可以修复神经系统损伤。But the cloning technology for organ transplantation has many benefits. It can seek more extensive sources for organ transplantation, reduce the immunological rejection and improve the success rate of transplantation. For example,

10、 cloning technology can be used for the treatment of nervous system damage. Adults cant regenerate nerve cells. but stem cells can repair the nervous system injury. 反方:有些人也许利用克隆技术来克隆人,摘取他们的器官进行移植。那我们人类成什么了?我认为这是一种侵犯人权的行为。另外,很多宗教人士反对克隆,认为它违背了自然规则。 Some people may use the clone technology to clone hum

11、an and harvest for organs transplanting. Then what we human are? I think it is a violation of human rights. Furthermore, most religious people are on the down-side of cloning. Many say that cloning is messing with the natural order of things. 4、正方:但是,一个单一的器官克隆不违反人权的行为。此外,克隆技术也可用于繁殖有价值的基因。例如,在医学上,产生胰

12、岛素治疗糖尿病。通过遗传选择,我们可以控制的遗传病。But a single organ cloning isnt a violation of human rights. In addition, Cloning technology can also be used to multiply valuable genes. For example, in medicine, insulin is produced to treat diabetes. Through genetic selection, we can control the genetic disease. 首先,克隆人技术

13、难度大,要达到一定的数量很难,即使将来有那么几个克隆人来到世界上,也不见得会威胁到人类的生存。其次,人们对事物的接受也有一个过程,人的伦理道德观念是可以改变的,现在接受不了的东西,将来不见得不能接受。最近,一位父亲写信说,他 5 岁的儿子因患白血病死了,这位父亲悲痛万分,迫切希望国家的克隆技术快速进步,成为第一个受益者。要求克隆自己死去的孩子不能说不合人之常情吧? First, the cloning technology is difficult, very difficult to reach a certain number, even if there are so few clone

14、s will come into the world, may not be the threat to human survival. Secondly, the acceptance of things that people have a process, the human moral concepts can be changed, and now can not accept what the future may not be acceptable. Recently, a father wrote that his 5 year old son died of leukemia

15、, died, the father grieved, eager to rapid progress in cloning the country, became the first beneficiary. Requires clone of his dead child can not say that sub-human nature, right? 再次,科技的发展有自身的内在规律,细胞技术的发展是挡不住的。在生命科学研究中,克隆技术是一项十分有用的技术。即使对克隆人持反对意见的人也不敢断言人类社会根本不需要搞克隆人。克隆人的研究会对解决发育生物学中某些理论问题提供契机,也可能会提供

16、对人类很有用的技术。对于克隆人不要总想着伦理、法律和道德,这些极易束缚科学家的手脚和创造力。 Again, the development of technology has its own internal rules, the cell technology is unstoppable. In life science research, cloning is a very useful technique. Even if people disagree on the cloning of people do not say categorically do not need to e

17、ngage in human society, human cloning. Human cloning research will address some theoretical issues in developmental biology provide an opportunity, but also may provide useful technique to humans. Do not always think about the ethics of human cloning, legal and moral, which easily tied the hands of

18、scientists and creativity. 法律并不能阻挠科技的发展,但可以对其提供引导和限制,由此争得充分的准备时间和心理、制度准备,以便充分和估计科技发展的负面作用,趋利避害,建立一套可操作的制度和规则,只要政府加强管理,克隆的危害就可以减到最小。The law does not prevent the development of technology, but it provides guidance and limitations, which gain sufficient time to prepare and psychological, institutional

19、preparation, in order to fully and estimated the negative effects of technological development, while avoiding disadvantages, the establishment of a set operation systems and rules, as long as the Government to strengthen management, cloning can minimize the harm. 只要充分协调好科学价值与社会价值,个体价值与群体价值,暂时价值与长远价

20、值之间的关系,把有利于提高人类生存质量和可持续发展作为我们的价值评判标准,克隆技术本身才会在未来社会发展中发挥出它的巨大潜力。只要把是否有利于人类生存质量的提高和可持续发展作为克隆技术应用的价值标准,就能使这些克隆技术更好地为人类和社会服务。 If fully coordinate the scientific and social values, individual values and group values, temporary and long-term value of the relationship between the value, to help improve the

21、 quality of human survival and sustainable development criteria, as our values, cloning technology itself will be in play and social development in the future of its great potential. As long as it is conducive to improving the quality of human survival and sustainable development of cloning technolo

22、gy as a standard of value, can make them better for the cloning of human and social services. 克隆人的出现,不会导致世界人口的快速增长。就像我国现在实行的单独二胎政策一样,很多人都不想生第二个孩子。因为多一个孩子,就会给家庭多增加一份负担。The emergence of human cloning, will not lead to the rapid growth of the world population. Just like in the present system of selecti

23、ve two-child policy, many people do not want to have a second child. Because one more child, will give the family an extra burden.1. stating an opinion 陈述观点 a. in my opinion 我的意见是 b. personally I think 我个人认为 c. I believe that 我相信 d. I think that 我觉得 e. the point is that 关键是, 要点是. f. if you ask me 如果

24、你问我 g. Id like to say this: 我会这样说 h. Id like to point out that 我想指出的是 i. speaking for myself 站在自己的立场上说 j. as far as Im concerned, 就我而言, k. in my experience 根据我的经验 l.Another point is that 另一点是 m.Another way of looking at it is 看这个问题的另一个看法是 n.I forgot to say / tell you that 我忘记要讲. 2. challenging an op

25、inion 质疑某种观点 a. that cant be true 那不可能是真的。 b. but what about? 但关于 方面呢? 3. clarifying a point 阐述观点 a. what I said was 我刚才说的是 b. what I mean to say was 我的意思是说 c. let me repeat what I said. 让我重复我刚才所说的。 d. let me rephrase what I said. 让我重申刚才所说的。 4. agreeing with an opinion 同意观点 a. of course 当然。 b. right

26、. 是的。 c. exactly. 对。 d. thats true. 是那样。 e. so do I. (neither do I.) 我也这样认为。 (不这样认为。 ) f. I agree completely. 我完全赞同。 g. I agree with you entirely. 我完全同意你所说的。 h. youre absolutely right. 显然你是对的。 i. thats a good point. 这个看法不错。 j. I couldnt agree with you more. 我绝对赞成你。 k. thats just what I think. 我就是那样认

27、为的。 l. I feel the same way. 我也持同样的想法。 5. disagreeing with an opinion 反对意见。 a. however, 然而 b. Im afraid i disagree. 恐怕我是持反对意见的。 c. I dont think so. 我不那样认为。 d. I dont think 我认为不是那样的。 e. on the other hand 另一方面 f. on the contrary. 相反的。 g. thats not (entirely) true. 那不(完全)正确。 h. I cant possibly agree wit

28、h you. 我不可能同意你。 i. I hate to disagree with you, but 我不喜欢反对你,但 j. all right, but dont you think? 好吧,但难道你不觉得 k. but thats different. 但那是不一样的。 6. asking for an opinion 询问意见 a. wellwhat do you think (about)? 你觉得怎么样? b. do you agree? (don t you agree?) 你同意吗?(你是不是同意?) c. whats your view on the matter? 就这件

29、事你的看法呢? d. how do you see it? 你怎么看它? e. lets have your opinion. 让我们听听你的意见! f. do you think that? 你认为吗? g.I would be glad to hear your opinion of 我很乐意听听你对的意见。 h.Are you of the same opinion as I? 你与我的看法一致吗? i.I was wondering where you stood on the question of 我想知道你对 问题怎么看。 7. summarizing a discussion 讨论总结 a. then we agree. 然后我们取得一致。 b. basically were in agreement. 我们基本上有共识。 c. I think we have agreed to disagree. 我想我们有相同点和不同点。 d. I see we have different opinions. 我知道我们意见有分歧 e.Thats all I want to say. 我想说的就这些了。 f.Do you agree? Im sure you agree. 你赞同吗?我相信你是赞同的。


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