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1、全国卷高中英语高考词汇词性转换第一组:1. ability (n. )能力;才能-able (a.)-unable (a.)disability (n. )disabled (a.)be able to= be capable of2. absence (n. ) 缺席;不在 - absent (a.)-present (a.) presence (n.)be absent from; be present at3. absolute (a.) 绝对的;完全的 -absolutely (adv.)4. abundant (a.) 丰富的;充裕的 -abundance (n.) be abund

2、ant in 5. academic (a.) 学院的,理论的 (n.) 大学教师 - academy (n.) 学院6. accept (v.) 接受-acceptable (a.) 可接受的- refuse (opp.) 拒绝7. access (n.) 通路,入门;(v.)接近;存取-accessible (a.) have access to8. accurate (a.) 正确的,精确的 - accuracy (n.) accurately (adv.)- (opp.)inaccurate 不准确9. achieve (v.) 取得,达到 - achievement (n.)10.

3、acquire (v.) 获得,学到 - acquisition (n.)11. act (n. ) 法令,条例;(v.)表演;行动-action (n.) active (a.) 主动的inactive (a.)actively (adv.)activity (n. ) 活动-passive (a.) 被动的 -actor (n.) actress (n.)12. actual (a.) 实际的;现实的actually (adv.) = as a matter of fact 13. adapt (v.) 使适应;改编 -adaptation (n.) -adaptable (a.) 有适应

4、能力的adapt oneself to 适应于 ; adapt to 应用于;adapt(for sth.) from sth. 改编14. add (v.) 添加,增加 ;补充说-addition (n.) -additional (a.) additionally (adv.) addto , add to, add up, add up to, add sth. in , in addition (to) 15. addict (n.) 成瘾的人-addicted (a.) addition (n.) -addictive (a.) be addicted to16. adjust (v

5、.) 调整,使适应 -adjustment (n.) - adjustable (a.) 17. admire (v.) 钦佩,羡慕 -admiration (n.) - admirable (a.)18. admit (v.) 承认,准许 ( admitted, admitted) - admission (n.) 19. adopt (v.) 收养,采用 -adoption (n.) - adopted (a.)20. advance (v.) 推进,促进;前进 (n.)前进,提升advanced (a.)- advancement (n.)21. advantage (n.) 有点;好处

6、 -advantageous (a.) -disadvantage (n.) take advantage of, be to ones advantage22. adventure (n.) 冒险,奇遇 - adventurous (a.)23. advertise (v.) 为。 。 。做广告 -advertisement (n.) 24. advise (v.) 建议,劝告-adviser (n.) 顾问,忠告者- advice (n.) a piece of advice25. affect (v.) 影响 - affection (n.) 影响,感情 = have an effect

7、 on 26. Africa (n.) 非洲 - African (a.) (n.)27. age (n.) 年纪 - aged (a.)elderly (a.) 28. agree (v.) 同意- agreement (n.) - disagree (opp)disagreement (n.) 29. agriculture (n.) 农业 agricultural (a.)30. allow (v.) 准许,允许-allowance (n.) 允许;紧贴,补助31. amaze (v.) 惊奇, 震惊 - amazement (n.) -amazed (a.) amazed (a.) t

8、o ones amazement 32. ambition (n.) 抱负,雄心 -ambitious (a.)33. amuse (v.) 使快乐 - amusement (n.) amused (a.) - amusing (a.) to ones amusement34. analyze (v.) 分析 - analysis (n.) 35. anger (n.) 愤怒 - angry (a.) 36. announce (v.) 宣布, 宣告 - announcement (n.) - announcer (n.) 37. annoy (v.) 使烦恼 annoyed (a.) - a

9、nnoying (a.) - annoyance (n.) to ones annoyance38. annual (a. ) 一年一次的,每年的 (n.) 年刊 - annually (a.) 39. anxious (a.) 忧虑的,焦急的 - anxiety (n.) 40. apologize (v.) 道歉 - apology (n.) apologize to sb. for sth.; make an apology to sb. for sth.41. appear (v.) 出现-appearance (n.) 面貌42. apply (v.) 申请 , 应用- applic

10、ation (n.) 申请表 - applicant (n.) 申请人- applied (a.) 应用的43. appoint (v.) 约定,任命 appointment (n.) -make an appointment 44. appreciate (v.) 欣赏,感激 - appreciation (n.) 45. approve (v.) 批准,同意 - approval (n.) 46. argue (v.) 争辩,辩论argument (n.)47. arrange (v.) 安排 - arrangement (n.) 48. arrive (v.) 到达 arrival (n

11、.)49. Asia (n.) 亚洲 -Asian (a.) (n.)50. assess (v.) 评价,估价 - assessment (n.) 51. assist (v.) 帮助,协助- assistance (n.) 帮助,援助 -assistant (n.) 助手,助理 52. associate (v.) 联系,交往 - association (n.) - associated (a.)53. assume (v.) 假定,采取 - assumption (n.)54. astonish (v.) 使惊讶 - astonished (a.) - astonishing (a.)

12、 astonishment (n.) 55. astronaut (n.) 宇航员 - astronomy (n.) 天文学 - astronomer (天文学家)56. athlete (n.) 运动员 - athletic (a.)57. attend (v.)参加,照料 - attendance (n.) - -attender (n.)58. attention (n) 注意,专心- attentive (a) attentively (ad v.) 59. attract (v.) 吸引 attraction (n.) - attractive (a.)60. aware (a.)

13、知道的,明白的 - awareness (n.) be aware of 61. bacterium (n.) 细菌 -(pl. ) bacteria 62. bad (a.) 坏的 - badly (adv. ) (worse, worst)- good (a.) well (a.) (adv.) (better, best)63. base (n.) 基地,根据地 (v.) 以。 。 。为基地 - basic (a.) - basically 大体上64. basis (n.) 基础,要素 - (pl.) bases 65. bath (n.) 洗澡,浴室bathe (v.) bathro

14、om (n.) - bathtub (n.) 澡盆66. bear (v.) 忍受 (bore, borne)- bearable (a.) 可忍受的 - unbearable (opp.) 不可忍受的67. beat (v.) 敲打,跳动,打赢 (beat, beaten)68. beautiful (a.) 美丽的- beauty (n. ) - beautify (v.) 69. behave (v.) 行为,守规矩 - behavior (n.) 70. belief (n) 信条,信念 -(pl. ) beliefs- believe (v.) - believable (a.) -

15、(opp.) unbelievable71. begin (v.) 开始,着手 (began, begun)- beginning (n.) 第二组:72. bend v. 使弯曲 (bent, bent)be bent on doing 73. benefit n.利益, 好处 vt.有益于, 有助于 - beneficial adj.有益的, 受益的 benefit from / be beneficial to 74. bitter adj.苦的, 痛苦的, 怀恨的 -unpleasant adj 不愉快的;讨厌的75. boring adj. 无聊的,乏味的(修饰物)-bored ad

16、j.无聊的, 无趣的, 烦人的(用于人)76. botany n.植物学 -botanical adj.植物学的77. brave adj.勇敢的 -bravery n.勇敢 -coward n.懦弱的人 , 胆小的人78. boycott n./vt. 联合抵制, 排斥79. breath n. 呼吸, 气息 -breathe v.呼吸, 发出 -breathless adj. 气喘吁吁的80. bring vt. 拿来, 带来 -brought(分去式)-brought (过去分词)81. bury vt.埋葬, 掩埋, 隐藏 -buried(过去式或过去分词) be buried in

17、sth 埋头做某事82. business n.商业, 买卖, 交易, 生意 -businessman -businesswoman 83. calculate v.计算, 考虑, 计划, 打算-calculation n.计算, 考虑 -calculator n.计算机, 计算器84. calm adj.(天气、海洋等 )静的, 平静的, 镇静的, 沉着的 v. (使)平静, (使) 镇定, 平息calmness n.平静, 冷静, 镇静85. care n.注意, 照料, vi.关心 , 顾虑, 照顾, 喜爱 vt.在意-careful -careless 86. catch v.捕获 ,

18、 赶上( 车船等 ), 发觉, 感染(疾病)-(caught, caught) 87. caution n.小心, 谨慎, 警告 vt.警告-cautious adj. 88. celebration n.庆祝, 庆典-celebrate v.庆祝, 祝贺, 表扬89. certain adj.确定的, 某一个-certainly adv. -certainty n. -uncertainty n.无常, 不确定90. challenge n.挑战 vt.向.挑战-challenging adj.具有挑战性的91. change n.改变, 变化, 找回的零钱 vt.改变, 变革-change

19、able adj.可改变的92. character n. 人物,特点,性格,品质-characteristic n. 特性,特征93. chemical adj.化学的 n.化学制品 , 化学药品-chemist n.化学家, 药剂师-chemistry n.化学94. choice n.选择 , 抉择, 精选品 -choose v.选择, 选定(chose, chosen) 95. cloth n.布, 织物, 衣料-clothes n.衣服, 总称 被褥 , 各种衣服-clothing n.(总称) 衣服96. collect vt. 收集-collection n. 收藏, 征收, 搜

20、集品, 捐款-collective adj.集体的 n.集体97. comfort n.安慰, 舒适 vt.安慰 -comfortable adj.舒适的98. communicate v.沟通, 交流,传达-communication n. 99. compete vi.比赛, 竞争-competition n.竞争, 竞赛-competitor n.竞争者100. conclude v.作出结论 vt.推断-conclusion n. 结论101. confident adj.自信的, 确信的 -confidence n.信心-confidently adv.信赖地, 安心地102. co

21、nduct n.行为, 操行 v. 组织, 实施,管理-conductor n. (乐队)指挥第三组:1.crazy adj.疯狂的 -craze n.狂热,疯狂;风行一时的东西; be crazy about, like crazy 2create vt.创造,产生 (syn.)-produce .creative adj -creation n 创造,创建-creativity n.创造力-creator n.创造者;创作者-create jobs (opportunities, a good image, wealth)3. crime n.罪犯-commit a crime -crim

22、inal n.罪犯4. cross vt.穿过-crossing n.十字路口 -crossroads n.交叉路口-at the crossroads 5. crowd n. 人群 vt. 拥挤-crowded adj. 拥挤的-crowdedness n. 6.cruel adj. 残忍的,残酷的-be cruel to sb -cruelly adv.-cruelty n. 残忍7. culture n.文化 -cultural adj. -cultural difference (shock)-multi-culture 多元文化8. cure n大有作为33. difficult a

23、dj. difficulty n.困难 with/without difficulty, have difficulty (in) doing sth 34.direct adj.直接的 -(反) indirect speech -direct v.指挥,指导,导演director n. 导演 -direction n.方向 in the direction of 35. disable v.使残疾 -disabled adj.残疾的-help the disabled -disability n.-The traffic accident disabled him.36.disappear

24、vi. 消失 (反) - appear -disappearance n. (反) appearance37.disagree with sb on/about/over sth -disagreement -be in disagreement with 38. disappoint vt.使失望 disappointment n. to ones disappointment make sb disappointed / be disappointed with/at 39. discover vt.发现 discovery n. make a discovery 40.discrimin

25、ation n.歧视 discriminate vt.歧视,区分 discriminate A from B ,discriminate against women 歧视妇女41.discuss vt discussion n.讨论 42.distance n.距离 distant adj.远的 , 遥远的 keep sb at a distance 疏远某人,与某人保持距离 in the distance 在远方43. distinguish v.辨别 distinguish A from B /distinguish between A and B -distinction n 差别 ;名

26、声44distribute v.分布,分配 distribution n. 分配 distribute sth to /among sb45.disturb vt.打扰;扰乱 Dont disturb the papers on my desk. -disturbed adj.心神不宁的,心烦意乱的-disturbing adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的 a disturbing piece of news.46.donate v.捐赠 donate sth to sb donation n. He donated 10,000$ to the earthquake disaster area.

27、 a donation of 200$ 二百美元的捐款47. educate v.教育 educator 教育者 education -receive a good education 48. effect n.效果,作用 effective adj.有效果的 affect v. 影响 have an effect on -take effect -come into effect49.elect v. election n.选举 He was elected president of the USA in 1986.50. electricity n. 电 electric-electric

28、 wire 电线 adj.电的- electrical adj. 电气的 electrical engineering- electronic adj. 电子的 electronic equipment51.embarrass v.使尴尬 embarrassed adj. be embarrassed about -embarrassing adj.令人尴尬的,难为情的 -embarrassment n.52. employ v 雇佣 employer /employee /employment /unemployment 失业53.encourage v.鼓励 encourage sb to

29、 do sth / encouragement n. 鼓励 /courage 勇气 discourage 使泄气/ discourage sb from doing 劝阻某人不做某事 54.energy n.精力,能量 energetic adj.精力旺盛的。 be full of energy =be energetic55.enjoy vt. 欣赏,喜欢;享受之乐趣 enjoy equality (freedom, peace) enjoy doing enjoyable adj.愉快的;有趣的. enjoyment (n ) Children like to share interest

30、s and enjoyments (乐事,令人愉快的事情)with their parents.56entertain v.招待,款待 ;使有兴趣;使快乐 entertainment n 娱乐活动 entertaining adj. 有趣的,使人愉快的57.environment n.环境 environmental adj. environmentalist n.环境学家 environmental protection/conservation/preservation 环境保护58. equal adj.平等的 vt. 等于 be equal to -equality n. / the

31、principle of equality before the law 法律面前人人平等的原则 equally / treat sb equally59. equip vt.提供设备;装备 be equipped with/ Our office is equipped with modern equipment.(UC) equipment n. a piece of equipment60 . escape n/vi 逃跑; 被忘掉 escape from being punished (punishment) / a narrow escape 九死一生 an escaped pris

32、on 一名逃跑的犯人 / His name escaped me for a moment.我一时想不起他的名字了。61. Europe n.欧洲 European adj.欧洲的 a European 一名欧洲人62evident adj.明显的 evidence n.证据,迹象 The police havent found out the convincing evidence.63. exam(examination) n.考试, 测验-examine v. 检查, 调查, 考试-examiner n.主考者-examinee n.受审查者, 投考者, 应试者With the appr

33、oach of the college entrance examination, I become more anxious and nervous.64. excellent adj.卓越的, 极好的 -excellence n.优秀, 卓越, 优点, 美德65. exhibit n.展品 Visitors are requested not to touch exhibits in the museum.exhibition n.展览,展览会 There will be an exhibition on next week in the science museum.exhibit vt

34、. 展览 65exist vi 存在 existence n.生存,存在 come into existence 开始存在 existing adj 现存的,现行的 existing laws 现行法律 Does life exist on other planets?66.expect vt.预料,盼望;认为 expect sb to do Dont expect too much from your child. 不要对你的孩子期望太高。Im expecting your early reply.expectation n.期望,预期 live up to your parents exp

35、ectation.不辜负父母的期望。67.expense n.消费,支出 at his own expense 自费. at the expense of sb/sth 在牺牲情况下,以为代价 spare no expense to do 不惜代价做某事 expensive / costly/dear adj.昂贵的 68.explain vt.解释 explanation n. 解释,说明 He explained to me the reason why he was late again.69.explode v.使爆炸 explosion n. explosive adj. 70 ex

36、pose vt.揭露;使面临(危险) Being exposed to the sunlight for a long time is harmful to your skin. -exposure n. 71. express v. 表达;表示 I cant express myself in English. expression n.表情,表达,词句 -facial expression expressive adj. 富于表情的;有表现力的72extend vt 延长,扩大,扩展 to extend the deadline -Im sure youll join me in exte

37、nding a very warm welcome to our visitors.我肯定你们会和我们一起向来访者表示热烈的欢迎。73face n.脸 vt.面对,面向。 -facial adj.-面部的 facial expression 面部表情Faced with the disaster, we Chinese have showed extraordinary courage and energy. 74. fail v. 失败;不及格;衰退 failure n. He failed the exam/in the exam/failed to pass the exam. Fail

38、ure is the mother of success. Weight-loss pills caused his liver to failure.75. familiar adj. 熟悉的 familiarity 熟悉,通晓。be familiar to sb/be familiar with sth 76. famous /well known/famed 著名的 be world famous for/as/to fame n.名声 rise to fame overnight.77 finance 财政,金融 financial adj. the financial worries

39、 经济担忧第四组:1. flee v. 逃避, 逃跑, 逃走 -fled-fled 2. flexible adj.易曲的, 灵活的,能变形的 -flexibility n.弹性, 适应性, 机动性3. flight n.飞行;飞机的航程; 班机; 楼梯的一段 -fly v. (flew, flown) n.苍蝇4. flow n.流程, 流动, vi.流动, 涌流( flowed, flowed)5. fluency n.流利, 流畅, 雄辩-fluent adj. 6. fog n. 雾, 烟雾, 尘雾, vi.被雾笼罩, 变模糊 vt.使困惑, 以雾笼罩-foggy adj.雾深的, 模

40、糊的, 朦胧的7. fool n. 愚人, 白痴, 莽汉, vt. 愚弄, 欺骗 -foolish8. foresee vt.预见, 预知 (foresaw, foreseen)9. forget vt.忘记, 忽略(forgot, forgot/forgotten) -forgetful adj.健忘的, 易忘的10. fortune n.财富, 运气, 好运, 命运-fortunate adj. -fortunately adv. 12. found v. 建立, 创立, 创办 - (founded, founded)13. free adj.自由的, 免费的, 空闲的-freedom n

41、. -freely adv. 14. freeze v.(使) 结冰, (使)冷冻, 冻结-(froze, frozen) -freezing adj.冰冻的, 严寒的15. frequent adj. 时常发生的, 频繁的 -frequency n.频率, 周率, 发生次数-frequently adv. 16. friend n. -friendly adj.友好的, 友谊的-friendship n.友谊, 友好17. fun n. 娱乐, 玩笑, 嬉笑, 有趣的人或事物 adj.有趣的,愉快的-funny adj.有趣的, 好笑的, 滑稽的, 奇异的, 古怪的18. general a

42、dj.一般的, 普通的 , 综合的, 概括的, 全面的, 大体的 -generally adv. 19. glory n.荣誉, 光荣-glorious adj.光荣的, 显赫的20. gold n.黄金, 金币 adj.金的, 金制的-golden adj.金色的, 金黄色的21. govern v. 统治, 支配, 管理-governor n.统治者, 管理者-government n.政府22. gradual adj.逐渐的, 逐步的 -gradually adv.23. graduate n.(大学)毕业生, 研究生 v.(使)(大学) 毕业-graduation n. 24. gr

43、ateful adj.感激的, 感谢的-gratitude n.感谢的心情(不可数)25. greedy adj.贪吃的 , 贪婪的 , 渴望的-greed n. 贪欲, 贪婪-be greedy for sth 26. greet vt.问候, 向.致意-greeting n. 问候;致意-to offer greetings to sb. 向某人致意27. grow vi.生长, 成长, 渐渐变得, 增长, 增高 vt. 种植-(grew, grown)-growth n. 28. guide n .领路人, 导游者 vt. 指导, 支配, 管理, 带领-guidance n.指导, 领导

44、 -underthe guidance of sb 29. happy adj.快乐的, 幸福的-happiness n. -happily adv. 30. hard adj.硬的, 坚固的 adv.努力地, 辛苦地 -hardship n. 困苦, 艰难, 辛苦31. harm vt.伤害, 损害 n.伤害, 损害-harmful adj. (be harmful to)32. harmony n. 和谐,协调, 融洽-harmonious adj. 和谐的, 协调的, 和睦的33. hate vt.憎恨, 恨, 不愿, 不喜欢 n.憎恶, 憎恨-hateful adj.可恨的, 讨厌的,

45、 可恶的34. health n. 健康,卫生-(in good health)-healthy adj. 35. high adj.高的 -height n. 高度-highly adv. 高度地36. help n.帮忙 vt.帮助, 助长-helpful adj. -helpfully adv.-helpless adj.无助的, 无能的, 没用的37. hesitate v.犹豫, 踌躇, 不愿-hesitation n.犹豫, 踌躇-(without hesitation) 38. hide vt.隐藏 , 掩藏, 隐瞒, 掩饰-(hid-hidden) 39. hire vt. 租

46、用,租; 雇用,雇 (hired, hiring) hire out 出租-rent (v.) 租, 租借, 出租n.租金 Why dont you hire out your spare room to other people, and earn some money?你为什么不把空闲的房间租给别人来赚些钱?40. hit n.打击, 打, 碰撞; vt.打, 打击, 碰撞, 击中, 袭击 (hit, hit)-strike 41. honest adj.诚实的 , 正直的-honesty n.诚实, 正直-dishonest adj.不诚实的42. hope n.希望, 信心 v.希望, 盼望 (hoped, hoping) -hopeful adj.怀有希望的, 有希望的hopeless adj.没有希望的, 绝望的, 不可救药-with the hope of 43. horrible adj.可怕的, 恐怖的 , 讨厌的-horror n.-horribly adv.可怕地, 非常地44. humorous adj.富幽默感的, 滑稽的, 诙谐的


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