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1、八年级重点短语Unit 1 重点回顾重点短语1 go on vacation 去度假 2 stay at home 待在家3 go to the mountains 去爬山 4 go to the beach 去海边5 visit museums 参观博物馆 6 quite a few 相当多7 of course 当然 8 keep a diary 记日记9 decide to do something 决定做某事 10 feel like 感觉像11 go to New York City 去纽约城 12 go to summer camp 去夏令营13 ride bicycles/bik

2、es 骑自行车 14 wait for 等待15 because of 因为 16 take photos 拍照17 Beijing duck 北京烤鸭 18 Tiananmen Square 天安门广场19 the Palace Museum 故宫博物院Unit 2 重点回顾重点短语1 how often 多久一次 2 on weekends 在周末3 go to the movies 去看电影 4 go shopping 去购物 5 watch TV 去看电视 6 use the Internet 使用网络7 hardly ever 几乎不 8 once a week 每周一次9 twic

3、e a week 每周两次 10 every day 每天11 three times a week 一周三次 12 how come 怎么会13 at least 至少 14 junk food 垃圾食物15 be good for 对.好 16 such as 例如 17 more than 多于 18 less than 少于19 stay up late 熬夜 20 go to the dentist 看牙医Unit 3 重点回顾重点短语1 get up early 起床早 2 run fast 跑得快3 sing well 唱得好 4 care about 关心 5 make sb.

4、do sth. 让某人做某事 6 be important for sb. 对某人重要的7 as long as 只要,和.一样长 8 be different from 和.不同9 bring out 出版;呈现出 10 the same as 和.一样 11 reach for 伸手去拿 12 in fact 事实上;实际上 13 be similar to 和.相似 14 primary school 小学Unit 4 重点回顾重点短语1 movie theater 电影院 2 comfortable seat 舒适的座位 3 big screen 大屏幕 4 best sound 最好

5、的声音5 close to home 离家近 6 clothes store 衣服店 7 radio station 无线电台 8 in town 在城里;在镇上 9 so far 到目前为止 10 talent show 才艺展11 have . in common 有 .共同之处 12 all kinds of 各种各样13 be up to 该由.负责;轮到. 14 play a role 发挥作用;扮演一个角色15 make up 组成;化妆;编造 16 for example 例如17 take . seriously 重视;认真对待 .Unit 5 重点回顾重点短语1 talk s

6、how 脱口秀;谈话节目 2 soap opera 肥皂剧3 sports show 体育节目 4 find out 找出;查明5 dont mind 不介意 6 cant stand 无法忍受7 action movie 动作片 8 scary movie 恐怖片 9 main reason 主要原因 10 be ready to 愿意做某事 11 game show 游戏竞技节目 12 soccer game 足球比赛13 try ones best 尽某人最大的努力 14 not so . as 不如. 15 dress up 打扮 16 take sb.s place 取代某人的位置1

7、7 do a good job 干得好 18 come from 来自.19 come out 出版;开花 20 a symbol of.的象征Unit 6 重点回顾重点短语1 computer science 2 computer programmer 3 bus driver 4 basketball player 5 grow up 6 be sure about 7 make sure 8 New Years resolutions 9 foreign language 10 be able to do sth. 11 at the beginning of 12 write down

8、 13 have to do with 14 take up 15 agree with 16 too . to . 17 make promisesUnit 7 重点回顾重点短语1 in 100 years 2 live to be . years old 3 fewer trees 4 less free time 5 more pollution 6 play a part 7 in the future 8 space station 9 help (sb.) (to) do / with sth. 10 over and over again 11 get bored 12 it t

9、akes . (time) to do sth.13 hundreds of 14 look like15 fall down 16 look forUnit 8 重点回顾重点短语1 milk shake 2 turn on 3 turn off 4 cut up 5 pour . into 6 peel the banana 7 how many / how much 8 one cup of 9 two spoons 10 thats it 11 a piece of 12 its time to do sth.13 in the autumn 14 traditional food 15

10、 give thanks for 16 mix together 17 fill . with 18 put/place . on 19 cut . into pieces 20 cover . withUnit 9 重点回顾重点短语1 on Saturday afternoon 2 have to 3 go to the doctor 4 too many / too much 5 go to a concert 6 practice the violin 7 come to my house 8 the day after tomorrow 9 thanks for (doing) sth

11、. 10 be available 11 study for a test 12 look after 13 look forward to 14 prepare for 15 catch / have the flu 16 another time 17 hang out 18 the day before yesterday 19 make an invitation 20 accept an invitation21 turn down 22 take a trip 23 go shopping 24 hear from 25 Catch you. / See you. 26 house

12、warming party 27 make itUnit 10 重点回顾重点短语1 have a great time 2 stay at home 3 class party 4 class meeting 5 half the class 6 watch a video 7 potato chips 8 take a taxi 9 give advice about / advise about 10 around the world 11 make money 12 go to college 13 get an education 14 have problems with 15 make mistakes 16 keep . to oneself 17 run away from problems 18 have experience 19 in half 20 (be) halfway to doing sth.21 solve a problem 22 share problems 23 discuss problems 24 old peoples home10 Youre halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it.


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