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1、GET Cloze2012/6“ A better, richer and happier life for all our citizens.” Thats the American 41. In practice, it means living in a spacious, air-conditioned house, owning a car or three and maybe a boat or a holiday home, not to mention flying off to 42 destinations.The trouble 43 this lifestyle is

2、that it consumes a lot of power. If everyone in the world started living like wealthy Americans, we 44 need to generate more than 10 times45 energy each year. And 46, in a century or three, we all expect to be47 by an army of robots and zoom up into space on holidays, we are going to need a vast amo

3、unt more. Where are we going to get so much power from?It is clear that continuing to rely on 48 fuels will have catastrophic results, because of the dramatic warming effect of carbon dioxide. But alternative power sources will affect the climate too. For now, the climatic effects of “clean energy“

4、sources are trivial 49 those that spew out greenhouse gases, but if we keep on using ever more power over the coming centuries, they will become ever more 50.41. A.constitution B.dream C.history D.character42. A.exotic B.patriotic C.supersonic D.alcoholic 43. A.on B.for C.at D.with44. A.shall B.will

5、 C.should D.would45. A.much more B.more than C.as much D.of more46. A.if B.though C.while D.so47. A.taken to B.attended to C.attached to D.submitted to 48. A.rock B.stone C.fossil D.diamond49. A.according to B.based on C.such as D.compared with50. A.signified B.imperative C.indispensable D.negligibl

6、e 2012/12E-commerce has revolutionized the way business is done in todays market. However, customers are at 41 of purchasing false products or poor quality items. Many 42 the distance between customers and send the wrong goods and lure clients to buy goods recommended as great 43 , but when customer

7、s receive these items, they find themselves falling into traps.Many dangers, 44 by the obscurity of e-commerce, involve the products and the electronic transaction. From the buyers 45 , dangers include purchasing products not measuring 46 what was previous advertised in the website. Another risk is

8、identity theft. Since electronic transactions are needed to complete the purchase, hackers may acquire 47 information about the user to make other purchases. There are still honest business that sell their products and services but gain a very small profit by 48 the prices of their products because

9、they have a lot of competition in the Internet. That is 49 one of the hazards of e-commerce that should be considered is the bankruptcy of business since profit is low of they need 50 their goods as cheaply as possible.41. A.time B.random C.sight D.risk42. A.take advantage of B.cast doubt on C.give

10、rise to D.go ahead with43. A.deceptions B.bargains C.opportunities D.advertisements 44. A.managed B.created C.prevented D.led 45. A.prospect B.aspect C.respect D.perspective46. A.as to B.prior to C.up to D.next to 47. A.confidential B.superficial C.potential D.initial 48. A.raising B.disqualifying C

11、.exaggerating D.minimizing 49. A.how B.because C.why D.where 50. A.selling B.to sell C.sell D.sold 2013/6There are two primary causes of traffic accidents, those that are caused by the driver and those that are environmental and outside the drivers control. 41 environmental issues like weather or po

12、or road maintenance may cause an accident, statistically these are far less likely to do so. Driver distractions prove to be the main cause of accidents. The most 42 distractions are looking at traffic, crashes and roadside incidents. While it is widely believed that cell phones are a greater cause,

13、 cell phones only 43 sixth on the list. 44 , laws to limit cell phone use while driving do not decrease accidents. Hands-free phones are 45 than hand-held devices.Alcohol was a factor in at least 41 percent of all fatal crashes. Alcohol 46 affects vision, reaction time and attention of the driver, a

14、nd decreases overall driving performance. Fatigue 47 100,000 vehicle crashes per year,killing 48 1,500 people and injuring 71,000 people. Accidents caused by fatigue are particularly 49 for truck drivers and ages 15 to 20 who were 50 a fatal crash in 2005, 37 percent were speeding at the time of the

15、 crash.41. A. Because B. If C. While D. However 42. A.disruptive B.constructive C.instructive D.descriptive43. A. come across B.come on C.come about D.come in44. A. Even so B. In fact C. By contrast D. For example45. A.no longer safe B.not so safe C.more safer D.no more safe46. A. adversely B.favora

16、bly C.scarcely D.affectionately47. A.stands for B.runs for C.accounts for D.compensates for48. A.as much as B.as long as C.as soon as D.as many as49. A. rare B.prevalent C.populous D.necessary50. A.lost in B.situated in C.involved in D.indulged in2013/12As a society, were living longer and better th

17、an at any time in history. In part, this is due to 1 advances. Death rates are down, life 41 is higher than ever, and were making progress 4 2 the most serious diseases we face. As we consider the direction health care will 43 in the future, one thing is certain: new, innovative medicines will assum

18、e an increasingly 44 role in the way we improve the quality of care for future generations. One 45 role of new medicines will be the prevention, treatment, and management of many diseases suffered by the aging Baby Boomer generation. In the year 2000,there were 46 35.6 million Americans aged 65 and

19、older. By 2030, this number is 47 to double to an estimated 71.5 million. Disease like diabetes represent a growing threat, 48 to patients but to our ability to keep health care affordable. We have to do better in our lifestyles and in our health care system to 49 an enormous disease burden and econ

20、omic burden on the boomer themselves, their families, employers, and federal and state governments. Mew drugs are a vital part of the solution to this rapidly 50 issue.41. A.expression B.expectancy C.exploration D.exploitation42. A. against B.for C.without D.towards43. A.concern B.implement C.addres

21、s D.take44. A.populous B.prominent C.preliminary D.preferential45. A.crude B.concise C.critical D.capable46. A.roughly B.sincerely C.toughly D.desperately47. A.pronounced B.provided C.prohibited D.projected48. A.except for B.not only C.instead of D.as much49. A.live up to B.lose sight of C.stay clea

22、r of D.be stuck in50. A.emerging B.appearing C.booming D.diminishing2014/6The word “smog” has become a household world in urban China. Smog is an 41 of greenhouse gases and pollutants that reduce visibility and harm respiratory functions. Smog is typically 42 cities with high concentrations of cars

23、and factories. The population density, amount of industry and the fuels used 43 together to have an impact on smog levels. During summer, smog is worse 44 the production of ozone, the main component of smog, increases in strong sunlight. The important thing to understand about smog is that this kind

24、 of pollution is spread out 45 large distance.Walking, biking or using public transportation can help limit ozone production. 46 , decreasing household electricity use and keeping your vehicles fuel-efficient reduces 47 greenhouse gases. Checking tire pressure, oil levels, air filters and getting re

25、gular maintenance help 48 fuel efficiency. Be sure to use only the fuel recommended in the vehicles user 49 . Simple steps like avoiding stop-and-go traffic and reducing vehicle workload decrease smog-related emissions. To lighten the workload, avoid running the air-conditioner, 50 the engine and ca

26、rrying heavy objects in the vehicle.41.A. arbitration B.accumulation C.optimization D.evaluation42.A. accompanied by B.obliged to C.immersed in D.associated with43.A.work B.get C.play D.put44.A.so B.because C.before D. until45.A.between B.beneath C.within D.over46.A. In addition B.after all C. By co

27、ntrast D. At first47.A. ozone-produced B.ozone-production C.ozone-producing D.ozone-producer48.A.constrain B.refrain C.restrain D.maintain49.A.illustration B.road map C.manual D.prescription50.A.idling B.burning C.emptying D.exhibiting2015/1Small business owners can sometimes feel like its a dog-eat

28、-dog world out there, If you fall behind,even 41 , a more tech-shrewd business with greater resources could appear from nowhere and take your customers. But competition among businesses does not 42 mean war. 43 viewing other companies only as competitors, business owners should look at them as poten

29、tial collaborators, Collaboration is 44 to every business there are so many opportunities out there for businesses to work together to exchange ideas and increase purchasing 45 .There are plenty of ways that small business owners can use the neighbor principle and collaborate to 46 mutual growth. An

30、 independent Web development company can offer their website design services to other local businesses 47 a link back on the homepage. Small businesses with similar inventory needs can combine their orders to receive 48 wholesale prices. An entertainment company can host an event at a restaurant in

31、town to bring in business 49 marketing its own services. These real-life examples from win-win users prove that working for and with other small businesses can be more powerful than 50 them.41.A.in the past B.at your disposal C.for a moment D.on your own42.A.necessarily B.hardly C.solely D.infinitel

32、y43.A.Because of B.Apart from C.As for D.Instead of44.A.vicious B.vital C.vocational D.vacant45.A.strength B.force C.might D.power46.A.come about B.bring about C.look about D.inquire about47.A.in exchange for B.in relation to C.in comparison withD.in case of48.A.discouraged B.dissatisfied C.dismissed D.discounted49.A.while B.unless C.if D.though50.A.working out B.working up C.working against D.working on


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