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1、一、描述揭示图画信息句型I. As is shown in the picture,.如图所示,2. As is depicted in the picture,如图所所示,3. As we can see from the picture,通过图画我们可以看到4. As can be seen from the picture,通过图画我们可以看到5. The picture depicts that图中描绘了这样一个场景:6. The picture shows that图画显示7. The picture vividly portrays图画生动地描绘了8. The picture de

2、picts a phenomenon that exists widely among:这幅图描绘了一种广泛存在于的现象:9. This Picture reveals something true of这幅图揭示了有关的一些真相。10. This picture depicts something that这幅图描述了、引出及解读名言谚语句型11 “”: This is not a saying about, but one about“”这一谚语并不关乎,而是关乎12 The saying that“” best illustrates引言“”很好地阐述了13. There goes a

3、saying that “This saying tells us that有一句话这样说“” 。这句话告诉我们14.“”The proverb tells us that“”这句谚语告诉人们,15. ,as the saying goes.It highlights俗话说得好,。这句话强调了三、提出现象句型16. In recent years, increasingly more people have turned to近年来,转向的年轻人呈上升趋势17. The boom of is attracting much attention in recent years.的热潮近年来吸引了

4、很多注意力。18. Nowadays we are exposed to如今我们们经常接触19. Nowadays, it is no surprise to find out that如今,发现已不足为奇。20. , for its obvious value in the modern world, has become the first choice.由于其在现代世界中的明显价值,已然成为的第一选择。21. There have been reports that有许多报道称22. Surveys reveal that调查显示23. In recent years, newspape

5、r headlines have seen many近年来,经常出现在新闻头条里。21. Nowadays, has been a high frequency phrase in media reports.如今,成了媒体报道中的高频词。25. has grown to be more and more popular in recent years.近年来,变得越来越热门。26. has turned.into a heated issue.使成为了一个热门话题。27. Due to, there has been an increase in.in recent years由于近年来不断

6、增多。28. These days has received much popularity among young people.如今在年轻人中十分流行29. has been constantly heating up all over the world在全世界持续升温30.As a popular from of leisure and entertainment, is what many people look forward to作为流行的休闲娱乐方式,是很多人所期待的31. In recent years, it has become a widespread problem

7、that近年来有一个普遍的问题,就是32.Nowadays,has become a serious problein in如今,在已经成为一个严重的问题四、表达不同观点句型33. People hold different opinions towards this phenomenon. Some people thinkon the contrary, others believe人们对此现象看法不一。有些人认为。相反,另一些人认为34. peoples view differs toward this phenomenon. Some of them are afraidthat Wh

8、ereas, some others hold that对此现象人们的看法不一。一些人担心,然而,另一些人却认为35. Is it necessary to.? It is a controversial question. .is in favor ofHowever, there are still quite a few people who有必要吗?这是一个有争议的问题。赞成。然而,仍然有不少人36. Peoples view on differs greatly. Some people think In contrast, others argue that人们对于的看法大不相同。

9、一些人认为,。相反,另外一些人争辩说37. Heated discussion has been generated by this phenomenon. It is held by some people that.However, others disagree with the view mentioned above. They argue that这一现象引发了人们热烈的讨论。有些人认为。然而,其他一些人不赞同上述观点。他们认为38. Regarding peoples opinions vary from person to person. Some peoplethink th

10、atNevertheless, other people claim that关于,人们的看法大不相同。有些人认为。然而,另外一些人称39. Peoples opinions are divided on this issue. Some people hold that In contrast. others think that大家对此的看法各异。一些人认为但是,其他一分人认为40. Different opinions can be perceived with regard to this phenomenon. One voice is that In contrast. other

11、 people argue that对于此现象,我们可以发现不同的现点。一种现点认为相反,另一种观点则认为41. This phenomenon arouses much controversy. Some think that.But otherpeople look at this with这种现象引起了很多争议。一些人认为。但另外一些人则对此42.peoples view differs with regard to.Some claim that. In contrast, other people believe that关于人们的看法各异。有人声称。相反,另外一些人认为五、分析原因

12、句型43, One may ask,why.? For one thingFor another有人可能会问,为什么?首先,其次,44. Among the reasons that lead to, comes first. The second reason isBesides导致的原因中,当属第一。第二个原因是。此外45. There are mainly two reasons for this.pheenomenon . FirstSecond造成这种现象的原因主要有两个。首先,。其次46. The reasons for can be concluded as follows. F

13、irstly Secondly造成的原因可以总结如下。首先,。其次47. The reasons behind can be listed as bellow. FirstlySecondly背后的原因可以罗列如下:第一第二48. Is no doubt to blame. But. also should hold responsible for无疑是一个原因。但也要为负责任。49. is the most important reason forAnother reason is that是导致最重要的原因。另一个原因是50. The reasons are as follows. Fir

14、stly Secondly理由如下:首先,。其次5l. Why does become a usual phenomenon in this field? First and foremost.SecondThird为十么成了这个领域的常见现象了?首先其次再次52. The huge success ofshould torather than的成动应该归功而非六、引出优缺点、不足、影响句型53. Evidence mounts thatdoes make peoples life better. However, has brought about problems as well越来越多的

15、证据表明,的确能让生活变得更美好。然而也带来了一些问题54. . as is the case with many issues, have both merits and demerits正知许多事物一样,也是既有优点也有不足的。55. As far as I am concerned.is like a double-edged sword, which can do both good and harm在我看来,是一把双刃剑,既有利又有弊。56. This may bring.with many disadvantages. The first disadvantage may beOt

16、her undesirable effects, for instance, may also appear这可能会给带来许多劣势。第一个势可能是。其他不良影响例如,也可能出现。57. Indeed, has its advantages. Firstly, .Secondly, .But. also has somany challenges to meet. Lack of . are the obstacles for的确,有它的优势。首先,。其次,。但也要面对许多挑战。缺乏是的障碍。58. The first problem isThe second problem isThere e

17、xist other problems too. such as.第一个问题是。第二个问题是。还存在其他问题,如。59. However, sometimes problems arise. First, . In addition然而有时候问题也会发生。首先,。此外,60. As I see it. there are both benefits and drawbacks for. On the one handOn the other hand,在我看来,有利也有弊。一方面,另一方面6l. will pose health risks to both and可能增加和的健康风险。七、提出

18、引出解决办法句型62. In oner to.in a proper way, if is suggestive that为了妥善建议63. In view of the seriousness of this problem. it is urgent to由于问题的严重性,是很紧迫的64.Facing these problems, some avice may be helpful. Most crucially Furthermore面对这些问题,一些建议成许有助。最重要的是此外65. It will be very beneficial to,so 将是十分有益的,所以66. My

19、advice is that我的建议是67. To solve this problem, it is suggestive thatMoreover为解决这一问题,建议。再者68. As I see it. is closely related to., so it is of great significance that 在我看来,与惠息相关。因此,很重要69. In order to closely related toso it is of great significance that在我看来,与息息相关。因此很重要70. In order to get rid of it is

20、of great importance that Additiinally为了摆脱,非常重要,除此之外get nd ofms it is of great importanceIt. Addition71 requires efforts from three aspects. Firstly, Secondly. Thirdly需要三方面的努力。首先,。其次,。最后,。72. To change this situation,strong measures should be takenfirstlySecondly, . Last but not least为了改善这种情况,应当采取强有力

21、的措施,首先,其次最后73. In light of, effectve measures should be taken immediately. First of all it is crucial that. Second, it is necessary to鉴于,我们应当采取强有力的措施。首先其次,有必要八、引出个人观点句型74. For my part在我看来75. As I see it在我看来76. As for me对我而言77. Personally, I think我个人认为78., From my minds view,在我看来,。79. From my standpo

22、int, we should在我看来,我们应该80. In my view, we should not在我看来,我们不应该。8I. From my perspective, . will not be replaced in the short term就我而言,不可能在短期内被取代。82. Taking the different opinions into account, I believe.综合考虑不同观点,我认为83. From my viewpoint. .should be encouraged for they can. while we should take measur

23、es to.在我看来,我们应当鼓励,因为它们可以。同时,也要来取措施84. As far as I am concerned, since. they should我认为,既然,他们应该。九、图表作文引出变化趋势句型85. The graph demonstrates that the number of. is growing/declining rapidly in该图表显示,期间的数量快速增长下降86. As is shown in the graph, the number ofincreases/declines rapidly year by year正如图表所示,人数每年在快速增

24、减87. The period, to. saw. increase/decrease in the number of至期间,的数量出现了的增长减少。88. It can be seen from the chart thatdropped/declined/fell/reduced to依图可见,下降到了89. It can be concluded from the chart that the number of. fluctuate betweenand依图判断,至期间,的数量出现了流动十,表明写信目的句型90. I am writing to apply for 我此番来信希望申请

25、91. I am writing to invite you to我此番来信是邀请你92.I am writing to lodge the complaint about我此番来信旨在投诉93.I am writing to apologize for the fact.我此番写信是为向您道歉94. I feel that it is my obligation to make suggestions concerning the use of我认为我有责任就的使用情况提一些建议十、书信中表期望句型95. It is our sincere hope that我们诚挚的希望96. I ind

26、eed wish that我真诚地希望97.I would appreciate your assistance and inspection into this matte若您能协助并调查此事,我将十分感谢。98. I would really appreciate it if my suggestion could ve cobsidered and positive changes take place in this regard如果能够考虑我的这个建议并在这方面做出改进,我将感激不尽99.I do appreciate your help and look forward to your early reply真心感您的帮助,并期望尽快得到您的答复l00. it would be much appreciated if you could如果你能,我将非常感谢


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