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1、1大学英语(四) 期中测试注意:选项有变动,请对仔细!第 1 题: allocation A A.分配 B. 位置 C. 联合第 2 题:dignity B A. 义愤 B. 高雅 C. 尊严第 3 题:cultivate B A. 计算 B. 耕作 C. 教育第 4 题:resist A A. 抵抗 B. 坚持 C. 在于第 5 题:awkward A A. 笨拙的 B. 向前的 C. 灵巧的第 6 题:pension B A. 廉价物 B. 养老金 C. 供给第 7 题: injustice (C) A 干预 B 道义 C 不公正 第 8 题: withdraw (A) A 撤退 B 奉献

2、 C 前进第 9 题: authority (A) A 权威 B 当局 C 作者第 10 题: cemetery (B) A 纪念 B 公墓 C 水泥第 11 题:positive B A.否定的 B.肯定的 C.消极的第 12 题: campaign A A. 活动 B. 野营 C. 欲望第 13 题: privilege C A. 村庄 B. 隐私 C. 特权第 14 题: durable A A. 耐用的 B. 预期的 C. 常用的第 15 题:conservative B A. 保密的 B. 保守的 C. 合理的第 16 题: rational (B) A 非法的 B 合理的 C 杂乱

3、的第 17 题: computation (B) A 编程 B 计算 C 输入第 18 题: appetite (A)A 食欲 B 苹果 C 厌恶第 19 题: startling (C)A 颤抖的 B 开始的 C 令人吃惊的第 20 题: bargain (A)A 廉价品 B 次品 C 贵重物品 第 21 题: adjustment (A)A 调整 B 连接 C 培训2第 22 题: reserve (A)A 保留 B 服务 C 重复第 23 题: program (B)A 输出 B 编程 C 执行第 24 题: optional (C)A 唯一的 B 理想的 C 任选的 第 25 题: f

4、amiliar (B) A 家庭的 B 熟知的 C 子女的第 26 题:insurance AA.保险 B.保护 C.担保第 27 题:grant AA.同意 B.奖励 C.欣赏第 28 题:abandon CA.允诺 B.遵守 C.放弃第 29 题:revenge AA.报复 B.报恩 C.感恩第 30 题:deem AA 认为 B 似乎 C 想念第 31 题:cultivate BA 文化 B 种植 C 挖掘第 32 题:forward BA 装船 B 转运 C 保留第 33 题:campaign CA 露营 B 策略 C 活动第 34 题:minimize CA 最大化 B 中等化 C

5、最小化第 35 题:statistics CA 宣言 B 策划 C 统计第 36 题:proportion AA 比例 B 合适 C 紧张第 37 题:exceed BA 落后 B 超越 C 加强第 38 题:reimburse BA 计算 B 报销 C 遭受第 39 题:currency BA 时尚 B 货币 C 现在第 40 题:shortage AA 短缺 B 富足 C 溢装第 41 题:bargain AA 廉价品 B 次品 C 贵重物品第 42 题:representative AA 代表 B 样品 C 外表第 43 题:authority BA 作者 B 权威 C 能力第 44 题

6、:expert CA 出口 B 进口 C 专家3第 45 题:unified CA 杂乱的 B 合理的 C 统一的第 46 题:commission AA 委员会 B 任务 C 原则第 47 题:revenue CA 支出 B 场馆 C 收入第 48 题:expand BA 缩小 B 扩展 C 调整第 49 题:deposit AA 存款 B 付款 C 贷款第 50 题:proportion AA 比例 B 合适 C 中等第 51 题:dignity BA 生气 B 尊严 C 紧张第 52 题:surplus AA 过剩 B 不足 C 持平第 52 题:deputy AA 代理人 B 经纪人

7、C 主管第 53 题: injustice BA 公平 B 不公平 C 邪恶第 1 题: His white hair _B_ his dark skinA. is on sharp contrast with B. is in sharp contrast to C. is in sharp contrast from D. is for sharp contrast to第 2 题: _A_ the laid-off workers leads to lower wage.A. An oversupply of B. A short supply of C. A great demand

8、for D. No demand for第 3 题: _A_ the tropical heat was more difficult than they had expected.A.Adjusting to B. Adjust to C. To be adjusted to D. Adjusted to第 4 题: It is no longer _B_for us to run the service.A.economy B. economic C.economize D. economical第 5 题: The prototype engines never went into _B

9、_.A.productive B. production C.product D. produce第 6 题: _C_ lung cancer, smoking can cause loss of weight and impair vision.A. Except B. Beside C. In addition to D. For第 7 题: We should treat the elder _C_.A. with difference B. with indifference C. with deference D. with intelligence第 8 题: This is a

10、major, but long _B_ reform which will benefit around 4 million low-paid people.A. due to B. overdue C. due for D. due from第 9 题: _A_ care in hospitals is given to the seriously ill.A. Intensive B. Tense C. Strained D. Loose第 10 题: I should like to hear a _A_opinions on this matter, not just one.A. v

11、ariety of B. various C. vary D. variation of第 11 题: At the bad news, her hopes _A_.A. withered away B. drove away C. ran away D. appeared第 12 题: Having six children and no income, the widow _A_.A. was badly situated B. were badly situated C. was badly situating D. were badly situating4第 13 题: It is

12、the _B_ of the plastic windows that most appeals to the customerA. possibility B. durability C. oddity C. oddity第 14 题:He gets _A_ piles of homework.A. engaged in B. engaging in C. interested in D. interesting in第 15 题:All donations are used _A_ of the disabled children.A. for the benefit B. in bene

13、fit C. to the benefit D. out of benefit第 16 题: We must _D_ our working arrangements or nothing will ever get done.A. systemize B. system C. systematic D. systemized第 17 题: Their success was _B_ the result of thorough preparation.A.in some measures B. in some measure C. to some measure D. with some m

14、easures第 18 题: Mrs. William is a very _ D _ person, and she always knows exactly what she wants to do.A.decide B. decision C. decided D. decisive第 19 题: The clever politician knows how to _A_ public opinion.A. manipulate B. manage C. regulate D. dominate第 20 题:Political tensions may _B_ the likeliho

15、od of a nuclear war.A. decrease B. increase C. lead to D. increasing 第 21 题: “Workmanship” in the last paragraph can be paraphrased as_C_.A. tailors wage B. the clothing factory C. the skill used in making clothes D. the ship design on the clothes第 22 题: _A_ care in hospitals is given to the serious

16、ly ill.A. Intensive B. Tense C. Strained D. Loose第 23 题: At the bad news, her hopes _A_.A. withered away B. drove away C. ran away D. appeared第 24 题: All of the following are closely related to the style of clothing except_A_.A. price B. shape C. odor D. workmanship16、Mrs William is a very _D_ perso

17、n, and she always knows exactly what she wants to doA、Decide B、decision C、decided D、decisive1、The film appears to be quite complicated but its_a love storyA、Original B、distressing C、introduced D、basically E、dependable F、lose G、reservation H、effect I、Communicating J、diplomatic2、Jane smiled at Mike,_h

18、er affection for him with her eyesA、Original B、distressing C、introduced D、basically E、dependable F、lose G、reservation H、effect I、Communicating J、diplomatic3、If you _ your credit card, phone this number immediatelyA、Original B、distressing C、introduced D、basically E、dependable F、lose G、reservation H、e

19、ffect I、Communicating J、diplomatic4、All my efforts to persuade them were beginning to have an_A、Original B、distressing C、introduced D、basically E、dependable F、lose G、reservation H、effect I、Communicating J、diplomatic5、Customers are advised to make seat _ well in advanceA、Original B、distressing C、intr

20、oduced D、basically E、dependable F、lose G、reservation H、effect I、Communicating J、diplomatic6、He thought of himself as a responsible and _ personA、Original B、distressing C、introduced D、basically E、dependable F、lose G、reservation 5H、effect I、Communicating J、diplomatic7、Our _plan was to go camping, but

21、it was pouring with rainA、Original B、distressing C、introduced D、basically E、dependable F、lose G、reservation H、effect I、Communicating J、diplomatic8、He joined the_services and was posted to ChinaA、Original B、distressing C、introduced D、basically E、dependable F、lose G、reservation H、effect I、Communicatin

22、g J、diplomatic9、It has been nearly 2000 years since Buddhism was_ to ChinaA、Original B、distressing C、introduced D、basically E、dependable F、lose G、reservation H、effect I、Communicating J、diplomatic10、To be in a strange city without money and friends is an extremely_situationA、Original B、distressing C、

23、introduced D、basically E、dependable F、lose G、reservation H、effect I、Communicating J、diplomatic第 1 题:那时有 200 个孩子在这个学校学音乐、舞蹈或戏剧。 (B)A There were then 200 children study music, dancing or dramatics at the school.B There were then 200 children studying music, dancing or dramatics at the school.C There w

24、ere then 200 children studied music, dancing or dramatics at the school.第 2 题: 她被任命为戏剧协会主席。A.She was appointed as president of the Drama Society.B.She was appointed the president of the Drama SocietyC.She was appointed president of the Drama Society.第 3 题: 如果你在炎热的夏日将你的小汽车停车场里而不开车窗,当你回到汽车里时,汽车就会热得像一个

25、烤箱。A. If you park your car in the parking lot on a hot summer day with the windows shut, the car will be hot as an oven, when you get back inside it.B. If you park your car in the parking lot in a hot summer day with the windows closed, the car will be as hot as an oven, when you get back inside it.

26、C. If you park your car in the parking lot at a hot summer day with the windows shut, the car will be hot as an oven, when you get back inside it第 4 题:在一些国家,香烟制造商必须在每个香烟盒上印出吸烟有害的广告。A. In some countries, cigarette manufacturers have to print on each packet of cigarettes a warning announced the danger

27、 of smoking.B. In some countries, cigarette manufacturers have to print on each packet of cigarettes a warning announcing the danger of smoking.C. In some countries, cigarette manufacturers have to print on each packet of cigarettes a warning announce the danger of smoking.第 5 题:这篇文章很难,学生们花费了大量的时间学习

28、它。A. The text is so difficult that the students spend plenty of time on learning it.B. The text is so difficult that the students spend plenty of time to learn it.C. The text is so difficult that the students spend plenty of time learning it.第 6 题:计算机在中国的图书馆中起着越来越重要的作用。A.Computers are playing a more

29、 important role in Chinas libraries.B.Computers are playing an increasingly important role in Chinas libraries.C.Computers are playing such an important role in Chinas libraries.第 7 题: 早在内战结束前,林肯总统就找说重建国家的计划。A. Lincoln President had a plan for rebuild the nation even before the civil war was over.B.

30、 President Lincoln had a plan for rebuilding the nation even before the civil war was over.C. President Lincoln had a plan for rebuilding the nation even before the civil war was end.6第 8 题:昨晚他去听了那个著名教授的讲座。A.He attended the lecture given by the famous professor last evening.B.He attended to the lect

31、ure given by the famous professor last evening.C.He attended the lecture giving by the famous professor last evening.第 9 题:计算机具有如此广泛的日常用途,以至于没有它商业世界将难以运作。A. Computers have so many everyday uses that the business world would stop without them.B. Computers have such many every day uses that the busine

32、ss world would stop without them.C. Computers have so many everyday uses that the business world would run without them.第 10 题: 在过去的十年里,世界的经济结构发生了巨大的变化。A.In the past decade, dramatic changes have taken place in the structure of the world economy.B.In the past decade, dramatic changes took place in t

33、he structure of the world economy.C.In the past decade, dramatic changes has taken place in the structure of the world economy.4、要在三个小时内完成这项实验是不可能的A.It is quite impossible to finish this experiment within three hoursB.It is quite impossible finish this experiment within three hoursC.It is quite impo

34、ssiblely to finish this experiment within three hours6、他走的很快,既不向左看,也不向右看。A、He walked quickly, look neither to the right nor to the leftB、He walked quickly, looking neither to the right nor to the leftC、He walked quickly, looking neither to the right or to the left3、那本书值得再读一遍。A、The book is worth read

35、ing a second time B、The book is worth to read a second timeC、The book is worth read a second time19、他有一边做作业一边听音乐的习惯A、He has the habit of listening to background music while do his homeworkB、He has the habit of listen to background music while do his homeworkC、He has the habit of listening to backgro

36、und music while doing his homework20、我很遗憾地通知你,你被解雇了。A、I regret to inform you that you dismissed B、I regret to inform you that you are dismissedC、I regret informing you that you are dismissed13、历史给我们提供了许多事例说明教育是一个国家实现现代化的关键。(A、History has provided us with a lot of examples to show that education is t

37、he key to realization of the modernization of a countryB、History has provided us a lot of examples to show that education is the key to realization of the modernization of a countryC、History has provided us for a lot of examples to show that education is the key to realization of the modernization o

38、f a country14、这么多年来,林肯总统已经成为美国梦的象征。他是从一位乡村男孩成长为一位国家总统的。 BA、Through the years, President Lincoln becomes a symbol of American dream He was the country boy who grew up to be President of the countryB、Through the years, President Lincoln has become a symbol of American dream He was the country boy who

39、grew up to be President of the countryC、Through the years, President Lincoln has become a symbol of American dream He is the country boy who grew up to be President of the country7以下是阅读理解:(Reading comprehension. Read the passage below, and choose the only one right answer from the four choices given

40、.)If George Washington were able to travel back and forth in time, he would feel much more at home in ancient Babylon, 3700 years before his time, than in our modern age, 200 years after he lived. Torches, chariots, and rough streets, like those of Babylon in 2060 B.C., would not surprise him. He re

41、ad by candlelight and rode in carriages on unpaved roads. He never saw a building more than four stories high. Electric lights, autos, highways, and skyscrapers would amaze him When Washington was ill, he might have expected to be cut and bled to let out the “bad blood” that was making him sick. He

42、would not know what a modern doctor meant by serums, germs, and allergies. If the Father of His Country could visit the United States now, he might think that he had landed on another planet!Question: To arrive in ancient Babylon, Washington would have to go (D)A200 years back in time B2000 years fo

43、rward in time C3700 years forward in time D3700 years back in timeQuestion: The best title for this selection is (C)A How life has changed! B Washington, father of his countryC George Washington in Ancient Babylon D 200 years ago Question: George Washington read by (A)A candlelight B firelight C gas

44、light D torchlightQuestion: The doctors of Washingtons time (D)A were magicians B did not try to cure illness C discovered allergies D bled their patientsQuestion: In George Washingtons America, there were no (A)Atall buildings Bcities Cunpaved roads DcarriagesAnimals are natural resources that people have wasted all through our history. Animals have been killed for their fur and feathers, for food, for sport, and simply because they were in the way. Thousands of kinds of animals have disappeared from the earth f


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