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1、一、 读前浏览选项,注意词形变化:1、冠词 a 与 an 的互换。定冠词 the 没有变化。冠词只需要在 a 或 an 之间判别, a 用在辅音开头的词前; an 用在元音开头的词前。如 a girl, an old man, a useful book, an “M”等2、介词 介词一般没有变化。 但也有特例,如介词 with 和 without,like 与 unlike My brother often borrows my clothes _ my permission, so I am often angry with him.3、名词考虑单、复数和所有格。man-men woman

2、-women a woman doctor women teachers womens shoes名词、动词、形容词、副词互相转化。如:success-succeed-successful-successfully die-dead-death 4、形容词、副词有比较级和最高级;并且形容词的最高级前要加 the。一般地,形容词修饰名词和作表语;副词修饰动词 5、数词要注意基数词和序数词之间的变化以及表达次数时的用法。 例如: onefirstonce,2 second twice, threethird 2/3 two thirds 6、代词,要注意区别使用代词相对应的主格、宾格、形容词性物主

3、代词、名词性物主代词、反身代词及这些代词相对应的单、复数。主格 宾格 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 反身代词单数 I me my mine myself复数 we us our ours ourselves单数 you you your yours yourself复数 you you your yours yourselves单数 she her her hers herself单数 he him his his himself单数 it it its its itself复数 they them their theirs themselves7、连词大多数的连词不做变化,但是注意 an

4、d 在否定句时应变为 or. She doesnt like tea or coffee.8、动词所有的动词要根据需要使用相应的动词的变化形式、时态和语态。二、 读的过程中,注意以下几项1、保持良好的心情,不焦不燥,沉着冷静, 一个一个地解决。做到松、静、匀、乐。才开始的时候一定不能瞎蒙。2 、务必弄清楚每个备选词的词性和中文意思。 3 、通读全文,掌握全文大意。把拿得准的,能确定的词选出来。拿不准的暂放下,能确定多少算多少。选定一个就在原词上划掉一个,可以暂不考虑时态和词形的变化。 4、再读一遍,初步选定词语。除去已经确定了的,剩下的就不多了。再逐一确定。 三 练习two, sudden ,

5、 cold, teach, in surprise, French, hot, beard, photo, office, passport, China Mr Hill arrives at London Airport, at the end of a three-week holiday in 1. _.Usually he wears a beard(蓄 着 胡 须). Since it has been 2._ there, he has taken itoff (剃 掉). But his passport photo shows him with his 3. _.An offi

6、cer looks at the 4. _for a moment, and says,“Will you excuse me?Please sit down. I shant keep you long.“ With this, he walks away, shows the photo to asecond 5._, and says: “I know that face.“ The second officer looks at the6. _ and asks where Mr Hill has come from. When he hears that Mr Hill hasarr

7、ived back from Paris, the 7._ officer smiles and says: “An Englishman with abeard stole a painting in Paris on Friday, And that man looks just the kind of man.“8._ it comes to the first officer who Mr Hill is. He returns to him, and asks: “Didyou9. _ at the No.2. High School?“ When Mr Hill answers,

8、10. _, thathe did, the first officer smiles and says: “I thought so. Im Jack Smith. You taught meFrench. You havent changed a bit.“two noisy grow rain be peace good follow art someone close one Whats the real meaning of the word ”peace”? The 1 story may tell us something about it. There was once a k

9、ing who offered an award to a person who could paint the 2 picture of peace. Many 3 tried.The king looked at all the pictures. But there were only two he really liked and he had to choose between them. One picture was a calm lake. The lake was a perfect thing for peace because of the high mountains

10、around it. Overhead was a blue shy with white clouds. 4 who saw this picture thought that was a perfect picture of peace. The other picture had mountains too. But they were rugged. Above was the dark sky, from which heavy rain fell. A waterfall was rushing down the side of the mountain. This did not

11、 look 5 at all .But when the king looked 6 ,he found behind the waterfall a very small bush 7 in the middle of the waterfall and a mother bird sitting on her nest-in perfect peace. The king gave the award to person who painted the 8 picture. Why? ”because,” explained the king,” peace does not mean s

12、trong, take, face, France, grow, polite, catch, back, like, as As Junior 3 students, we are busy studying for the coming entrance exam. Every day we have lots of exercises to do and many exams to 1_. Some of us feel upset, and some even lose heart. But we will not help ourselves if we lose heart. Th

13、ere is a saying, “Difficulty is like a spring (弹簧)- If you are weak, it will be 2_.“ If we have a problem we should 3_ it with a smile.Once I read a short story called “The smile“ written by a 4 writer. In this book, he talks about his experience in World War II. He was 5 by the enemy and sent to ja

14、il, but he tried to think of ways to escape.One day he wanted to smoke but he had no matches. He asked his jailor for a light. When the jailor came up to him, he smiled 6 _and naturally. The jailor seemed to be affected and smiled, too.Then they began to talk. They both took out pictures of their fa

15、milies and showed them to each other. The pilot said sadly that he would never see his family again because he was to be killed. He would not have a chance to see his children 7 up. The jailor was moved by the pilots words.Without saying a word he unlocked the door and quietly released him. 8_a resu

16、lt of a smile, the pilot was saved.This man did not give up. Even in a terrible situation he was optimistic (乐观的). Surely we can do the same. Life is 9_a mirror, if you smile at it, it will smile 10_at you, too. 四学法小结保持良好心态 ,敢于去做。弄懂词意看全文,逐个确定难变易;开头几句定时态,空前空后藏玄机;解题找准关健词,固定搭配莫大意。 做好选词填空题,良好心态是第一;弄懂词意看全文,逐个确定难变易;开头几句定时态,空前空后藏玄机;名词单复所有格,注意 “ s ”有变异;动词考查是重点,时态语态非谓语;名动形副常转换,形副注意用三级;(最高级前 the 常去)要填数词请留意,千万别忘基和序; 填入代词需慎重,五格变化是常事;介词后面用宾格,动词后跟 i n g;to 后动词用原形, 但有三个特殊的;解题找准关健词,固定搭配莫大意。


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