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1、新版译林六年级英语上册 U1-2 测试卷听力部分(30 分)一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词或词组。(听两遍)(10 分)( ) 1. A. clean B. clever C. class D. classroom( ) 2. A. king B. boy C. people D. man( ) 3. A. liked B. visited C. showed D. walked( ) 4. A. jacket B. wear C. kilt D. jeans( ) 5. A. short B. long C. ago D. got( ) 6. A. happy B. new C. old D

2、. make( ) 7. A. angry B. foolish C. cry D. shout( ) 8. A. new clothes B. magic clothes C. make clothes D. like clothes( ) 9. A. try on B. point to C. shout at D. look at( ) 10. A. looked B. lived C. liked D. played二、根据你所听到的问句选择合适的答句。(听两遍)(5 分)( ) 1. A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, there are. C. Yes, there

3、 was.( ) 2. A. Yes, I am B. Oh yes,they fit well. C. No, I dont.( ) 3. A. We had Art and PE. B. We have Art and PE. C. I had toy monkeys.( ) 4. A. Do you like July? B. Me too. C.I dont like June.( ) 5. A. No, it isnt. B. Yes, it was. C. Yes, there was.三、听录音,判断下列句子是否与所听内容相符,用 T 或 F 表示。 (听两遍) (5 分)( )

4、 1. Tom is very tall.( ) 2. Tom likes wearing his fathers clothes.( ) 3. One day, Tom put on his fathers new shirt.( ) 4. The trousers were not Toms fathers.( ) 5. Toms father was angry.四、听录音,完成下列短文。(听三遍)(10 分)One day, Mr. and Mrs. White went by car. They their car a store. They bought a lot of and

5、they to put the things in the car. But Mr. White open the door of the car, so they a policeman for help. The policeman very glad to help them. Just then a man came up and : “What are you doing my car?”笔试部分(70 分)一、按要求写单词 (6 分)1. thirty (序数词)_ 2. wind (形容词) _3. work (名词 )_ 4. become (过去式) _5. Bobby (所

6、有格)_ 6. fly (第三人称单数)_7. can (过去式 )_ 8. good (副词)_9. twenty-two (序数词缩略式 ) _ 10. clever (反义词) _ 11.rainy (动词) _ 12. are (过去式) _ 二、英汉互译 (10 分)1. 穿街走巷_ 2. 晴朗的一天_3. 指着国王_ 4. 很久以前_5. 试穿衣服_ 6. 摘一朵花_7. have a picnic _ 8. turn into _ 9. bring some food _ 10. hold onto _三、用所给词的适当形式填空(12 分)1. Lucy and Lily are

7、 _ (twin). They look the (different).2. What do you like? I like _ (make) clothes. I can _ (make) nice clothes.3. Look! They _ _ (tell) a story. They also _ _ (tell) a story yesterday.4. He _ (teacher) us Chinese this term, but last year he didnt (teacher) us.5. It is a _ (rain) day today, but yeste

8、rday it didnt (rain).6. The jacket is very _ (good). It fits you _ (good). 7. I like (play) football. Im good at (play) football. I (play) it with my classmates last Sunday. We (be) very happy. I want _ (play) it with my friends every day.8. I _ (bring) some nice food to the park yesterday, but I fo

9、rgot to _ (bring) any fruit.9. His cousin often _ (wash) bowls and plates after dinner, but yesterday he _(not wash) them. He (be) sick. 10. It was (cloud) yesterday. There were a lot of white (cloud) in the sky.四、单项选择 (10 分)( ) 1. What _ beautiful flowers!A. a B. / C. the( ) 2. Heres a jacket _ you

10、. Thank you.A. for B. to C. about( ) 3. _ did you go last week? I _ to the zoo.A. Where; go B. Where; went C. What; went( ) 4. They are good at _.A. swiming B. swimming C. swim( ) 5. It is a _ day today.A. fine B. well C. sun( ) 6. She came to school _.A. by bikes B. by bike C. by the bike( ) 7. Wha

11、t can you do, Yang Ling? I can _.A. play piano B. plays piano C. play the piano( ) 8. Where _ Su Hai and her family _?A. does; live B. do; lives C. do; live( ) 9. I _ a new T-shirt yesterday.A. getted B. get C. got( ) 10. He usually _ emails _ his friends.A. writes; to B. wrote; to C. write; to五、从 I

12、I 栏中选出与 I 栏相对应的句子 (10 分)I II( ) 1. Where are you going? A. Its an apple.( ) 2. Was she in the kitchen just now? B. Im a driver.( ) 3. Where are Lucy and Liu Tao? C. I was 11 years old.( ) 4. How old are you? D. Eighty yuan.( ) 5. What do you do? E. Red.( ) 6. What do you like doing? F. Im going to t

13、he library.( ) 7. How old were you last year? G. They are in the playground.( ) 8. What colour is your sweater? H. Im 12.( ) 9. How much are the shoes? I. I like reading books.( ) 10. Whats this? J. No, she wasnt.六、连词成句 (5 分)1. yesterday, TV, at, I, watched, eight, about, evening (.)_2. was, your, w

14、eekend, how (?)_3. yesterday, day, it, what, was (?)_4. was, bear, there, and, monkeys, some, a (.)_5. matter, what, the, is, you, with (?)_七、中译英填空。(7 分)1. 我们看到了许多有趣的鹦鹉。We saw many _ _.2. 我们今天没有课。We _ have _ lessons today.3. 那个老人给男孩讲了一个故事。The _ man _ the boy a _.4. 让我们六点半见面吧。Lets _ _ _ _ six.5. 汤姆说了

15、下一个句子。Tom the .八、阅读。(10 分)A) 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的“T”, 不符的 “F”。 (5 分)Billy is a student in Grade Two. He doesnt work hard at his lessons. He likes to play. But he thinks he is very clever.One afternoon Billy goes home after school. He is very hungry. So he says to his mother, “Mum, Im hungry. Can

16、 I have something to eat?”“Supper is not ready. But here are two apples. You can eat them first.” Says his mother. Billy takes the two apples in his hands. He looks at the apples and says, “Mum, I have three apples now. Look, this is the first one. This is the second one. One and two is three. Right

17、?”“Oh, yes, you are very clever, Billy.” Says his mother, “Now please give me the first one. Give your father the second one. And you eat the third one.”( ) 1. Billy is a primary school student.( ) 2. Billy isnt a good student at school.( ) 3. One day, Billy feels very thirsty, and he wants somethin

18、g to drink.( ) 4. There are two apples in this story.( ) 5. Billy eats the third apple.B) 阅读短文,并根据短文内容选择正确的选项。(5 分)My Friends Birthday PresentsToday is Wednesday, February 16th. It is my friends birthday. They are going to have a birthday party at seven this evening. What am I going to buy for them?

19、 Zhang Jian likes drawing pictures so Im going to buy him some crayons. What about Li Wen? Oh, I remember. She enjoys listening to music and I am going to buy her a CD. Li Dong is interested in reading science books and Im going to buy him two books on scientists. Im sure theyll like the presents.(

20、) 1. What was the date yesterday?A. was Tuesday. B. It was February 16th. C. It was February 15th ( ) 2. You should say “_” when someone says “Happy birthday” to you.A. the same to you B. happy birthday C. thank you( ) 3. Li Wen will get_ for her birthday.A. a CD B. some crayons C. two books( ) 4. W

21、hat does “enjoy” mean?A. often B. have fun C. sometimes( ) 5. Which sentence is TURE?A. They will have a party at seven thirty this evening.B. The writer will give the same present to the friends.C. They are good friends, I think. 更多英语精品试卷免费下载 http:/ www.xcyy.hk.to/六年级英语上册一二单元测试听力部分1听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组

22、(听两遍)1.clever 2.king 3.visited 4.kilt 5.ago 6.make 7.foolish 8.magic clothes 9.try on 10.lived2根据所听问句选择合适的答句(听两遍)1.Was there any milk in the fridge yesterday?2.Do you like your new coat?3.What new subjects did you have last term?4.I like June.5.Was it sunny yesterday?三听录音,判断下列句子是否与所听内容相符,用踢或艾弗表示。 (听

23、两遍)Tom is seventeen years old. He is as tall as his father. He often wears his fathers clothes, but his father doesnt like this, and he is angry with him.One evening, Tom was going out. His father stopped him. He looked at Toms clothes carefully.“Is this new tie mine?” asked his father.“Yes, Father,

24、 it is.”“And this shirts mine, too?”“Yes, thats yours. Too.”“And youre wearing my belt!” said his father.“Yes, I am, Father,” answered Tom. “You dont want your trousers to fall down, do you?” 四听录音,完成下列短文(听三遍)One day, Mr. and Mrs. White went shopping by car. They stopped their car near a store. They

25、bought a lot of things and they wanted to put the things in the car. But Mr. White couldnt open the door of the car, so they asked a policeman for help. The policeman was very glad to help them. Just then a man came up and said: “What are you doing with my car?”参考答案听力部分一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词或词组。(听两遍)(10 分)

26、BABCC DBBAB二、根据你所听到的问句选择合适的答句。(听两遍)(5 分)CCABB三、听录音,判断下列句子是否与所听内容相符,用 T 或 F 表示。 (听两遍) (5 分)F Tom is very tall.T Tom likes wearing his fathers clothes. F One day, Tom put on his fathers new shirt.F The trousers were not Toms fathers.T Toms father was angry.四听录音,完成下列短文。(听三遍)(10 分)One day, Mr. and Mrs.

27、White went shopping by car. They stopped their car near a store. They bought a lot of things and they wanted to put the things in the car. But Mr. White couldnt open the door of the car, so they asked a policeman for help. The policeman was very glad to help them. Just then a man came up and said: “

28、What are you doing with my car?”笔试部分一、按要求写单词 (6 分)1.thirtieth 2. windy 3. worker 4. became 5. Bobbys 6. flies 7. could 8. well 9. 22nd 10. foolish 11.rain 12. were 二、英汉互译 (10 分)1. walk through the city/town 2. a sunny day3. point at the king 4. long long ago5. try on (the/some) clothes 6. pick a flo

29、wer7. (进行)野餐 8. 变成9. 带(来) (一些)食物 10. 抓紧三、用所给词的适当形式填空(12 分)1.twins, same 2.making, make 3.are telling, told4.teaches, teach 5.rainy, rain 6.good, well 7.playing, playing, played, were, to play 8.brought, bring9.washes, didnt wash, was 10. cloudy, clouds四、单项选择 (10 分)BABBA BCCCA五、从 II 栏中选出与 I 栏相对应的句子 (

30、10 分)FJGHB ICEDA六、连词成句 (5 分)1. I watched TV at about eight yesterday.2. How was your weekend?3. What day was it yesterday?4. There was a bear and some monkeys.5. Whats the matter with you?七、中译英填空。(7 分)1. interesting parrots2. dont, any3.old, told, story4. meet, at, half, past5. said, next, sentence八、阅读。(10 分)TTFTFCCABC更多英语精品试卷免费下载 http:/ www.xcyy.hk.to/


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