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1、清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:http:/ 清华大学英语教授 50 年研究成果英语国际音标表(48 个)元音(20 个)辅音(28 个)轻辅音 /p/颇/t/特/k/克/f/佛/四(咬舌音)/s/四浊辅音 /b/伯/d/得/g/个/v/勿/字(咬舌音)/z/自长元音 /:/啊(长音)/:/奥(长音)/:/额(长音)/i:/一(长音)/U:/屋(长音)短元音 /阿/奥/额/一/U:/屋/e/挨/挨/e/和拼音的“ei”一样/a/挨/外双元音 /一而/e/挨而/U/勿而/U/欧/aU/袄轻辅音 /是/h/和/ts/差(ci)/t/迟/tr/缺浊辅音 /日/r/若/dz/资/

2、d/之/dr/鼻音 /m/呣/n/呢/半元音 /j/也/ w/我边音 /了英语音标及字母组合对照1.元音:1) i: 字母组合:ee ea e ie ei (eo ey i)three tree green sheep meet beef see seek eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean pleasehe she me piece receive ceiling 2) I 发音字母 i y e ui u asit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build miss

3、myth many twenty happy dictionarydefect decide delicious 3) 发音字母 abag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man 4) e 字母组合 ea e a (ue,u,ie,ai,ei,ay)head bread pleasureelephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yesmany any 5) : 字母组合 ir ur ear er orgirl s

4、hirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burgerlearn earn earth heardterm her nerd servework worm work world 6) 字母组合 er or ou ar o a e uteacher leader remember player speaker farmer powderdoctor actor mayor author tractordelicious gracious pleasure familiar collar

5、 dollar together tomorrow today shallop lesson Washington control polite around account ago elephant manta banana Canada Japan chinamen listen famulus Saturday 7) a: 字母组合 ar acar farm card arm gardenfast class last glass plant aunt calm 8) 发音字母 u o ou oo up supper lunch fun gun hunt cup buscome moth

6、er dose brother love above trouble rough flourishblood flood9) : 字母组合 al or au our arsmall wall talk tall hall ball call walk short more lord horse for forty sport door floor store author caught autumnfour mourn court bought warm quarrel quarter 10) ()发音字母 o a ouhot lost lot fox box mop hop loss col

7、lar notwant wash watch 11) u: 字母组合 oo o ufood moon room gloom broom doom goose toothshoe do twotrue truth blue full prude12) u 字母组合 oo ou u olook good foot book wood should could put full bull pull pushwoman wolf 13) ei 发音字母 a ay ea ai ey name cake late gate plane April play say may way great break

8、rain paint plainthey grey 14) ai 发音字母 i y bike fine find die nine light night high my try fly eye15) au 字母组合 ou ow house out flour ground account count sound loud around mouseflower down now cow how town16) u 发音字母 o ow oa home cold go no phone host ghost know low below grow blow show flowboat coat g

9、oal17) 字母组合 oy oiboy toy joy oil soil voice choice 18) i 字母组合 eer ear beer deer ear near here fierce idea19) (e)字母组合 ear air erepear bear chair air fair there wherecare20) u au字母组合 our ower hour tour flower shower48个英语音标犹如 60个汉语拼音,只要熟练地掌握了它们,对学习英语的作用是相当大的。清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:http:/ 清华大学英语教授研究

10、组提供牛津小学英语 4A重点单词与句型单词:pen , ruler , rubber , ball pen , pencil case , bookmark , pencil , notebook , book , this , that 句型:1. A: May I come in?B: Yes. /Sure. Come in, please.2. A: May I have a copybook ? 我可以要一本抄写本吗?B: Yes. /Sure. Here you are. 可以/当然可以. 给你 .3. A: May I have a notebook for Gao Shan? 我

11、可以为高山要一本笔记本吗?B: Yes./Sure. Here you are. 可以/当然可以 。给你。4. A: This pen is for you. 这支钢笔给你B: Thank you. 谢谢你.5. A: This rubber is for Gao Shan. 这块橡皮给高山.B: OK./All right. 好的. Unit2单词:dog , cat , tiger , lion , panda , monkey , bear , rabbit , my , your , his , her , 句型:1. A: Whats this/that? 这个/那个是什么?B: I

12、ts a bear. 是个熊.2. A: This is Thats your/his/her, I think. B: Yes, it is./ No, it isnt .例如: A: This is his monkey, I think. 我认为这是他的猴子。B: No, it isnt. 不,不是的。3. A: Id like a lion, please. 我想要一个狮子。B: Here you are . 给你。4. A: Can I have a look? 我能看一看吗?B: Yes. /Sure. Here you are. 可以,给你。5. A: Can you see t

13、he toys? 你能看见玩具吗?B: Yes, I can. /No, I cant. 是的,我能。/不,我不能。Unit3单词:key , umbrella , crayon , water bottle , storybook , fan , purse , tape , perhaps句型:1. A: Is this/that my /your/his/her?B: Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.例如:A: Is this your key? 这是你的钥匙吗?B: No, it isnt. 不, 不是的。2. A: Wheres my /your /his /her

14、?B: Perhaps its in /on例如:A: Wheres her purse? 她的钱包在哪儿?B: Perhaps its in the bag. 也许在那个包里。3. A: Thank you. 谢谢你。B: Not at all. 不客气。4. Excuse me, 对不起,打扰一下。Unit4单词:car , bus , bike , puppet , puzzle , balloon , kite , doll句型:1. A: Whats this /that in English? 这个/那个用英语怎么说?B: Its a 是2. A: Do you like ?B:

15、Yes, I do . /No , I dont.例如:(1) A: Do you like puppets? 你喜欢木偶吗?B: Yes, I do. 是的,我喜欢。(2) A: Do you like this kite? 你喜欢这个风筝吗?B: No, I dont. 不,我不喜欢。3. A: Heres a doll for you. 给你一个玩具娃娃。B: Thank you very much. 非常感谢。4. Look at 看5. Lets 让我们Unit6单词:a pair of jeans , a pair of gloves , a pair of socks , a p

16、air of shoes , a pair of shorts , scarf , sweater , jacket , big , small , long , short 句型:1. A: Whose is this /are they?B: Its /Theyre例如:(1) A: Whose jacket is this? 这件夹克衫是谁的?B: Its Su Yangs. 是苏扬的。(2) A: Whose gloves are they ? 这副手套是谁的?B: Theyre my fathers. 是我的父亲的。2. The sweater is too big. 这件毛衣太大了

17、。The jeans are too long. 那条牛仔裤太长了。3. Try on. 试穿例如:Try this sweater on. 试穿这件毛线衣。Try this pair of jeans on. 试穿这条牛仔裤。4. Dont worry. 别担心。Unit7单词:one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight , nine , ten 句型:1. A: Whats the time, please? 请问几点了?B: Its seven fifty. 七点五十了。2. A: What time do you? 你什么

18、时间?B: Iat /At例如:A: What time do you get up? 你什么时间起床?B: I get up at six thirty. /At six thirty. 六点三十。3. Its time to 时间到了。Its time to go to school. 上学的时间到了。4. Shall we? 我们好吗?例如 Shall we go by bus? 我们乘公共汽车去好吗? Unit8单词:eat , drink , draw , write , read , copy , close , open句型:祈使句要求掌握例如:1. Open the door,

19、 please. 请打开门。2. Dont eat the pear. 不要吃这个梨。Unit9单词:tired , ill , hot , cold , hungry , thirsty 句型:1. A: Whats the matter ? 怎么了?B: Im cold/ 我冷/2. A: Are you hungry? 你饿吗?B: Yes, I am. /No, Im not. 是的,我饿了。/不,我不饿。3. Why dont you? 你为什么不?例如:Why dont you have a cake now. 你为什么不吃块蛋糕?4. A: What a nice car! 多么漂亮的小汽车啊!B: Thank you. 谢谢。清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:http:/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供Unit 9 Spring FestivalLesson 17


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