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1、六年级上册英语期末复习Module1Module2一、重点短语:1. Look at 看2. want to do sth. 想做某事3. send an email 发电子邮件4. in the east / south / west / north 在东/南/西/北方5. lots of 许多二、重点句型:1. Tell me more about the Great Wall. 告诉我更多关于长城的情况。2. How long is the Great Wall? 长城有多长?3. Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long. 它大约有 2

2、0000 千米长。4. How big is Beijing? 北京有多大?5. Beijing has got about twenty million people. 北京大约有两千万人口。6. There is a/ an + 单数名词/不可数名词 有There are复数名词 有7. And Houston is in the south. 休斯敦市在南边。 Module3Module4一、重点短语:1. collect stamps 集邮2. sing songs 唱歌3. ride bikes/bicycles 骑自行车4. fly kites 放风筝5. all of these

3、 在所有这些当中6. on TV 在电视上二、重点句型:1. Ive got lots of stamps. 我有许多邮票。2. Have you got any stamps from China? 你有中国邮票吗?肯定回答: Yes,I have.否定回答: No, I havent.3. What do you do on Thanksgiving Day? 感恩节的时候你做些什么?4. Whats your favourite festival? 你最喜欢什么节日?5. Can you tell me more about American festivals?你能告诉我更多的关于美国

4、节日的信息吗?6. Collecting stamps is my hobby. 集邮是我的爱好。7. That sounds nice. 听起来真不错。Module5Module6一、重点短语:1. speak English 说英语2. write to 写信给 3. live to 居住在 4. write in English 用英语写5. of course 当然二、重点句型:1. Pleased to meet you! 见到你很高兴!2. Can you speak English? 你会说英语吗?3. We can be pen friends. 我们能成为笔友。4. You

5、speak very good English! 你的英语说得真好!5. Can you be my Chinese pen friend? 你能做我的中国笔友吗?肯定回答:Yes ,I can. 否定回答: No,I cant.6. I like dancing and painting. 我喜欢跳舞和绘画。7. Its difficult for me . 这对我来说很难。8. Have you got a knife and fork or chopsticks? 你有餐刀餐叉还是筷子?回答:Ive got a knife and fork and chopsticks. 我有餐刀餐叉还

6、有筷子。9. Ive got a book about the US but I havent got a book about China.我有关于美国的书,但是我没有关于中国的书。Module7Module8一、重点短语:1. come out of 从 中出来2. play with 与 玩3. not really 不全是,事实上没有4. read stories 看故事书5. clean the room 打扫房间6. watch films 看电影7. eat fast food 吃快餐8. go shopping 去购物9. go to the doctor 去看病二重点句型:1

7、. Do you want to see my photos? 你想看我的照片吗?肯定回答:Yes,I do./Yes,Id love to. 否定回答: No. I dont.2. I always /often /sometimes /never我总是 /常常 /有时 /从不 3. Do you like rdading books now? 你现在喜欢看书吗?4. Youre playing dolls. 你正在玩玩具娃娃。5. Not very often 不太经常。6. I stopped a long time ago. 我很久以前就停止了。Module9Module10一、重点短

8、语:1. all around the world 全世界2. go inside 进去3. one of fhe presents 礼物之一4. take a photos 照相5. lots of 许多,大量6. in the south of 在南部7. stand in line 站成一排,排队8. library rules 图书馆规定9. library card 借书卡10. be quiet 安静二、重点句型:1. What a big building! 好高大的建筑!2. How many member states are there in the UN? 联合国有多少个成员国?回答:There are 193. 有 193 个。3. Do you want to visit the UN building? 你想参观联合国大厦吗?4. I want to go to Shanghai. 我想去上海。5. Please hurry. 请快点。6. Heres my library card. 这是我的借书卡。7. 肯定形式的祈使句: Go stranght on! 直走!8. 否定形式的祈使句: Dont walk! 禁止行人通行!


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