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1、级别 比较程度 表达方式和意义 例 句 备 注肯定形式As+原级+as(像一样)Art is as interesting as music.Play as well as you can.原级同等程度否定形式not + so (as) +原级+as(不如那样)English is not so difficult as science.She does not study so well as I do.不同程度(用于两者比较)比较级+than(比)Jim is older than Luky.I like pork better than beef.比较级前面可以加much, far, e

2、ven, still,a lot, a little, a bit 等比较级程度加深比较级 +and+比较级(越来越)The + 比较级,the + 比较级(越, 越)He is growing taller and taller.He studies better and better.The more books she reads, the better she understand.最高级最高程度(用于三者或三者以上)The +最高级+of (in)(最)Spring is the best season of the year.Lin Tao jumped (the) farthes

3、t of all.副词最高级前面的the 往往省略注意: 有些形容词,如 dead, empty, round, sure, woolen 等受本身含义的限制,没有比较级。相关结构1) 原级比较:肯定句 as.as., 否定句 not so / as.as.2) 比较句: 比较级 than.或 more (less)+adj .than.The furniture in this shop is less beautiful than that in that shop.(注意代词 that 的用法)3) 比较级 and比较级 或 more and more比较级 “越来越 ”richer a

4、nd richer, more and more interesting4) The more., the more.“越 , 越 ”The more you look at the picture, the better you will like it.5) 比较级 than any other n. (单) (适用于范围一致时)(all) other n.(复)any n.(单 ) (适用于范围不一致时)He is taller than any other student / all other students in his class.any student in my class

5、.6) 倍数表达法。A is three(four, etc.)times the size(height, length etc.)of B.A is three(four, etc.)times as big(high, long, etc.)as B.A is three (four, etc.)times bigger(higher, longer, etc.)than B.用 times 表倍数通常用于三倍以上,两倍可以用 twice 或 double.The new building is four times the size (the height)of the old one

6、.这座新楼比那座旧楼大三倍(高三倍) 。 Asia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲比欧洲大三倍。Your school is three times bigger than ours.你们的学校比我们的学校大三倍。7) morethan结构,其意往往是 rather than,可译为 “是 而不是 ”或颠倒词序译作 “与其说是 ,不如说是 ”。That little girl is more tired than hungry. 那个小姑娘是累了而不是饿了。 She is more a mother than a wife 或 She is more o

7、f a mother than a wife.她是贤妻,更是良母。形容词比较级的用法: 1)A+形容词比较级+than+ BSusan is happier than Jane. His brother is younger than me.Beijing is more beautiful than Osaka. (形容词比较级前还可以用 much, even, still, a little,far, a lot, a bit, much more 来修饰。 Very, so, too, quite 不能修饰比较级。)2)数字+形容词比较级+than Im two years older

8、than you. She is a head taller than me. 3)比较级+and+ 比较级,表示“越来越” 4)The earth is getting warmer and warmer. China becomes more and more stronger. 5)4)the + 比较级, the +比较级结构 ,表示“ 越就越” 6)The more I study it, the more I like it. 7)5)which/who +is +比较级 Which city is bigger, Beijing or Tianjin? Who is happie

9、r, you or me? 形容词最高级用法: 用于三者及以上的人或事物的比较,最高级前加 the,最高级前有物主代词,序数词和名词所有格时,不加定冠词,后面跟带 in 或 of 表范围的短语。1)one of the + 最高级 Shanghai is one of the most beautiful cities in China.Our city is one of the safest cities in the world.Most people like apples. Most of the boys are good. It is our nearest neighbor i

10、n space. 2)最高级意义的表达方法: 例句 最高级 She is the best in her class. 等同于 比较级 She is better than any other student in her class. 副词比较级和最高级的用法:1. 原级主要的句型:1)as+副词原级+as Tom runs as fast as Jones. not as/so+副词原级+as He didnt come as/so early as Li Lei.2)too+副词原级 +to do sth. Jean rides too slowly to catch up with m

11、e. 3)so +副词原级+ that Jean rides so slowly that she cant catch up with me. 4)副词原级+enough to do sth. Jean doesnt ride fast enough to catch up with me. 2. 副词比较级的用法: 1)比较级+than。当前后使用的动词相同时,通常用助动词来代替后面的动词,该动词或助动词可以省略。Lily run faster than Mary(did).2)比较级+and + 比较级 The days are getting longer and longer in

12、summer. 3)the morethe more The harder you work, the better you will learn. 3. 副词最高级的用法: 副词最高级前一般有 the,也可省略。 He works (the) hardest of all the students in the class. (1)形容词最高级前通常必须用定冠词 the,副词最高级前可不用。 例句: The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world. 1 Dont worry, sir. Im sure I can run _ to catch up

13、 with them.A. slowly enough B. enough slowly C. fast enough D. enough fast2. The text is very easy for you. There are _ new words in it.A. a few B. a little C. few D. little3. Its such an _ film that all the students are _ in it.A. interesting; interested B. interested; interesting C. interesting; i

14、nteresting D. interested; interested; interested4. Mingming got up very _,so he came to school half an hour _.A. late; lately B. lately; late C. lately; lately D. late; late5 -Look! How fast the two horses are running!Oh, yes! They are nearly _.A. up and down B. slower and slower C. more or less D.

15、neck and neck6. _ children there are in family,_ their life will be.A. The less; the better B. The fewer; the better C. Fewer; richer D. More; poorer7. Most of the people in Guangdong are getting _.A. more and more rich B. more rich and more rich C. richer and richer D. richer and richest8. Which le

16、sson is _, this one or that one?A. difficult B. much difficult C. more difficult D. the most difficult9 “A _ accident happened at 7:30 a.m.“ said the policeman _.A. serious, serious B. seriously, seriously C. seriously, serious D. serious, seriously10. In our city, it is _ in July, but it is even _

17、in August.A. hotter; hottest B. hot; hot C. hotter; hot D. hot; hotter11. This pencil is _ that one.A. so long as B. as longer as C. longer than D. not as longest as12 This box is _ heavy _ I cant carry it.A. too, to B. so, that C. very, that D. too, that13. India has the second _ population in the

18、worldA. larger B. most C. smallest D. largest14. The cake smells _. Please throw it away. A. good B. badly C. bad D. well15 - What was the weather like yesterday?- It was terrible. It rained so _ that people could _ go out.A. hardlyhard B. hardly hardly C. hard hardly D. hard hard16. The meeting wil

19、l be held in half an hour, but they havent got everything ready_.A. ever B. already C. yet D. still17 How beautiful she sings! Ive never heard _.A. the better voice B. a good voice C. the best voice D. a better voice18The scenery in Sanya looks _, especially “Tian Ya Hai Jiao“ is _.A, well, best B.

20、fine, the most famous C. nice, better D. beautifully, the best19 Of the two Australian students , Masha is _ one. I think you can find her easily.A, tallest B, the taller C. taller D. the tallest20. -Why dont you like the shirt?-Its neck is not big for me at all. Have you got a shirt of this kind wi

21、th _ neck? A. the biggest B. a far bigger C. by far the biggest D. a more bigger21 _, the boys were shouting and singing. A. Happy and excited B. Happily and excitedly C. To be happy and excited D. To be happily and excitedly22. The US is about the same size as China, but its population is five time

22、s _. A. as little B. smaller C. as few D. fewer23The little town has now grown into a modern big city, and is _ what it used to be. A. twice the size than B. two times the size as C. twice the size as D. twice the size of24The air in Beijing is getting much now than a few years ago. A. clean B. clea

23、ner C. cleanest D. the cleanest 25 Nowadays science fiction isnt as as cartoons among teenagers. A. popular B. more popular C. less popular D. the most popular26We are glad to see that Shanghai is developing these years than ever before. A. quickly B. less quickly C. more quickly D. the most quickly

24、27 The population of Tianjin is than that of Shanghai. A. larger B. less C. smaller D. fewer 28 Guo Yue did quite at the World Table Tennis Championship, but Zhang Yining did even . A. better, well B. well, well C. well, better D. better, better29 Tom is six and he is his sister Jane. How old is Jan

25、e? Three. A. twice as old as B. two years older than C. three years younger than D. as old as 30Remember, boys and girls. you work, result you will get. We know, Miss Gao. A. The better, the harder B. The harder, the better C. The hard, the better D. The harder, the good31Which does Jimmy like _ , C

26、hinese or Art? A. well B. best C. better D. much32The Changjiang River is one of _ in the world.A. the longest river B. longest riversC.the longest rivers D. longer riversl33 He jumps _ of the three. A. far B. further C. farthest D. furthest34 Who has _ apples now, Jim, Lily or Lucy?A. much B. bigge

27、st C. better D. the most35 Tingting is _ than Meimei, but Meimei is _ than Tingting.A. all, strongerB. taller, strongest C. tallest, strong D.taller,stronger36 Mother is _ in my familyA. busy B. busier C. the busiest D. more busy37-This blue sweater is too big for me .-Will you please show me a _ on

28、e?A. small B. smaller C. the smallest D. smallest38 This bike is _ than that one. A. twenty yuan dear B. twenty yuan dearer C. dear twenty yuan D. dearer twenty yuan(1)形容词最高级前通常必须用定冠词 the,副词最高级前可不用。 例句: The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world. (2) 形容词 most 前面没有 the,不表示最高级的含义,只表示“非常“ 。 It is a

29、most important problem. =It is a very important problem. 6有少数形容词、副词的比较级和最高级是不规则的,必须熟记。 如:goodbetterbest wellbetterbest badworseworst illworse worst oldolder/elder oldest/eldest many/muchmoremost littlelessleast far further/farther furthest/farthest 二、形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的用法 1 “A + be +形容词比较级 + than + B” 意

30、思为“A 比 B 更” 。 如:This tree is taller than that one. 这棵树比那棵树高。 注意 在含有连词 than 的比较级中,前后的比较对象必须是同一范畴,即同类事物之间的比较。 在比较级前面使用 much,表示程度程度“强得多” 。如:A watermelon is much bigger than an apple. very, quite 一般只能修饰原级,不能修饰比较级。 2 “比较级 + and + 比较级”或“more and more +原级”表示“越来越” 如:It becomes warmer and warmer when spring

31、comes. 春天来了,天气变得越来越暖和了。 It is getting cooler and cooler. 天气越来越凉爽。 The wind became more and more heavily. 风变得越来越大。 Our school is becoming more and more beautiful. 在含有 or 的选择疑问句中,如果有两者供选择,前面的形容词要用比较级形式。 如:Who is taller,Tim or Tom? 谁更高,Tim 还是 Tom? 4. “the +比较级, the+比较级” ,表示“越越” 。 The more money you mak

32、e, the more you spend. 钱你赚得越多,花得越多。 The sooner,the better. 越快越好。 5. 表示倍数的比较级用法: . A is times the size /height/length/width of B. 如:The new building is three times the height of the old one. 这座新楼比那座旧楼高三倍。(新楼是旧楼的四倍高) . A is times as big /high/long/wide/large as B. 如:Asia is four times as large as Euro

33、pe. 亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。(亚洲比欧洲大三倍 ) . A is times larger /higher/longer/wider than B. 如:Our school is twice bigger than yours. 我们学校比你们学校大两倍。 6.形容词、副词的最高级形式主要用来表示三者或三者以上人或事物的比较,表示“最”的意思。 句子中有表示范围的词或短语。如: of the three, in our class 等等。 如:He is the tallest in our class. 他在我们班里是最高的。 7.“否定词语+比较级“ ,“否定词语+ so as“结构表示

34、最高级含义。 Nothing is so easy as this. =Nothing is easier than this. =This is the easiest thing. 8. 比较级与最高级的转换: Mike is the most intelligent in his class. Mike is more intelligent than any other student in his class 7.修饰比较级和最高级的词 1)可修饰比较级的词 .a bit, a little, rather, much, far, by far, many, a lot, lots,

35、 a great deal, any, still, even 等。 . 还可以用表示倍数的词或度量名词作修饰语。 . 以上词( 除 by far)外,必须置于比较级形容词或副词的前面。 注意: 使用最高级要注意将主语包括在比较范围内。 (错) Tom is the tallest of his three brothers. (对) Tom is the tallest of the three brothers. 2)下列词可修饰最高级:by far, far, much, mostly, almost。 This hat is nearly / almost the biggest. 注

36、意: a. very 可修饰最高级,但位置与 much 不同。 This is the very best. This is much the best. b. 序数词通常只修饰最高级。 Africa is the second largest continent. 8.要避免重复使用比较级。 (错) He is more cleverer than his brother. (对) He is more clever than his brother. (对) He is cleverer than his brother. 9.要避免将主语含在比较对象中。 (错) China is lar

37、ger that any country in Asia. (对) China is larger than any other country in Asia. 10.要注意对应句型,遵循前后一致的原则。 The population of Shanghai is larger than that of BIt is easier to make a plan than to carry it out. 11.要注意冠词的使用,后有名词的时候,前面才有可能有名词。 比较:Which is larger, Canada or Australia? Which is the larger country, Canada or Australia? She is taller than her two sisters. She is the taller of the two sisters.


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