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1、西塔庄初级中学英语学科教案(20142015)年度第一学期年级:九年级学科:英语姓名:张雪艳时间 2014 年 9 月Module 1 Wonders of the worldUnit 1 What is a wonder of the world?教 学 设 计课 型 Listening and speaking教材分析 This unit aims to review the learnt tenses so far and help students to be able to present some important and creative ideas about writing

2、 a school magazine. 教学目标 To learn and understand the topic words through talking and listening.To know something about the pyramids and the Grand Canyon.To understand the conversation about starting a school magazine involving different tenses.知识与能力 1. Vocabulary and expressions: ancient, club, comp

3、osition, pupil, meeting, call, event, listen up. Thats news to me. Anyone else?2. To enable the Ss to express in different tenses according to the set situations.3. To learn to give ideas on writing a school magazine.过程与方法 1. Top-down approach, enabling Ss to understand and talk about writing a scho

4、ol magazine.2. To learn by listening, speaking and discussing.情感、态度与价值观 To help students enlarge their vision on wonders of the world and help to know more about writing a school magazine of their own.教学过程教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 活动目的Step 1Lead-in Start the lesson by showing groups of pictures about the wonde

5、rs of the world on the screen including the ancient pyramids. Ask students to talk about the picture on Page 2.T: Where can you see the pictures and the brief introduction probably? (Newspaper / the Internet / Magazine)T: Yes, magazines like Crazy English / National GeographyWho started? Learn the n

6、ew vocabulary. (ancient, pyramid, review, wonder)Have a talk about the picture using the words in Activity 1. Learn a bit about magazines. Get the Ss to be attentive and focus on the theme of the lesson. (Magazine)Step 2 Listening To learn the way of writing about what you see and your feelings when

7、 traveling;知识与能力 1. Vocabulary and expressions: waterfall, stranger, rock, ground, canyon, reply, rise, face, get out of, look over, disappear into, look (across) tolight-dark, clear, huge, beside, below, at the bottom of, reach the top. tooto 2. To enable the Ss to express in different tenses accor

8、ding to the set situations.3. To love the wonders of the natural world and give facts and opinions.过程方法 1. Interactive approach.2. To improve Ss reading skills and get them to talk and practise writing by imitating.情感、态度与价值观 To help students enlarge their vision on wonders of the world and help to w

9、rite a description of a wonder that they have seen or visited.教学过程教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 活动目的Step 1Lead-in Ask Ss to show information about the seven natural wonders. (The teacher can get the related pictures ready beforehand)Present words in Activity 1. Talk and give facts about the wonders. Encourage Ss t

10、o describe withthe words given. Check up Ss homework and start the new topic.(Wonders)Step 2. Ask andanswer Ask Ss to make questions about facts of the natural wonders.Demonstrate and get Ss to follow. Ask andanswer.How tall/deep is it?Itsmeters tall/deep. Practise asking about detailed information

11、and learn the sentence pattern.Step 3. Read(Skimming)Tell Ss to read the passage in Activity 2. Find out the name of the wonder and its facts.T: Where did the writer visit?How deep/wide/long is it? Read thepassage and answer thequestions. Find out the facts and write them down in Activity 5. Practis

12、e reading skills and get specific information.Step 4Read and match Play the tape and get Ss to follow silently. Find out the main idea of each paragraph. Present the five topic sentences on the screen (Bb).A. The writer arrived there on the rainy morning;B. The first impression/sight of the Grand Ca

13、nyon.C. The Grand Canyon is the greatest wonder in his opinion.D. Details about the Grand Canyon.E. After minutes walk, he came to it. Ss follow the lines and match thetopic sentences tothe paragraphs.(or they canconclude the main idea by themselves if possible)Read for the main idea of each paragra

14、ph. Learn to sum up and help to understand the whole passage.Step 5Read aloudGet Ss to read aloud after the tape and find the details about the trip. When did he get to the Grand Canyon? Why was there nothing to see? Where was he facing on the edge of the Grand Canyon? How did he feel about the Cany

15、on? Read aloud and answer questions in Activity 3. Ask for help if they have any problems. Practise reading and learn about the details, check their understanding.Step 6. Focus Now get Ss attention to those phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases. Try to check by a gap-filling exercise.(get out of,

16、go through, look over, fall away, on the edge of, look down/across to, at the bottom of, disappear into, ask oneself ) Learn the verbs and phrases. Practising usingthem with the help of thegap-filling. Focus on the phrasal verbs and prepositions. Step 7. Match Activity 4Ask Ss to find these words in

17、 the passage and guess their meaning within the sentence.Underline thewords and match the Englishmeaning. Practise guessing the meaning of words in the context.Step 8.Writing Tell Ss to imagine they have seen (some of them did see) one of the wonders of the world. Write sentences describing how they

18、 felt. Remind them of the four keywords: saw, size, happened, felt. First get them to work in pairs and then report the sentences or passage if possible. Write sentences according to the given beginning. Report theiranswers and tryto make them into a passage. Practise writing and using the language

19、on the basis of imaging and personal experience.作业布置 Finish writing the description of one of the wonders of the world, trying to collect some details and take the text as a model.板书设计 Unit 2 I was on the edge of the Grand CanyonThe seven natural wonders of the worldHow tall/wide/deep is it? Itstall

20、/wide/tall.get out of on the edge of ask oneselfgo through look down/across to huge=very very biglook over at the bottom of the greatest wonderfall away disappear intoUnit 3 Language in use教 学 设 计课型 Revision and application教材分析 This unit serves to give a review and summary towards the language point

21、s learnt in U1To summarise and consolidate tenses learnt before;知识与能力 1. Vocabulary and expressions: height, lift, view, attract, description, location, design2. To enable the Ss to differ the tenses learned in situations.3. To make a poster of a wonder of the world/ ones hometown.过程方法 1. Formal and

22、 interactive practice, task-based.2. Comprehensive ways of practising and consolidating.情感、态度与价值观 To help students enlarge their vision on wonders of the world;To make a poster of a wonder of the world or his hometown and help to love ones motherland.教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 活动目的教学过程Step 1Revision Ask Ss to w

23、atch and listen to the MV Chinese by Andy Lau. Get them to find out the wonder in it. Encourage Ss to describe what they see in it , e.g.The Great Wall is a great wonder.Andy Lau went to the Great Wall.He was singing on it.He has sung many popular songs. Watch and talk about things appear in the MV.

24、 Learn to tell the differences among the tenses. Help to establish the concepts of tenses in situations.Step 2. Grammar focus 1. Read through the sentences in the box with the whole class. Call back ideas about the structure highlighted from the students.2. Give hand-out to Ss and ask them to match

25、the exact meaning with the corresponding sentence. (Activity 1)Check the answers right after that. 1. Read aloud the seven sentences. And tell the making-up of each tense.2. Read through the 5 pairs of sentences in different tenses and match. Practise telling the differences and meanings.Step 3. Wri

26、ting1. Go back to the picture of the Great Wall. Give examples by matching the three parts.The Great Wall + is + about 6,700 km long. Give Ss tips on how to decide.2. Encourage Ss to observe and decide the forms of verbs in different tenses. 1. Observe the subjects and theadverbial or even the phras

27、al verbs. Match the three parts to make possiblesentences.2. Read through the uncompleted passage and try to give the correct forms of verbs in the situations. Learn to observe and practise language in different tenses.Step 4Speaking 1. Show up the photo of visiting the Great Wall. Get Ss to ask the

28、 teacher questions in Activity 4. (Example)Get Ss to work in pairs, and ask and answer the questions.2. Present wonders in the local area.Get Ss to talk about them. 1. Ss follow theteacher and make up their ownconversations. Perform in front of the class.2. Learn the example in Activity 5 and make a

29、 similar introduction to the wonders in local area.Practise speaking and enable Ss to use the language and understand its meaning. Step 5VocabularyGame Present nine pictures about wonders of the world, each of which links an exercise in Activity 6/8. Get Ss to finish them first and check in forms of

30、 game. Elaborate on the Pyramids in Egypt. (More related photos) Finish the multiple- choices exercises and choose the pictures theyre interested in to check the answers. With the help of games, Ss can review the phrasal verbs and concepts of tenses.Step 6. Listening Present the three photos in Acti

31、vity 7Ask about facts about any one of them. Play the tape for Ss to learn more. Listen and match the notes with the photos.Check the answers after listening and report about the three wonders with the help of the table.Learn more about the three wonders, practising describing. Step 7. Around the wo

32、rld Get Ss to look at the picture and read silently through the introduction. Give questions to check theirunderstanding. Read and decide, trying to grasp the main information. Learn about another wonder of the world.Step 8.Module task Tell Ss to work in groups of 4. Read through the instructions. H

33、elp them to decide what to write about.Hold up a show-and-tell session where Ss can display and discuss. Work in groups of 4 and write about one wonder they like. Collect sufficient information and make the poster. Take part in the show-and-tell session. Take this task as an extensive learning activ

34、ity to get Ss to learn more about the wonders.作业布置 Finish off the poster after class and get ready for the show at the back wall of the classroom. Prepare the show-and-tell session in groups of four.板书设计 Unit 3 Language in useStructures of different tenses ancient The Great Wall is a wonder modern w

35、ondersAndy Lau went to the Great Wall. natural He was singing on it heightWhats the height of?We are listening to him now. on the journey ofHe has sung many pop songs. because / because ofHe will visit it some other day.教学反思:Module 2 Great books一、 教学内容分析本模块的话题是谈论书、作家、思想家、戏剧、电影、诗歌等。语法是一般现在时被动语态。二、 学情

36、分析谈论书、作家、思想家等是学生感兴趣的话题。本模块的学习是通过该话题的讨论,学习并掌握一般现在时被动语态的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。三、 教学目标1、 语言知识目标: 功能:谈论书、作家、思想家等。 词汇:1)能正确使用下列单词:work,influence,respect,wise,literature, behaviour,cave,freedom,funeral,social,theme,treasure,clever,dead, pleased, alive, southern, state.2) 理解下列单词:thinker, monthly, outsider, v

37、ersion, historical,editor, publisher, reviewer. 3)能准确理解并使用下列词组;as far as,notany more,millions of, run away, grow up, talk about, be known as/for 语法:一般现在时被动语态。2、 语言技能目标听:通过听进行单词和图片的配对。说:谈论最喜欢的书、戏剧、诗歌和作家等。读:能读懂对书、作家、思想家等作介绍的文章,能掌握从文章到表格的信息转移。写:写一本自己最喜欢的书。3、 情感目标:培养学生阅读的习惯,提高个人文化修养。4、 文化意识目标:了解中外著名的作家、

38、思想家、诗人及他们的作品。四、 教学重点、难点重点:key vocabulary_work, influence,wise,clever,behaviour,dead,alive,treasuretheme, southern,as far as,notany more,millions of,run away,grow up,talk about, be known as/for难点:被动语态的构成和用法,主动语态如何改为被动语态。五、 课时安排第一课时:Unit 1第二课时;Unit 2第三课时:Unit 3第四、五课时:Review and workbookUnit 1 Confuciu

39、s works are read by many peopleTeaching aims:Learn the use of present simple passive.Key points:work, influence, thought, wise, copy, as far as, notany more, millions of, be known as/forDifficult sentences:Shakespeares works are seen by millions of people every year. Mark Twain was an important writ

40、er, but he isnt known as a great thinker like Confucius.Step 1 Warming up& leading in1. Ask the students some questions. Do you like reading books? Whats your favourite book?Whos your favourite writer? 2. Show three pictures about Confucius, Shakespeare and Mark Twain. Let them guess who they are. C

41、an you say something about them? Teach the words : work,influence, play, poem, respect, thinker, thought, wise, writer.Confucius: He was a great thinker in China. He is known for his wise thought. We are still influenced by his thought. He is respected by us.Shakespeare: He was a writer of plays and

42、 poems. Some of his most famous plays are Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet. He was born in 1564 in England. His plays are seen by millions of people every year.Mark Twain: He was a famous American writer. He wrote a lot of stories. His books are still popular. For example ,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.3.

43、Do Activity 5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.Step 2 Listening (Act.1&2)1. First read the words in the box .Then match the words in the box with the people in the pictures.(Act.1)2. Listen and check your answer to Act.1.(Act.2)step 3 Listening and reading(Act.3、4)1. Listen

44、 and answer .Where are the speakers? What are they talking about? 2 .Read and answer the questions.(Act.4)3.Everyday English and language points. Whats up? Go on! Sounds like a good idea. as far as, not any more, millions of ,be known as/for4.Read the conversation in two groups.Step 4 Grammar practi

45、ce1. Underline the sentences in the conversation that have the pattern of passive voice.2. Read the sentences aloud.3. Do WB Exercise 1 on p116Step 5 Speaking and writing1.Do Act.8 Work in groups of three and look at the opinions in the table. Report ideas of your group to the whole class.2.Do Act.6

46、 Talk about your favourite play/poem/thinker/writer/story.Homework1. write your favourite play/poem/thinker/writer/story.2. Listen and read the conversation.3. Search the internet about the book called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.Unit 2 Its still read and lovedTeaching aimspractice reading skills. Try to write a passage about your favourite great book.Key pointsrun away, get lost, be surprised/pleased to do ,grow up, do with, die/dead/deathDifficult sentences


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